Very interesting, though sometimes it reads like explanation after the fact, as if most of the main players had second sight. But of course you cannot explain all sources and methods in an article.
Recently purchased Peter Myers The Cosmopolitan Empire in which he outlines, over the past few centuries, four main conspiratorial power networks which sometimes work with and sometimes against each other, namely : The Anglo-American Empire (which you tracked here); The Globalists (anti nation state, arose via Illuminati, then pushed communism and now into the WEF etc.); Zionist (also bankster); and Green-Left-Technocractic (AI, digitization, surveillance state etc.). I think your piece did a good job with the first but didn't account for the others (though of course you might not agree they are a factor).
Also, what is all this Anglo-Saxon business that you and Putin go on about? Who are they, where are they? Why aren't they just the British, or Anglo-Americans. What's Saxon doing in there?
Hi Random, I see the top layer elites as the Bank of England owners who later became the owners of the Federal Reserve and other central banks. Most of these owners are Jewish, although they allied with the British elite, the Rockefellers in America, etc, when necessary to further their goals. The WEF, Bilderberg, CFR, Round Table etc. are a layer or two below the central bank owners and they coordinate policy from the layers above to the layers below. The nation-state level utilizes central bank debt to fund their wars, and the more debt the better; as mentioned elsewhere, the top layer preferred to keep a balance of power and punish those who did not follow their dictates. So I think overall these layers are synthesized and not competing in a largely hierarchical command structure.
I am into simultaneous realities in some sense. In that, like a coat of many colors, it can shift and change. From one perspective there is one overall Reality with one faction or gestalt at the top and everything else lower down as you describe; but at the same time it can also be viewed as a complex, multi-faceted living organism with different organs and aspects variously dominating and receding in cycles.
In Hindu cosmology there are said to be six realms of existence which reflect different configurations of pain, pleasure and intelligence. Starting from the bottom, which is the most painful and intense, we have Hell (hot or cold); then there is Hungry Ghost / preta which is never satisfied, a being with a huge belly and a tiny mouth, always yearning, never satisfied, wretched, poverty-stricken; then Animal realm which are beings trapped-determined by the nature of the body-form one is born into (and who lack humour); then humans who experience all realms emotionally and are highly tricky, flexible, intelligent and can even become enlightened (and have humour); then asuras / jealous gods / titans who are always battling each other and everyone else including the gods to become the gods themselves (they find other people having a hard time very amusing - but not themselves!); then gods, who live in undisturbed bliss, every experience perfection - until it ends, for it always does, and either they slip down a rung to Jealous Gods struggling to get back up, or go straight down to Hell, which is constant torment (and who are too self-satisfied to find anything funny).
I see the elites as Jealous Gods. They are constantly fighting, if not with themselves, then other cliques and factions. Also, in order to climb up, they trample others down. By trampling on others they raise themselves. So that explains some of the wanton cruelty which is not only about profiteering. They also like to tear things down that are working well, akin to tearing down the gods. They are depicted as shooting arrows up into towers in which the gods dwell looking down. So if a country is stable and peaceful, they like to come in an wreck it. Trampling on those below, destroying those who have a good thing. I find this description fits what we often see. They can also form temporary alliance to fend off a common threat, but as soon as that threat is eliminated, they will go back to fighting each other.
If the top levels were fighting in this manner, then we would have cycling elites over the past few centuries and a much higher degree of elite instability, I think. Instead I see the same families in control. For example, according to a Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing Staff Report from the House of Representatives in 1976, a few families which owned controlling stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks at their founding, and examination of the charts and text and the stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show the same families in control in 1976:
It seems likely that to access the highest elite levels it is both blood-related (one needs to be born into the right family) and also blackmail-related (one needs to give the inner sanctum blackmail material on crimes you commit, sex and murder crimes likely, in case you stray). In order to minimize infighting they are likely united around shared goals which involve multi-decade or century-level increases to centralization and power. They also seem fine sacrificing and destroying those on the nation-state level, and maybe occasionally on the globalist level above, like Jeffrey Epstein, but not on the layer(s) above that.
That's just how it seems to me, anyway. Reasonable minds can disagree; it's hard to tell without concrete evidence from the inside which is never provided. All we can do is make inferences based on world events and update our worldviews to better reflect changing political realities. But I agree with you that they seem primarily motivated by noblesse malice, an urge to conquer, tear down and destroy.
Well said, good points. I wonder, though: if we go back a thousand years, is it mainly the same families and nations?
Perhaps one can also think of it in terms of a structure of sorts that remains, something akin to a pyramid with the small top and large base. Some of the players come and go, but the structure remains. There are always a very few at the very top, but who they are does change a little from time to time.
Also, in my Hindu cosmology, the Jealous Gods are not at the apex (though they regard themselves as superior to all others of course!). They are a few rungs down. Maybe at those lower levels (like nation state levels, big corporation levels) they are fighting with each other a lot, or concerned with relative rise and fall.
In any case, I do think that the Anglo-American Empire which is resisting multipolarity has a different agenda from the globalist-communist vision. Although if you were to argue that the Bankster Elites are above and managing both, then I would probably agree!
I intend to go back and read your earlier articles, which will take some time.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild is quoted as saying, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." And Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons is quoted as saying: "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." I agree with you that the layers below the top, at least the nation state and corporate levels, are fighting with each other and concerned with their relative rise and falls.
It's an interesting question how far back the top elite's blood lines extends. I have seen various conspiracy theories linking them back thousands of years, to Egyptian and other rulers, but I havn't investigated them because it seems impossible to verify one way or another. At least theories about the current elites can be checked to an extent based on developing events, and we can update our predictive models when they turn out to be wrong.
Well, in the West there are some families in Rome that go back a couple of millennia, China too. But let's think back six hundred years or so after Genghis Khan cut a swathe through the World Island, displaced a Chinese dynasty, took over most of the Middle East including powerful Persia, almost took Europe but died as his general defeated the Hungarians having already dispatched the then lesser Russians. The Great Khan's law stood over most of his conquered territories for 2-3 centuries after his passing even though his bloodline faltered, often due to internecine (jealous god) rivalries and betrayals. But the Law lasted much longer. And yet how many of those ruling families are still around?
How many of the old Venetian families? Or the great trading houses in Alexandria and Cairo? According to (the controversial) Menzies, when Admiral He went on a trade mission visit to Venice in 1434, he passed by Cairo where there had been steady, high-volume trade with India and China for at least 600 years already. There were long-established Jewish trading houses with large mansions in China already at that time. How many of those are still around? I
It seems to me that most of them are no longer on top. The banking houses now are on top because of a civilizational shift into reductionist materialism they helped engineer in order to get around Christian restrictions on their participation in higher rungs of society. So they had to create a modern, secular culture and gave us atheism, communism along with great wealth for many. The Chinese have been infected, the Russians are digitizing everything, the whole world has the Modernizing bug (Xi can't help but use the word in every sentence he utters!).
But I suspect this Modernizing Age has a shelf life. Maybe it's good for another couple of centuries, maybe not. Maybe even 500 years. But will it last a millenium? I doubt it. Because it depends on tearing down the old and replacing it with the new. It is more destructive than creative. It depended on the great wealth in both treasure and cultural depth of the earlier civilizations which started emerging around 1000 BC and then took their energy and parasitically absorbed it for their own enrichment; but how long can they feed that way? The West is looking bled out. Do they have a Plan B? Multipolarity will engender growth in Central Eurasia for a few centuries, maybe, a huge opportunity.
Are they truly in charge of this? Or will the Chinese, Russian and Iranian civilizations now teaming up have a different notion in mind? Hopefully we will live long enough to find out, though it might be another century or two until that answer becomes apparent.
Very useful summation, to the continued, essential resorting of the seeds of (largely falsified) history that, 100 years later, is still driving geopolitical agendas and ideological follies at the top and bottom of human (anti-)civilization.
Simple syllogisms often pop into mind when I try to grasp abstruse issues, e.g. the machinations that were involved in constructing the spider web called the Treaty of Versailles. This time it was Benicio del Toro's rejoinder in Sicario, "You're asking me how a watch works. For now we'll just keep an eye on the time." Great piece! Thank you.
Hi Explorer, good question. As I wrote in my last two posts, the world is transitioning from a unipolar (USA) to a multipolar world, just as you state. Life in America will get a whole lot harder without being the world's reserve currency anymore. But the top layer rests above the level of the nation state; that layer own the central banks of the BRICS nations and they are encouraging this transition, not discouraging it. Different times call for different strategies, but their goal remains the same: to centralize all power and wealth of the world into their hands.
Thank you for explanation. Basically, I agree with you. Anyone can see fruits of globalisation and where we are heading. Anyway, on more optimistic side I think they are failing and the last three years have been their end. I don't think they succed and the covid with Ukraine and Israel war is desperate act before they will lose control. I think more and more states will emancipate and start to ask questions, why the UK, USA empire should have presence there. I also see their powers to decline, same with transnational institutions. They are loosing power and maybe, they will be able to succed for few more years but they have to use more and more force to keep it together and eventually they will fall. Maybe very soon.
> "A British double-agent nicknamed Parvus set up the scheme to overthrow the Tsar with German gold, who naively thought they were putting pressure on the Tsar to withdraw from the war.[...] The Germans foolishly allowed Lenin passage back to Russia in April 1917."
Are you disingenuously appearing to claim that Lenin overthrew the Czar? This shorthand is possible, but considering how so many don't even remember the bourgeois February Revolution before the October one, specificity would be in order.
> "Remember that the Rothschild central bankers owned America just like they owned Britain."
All of this is irrelevant. The main thing is whether the European races cared to keep up their blood and kill foreigners. They did not. The bankers are irrelevant, the bankers never controlled the bounds of the conceivable. Culture did. Culture in all of Europe was Christian long before any bankers.
> "[Prepaata:] There followed the unbelievable ‘dance’ of Britain and Nazi Germany (1933-43), led by the former to push the latter to go to war against Russia. And Russia, too, acting in sync with London, appeased the Nazis in order to lure them into the trap of the Eastern Front…."
Way too many moving parts. Did the omniscient and omnipotent Anglos orchestrate the Ardennes strike of 1940, too? He literally just forgets about the existence of France, while the upset of 1940 was anything but assured. Conspiracy nonsense at its finest.
> "In other words, it let German’s right-wing aristocracy, steeped in deep military and hierarchical tradition, remain intact."
...Because they represented a side with which negotiations were possible. The alternative would have been Bolsheviks.
> "But Britain was more than ready to hand the baton to America, which it shared a common culture and language (and the same central bank owners) instead of letting Germany prosper."
Then how does your theory explain the creation and then failure of the Stresa Front over the Abyssinian Affair? My worldview accounts for it in the same vein as when England dissolved its empire in India - without even shooting the collaborators with Japan!
"Are you disingenuously appearing to claim that Lenin overthrew the Czar? This shorthand is possible". Yes, it's shorthand given the post was already too long. I highly recommend buying the book if you want to delve into the specifics.
"The bankers are irrelevant, the bankers never controlled the bounds of the conceivable. Culture did. Culture in all of Europe was Christian long before any bankers." I agree with this, which is why I agree the Rothschilds and other central bankers were *enabled* by the underlying Christian culture, who issued cave-outs for money lending that only Jews could take advantage of.
"He literally just forgets about the existence of France". Preparata argues that France's occupation of the Rhineland was an unexpected development by the central bank owners.
> "the Rothschilds and other central bankers were *enabled* by the underlying Christian culture"
See, I'm so cynical at this point that I would put 0% blame on the banking cartels. In my White Shinto world, the European empires could have been controlled by the same bankers, yet they would have put their money to the cause of the extermination of low-IQ human vermin - to increase their very own profits.
In this way, think of a mass-man Marxist moaning about war crimes, about élite collusion, and turn him on his head. Think of Shinto Japan - and do the same. What did Japan do? Throw Okinawa under the bus, with a multitude of nature pollution issues and murder and rapes, all to save the mainland archipelago and their élite, effectively tricking the Christcucked Americans out of their victory.
The same way here. Even if our Rothchild élite literally demanded child sacrifices from the goyim, it would be a fitting price to pay for world domination. The economic formation is utterly irrelevant. Even the ethnicity of the Jews is inconsequential - the Manchu-led China fared well (until faced with Faustian genius). It is exclusively the ghost of Jesus that is mortifying the Aryan.
...In this way, I'm largely inspired by César Tort, with the caveat of looking toward the non-Christian farthest shore and copying the Mongoloid race as superior in this regard. What I'm trying to do is see the limits of the materially possible. Israel is still feeding its racial enemies in Gaza as of October 2023 CE. Western Eurasia is a battlefield of psyche.
Very interesting, though sometimes it reads like explanation after the fact, as if most of the main players had second sight. But of course you cannot explain all sources and methods in an article.
Recently purchased Peter Myers The Cosmopolitan Empire in which he outlines, over the past few centuries, four main conspiratorial power networks which sometimes work with and sometimes against each other, namely : The Anglo-American Empire (which you tracked here); The Globalists (anti nation state, arose via Illuminati, then pushed communism and now into the WEF etc.); Zionist (also bankster); and Green-Left-Technocractic (AI, digitization, surveillance state etc.). I think your piece did a good job with the first but didn't account for the others (though of course you might not agree they are a factor).
Also, what is all this Anglo-Saxon business that you and Putin go on about? Who are they, where are they? Why aren't they just the British, or Anglo-Americans. What's Saxon doing in there?
Anyway, thank you very much.
Hi Random, I see the top layer elites as the Bank of England owners who later became the owners of the Federal Reserve and other central banks. Most of these owners are Jewish, although they allied with the British elite, the Rockefellers in America, etc, when necessary to further their goals. The WEF, Bilderberg, CFR, Round Table etc. are a layer or two below the central bank owners and they coordinate policy from the layers above to the layers below. The nation-state level utilizes central bank debt to fund their wars, and the more debt the better; as mentioned elsewhere, the top layer preferred to keep a balance of power and punish those who did not follow their dictates. So I think overall these layers are synthesized and not competing in a largely hierarchical command structure.
I am into simultaneous realities in some sense. In that, like a coat of many colors, it can shift and change. From one perspective there is one overall Reality with one faction or gestalt at the top and everything else lower down as you describe; but at the same time it can also be viewed as a complex, multi-faceted living organism with different organs and aspects variously dominating and receding in cycles.
In Hindu cosmology there are said to be six realms of existence which reflect different configurations of pain, pleasure and intelligence. Starting from the bottom, which is the most painful and intense, we have Hell (hot or cold); then there is Hungry Ghost / preta which is never satisfied, a being with a huge belly and a tiny mouth, always yearning, never satisfied, wretched, poverty-stricken; then Animal realm which are beings trapped-determined by the nature of the body-form one is born into (and who lack humour); then humans who experience all realms emotionally and are highly tricky, flexible, intelligent and can even become enlightened (and have humour); then asuras / jealous gods / titans who are always battling each other and everyone else including the gods to become the gods themselves (they find other people having a hard time very amusing - but not themselves!); then gods, who live in undisturbed bliss, every experience perfection - until it ends, for it always does, and either they slip down a rung to Jealous Gods struggling to get back up, or go straight down to Hell, which is constant torment (and who are too self-satisfied to find anything funny).
I see the elites as Jealous Gods. They are constantly fighting, if not with themselves, then other cliques and factions. Also, in order to climb up, they trample others down. By trampling on others they raise themselves. So that explains some of the wanton cruelty which is not only about profiteering. They also like to tear things down that are working well, akin to tearing down the gods. They are depicted as shooting arrows up into towers in which the gods dwell looking down. So if a country is stable and peaceful, they like to come in an wreck it. Trampling on those below, destroying those who have a good thing. I find this description fits what we often see. They can also form temporary alliance to fend off a common threat, but as soon as that threat is eliminated, they will go back to fighting each other.
If the top levels were fighting in this manner, then we would have cycling elites over the past few centuries and a much higher degree of elite instability, I think. Instead I see the same families in control. For example, according to a Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing Staff Report from the House of Representatives in 1976, a few families which owned controlling stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks at their founding, and examination of the charts and text and the stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show the same families in control in 1976:
It seems likely that to access the highest elite levels it is both blood-related (one needs to be born into the right family) and also blackmail-related (one needs to give the inner sanctum blackmail material on crimes you commit, sex and murder crimes likely, in case you stray). In order to minimize infighting they are likely united around shared goals which involve multi-decade or century-level increases to centralization and power. They also seem fine sacrificing and destroying those on the nation-state level, and maybe occasionally on the globalist level above, like Jeffrey Epstein, but not on the layer(s) above that.
That's just how it seems to me, anyway. Reasonable minds can disagree; it's hard to tell without concrete evidence from the inside which is never provided. All we can do is make inferences based on world events and update our worldviews to better reflect changing political realities. But I agree with you that they seem primarily motivated by noblesse malice, an urge to conquer, tear down and destroy.
Well said, good points. I wonder, though: if we go back a thousand years, is it mainly the same families and nations?
Perhaps one can also think of it in terms of a structure of sorts that remains, something akin to a pyramid with the small top and large base. Some of the players come and go, but the structure remains. There are always a very few at the very top, but who they are does change a little from time to time.
Also, in my Hindu cosmology, the Jealous Gods are not at the apex (though they regard themselves as superior to all others of course!). They are a few rungs down. Maybe at those lower levels (like nation state levels, big corporation levels) they are fighting with each other a lot, or concerned with relative rise and fall.
In any case, I do think that the Anglo-American Empire which is resisting multipolarity has a different agenda from the globalist-communist vision. Although if you were to argue that the Bankster Elites are above and managing both, then I would probably agree!
I intend to go back and read your earlier articles, which will take some time.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild is quoted as saying, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." And Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons is quoted as saying: "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." I agree with you that the layers below the top, at least the nation state and corporate levels, are fighting with each other and concerned with their relative rise and falls.
It's an interesting question how far back the top elite's blood lines extends. I have seen various conspiracy theories linking them back thousands of years, to Egyptian and other rulers, but I havn't investigated them because it seems impossible to verify one way or another. At least theories about the current elites can be checked to an extent based on developing events, and we can update our predictive models when they turn out to be wrong.
Well, in the West there are some families in Rome that go back a couple of millennia, China too. But let's think back six hundred years or so after Genghis Khan cut a swathe through the World Island, displaced a Chinese dynasty, took over most of the Middle East including powerful Persia, almost took Europe but died as his general defeated the Hungarians having already dispatched the then lesser Russians. The Great Khan's law stood over most of his conquered territories for 2-3 centuries after his passing even though his bloodline faltered, often due to internecine (jealous god) rivalries and betrayals. But the Law lasted much longer. And yet how many of those ruling families are still around?
How many of the old Venetian families? Or the great trading houses in Alexandria and Cairo? According to (the controversial) Menzies, when Admiral He went on a trade mission visit to Venice in 1434, he passed by Cairo where there had been steady, high-volume trade with India and China for at least 600 years already. There were long-established Jewish trading houses with large mansions in China already at that time. How many of those are still around? I
It seems to me that most of them are no longer on top. The banking houses now are on top because of a civilizational shift into reductionist materialism they helped engineer in order to get around Christian restrictions on their participation in higher rungs of society. So they had to create a modern, secular culture and gave us atheism, communism along with great wealth for many. The Chinese have been infected, the Russians are digitizing everything, the whole world has the Modernizing bug (Xi can't help but use the word in every sentence he utters!).
But I suspect this Modernizing Age has a shelf life. Maybe it's good for another couple of centuries, maybe not. Maybe even 500 years. But will it last a millenium? I doubt it. Because it depends on tearing down the old and replacing it with the new. It is more destructive than creative. It depended on the great wealth in both treasure and cultural depth of the earlier civilizations which started emerging around 1000 BC and then took their energy and parasitically absorbed it for their own enrichment; but how long can they feed that way? The West is looking bled out. Do they have a Plan B? Multipolarity will engender growth in Central Eurasia for a few centuries, maybe, a huge opportunity.
Are they truly in charge of this? Or will the Chinese, Russian and Iranian civilizations now teaming up have a different notion in mind? Hopefully we will live long enough to find out, though it might be another century or two until that answer becomes apparent.
Very useful summation, to the continued, essential resorting of the seeds of (largely falsified) history that, 100 years later, is still driving geopolitical agendas and ideological follies at the top and bottom of human (anti-)civilization.
FYI: I talked with Preparata for the second Jobcast, here: (as well for the Liminalist in 2018:, and hope to talk with him again soon about some of this.
Thank you for the book recommendation
I listened to some interviews with Guido Preparata and I'm really impressed
excellent essay. i entered a paid subscription and look forward to reading more of your work.
Thanks Kyra. I currently have paid subs turned off, but I very much appreciate the gesture.
Simple syllogisms often pop into mind when I try to grasp abstruse issues, e.g. the machinations that were involved in constructing the spider web called the Treaty of Versailles. This time it was Benicio del Toro's rejoinder in Sicario, "You're asking me how a watch works. For now we'll just keep an eye on the time." Great piece! Thank you.
This is interesting explanation but isn't it more possible that USA empire is collapsing? I don't think they have much power for control anymore.
Hi Explorer, good question. As I wrote in my last two posts, the world is transitioning from a unipolar (USA) to a multipolar world, just as you state. Life in America will get a whole lot harder without being the world's reserve currency anymore. But the top layer rests above the level of the nation state; that layer own the central banks of the BRICS nations and they are encouraging this transition, not discouraging it. Different times call for different strategies, but their goal remains the same: to centralize all power and wealth of the world into their hands.
Thank you for explanation. Basically, I agree with you. Anyone can see fruits of globalisation and where we are heading. Anyway, on more optimistic side I think they are failing and the last three years have been their end. I don't think they succed and the covid with Ukraine and Israel war is desperate act before they will lose control. I think more and more states will emancipate and start to ask questions, why the UK, USA empire should have presence there. I also see their powers to decline, same with transnational institutions. They are loosing power and maybe, they will be able to succed for few more years but they have to use more and more force to keep it together and eventually they will fall. Maybe very soon.
I found another book
"Who Set Hitler Against Stalin? Hitler's Terrible Blunder", Piter, 2015 by Nikolai Starikov
Seems very interesting
It's from a Russian perspective
Feel free to check out this Russian conspirologist blogger, miguel-kud. He's highly recommended by Sofa Legion Stategist.
> "A British double-agent nicknamed Parvus set up the scheme to overthrow the Tsar with German gold, who naively thought they were putting pressure on the Tsar to withdraw from the war.[...] The Germans foolishly allowed Lenin passage back to Russia in April 1917."
Are you disingenuously appearing to claim that Lenin overthrew the Czar? This shorthand is possible, but considering how so many don't even remember the bourgeois February Revolution before the October one, specificity would be in order.
> "Remember that the Rothschild central bankers owned America just like they owned Britain."
All of this is irrelevant. The main thing is whether the European races cared to keep up their blood and kill foreigners. They did not. The bankers are irrelevant, the bankers never controlled the bounds of the conceivable. Culture did. Culture in all of Europe was Christian long before any bankers.
> "[Prepaata:] There followed the unbelievable ‘dance’ of Britain and Nazi Germany (1933-43), led by the former to push the latter to go to war against Russia. And Russia, too, acting in sync with London, appeased the Nazis in order to lure them into the trap of the Eastern Front…."
Way too many moving parts. Did the omniscient and omnipotent Anglos orchestrate the Ardennes strike of 1940, too? He literally just forgets about the existence of France, while the upset of 1940 was anything but assured. Conspiracy nonsense at its finest.
> "In other words, it let German’s right-wing aristocracy, steeped in deep military and hierarchical tradition, remain intact."
...Because they represented a side with which negotiations were possible. The alternative would have been Bolsheviks.
> "But Britain was more than ready to hand the baton to America, which it shared a common culture and language (and the same central bank owners) instead of letting Germany prosper."
Then how does your theory explain the creation and then failure of the Stresa Front over the Abyssinian Affair? My worldview accounts for it in the same vein as when England dissolved its empire in India - without even shooting the collaborators with Japan!
"Are you disingenuously appearing to claim that Lenin overthrew the Czar? This shorthand is possible". Yes, it's shorthand given the post was already too long. I highly recommend buying the book if you want to delve into the specifics.
"The bankers are irrelevant, the bankers never controlled the bounds of the conceivable. Culture did. Culture in all of Europe was Christian long before any bankers." I agree with this, which is why I agree the Rothschilds and other central bankers were *enabled* by the underlying Christian culture, who issued cave-outs for money lending that only Jews could take advantage of.
"He literally just forgets about the existence of France". Preparata argues that France's occupation of the Rhineland was an unexpected development by the central bank owners.
> "the Rothschilds and other central bankers were *enabled* by the underlying Christian culture"
See, I'm so cynical at this point that I would put 0% blame on the banking cartels. In my White Shinto world, the European empires could have been controlled by the same bankers, yet they would have put their money to the cause of the extermination of low-IQ human vermin - to increase their very own profits.
In this way, think of a mass-man Marxist moaning about war crimes, about élite collusion, and turn him on his head. Think of Shinto Japan - and do the same. What did Japan do? Throw Okinawa under the bus, with a multitude of nature pollution issues and murder and rapes, all to save the mainland archipelago and their élite, effectively tricking the Christcucked Americans out of their victory.
The same way here. Even if our Rothchild élite literally demanded child sacrifices from the goyim, it would be a fitting price to pay for world domination. The economic formation is utterly irrelevant. Even the ethnicity of the Jews is inconsequential - the Manchu-led China fared well (until faced with Faustian genius). It is exclusively the ghost of Jesus that is mortifying the Aryan.
...In this way, I'm largely inspired by César Tort, with the caveat of looking toward the non-Christian farthest shore and copying the Mongoloid race as superior in this regard. What I'm trying to do is see the limits of the materially possible. Israel is still feeding its racial enemies in Gaza as of October 2023 CE. Western Eurasia is a battlefield of psyche.