This was a terrific exchange, thank you both. Glad to hear the Preparata's take on coordination across time doesn't seem to be that different from what I discussed wrt Hitler - it can be a subtle affair though.

Generally, while I'm a bit of a black piller too, I think I'm still a bit more optimistic. Yes, there is no doubt that this reality is the product of a dark god ultimately. But the ultimate creator, or God, is still active and discernible here, it can't be any other way. And so there is still courage, kindness, intelligence on display, even if it's sometimes easy to miss in the mass of nonsense and brainwashing.

And I don't see *everything* playing out politically and on the world stage as a mere TV show. Perhaps this is true ultimately, from God's perspective - but from our perspective, not all people are mere pawns, including prominent people and leaders. Assuming everybody on the world stage is a straight-forward pawn strikes me as committing the same mistake as certain New Agers who think we should love everybody, including evil, because everybody belongs to God: true in the ultimate sense, and from God's perspective evil serves its own purpose in creation, but we are not there yet; our job here is to discern between good and evil, and need to stand up against evil (whatever that means in detail and for us personally) if we want to choose good. Point being, even leaders on the world stage are still human beings with their own drives, motivations and thoughts. Many have chosen the dark side, to be sure, while deluding themselves that they can one-up the gods, a classic feature of the dark side; ultimately though they are mere tools to be discarded when not useful anymore. But there are also those who try to work for the good, who managed to connect to the divine spark at least to some degree. And I see no reason why they can't be effective and worthy of our support.

While I don't delude myself for a minute that anybody will "save us", I will still cheer those on who are putting up a good fight in their own way. It's not that it's all for nothing, because to my mind there are deeper laws at play here that limit the power of the demiurges of this world: such as free will and voluntary alignment with the positive side of creation. "They" can trick and manipulate and coerce, but they cannot extinguish the divine spark entirely.

Well, but I do know the feeling of despair, so I understand. Thanks again guys.

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Thanks L.P., very nice response. I think, at least for me, focusing on the pessimistic, negative side of things is intended to balance the perspective in the West, especially America which is, per Carl Jung, “extraverted as Hell.” America has had it’s Civil War and Great Depression and such, but overall it’s had a pretty charmed and blessed existence, and the era we are entering - which is going to be much poorer materially, with much more government control and spying, and a vastly decreased overall quality of life - requires, imo, more introversion, introspection, and a revitalization of a genuine, personal connection to God. Material success and spirituality have always had an inverted relationship, so as Americans continue to get poorer, they will have to find an alternative modality to deal with it.

Also, if I was truly blackpilled (and I assume Guido too, not to put words in his mouth) then there would be no point to writing, to engaging on a political level, one would just…check out of politics and writing entirely, I think, and focus on daily living. There is still hope to affect others and be affected in positive ways, which is a white-pill.

This then reminds me of a Junger quote about writing in relation to one’s spiritual journey:

“As for posthumous literary glory, I don’t set excessive store by it. I’m skeptical, for I’ve observed that such glory pales even in an author’s lifetime. He then leads the life of a pauvre poete oublie [a poor forgotten poet]. Or else he behaves very sensibly, like Rimbaud, who after producing an exceptional literary oeuvre in his youth, devoted himself to commerce in Africa; that was more important in his eyes. And sub specie aeternitatis, the day will come when even Homer will be totally unknown. Glory is like the blazing tale of a comet, which still sparkles for a while in the wake of the work. You may then wonder what the goal of writing is assuming it has a goal. It is the creative instant itself, in which something timeless is produced, something that cannot be wiped out. The universe has affirmed itself in the individual, and that must suffice, whether or not anyone else notices it. In 1942, when I visited Picasso on Rue des Grands-Augustins, he said to me: “Look, this painting, which I have just completed, is going to have a certain effect; but this effect would be exactly the same, metaphysically speaking, if I wrapped the painting up in paper and cosigned it to a corner. It would be exactly the same thing as if ten thousand people had admired it.””

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Absolutely. We need to stare reality in the face without flinching. And I share your sentiment about American pragmatism - it's a good spirit, but history shows how "doing something" almost always backfires. However, I think we need both perspectives, and it's OK if different people embody different perspectives. Creation is a rich place, and everybody has their own (potential) destiny.

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Many interesting points. On the last one, the push of transgenderism, I wonder if it is also about being able to change human bodies ie transhumanism?

It is interesting to read Professor Guido Preparata's view that there is a cabal and that geo politics is dead. So many in the 2nd matrix still talk about nation states and politicians as if they are at the top of the pyramid of power.

Even in this article you show a diagram produced by Iain Davis and talk of Assange and Trump as if they are not characters on the stage.

In this interview I heard the other day, Peter Thiel is mentioned (at about 4 and at 29 minutes). https://childrenofjob.substack.com/p/jobcast-40-when-a-psyop-becomes-an

The host of the interview, Jasun Horsley has recently said when the ship is sinking, head for the life boats rather than wasting time on asking who the captain is and why did he hit the iceberg? That thought does help one from drowning in a sea of information and despair.

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Thanks for the comment, Munchy. I can see some sort of link between transgenderism and transhumanism to get the masses used to unnatural human forms.

Re: Trump and Assange, it’s easy to lump all of geopolitics into an “it’s all fake” lens as L.P. Koch points out. I think Trump was not supposed to win in 2016 and his win caught the system by surprise. Assange spent a decade hiding out in the Ecuador embassy and then in solitary confinement in prison; he may have started out with establishment support, but at some point that seemed to change - would he have voluntarily signed up for that outcome? But who knows, ultimately? How is one to ascertain what is true, on what basis, and what grounding mechanism does one use to try to make sure that one doesn’t believe false things?

Re: heading to the lifeboats, I’m not sure where there is to flee to. Globohomo is shoving as many illegals into red rural areas as fast as they can, and if one sees this international financial parasitical system above the level of nation states, there is no other nation really to flee to at this time…

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I guess the lifeboat is to do something like live the truth as you see it. Do not react, comply or be afraid. Stay away from the 2nd matrix where data gathering and echo chambers simply feeds the beast and keeps us in our boxes.

How about we roll back from technology and get closer to nature? That way, we control our lives more and feel physically and mentally healthier.

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Why would any of that ever happen when it can just Get Worse Forever?

There is only Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

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What is your final assertion based on? Or what does it come from?

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Because you can't say for sure what will happen but things seem to go in circles.

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Before having read a word, I am willing to say it's gladdening to see this on this stack.

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Interesting conversation NLF, I take issue with your Neo-Malthusian view though, and that link to Darren Allen, wow, it's so bad it's "not even wrong".

I was deeply involved in AGW research from ~1996 when I learned that 70% of the authors of the fisrt IPCC report in 1990 all resigned in protest disagreeing with the final report, I gave up following it ~10yrs ago because I realised playing wack-a-mole with the AGW scam was a futile effort. The history of global climate shows it never remained stable, and was much warmer in the recent past without SUV's. Whatever caused the earth to warm back then is exactly what is causing it to warm right now ITSS. (It's the Sun Stupid). If you even believe an "average", heavily manipulated, global temperature record actually means anything at all (which I don't) it can easily be explained by the fact we're comming out of a cooling period going back to the little ice age, which it's self was a downtrend from a much warmer period.


For an interesting take on what controls the global thermostat read Willis Eschenbachs elegant Emerging Phenomina hypothesis:


I got into Peak Oil research from ~2000, I was very active on Michael C Rupperts FTW blog (since heavily edited) a fully commited doomer, until I watched the whole movement disapear/morph into the AGW promotion game over the space of only a few months, that didn't happen by accident. It turns out MCRs blog was administrated by a Jenna Orkin (of 9/11 limited hangout promotion fame) who it turns out was daughter of an elite connected Hollywood producer/manager, who was Peter Sellers manager, at the time they used a fake Sellers film (Ghost in the noonday Sun) as cover for a Mossad Opperaton preparing for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Wheels within wheels eh!

Fun fact: The rise in Co2 from fossil fuels is nothing compared to the loss of soil carbon from conventional farming. All the Co2 rise since the industrial revolution equals ~2% of global farmland carbon loss due to excess Nirtogen inputs and excessive ploughing. With RegenAg you can increase soil carbon very easily, without loss of yeild, by ~0.5% per annum, so this non problem could easily be solved in 4 years. That also neatly covers your "we can't feed more than 3.5 Billion people without Nitrogen ferts" meme too.

The "too many people" meme and the whole "Litimts to Growth" thing was nicely covered by Corbett, he gives it a good thrashing, see if you can deprogram yourself:


It's more likely the problem will be completely opposite, we're on a demographic cliff edge, replacement birthrates have been below replacement since the 1970's, we're going to need a lot more people when the oil runs out! (LOL).

I've run out of time, see if you can find a graph of oil exploration spend by year, iirc the spend drops bigtime in the 80's when all the big companies started bying back their own shares, i.e. they decided to leave it all in the ground, there's huge deposits untapped in the S. Hemisphere, and the Black sea to name a few.

We're about to have a repeat of the 1970's oil shocks when they kick it bigtime off in the sandpit, nice way to fulfil an awful lot of globalists wet dreams eh! They won't need a lockdown when nobody can get fuel, 15 min cities, Digital ID (for security we're at war stupid) food shortages, and a nice excuse to implode the global financial system and "reset" (just like all the other times they did it) so we can all have CBDC and rationing. It's all pretty obvious no?

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Thanks for the comment, ImpObs. I’ll try to respond to your points generally, but the overall question is one I keep circling back to: how does one determine what is real or what is fake when the data and news being pushed by globohomo is itself unreliable? On what basis does one make conclusions? This is a very hard question and one I don’t have a full answer to…

Re: AGW, I agree with you that it’s a scam meant to push lower standards of living in the West (except for our grifting elites who are exempt) and that temperatures are not higher now than they have been historically. At the same time, I don’t think burning the amount of fossil fuels humanity has been doing will have no effect at all, it’s an unknown and probably a bad thing, but who really knows and to what degree? And even if it was bad, it would still need to be balanced against alternatives.

This reminds me of how the FDA studies individual chemicals allowed into food for carcinogenic risk, but conducts a flat zero studies on synergistic risk - i.e. if a food product at the store contains 10 chemicals, each of which is safe individually, we have no idea - no idea at all - how these chemicals interact with each other. They may synergize to produce an effect 10x, 100x, 1000x greater than if the chemical was used individually. We have no idea; an ongoing, blind population-level experiment with the results ignored and suppressed. Fun!

Re: peak oil, it’s the same thing - we know our elites lie to us, but also intuitively it makes sense that oil is a limited commodity, is getting harder to produce and we will run out of it at some point - even if one believes in the abiotic theory, replenishment likely occurs far slower than the rate at which we are using it.

Re: the demographic cliff, alarm about it is caused by assumptions where our society requires perpetual profit growth to maintain itself that cut to the heart of the Western experience, but I’m not entirely sold on that Faustian perpetual-forward-momentum energy necessarily being the right one…

I agree with you where our globohomo overlords are taking us with the Great Reset/CBDCs/being herded like cattle…

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It's hard to contemplate just how big oil reserves are, they're formed in subduction zones, look at a global map of subduction zones and they're HUGE. I imagine they manage supply the same way DeBeers manage diamond reserves, hord it to manage the price and control global development, keeping the 3rd world from raising their standard of living. I think the decision was made pretty early to limit supplies, hence Hubbard started being amplified in 56' and "Limits" was published 72. Hubbard got too popular and wasn't a big enough control scam, so the whole P.O. meme was morphed into AGW, literally within a few months in the mid 00's, it was enlightening to watch in real time from within the movement.

I think they had the "New World Order" planned out much before that, I think it's actually a "New Financial Order" (Gordon Brown speech) and they had a pretty accurate timeline by then for when they'd have complete control of global central banking, when they think they can remove the scenery and show us the bricks at the back of the theater (round about 2020-2030).

If you look at a hydrocarbon molecule, and compare it to Humic substances, they're remarkable similar, basically hydrogen and carbon, which is why when you step in a puddle where dead leaves have been lying for a while, you can see a kind of hydrocarbon surface sheen on the water. Just contemplating the magnitude of the carbon cycles, in the hundreds of gigatons p.a. it's mindblowingly huge (10 to the power 16 or somthing), we can raise the humic content of soil 0.5% p.a. and take away a lot of the carbon at the same time, that's also going on in oceans, and has done since the first life on earth 3.5 Billion yrs ago (alledgedly, even the timescale is too huge to contemplate) that's a huge pool to tap.

I guess you can empty an olympic swimming pool with a drinking straw eventually, do we know for sure it has no more getting in (there is some data on old oil fields refilling, but it's scarce data) It sounds logical to assume it'd run out eventually, but it is still an assumption.

I did a diving job on a pipeline in Colombia in the 90's, it ran from the NW coast to a big mooring bouy for tankers, pipe was ~2ft dia, the chief engineer told me the annual oil consumption of France went though this pipe every day, that was from just one small oil field. like I said, huge numbers, too hard to even contemplate.

Resource limits don't worry me in the slightest, those who control them are far more dangerous IMO.

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Thank you. Does Preparata consider himself a Catholic?

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Hi Irish Wet Nurse, my understanding is that he was raised Catholic and has gnostic* leanings, although his categorization of his own beliefs may be different than this…

* Gnostic as defined within the interview, as it’s a term with multiple and contradictory meanings.

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As you know, I used references from Mr. Preparata's outstanding work, "Conjuring Hitler" as a key part of my own history of the U.S. "Our Country, Then and Now." In contemplating the issues you are here discussing with Mr. Preparata, I also recommended, and do so again, a serious look at the writings of German spiritual master Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schniederfranken 1876-1943). I know from correspondence with Mr. Preparata that he is aware of these writings. I would recommend to your own readers that they also study them to arrive at a deeper understanding of why we are all here and what our possibilities might be.



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Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it as well I could follow along, which wasn't that well considering I've not read the books (yet). Be that as it may, the subject reminds me of a P.K. Dick book I read recently, The Penultimate Truth. It resonates with so much of what you discuss, the fakeness especially. Of course, I don't think it is really the "penultimate" truth, since there are no Jews in the story. That was a joke, son. Still, it's a good read from an Orwellian prediction kind of way.

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Thank you for this. I had the privilege to talk with Preparata once through some mutual friends during the darker days of the vaccine push. His understanding and capacity to sit in silence were remarkable. It's my understanding that, at least through friends, he is familiar with the work of Steiner. As a student of anthroposophy and a praying Catholic it seems to me the only direction this discussion can move towards without collapsing into despair or the distraction of data is the realm of the spirit. The forces of Ahriman and Sorath, and the presence of the eighth sphere, seem to explain much - which is why they are beyond mention in our public pseudo-reality. We are permitted to discuss what we seem to see, but not what we seem to sense. However I'm also aware of the hope that grasps at absolutely anything, even (especially?) illusion in the face of the overwhelming power of this ... entity.

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The blackpill is all there is, just because you find it to be too bitter to swallow doesn't mean it's not the only truth. It just means you're Squeamish About Feeling Bad.

Ashes and Echoes.

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Black pill, white pill, red pill, blue pill...

I suspect the color of the pill in one's hand is in the eye of its holder.

Excellent discussion of primal matters in this interview, BTW, kudos for sharing it!

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All that tells me is that the eyes need to be put out, that everything must be destroyed because all things that exist only exist as Misery.

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