I am no nihilist, but OTH "I ultimately had success in dating when I decided to treat it like a second job and arranged for 3-5 dates a week, striking out way more than I succeeded but over time iterated a process that increasingly worked for me," is just way too big a time sink for me to justify. I already lack the time I would like to write, to make music, and do my paper cut art, to think I am going to waste tens of hours a week sucking up to Jew programmed globo homo American women is a non starter.

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Hi Mr. Raven, yes, it is a big time sink and the payoff is shaky at best. The modern American woman is a horror show of decadence and confusion (not much better than the average American man). If having children is important to you, though, the dating process must be engaged with (perhaps it isn't important to you). With that said, I see anti-natalism as going hand in hand with nihilism, while being pro-natalist goes hand in hand with a healthier societal attitude... Look at the Amish, for example, they have no issue with nihilism and they have 6-10 kids each (something I'll cover in a future post).

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This essay is my reflections on the lessons we can learn from the Amish as moderns living in a dying empire.


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I am sure I would have been happier if I had lived in an Amish community, I live less than 20 miles from an Old Order Mennonite or Amish community and I admire their way of life a great deal.

In theory I agree with you that anti natalism isn't productive, but in practice I can no longer bother being tethered to whore moans.

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I am 57 so the kid issue is long past. I am actually capable of success with women, but it never brought me any happiness, at this point I enjoy the company of my dog, more than I have enjoyed the company of any girlfriend, shrug. And that is not a shrug of nihilism, I am very content to spend my time improving my music, art, and writing.

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An absolutely remarkable German philosopher remarked that if you truly want not to be alone, you have to have a dog besides you.

A highly remarkable Russian writer noted how nothing was to be avoided as much as marriage by he who dreaded loneliness.

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Fascinating topic. I have been thinking a lot about what young men need. I think they need the positive fellowship of other men as much or more than attention from women. I'm trying to figure out how to facilitate that locally.

I was lucky in love but not ultimately successful, if a lifetime partnership is the goal. At 50 I am content to not date at all. I tried online dating as a lark, for the first time. That was mostly a source of wtf, so now I am settling into learning the guitar, studying the esoteric and writing.

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Hi William, I agree, the atomization of society has been a disaster and the troubles with dating are just one facet of it; the lack of male role models and mentors is another facet. There is basically no easy-access communities to join anymore, one must be specific and intentional about seeking it out in real life if one is to hope to have a semblance of it, and likely through a religious community....

I read somewhere that all relationships end badly -- either they end prematurely due to one reason or another, or they end because one or the other dies. Everything is ephemeral...

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The two relationships I have been in as an adult ended because both women demanded I emasculate myself, which I did, which then ended their attraction to me, and I could not live that way. Feminism made all three of us incapable of a lifetime long relationship. Now that I am secure in my manhood, I am more optimistic about such a relationship, but that is not my priority presently.

I was active in the Mankind Project for a few years, until I realized most men do not want to change, their misery is too tied up in their identity. Most people won't destroy their identity to build it up again. But I met a few great men there, mentors and friends.

I went to that Incel "comic" site. That is some of the bleakest, most angry stuff I have ever read. Men have really failed men as much as women have.

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Happiness is not needing a partner.

I awoke at midnight and there's no one to complain about the light on my laptop whilst I read this review :)

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Good article. Some excerpts of the book really strike deep into how meaningless courtship and romantic relationships have become.

I'm glad you've found a girl for a long term relationship. I couldn't bother putting in that much effort if my life depended on it. I must ask though: did you use online dating apps? Where did you find such a pool of women to date?

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Yes, the sad thing is how everything in this reality has been commodified, impersonalized and atomized, including interpersonal communication. It is a continuation of Guenon's argument that the world increasingly becomes more materialistic and "solidified" during the Kali Yuga.

For me, it was mostly online dating although some connections were through family/friends. But it was a grind with an overall poor response rate and a lot of strikeouts. Because the courtship dance is always evolving, I've heard online dating is even tougher now.

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You must be good looking to manage 3-4 dates that don't flake on you, each week. Which apps/platforms did you use?

When I wasn't "aware" yet a few years ago I managed to get some short-term successes, but it was still a grind because I'm not a Chad. It's likely this would be even harder and more annoying today.

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Tinder and OKCupid (the latter of which is mostly defunct now, I think). Hinge and Bubble weren't out at the time. I'm definitely not a Chad, probably average looking if that; to avoid flakes I would text day of to confirm whether we were still on to meet up. If no conformation I wouldn't go.

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I am the opposite especially regarding nonfiction.

Maybe the scientist in me.

If it's ebola, then reading weeks on ebola straight.

If it is the negro leagues. Then weeks on negro leagues straight.

If it is Andrew Jackson,...well you get the picture....but I can understand your approach equally.

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"On the internet you are always in the center of the pentagram, the focal point in a vast perimeter of interconnected souls screaming in unremitting torment, the primary conductor of a grand chorus reifying the subjective centrality of your own misery over and above the world's."


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I assume you're talking about the Joshua Bell violin busking experiment re: famous musicians playing on street corners and getting ignored. While I'm tempted to say something in defense of the public in this case, regarding the inherent limitations and lack of appeal of solo violin music, an instrument which really was intended more to be part of an ensemble or a symphony rather than a stand alone solo performer, even while all that is true, it is also true that the vast majority of humans have musical tastes that are utter trash. But that being said, put a virtuoso on piano or guitar out there, playing "show off" pieces, and I think people would respond pretty favorably during that brief moment when they're passing by, because A. Those are instruments that are capable of standing alone and B. "Show off" stuff catches the ear, while more subtle and intricate melodies and harmonies are frequently lost on the average brainless human. But then how do you get a piano out there on the street corner. Sorry for going off on a vaguely tangential off topic reply, but it needed to be said.

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Enjoyed reading the review. I'm curious what made the narrator seem Asian or hapa to you?

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Thanks Chris. I would say it was an overall impression as opposed to any specific comment or event within the novel; some of it had to do with the robotically autistic voice of the protagonist, the focus on numbers and data, but that's somewhat reductionist; it just has a different "tone". One could possibly contrast Incel with a similarly disconnected, nihilistic, unreliable-first person narrative Patrick Bateman from American Psycho (which I believe ARX has read and referenced elsewhere) where the vibe written by Bret Easton Ellis is decidedly "white".

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I think the apex of Nihilism was the 20th century, this is the afterbirth.

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Not all young women are godless cunts, but being women they want men, not boys with mommy issues. She acts up because she wants to be spanked, not have her teeth knocked down her throat.

Perhaps it takes being married and raising daughters to understand how fragile and yet how resilient women can be. Yes they manage to take things out of the ether and use these divinations as building blocks for their world BECAUSE their nature is to conform to the herd. AND the psychological war being run on them is 24/7/365.25 and it is delivered with every communication device out there.

They are truly lost without a strong man to help guide them.

Read www.henrymakow.com

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The problem for young men today is same as that faced by young men yesterday. That is: most of the guys they look up to either,

A: do not know which end is up and are just faking it until they make it,


B: are, with malice a fore thought, running them off a cliff.

All young guys today need to consume as much wisdom from the pick up artists as they can get.

Specifically these teachings:

The Mystery Method,

Cory Sky Lifestyles,

Double Your Dating with David DeAngelo,

The Attractive Man,

and many others.

Tony Robbins is really good too.

The late great Frank Zappa said the root cause of the vast majority of mental problems and unhappiness could be laid at the feet of the media which lead people, especially the young, to attempt to conform their love lives with popular songs on the radio.

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The more time passes, the more convinced I become that the incel meme is one of the greatest PSYOPs that have ever been run.

Consider the core premise - Clown World offers absolutely zero substance for men. Actually scratch that, it offers negative substance as it actively destroys the bread and circuses, which are the only things that didn't die long before you were born. Rather than addressing that at all in any serious manner, you get the NPC tier "oh, you can't get laid!" which, in near one hundred percent of cases is used as a fragrant dismissal of anyone who is even slightly dismissive of gynocentric soyciety.

For the much smaller number that call themselves that, the premise is still false, as pussy is a cheaper commodity than pizza. And if you examine what the self described incels are actually saying, you quickly realize the real problem is that they believe 3D can be 2D - that women exist, have a personality, are capable of love, etc. None of that is true regardless of what failings you do and do not possess. Everyone with a clue, starting with the Chads recognizes this, recognizes the self described incels are failing at failing, and rather than recognizing and accepting that, they continue pursuing one of the false purposes in search of false meanings. If it weren't that, it'd be some e celeb, or trooning out either physically or spiritually, etc, but in all cases the result is the same.

But the self described incels don't realize any of this and continue perusing false premises and insisting that others do the same. At some point - long before you reach the end of the list you must really question why you would want such an entity on the same planet as yourself, much less voluntarily surrendering power and control to one.

There is such a thing as win more conditions, though what they describe is more akin to lose more conditions - how many reasons do you need to not do something before you've made your point? For humans the answer is often one and rarely more than three, particularly if there are no counterbalancing benefits, which there are not.

The part that matters - the part that should be addressed is the lack of real purpose, combined with the subversive influence of false purposes. By making it an argument about holes, this can't happen. Besides, anyone who can manipulate NPC scripting can get pussy, it's merely a question of whether you are willing to engage in such disgusting activities beyond a proof of concept that they work.

This also, incidentally is why the other groups are thrown in with that PSYOP, even though all of them have better arguments. After all, the PUA grift is effective, even if it is disgusting. MRA would have a point if they were not negotiating from a position of weakness. Since they are, they are so unthreatening even the predditors don;'t censor them. And MGTOW, that is the belief you should walk away from bullshit that offers you negative value is irrefutable, as the only possible counter is not only inventing women, but also inventing society.

Even if you focus on the female question specifically, the PSYOP prevents discussion about how if you actually care about her or value her in any capacity, she will view you with disgust and contempt, and so the only way to "succeed" is to reduce yourself to their level, as in the PUA grift in question. Something something pig in mud. Regardless, this is the reason why the incel meme presented unironically is several years late, as most men no longer view females as an option worth rejecting, and various other options, such as drawings and AI waifus end up winning by default for anyone with the most depraved of kinks - affection and love.

The real problem though will never be addressed by design.



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I don’t care what you have to say when your bio says nothing about you, or what you care about. Not reading.

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Jayzus will they just get laid. A Hooker, anything.

A mail order bride.


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Citizen Voter general questions

1. My democratically elected representatives are doing the best they can to help the body politic create a life of prosperity and dignity.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

2. My city government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

3. My county government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

4. My state government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

5. My national government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

6. I believe that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence from either another star system or dimension not of our world.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

7. Presently, the Federal Government takes about four months of an American’s labor as TAX.

QUESTION: How much of their pay checks should the American workers be allowed to keep?

a. 100%

b. 90%

c. 80%

d. 70%

e. 60%

f. 50%

g. 40%

8. In 1976 The United Nations conducted a study and found that four people could live comfortably in a 600 sq. ft. shelter with one bath and one toilette. As part of the UN's efforts to make things better for humanity, they plan to shelter hundreds of millions of deserving third world homeless people in the under utilized houses located in the industrialized world. For example, a retired American couple with an 1,800 sq. ft. house will be required to take in ten homeless people. The UN has publicly stated its plans to enforce this program as soon as possible....

QUESTION: So, how do you feel about getting some exotic new house guests?

a. this is a good thing, sharing

b. I shall pretend that it isn't happening

d. your lying, they would never do this to us

e. I will ignore your hatred

f. I will get active politically and fight this insanity

Congress and the Legislative Branch

9. Is the following statement true:

The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

10. Is the following statement true:

Many of the laws they vote on are in excess of two thousand pages.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

11. Is the following statement true:

Since the Representative cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

12. Is the following statement true:

Thus, the Representatives have forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

13. Is the following statement true:

Representative government is obsolete, it does not work for us.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

14. Are you willing to read, comprehend and vote on ten pages per day of a 2000 page law in order to assist your democratically elected representative in the legislative operation that will determine the conditions of your future life? (making new laws?)

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

15. Do you agree:

Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

16. Do you agree:

Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

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Que Monty Python, spam, spam, spam.

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Ok... run out the clock some more. Tell us how you really feel.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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I would think that an accomplished musician and blogger such as yourself could come up with something better.

Is that it? Is that all you have?

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Do you think I am going to waste my "genius" on a spammer?

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The First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees The Sovereign People the right to petition the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary for a redress (correction) to be applied to our grievance.

Our grievance is that we do not approve of what they are doing with our political power and we demand that all laws previously enacted must be ratified by us, The People, and that all new Laws also be ratified by us..

This is an emergency and until the time the laws are ratified by us, we must insist that the laws do not exist.

Time is of the essence.

Please do everything you can to spread the idea.

Develop accurate questions.

Every other conversation simply runs out the clock on us and our America the Beautiful.

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