Most Americans have metabolic syndrome and collapsed testosterone from poisoned food
Globohomo wants you to be an obese soyboy (or bearded woman)
Here’s a lighter post - ha.
Below is the weight chart for Americans from 1960-2010:
Average weight gain for a man of about 30 pounds, and for a woman 25 pounds, over a 50 year period. Wonderful…
Compare actual average weights to a height/weight chart from 1959 on what was considered healthy:
Based on this model most Americans have an “undesirable weight” and would be considered either fat or obese — i.e. if the average male is 5’10” and medium framed, their desirable weight would have been 146-160 lbs, yet average male weight is now 195 lbs, 27% above that range.
Instead of calling the average male or female fat compared to 1959 standards, though, the medical establishment simply revised upwards the standards of what constitutes a normal, healthy weight to meet the averages of today.
Below are a couple photos of beaches in the 1950s. Not a single fat person in sight:
Compare to beaches today:
I don’t think these photos are cherry-picked. There were basically no fat people in the 1950s, and if you go to any beach today the amount of fatness and obesity is all-encompassing.
Here are the current and projected obesity rates from the Rockefeller Foundation:

Okay, well, how did this happen?
Let’s start by looking at average calories consumed.
Average daily calorie consumption has increased by 759 calories/day between 1960 and 2010, a 27% increase.
Did Americans suddenly just get hungrier? Lazier? Worse impulse control? What would cause people in a 60 year period to suddenly eat an average of 27% more?
Could this be due to Americans eating out more, with worse food quality?
Americans now eat out more than they consume food at home.
What about the composition of those increased 759 calories/day? What is that increase comprised of?
425 of those calories are from vegetable oil, which is ubiquitous when eating out; it basically can’t be avoided. That leaves a much smaller 334 calorie differential.
Per an analysis of many studies by P.D. Mangan, vegetable oils cause obesity and lead to insulin resistance. The vast increase in vegetable oil consumption is because the American Heart Association wrongly advised replacing saturated fat with it. Thanks for your expert guidance, AHA.
187 of those calories is due to increases in grain consumption:
The rest is attributed to slight increases in alcohol, sugar, and meat consumption.
So most of the differential is accounted for by eating out, the ubiquitous use of seed oils when eating out, and increased consumption of grains (which is much less filling than meat consumption).
Okay. What other changes were there?
Well, smoking is at an all-time low. While smoking causes lung cancer, it does contain certain benefits like providing increased mental acuity and increases to attention, working memory, fine motor skills and episodic memory functions, it increases testosterone and it serves as a major appetite suppressant. Removing smoking from the general population increases appetite, simple enough.
Additionally, there is a substantial link between obesity levels and decreased testosterone. Testosterone levels have collapsed from 1960 until today:
Also see here. Which are in turn hugely decreased from a couple hundred years ago:
By historic terms everyone reading this is a soyboy.
Other explanations
Here are some other direct causes of increased obesity and decreased testosterone, some of which are from here:
Omega 6 PUFA consumption, primarily from eating fried foods, has risen through the twentieth century and especially after World War 2, driving an increase in obesity, chronic disease, and decreases in testosterone levels.
Chemicals and plastics. Synthetic plastic was invented in 1907 and the use of plastics has increased ever since. Plastics accumulate in the environment and in our bodies and are known to disrupt testosterone. There is a large number of other chemicals that we are exposed to as well, such as flame retardants in furniture and preservatives in food. The use of agricultural chemicals greatly expanded post-1950s and also lowers testosterone levels.
Europe uses a precautionary principle when it comes to introducing new chemicals into foods, but the United States does not; worse, there is close to zero understanding of the synergistic effects of added chemicals (and the U.S. allows more than 10,000 of them) — in other words, one chemical on its own added to food may be relatively safe for consumption, but added with another and it may become wildly unsafe. No one knows what synergies are safe and what aren’t, there’s the fun! Your body is a giant modern-era medical experiment for short-sighted corporate profits.
Or consider PFAS chemicals which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, asthma and thyroid disease, as well as liver damage and decreased fertility. Called “forever chemicals” because they do not degrade in the environment, PFAS are so widespread that levels have been detected in the blood of 97% of Americans, according to a 2015 report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fluoride and other chemicals in the water supply. The government deliberately adds fluoride to our drinking water which is unhealthy and decreases testosterone levels.
Radio waves. One study found that mice exposed to a long cell phone call every day had much lower testosterone. So does exposure to electromagnetic fields. Our world is awash in radio waves. Over the 20th century this has grown from almost nothing to ubiquitous nonstop exposure today.
5G towers seem to melt drones. What does it do to your body? No one knows!
Porn, which is ubiquitous and offered to the masses for free as a loss leader by globohomo, lowers testosterone levels.
Social changes. People feel less independent and more helpless, defeated and disoriented in the face of high technology, the loss of “traditional values,” mass media, transnational corporations, high amounts of regulation, and cultures that value intense education and professional work for large companies. Internalizing these attitudes likely affects hormones. One study found that Americans in 2007 were much more likely to be mentally ill than in 1938.
Why are they doing this?
The contention is that none of this is accidental, all of this is planned by the central bank owners. Globohomo wants you to be an obese, low IQ soyboy addicted to or dying from fentanyl, watching Netflix and porn and transitioning to the opposite gender, obsessed with race, gender, and sexual orientation grievances which you complain about to other soymen and bearded women on Reddit in between watching the latest capeshit as you age out of child-having years and as globohomo rapes the world and prepares you to be a sacrificial offering to the Demiurge, if you don’t kill yourself first. If you are weak then you are easy to control, and you will never rebel.

What can one do?
Try to eat more meals at home, avoid vegetable oils, eat high protein and lower carb diets, and engage in moderate amounts of weightlifting. P.D. Mangan is an excellent resource for this stuff (his recommendations boil down to “sun, steak and steel”, but he covers cutting edge science - to the extent the modern world has any real science left - with level-headed takes). If you want to go for an extreme diet, Dr. Shawn Baker has dramatically improved the health of a lot of people with a carnivore diet, but I’ve found it too difficult to stick with.
Be conscious that our elites want you to be sick, mentally and physically, and drag you down to the lowest common denominator. Consciously doing what you can to raise yourself above their sick and twisted plans is a good thing.
With that said, too many on the right view fixing these things as a panacea that will solve all your problems, both personal and political ones. Their implied “logic” seems to be:
Step 1: Lift and eat healthy, no more porn!
Step 2: ???
Step 3: All your problems are solved!
Unfortunately it is partially a
Ghost Dance cope, i.e. a distraction from society’s complete implosion and descent into the hell of neoliberal feudalism, and weightlifting and eating healthy will not magically fix these things.Still, as long as one’s expectations are limited and realistic there’s plenty of good that you can do.
A few further thoughts (as this issue is dear to my heart):
Based on childhood memories, there were some morbidly obese people in beach towns as early as the late 60s. But the hardcore hippies were scary skinny.
I'm not entirely convinced on the omega 6 oils per se. I recall reading that the Bushmen eat a large amount of omega-6 containing nuts, and they are not fat. My suspicion is that BURNT seed oils are more of a problem. Unsaturated fatty acids cross link more readily than saturated fats. And then there is the trans fat issue...
Go back to the 60s and 70s, and there was plenty of deep fat frying in Crisco, and other such abominations. Today, the seed oils are used without partially hydrogenating them first. But if you squirt soybean oil on a 400 degree griddle, you get the same greasy mouthfeel as you get with original formula Crisco and old school oleomargarines .
We had enough trans fats in our diets to cause lots of heart attacks long before the surge in obesity and gayness. (And based on my personal experience, the old hydrogenated oils are terrible for pimples and also magnify fevers.)
I find it hard to believe that sugar hasn't gone up that much. Cokes were making the transition from six ounces to twelve ounces when I was growing up. Grape juice came in quart glass bottles. Orange juice was a frozen glop which you reconstituted at home. Maybe sweet tea consumption was as high back in those days, but soda and juice consumption was nowhere near as high as nowadays. Where I live I see people at the Food Lion buying Mountain Dew like the Europeans buy mineral water.
But I think there is something else. Even our pets are getting fatter, and they aren't eating sugar.
When I get Bond Villain rich, I'm going to look into economical tech to remove birth control residue from the water supply, and also test for other potential culprits, such as Atrazine.
As for the timing, I noticed a change in teenagers in the late 1990s when doing a Libertarian outreach table at a Junior Statesmen convention. Virtually every girl there was "well developed." Either there was a correlation between estrogen levels and a desire to participate in a model UN, or the contamination began before the late 1990s.
Let me add my anecdotal experience for what it’s worth. I used to be the prototype for unhealthy, malnourished, low T men. Epigenetics is a real thing. What you consume physically, mentally, and spiritually has a direct effect on what qualities, either good or bad, that your DNA expresses.
I am 41, very low body fat, often get told how jacked I am etc. I eat a lot of meat and eggs for protein and saturated fat, and spend a lot of time out in the sun. I lift heavy weights and do strength conditioning often. There is a limit to how much is good for you and too much with little recovery can absolutely diminish testosterone levels. Not something to be worried about as much for young men who can recover easily as long as they eat well and sleep consistently. The human body is miraculous and able to adapt to a lot when the mind and spirit are strong.