I would list the Sergio Leone classic A Fistful of Dynamite(also known as Duck you Sucker) as a dissident film. The film is set during the early 20th century Mexican revolution and stars James Coburn, in his best role, as an explosives expert for the IRA who had to flee Ireland and Rod Steiger as a Mexican outlaw bandit. These 2 meet up and become unlikely friends while fighting against tyranny. The opening scene of the film is absolutely extraordinary, would try to describe it but words won’t do it justice. Have seen this film many times and it never ever gets old, highly recommended.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Falling Down is more civnat than anything else, they just did the movie a bit before it became absolutely haram to portray minorities negatively so it superficially looks based by having some latino thugs and a "you get out my store" asian. The only actual murder Michael Douglas does is of course the white neo-nazi who of course is also a gay rapist, and of course the main character turns into Captain America for that part. He might as well say "I don't see color I just see breakfast menu schedules!"

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3 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Stoked to watch Africa Addio. Thanks for the recommendation 👍

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4 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Riders Of The Storm (1986)

Please someone tell me I'm not the only one who saw this crazy movie. I rented it on VHS back in the day, it was panned by the newspapers, old guys I knew hated it, it never got an official DVD release. I found it on Youtube, probably haven't seen it in 30 years.


Dennis Hopper and a crew of Nam vets flying a B-17 across the US illegally broadcasting pirate tv/radio (S&M TV) during a presidential election season featuring a mystery female candidate they consider dangerous to America.

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I watched Nicholas and Alexandra a year or two ago and it was really good. The actor playing Nicholas did a great job and the ending with their execution was brutal.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

great list. I’m currently reading Doctor Zhivago after seeing the film several times.

I find it to be extremely relevant to the present climate. as you say, it’s about a guy desperately trying to hold on to his humanity as revolution, war and political upheaval threaten his entire world. it’s hard not to identify with Zhivago these days. though fictional, it offers me hope on how to navigate the chaos of the Regime through Faith, Art and Love.

also, a few dissent adjacent films that come to mind are Repo Man and The City of Lost Children.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

The "Ghost in the Shell" series may be one to look at. A lot focuses on individual freedom and the dehumanizing nature of unchecked technological progress driven by corporations.

The movies I this article are good choices. I largely agree.

Another dissident film might be "A Scanner Darkly" which lobs a hand grenade into the government run drug trade and the hypocrisy of the surveillance state.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Richard Jewell definitely qualifies I think. Also The 15:17 to Paris. It would be interesting to consider Clint Eastwood's entire oeuvre from this perspective. His most recent films strike me as more overtly political, and at least adjacent to a dissident outlook - but I'd be interested to hear any counterarguments. The work he produced in his 80s is astonishing.

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Jones Plantation.

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Have you considered "Kingsman: The Secret Service" released in 2015? It concerns a plot by a tech billionaire to destroy most of the world's population using mind control through free smartphones. The billionaire, Richmond Valentine, is a black man who recruits most of the elites in the world, and provides them with protection and prior warning so that they can hide out in bunkers during the mass kill-off.

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I have seen it, but my main takeaway from the film was the main character gleefully mass murdering everyone in a church in an extended sequence (like 10+ minutes). That and a bunch of anal sex jokes…

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