1 hr agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Before having read a word, I am willing to say it's gladdening to see this on this stack.

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This was a terrific exchange, thank you both. Glad to hear the Preparata's take on coordination across time doesn't seem to be that different from what I discussed wrt Hitler - it can be a subtle affair though.

Generally, while I'm a bit of a black piller too, I think I'm still a bit more optimistic. Yes, there is no doubt that this reality is the product of a dark god ultimately. But the ultimate creator, or God, is still active and discernible here, it can't be any other way. And so there is still courage, kindness, intelligence on display, even if it's sometimes easy to miss in the mass of nonsense and brainwashing.

And I don't see *everything* playing out politically and on the world stage as a mere TV show. Perhaps this is true ultimately, from God's perspective - but from our perspective, not all people are mere pawns, including prominent people and leaders. Assuming everybody on the world stage is a straight-forward pawn strikes me as committing the same mistake as certain New Agers who think we should love everybody, including evil, because everybody belongs to God: true in the ultimate sense, and from God's perspective evil serves its own purpose in creation, but we are not there yet; our job here is to discern between good and evil, and need to stand up against evil (whatever that means in detail and for us personally) if we want to choose good. Point being, even leaders on the world stage are still human beings with their own drives, motivations and thoughts. Many have chosen the dark side, to be sure, while deluding themselves that they can one-up the gods, a classic feature of the dark side; ultimately though they are mere tools to be discarded when not useful anymore. But there are also those who try to work for the good, who managed to connect to the divine spark at least to some degree. And I see no reason why they can't be effective and worthy of our support.

While I don't delude myself for a minute that anybody will "save us", I will still cheer those on who are putting up a good fight in their own way. It's not that it's all for nothing, because to my mind there are deeper laws at play here that limit the power of the demiurges of this world: such as free will and voluntary alignment with the positive side of creation. "They" can trick and manipulate and coerce, but they cannot extinguish the divine spark entirely.

Well, but I do know the feeling of despair, so I understand. Thanks again guys.

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