Mar 25Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Very interesting article as well as your other one describing how Christianity was possibly developed to subvert the Romans.

Both articles have put into question my own faith. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic grade school and the belief in Jesus and his message of love, kindness to others and forgiveness still hold strong within me; although I lost faith in organized religion a long time ago.

All this brings me to these questions... Is faith in Jesus and the practicing of his tenants a good thing or is it making me passive and going against my own self interests? Should I become a self centered aggressive person to ensure my own survival?

Also, how does one cope with death if there is no faith in God or a higher purpose of our lives?

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Mar 26Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

As you know, most Catholics would be unpersuaded by many of your characterizations of our beliefs here. But I think you’re quite right that there’s a powerful, maybe dominant leftist faction in the Church today that is doing all sorts of evil and abominable things. You didn’t mention one of the worst desecrations: Pope Francis brought an idol into the Vatican. I also agree that many of the errors of these leaders exploit Christian ideas – as Chesterton said, their ideas are ‘Christian virtues gone mad’. But why think that we’re seeing the true face of the Church in these errors, rather than see the errors as a part of a general decline? Many people think we in the West are declining, helped along by many factors including some that you document. When civilizations decline to the point where they get destroyed or have to be renewed, all sorts of things decline: religiosity, fecundity, a sense of purpose. Looking at history reveals a pattern. Lots of people fall away from religion, but a small core usually remains. Eventually, the consequences of decline are horrible, and many people return to faith. The small core that has held onto the faith then informs the wider public. And indeed, we Christians could say that the cycle of decline is a secular way of describing the way sin affects individuals and whole peoples. They sin, they fall away from God, they get punished, and they return to God.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Brilliant post, as was your response to Wheel.

What is clear, but individuals/societies fail to grasp - until it is too late - is that opportunists exist and are ever on the search for opportunity. They understand that subversion via infiltration IS their best and most successful strategy to profit and power. They come in the form of clergy, bureaucrats, politicians, plutocrats, oligarchs, dictators, despots, celebrities and radicals. The Church/Vatican is just one example of a legacy institution, that was targeted and captured. The bastardization of the founding and guiding principles, through incremental erosion, all but served up the obedient adherents on a platter.

Almost all radical subversions follow an age old model of external subversion/demoralization, that is quickly replaced by a complimentary and more effective internal model, leading to total capture. Sergey Nechayev, while not having "invented" this doctrine of social anarchist revolution, was one who coherently ordered and documented it's methodology in his "Catechism of a Revolutionary". Your quote below was not only succinct, but relevant across decades and centuries:

"The core of the problem is to avoid galvanizing the forces of Christianity by some careless misstep. It would be an unforgivable carelessness, for example, to close the churches suddenly and prohibit all religious practice. Instead, one should try to split the Church in two."

"A completely submissive Church - one that may on occasion collaborate with the security police - loses authority in the eyes of the pious. Such a Church can be preserved for decades, until the moment when it dies a natural death due to a lack of adherents."

Replace "church" with the label of any institution/body/group that has been subverted/captured and you have a rudimentary, historic road map of how we arrived, where we are today.

So long as the masses are relatively comforted, content and entertained, they will be willfully blind to the shifting sands of total capture, engulfing them and their societies - as was the case for the multitudes that came before us.

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Great read, but I believe more can be said about Vatican 2.

Theologically speaking, Vatican 2 was a kind of "re-judaization" of Catholicism, stressing the Jewishness of Christianity and the leadership role of his Chosen people. This was always the big, gaping flaw (or backdoor) in all Nicene Christianity, theologically speaking.

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Mar 25Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Arguably, Christianity has gone through overlapping phases since Christ himself: The Jewish church; The Greek Church; the Roman church; the Protestant church.

The most harmful transformation was from the Greek to the Roman church, as Christianity was turned into a hierarchy of control by Constantine and by the creation of false doctrines by Augustine. The Catholic church.

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Excellent article Neo. Reminds one of Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor narrative, in which the Roman is Church imprisons Jesus Christ during the Inquisition. Very sad.

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Mar 31Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Thanks for writing. Excellent overview and summary. For more detail on the intrigue post WWII, I found "The Smoke of the Synagogue" https://www.modernmonastery.net/p/the-smoke-of-the-synagogue useful. (The article got a much bigger reading on Unz.)

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Although I understand your position, I would argue that this perspective is at odds with how Tertullian for example presented this. Not to mention my issue with Nietzsche is the subjective starting point of his discussion on morality. Why not start at the origins, with the Garima Gospels of ancient Ethiopia?

Personally, I credit Nietzsche for giving the green light to The Nazis......

I thank you, you have me thinking about shit I never would have prior reading this.

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Mar 26Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

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Do you know what is the difference between Nietzsche and Dostoevsky? There is a saying that Nietzsche is Doestoevsky without something. Do you know what it is? A heart. The Jesus figure if you want. Do you understand? Dostoevsky knew how evil and corrupt we are and still he never lost his faith in human. I truly don't understand the fucked up thinking of the right. I mean I understand why would Evola push for strict aristocratic hierarchy and fascism but why would the plebs push for it? Are the plebs so brainwashed to think they are going to be the top dogs? The aryan nobility?

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Back in the day whoever was Holy Roman Emperor would just poison/imprison/exile a Pope who went off the reservation. We've had a couple of centuries of the papacy and cardinals not being answerable to anyone from Real Life and this is the result. (Also, what does it cost to buy a cardinal's vote to rig a papal election? Do you get change from a couple of choirboys?)

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The Vatican is home to Satan. The Vatican, Washington DC and the City of London are the triangle of Satanic Evil.

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“After all, he was elected by a majority of the College of Cardinals so his views represent the dominant outlook of most Catholic Cardinals and therefore the Church itself.”

This is because the Church is in apostasy. But there is a remnant. The gates of hell will not prevail. The Catholic Church is the mystical body of Christ. Do you believe this? Why aren’t you Catholic? You do realize all the evil you brilliantly expose is focused on destroying her. Why do you think that is? Bergoglio is a usurper. The Church is going through her passion. Instead of mocking her, join her and save your soul.

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