A few further thoughts (as this issue is dear to my heart):

Based on childhood memories, there were some morbidly obese people in beach towns as early as the late 60s. But the hardcore hippies were scary skinny.

I'm not entirely convinced on the omega 6 oils per se. I recall reading that the Bushmen eat a large amount of omega-6 containing nuts, and they are not fat. My suspicion is that BURNT seed oils are more of a problem. Unsaturated fatty acids cross link more readily than saturated fats. And then there is the trans fat issue...

Go back to the 60s and 70s, and there was plenty of deep fat frying in Crisco, and other such abominations. Today, the seed oils are used without partially hydrogenating them first. But if you squirt soybean oil on a 400 degree griddle, you get the same greasy mouthfeel as you get with original formula Crisco and old school oleomargarines .

We had enough trans fats in our diets to cause lots of heart attacks long before the surge in obesity and gayness. (And based on my personal experience, the old hydrogenated oils are terrible for pimples and also magnify fevers.)

I find it hard to believe that sugar hasn't gone up that much. Cokes were making the transition from six ounces to twelve ounces when I was growing up. Grape juice came in quart glass bottles. Orange juice was a frozen glop which you reconstituted at home. Maybe sweet tea consumption was as high back in those days, but soda and juice consumption was nowhere near as high as nowadays. Where I live I see people at the Food Lion buying Mountain Dew like the Europeans buy mineral water.


But I think there is something else. Even our pets are getting fatter, and they aren't eating sugar.

When I get Bond Villain rich, I'm going to look into economical tech to remove birth control residue from the water supply, and also test for other potential culprits, such as Atrazine.


As for the timing, I noticed a change in teenagers in the late 1990s when doing a Libertarian outreach table at a Junior Statesmen convention. Virtually every girl there was "well developed." Either there was a correlation between estrogen levels and a desire to participate in a model UN, or the contamination began before the late 1990s.

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Thanks Fabius, this is interesting stuff. Yes, I had read that thin people back in the 1940s-60s regularly died of heart attacks on the younger side, and that autopsies of many dead young U.S. soldiers in WW2 showed extensive coronary disease. This chart shows CHD peaking in the 1960s and declining ever since: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/figures/m830a1f1.gif

The decline been attributed to the end of smoking, better medical care, as well as changes to diet / cooking. It's interesting that CHD has not really tracked the extremes of weight gain....

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The science fiction author C.M. Kornbluth died quite early of a heart attack. He referenced "sweating off the oleo" in his story "The Adventurers" and I believe he referenced "oleo" in some of his other stories.

I believe there is a correlation.


On the other hand, there is reason to believe that our reduction in smoking has reduced heart attacks, but I think it is over sold. There are places on earth where people still smoke heavily and live long. If you eat crappe, don't smoke.

Tobacco smoke, smoked foods, toast, deep fat fryers kept hot for days, lite oils thrown on hot griddles, meat charred over flame...all generate carcinogens. Limiting total carcinogens is likely useful.

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How this article was written with no mention of corn oil is beyond me.

Big Corn ?

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Let me add my anecdotal experience for what it’s worth. I used to be the prototype for unhealthy, malnourished, low T men. Epigenetics is a real thing. What you consume physically, mentally, and spiritually has a direct effect on what qualities, either good or bad, that your DNA expresses.

I am 41, very low body fat, often get told how jacked I am etc. I eat a lot of meat and eggs for protein and saturated fat, and spend a lot of time out in the sun. I lift heavy weights and do strength conditioning often. There is a limit to how much is good for you and too much with little recovery can absolutely diminish testosterone levels. Not something to be worried about as much for young men who can recover easily as long as they eat well and sleep consistently. The human body is miraculous and able to adapt to a lot when the mind and spirit are strong.

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If your town gets its water from a river, you had best charcoal filter your water before drinking it. The artificial estrogen in birth control pills is not removed during either sewage treatment or water treatment. And it is a rugged chemical with a really long halflife in nature. See the book Estrogeneration:


There has also been a massive increase in herbicide use in recent decades due to no-till agriculture.

And finally, dairy cows are milked well into the pregnancy of their next calf. Pregnant cow milk is much higher in estrogen. The other AI could be turning us into gurly mans.

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“Boomers have a perpetual teenage mentality that their parents never understood, and they raised us to be the eternal teenagers they didn't get to be. When you're 17, the idea of just buying cool stuff, having consequence-free sex, and binge-consuming media for the rest of your life sounds fantastic. You do not understand that when you are 40, you will not want that any more.”


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Sure some of it is the Ghost Dance cope you referred to, but there is value in doing these things for their own sake at the individual level, and you never know what twists and turns history will take. Best to have a physically and spiritually healthy revolutionary vanguard ready for their moment when/if the globalists finally push the normies too far.

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you should be what the regime does not want you to be. Eat meat and get strong. Sooner or later confrontation will arise and you will need it.

Also it is a statement. When you are jacked and standing upright with a clean shave, any soyfreak fatso gendermaniac sees you, they know you are the enemy. That gives us metapolitical power. Plus the satisfaction of pissing our enemies off just by „being“

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btw, 2880 calories is already more than most people need. In the 60s people were working more manual labor jobs (outsourced now), and daily life required more walking, lifting, etc.

The average fatswine today basically sits all day and only moves to reach the trough for calorie intake.

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Belly fat in males turns testosterone into estrogen. (A win for globohomo)

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The seed oils are a major factor for sure.

Ideally, we should tax them, and subsidize farmers who produce good fats (lard, butter, olive oil, etc.).

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"Globohomo wants you to be an obese, low IQ soyboy addicted to or dying from fentanyl, watching Netflix and porn and transitioning to the opposite gender, obsessed with race, gender, and sexual orientation grievances which you complain about to other soymen and bearded women on Reddit in between watching the latest capeshit as you age out of child-having years and as globohomo rapes the world and prepares you to be a sacrificial offering to the Demiurge, if you don’t kill yourself first."

Very true, and both funny and dismal to behold when expressed like this.

But in the many years the victims of overfeeding-cum-malnourishment will be weak as fuck but technically alive, the globohomo barons want to monetize this massive accretion of low-androgen soyflesh like they do everything else -- through drugs and surgeries and starting with younger and younger victims.


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"The contention is that none of this is accidental, all of this is planned by the central bank owners."

Thanks for being, well, clearly spoken :).

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So, P.D. Mangan also has a lot of posts available at https://medium.com/@pdmangan -- not just on 'Twiddle' (I recently got that apt nickname for Twitter from a young kid playing on his iPad). Particularly funny piece by Mangan can be located here: https://medium.com/the-mission/bureau-of-alcohol-tobacco-and-firearms-longevity-edition-ed85896367f9 reasonably asserting that smoking cigars, drinking lots of coffee and bourbon, owning guns, and driving a pick up truck, are all good for the health. Also, you write, "By historic terms everyone reading this is a soyboy" with reference to the 'Estimated Testosterone in the West' graph provided at testosteronedecline.com. This statement of yours isn't necessarily true, as the current published normal reference range for total testosterone is 348-1197 ng/dL. Clearly, some Western men still have the high testosterone levels of people who lived in the 1600s to 1950s.

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All good points, except his Medium website hasn't been updated since 2017. He has posted a lot of articles at Rogue Health and Fitness here: https://roguehealthandfitness.com/blog/ , but not since 2020. Perhaps he is posting elsewhere, but it seems he is most active on 'Twiddle'.

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Thanks for the additional info.

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Dont I know it 🙂‍↕️

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Why do white men have low testosterone levels?

White women's birth control pill addiction is to blame


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"Globohomo wants you to be an obese soyboy (or bearded woman)"

Bearded woman, yeah, but U.S. agbiz is not "globohomo". If anything, globohomo is more comfortable with sugar/saturated fat taxes than the average Western rightist. As a rough rule, the bluer the state, the higher its life expectancy.

"The vast increase in vegetable oil consumption is because the American Heart Association wrongly advised replacing saturated fat with it."

It wasn't wrong! Replacing it with nothing would surely have been better, but if one is to take just the two types of fat, the vegetable oil would be superior (particularly as a cooking oil).

You neglect to mention a big cause of current health issues -low back flexion due to smartphone scrolling.

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