I think we'll know soon enough whether this was a larger conspiracy or just DEI incompetence based on the number of USSS agents and/or local police that commit suicide or die in high-speed traffic fatalities in the next 3 months.

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a thing can be more than one thing. Like Covid for instance, Pharma makes billion, a lot of old people get killed reducing government obligations in healthcare and pensions, Davos et al, get to test social theories and manipulation of minds through social media and experimental vaccines. Would you take an unknown intravenous injection for a free hamburger or a like on social media? what an experiment, so many people can't think, only react.

I'd think the "event" in Butler,pa will be used by many for good and nefarious reasons, it may have occurred because of happenstance, an incompetent Secret Service and local police, or it may have been nudged that way by those in power to set Trump up for a future event and this impetioutus insane lad jumped the gun. Hell for all we know they had a goverment shooting planned and the kid fucked it up for everybody (in the 3 letter mindset)

On knowing the world, our senses have been obfuscated with electronic smoke for quite some time, I don't own a television because I can't trust anything on it from the wallpaper and appliances to the dialogue from so many talking heads. The media provide much that no one needs and very very little of anything anyone really needs and that is very deliberate.

The greeks wondered at the size of the pyramid, the great pyramid. A wise greek knew, that at a certain time of day, your shadow is equal to your height, he found the height of the pyramid by measuring its shadow. Sometimes we can know about our world by observing the shadows, the ripples that can show us motion where the trigger is invisible. Keep your senses keen and watch for anomalies they are indicators of what is really happening.

try not to get lost in the online world or the mass media, its all an illusion of an infinite buffet that nevers nurtures you, but starves you and drives you mad. Look around you at the real world and the people in it and observe the changes over time. Things have been getting bad for a long time. People are living under bridges in the wealthiest country on earth, this isn't an accident. Watch old films and movies and see how people used to live and treat each other and compare your life of gadgets and over stimulation and tell me who was richer and who's world was better.

Keep your senses keen, for they are the tools that filter the world and bring you understanding and without them you are a blind man being led to slaughter..

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That is an absolutely great Measureable idea!

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Some questions for you:

"The videos have been released and the location of the shooter’s position was known very quickly."

How much is this based on careful viewing of home-made video footage that you have pieced together, and how much on third-party sources? I ask because (having not trolled through countless X threads myself, or read any analyses besides your two & one other) I haven't seen any footage yet of a "shooter" (just a guy flopping on the rooftop without any visible gun).

Is there anything you aren't sharing in your posts regarding evidence, because what I've seen isn't, for me, enough to justify your assertions of absolute certainty that it is a genuine failed attempt. There seems to be some unmerited dogmatism in your arguments. Me, I gladly admit I don't know and probably never will.

The bullet trajectory stuff presumably isnt your own work, and presumably it depends on an alleged fact that the alleged shooter fired the alleged bullet that allegedly nicked Trump. IOW there seem to be a lot of assumptions in your analysis that you are working with good info; but insofar as this was a psyop (which to one degree or another it surely was, even if a genuine attempt to kill DT), then isn't one thing we can be sure of that we can't trust all, or even most of, the facts we are given (inc supposedly grass roots social media footage)?

On this point, what's the nature of the evidence for people behind Trump being wounded and killed?

What's your opinion, if any, on how the three shots that ring out as Trump goes down appear to time with movements of the SS sniper? Is he firing or flinching?

How many shots were fired in all, and is there a video of the whole event that includes all of the shots?

What about the alleged second shooter on the water tower?

How much have you compared this event to previous hits that have been successful and that used multiple shooters, most famously RFK? Isn't the MO generally NOT to use long-distance shooters except as diversion/pasties, and to have the kill-shot at close range, for obvious reasons?

Wouldn't this have been the obvious way to go here?

What about the possibility that a deliberate miss might be orchestrated by other than Trump admins? Or that there are other reasons besides increasing his popularity, as addressed in my last piece?

Do you see a bit of an excluded middle area in your thinking between your evil demiurge thesis and your very nuts-and-bolts literal-minded analyses of this event? Surely, if there are metaphysical forces involved in the world, then they would bleed into (and act on) parapolitical conspiracies such as this?

FYI, I did write, at length, about UFOS for Prisoner of Infinity, and I can attest that there is no richer vein for mapping this weird intersection.

Objectivity isn't guaranteed simply by addressing mundane events like a botched assassination, nor is it automatically rendered impossible by diving into more metaphysical waters. We have direct experience of both to refer to equally.

I'm sure I left out some essential questions, but I have to go cook now!

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Hi Jasun,

You've asked a lot of good questions, thank you. I'll offer some responses below, although incomplete.

1. You may find this synched video of people observing the shooter from outside the stadium along with the video of Trump speaking to be helpful. You don't see the gun, but he is clearly in a prone firing position, and you can hear the total number of shots taken (I count three including the counter-sniper shot, followed by a burst of five): https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1812810227739132168

I believe you have already seen the video zoomed in on the counter-sniper, whose actions I found hard to parse (he looks startled with his head popping up, but it's hard to tell the order in which the shots were fired).

2. No, I have not seen a bullet trajectory analysis of the shots fired, which is not available yet. You can see the location of where one of the victims was shot here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGm8w65S_FA

3. Reports were that the shoot was rejected from his high school gun club for being a very bad shot: https://nypost.com/2024/07/14/us-news/would-be-trump-assassin-tried-to-join-high-school-shooting-club-was-rejected-for-being-comically-bad-shot/

4. The counter-sniper previously saw the attacker with a range-finder to calculate shooting distance and did not engage: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1813046793720242276

5. The shooter was also featured in a Blackrock commercial: https://x.com/a_westgate/status/1812531989003768047

6. One of my working assumptions is that due to the ubiquity of recording footage, the way the deep state sets up their operations is likely not how they used to for JFK or RFK. In other words, they didn't have to worry about being video'd the way they have to now. That changes how these operations are planned.

7. "Do you see a bit of an excluded middle area in your thinking between your evil demiurge thesis and your very nuts-and-bolts literal-minded analyses of this event? Surely, if there are metaphysical forces involved in the world, then they would bleed into (and act on) parapolitical conspiracies such as this?" The spiritual impact of an event can ultimately only be judged on a historical basis. Hitler narrowly avoided assassination multiple times, including in the 1944 near miss, yet ultimately still met an untimely end. Yet the 1944 miss showed the world that not all Germans were on the side of Hitler; perhaps that helped to avoid the implementation of the Morgenthau plan. Comparisons to Napoleon's close calls have also been made: https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-world-spirit-on-a-golf-cart

If you havn't read the J. Daniel Sawyer post linked which delves into details of the video forensics, based upon the nature of your questions, I think you may enjoy it: https://jdanielsawyer.substack.com/p/how-to-evaluate-a-false-flag-claim

I hope this response is somewhat helpful.

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Would you agree that, if a genuine attempted hit, it was an amateur job, as the Sawyer article suggests?

If so, how to account for the apparent inside-conspiracy to reduce security?

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Yes, the shooter was 20 years old and apparently rejected from the gun club for poor marksmanship. His physiognomy is atrocious. I don't see it as a discrepancy. I see a scenario as this guy being groomed online and encouraged by undercover FBI agents (this has happened multiple times in the past with other terrorists), then when the FBI agents were sure it was going to happen they wiped his online presence and perhaps created room for his attack to happen (if it wasn't only due to SS DEI incompetence). Plenty of plausible deniability on the FBI's part...

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So that would imply incompetence on the part of the FBI also? (At the very least in the selection & training; Sawyer opines that any pro would (following Ramone's advice in A Fistful of Dollars) "Aim for the heart")

With such an element of apparent incompetence, does it still seem like a literal miracle?

(BTW, you didn't address the second shooter question. I haven't looked into it myself, just heard about it.)

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I have not heard anything about a second shooter so cannot comment on it. It doesn't sound like one based on the sound of fire to me.

Yes, I believe the FBI just like the rest of U.S. orgs have gotten far less competent due to selecting for race and gender instead of merit, but also from being on top for so long. We can see the same thing in Trump's 2016 election win; he was not supposed to win but the guys in charge of the rigging process dropped the ball.

It seems like a type of miracle to me given Trump tilted his head right less than a second before the shot. I linked to the video below.

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https://x.com/pepesgrandma/status/1813001670919659862 (2nd shooter thread)

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sorry to be a hard-ass, but I think this is important: to my mind it can't really be both. If the op was incompetent, it doesn't require a miracle to survive it, just a lucky twitch of the head.

The reason I think it;s important is because my own speculative reading of why such a psyop might happen us precisely this aim, that of assigning divine status to Mr Trump, which the word miracle surely does.

Others I respect (my wife, Luke Dodson) also opine on the decreasing competence of the shadowy-handed ones behind world events; I prefer not to presume too much, since I am sure there is something in Machiavelli about the importance of having one's foes underestimate one... :)

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groomed online, where? I do agree he was groomed, but who by?

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By the FBI on Reddit, Discord, or Telegram. Perhaps Facebook or elsewhere. I obviously wouldn't know where or by who exactly.

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My point is, that i should have been able to see it by now. I cannot even find much on his parents. siblings, anything.

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Jul 17Edited

While I do not get the same spider sense tingling that I got with Oct. 7 attack, there are many things which are off here. No, it's not the lack of security, or counter snipers not taking the shot when they first saw him - those even I can explain away, given everything else that has come out. O'Keefe is going to get a few SS members to shed some light on the current environment in that organization - I suspect DEI will be the main topic there.

What I do find odd is the lack of evidence of motivation - no social media accounts, nothing on the phone leading anywhere (or so says our favorite FBI). Did he have a social media account before? When did it disappear? What caused it to disappear? We could be looking at a mossad/ukrainian intel (run by the same tribe) op. - like the one pulled off in Moscow's concert hall a few months ago.

The blackrock link is fascinating.... it certainly warrants further investigation. What other ties does blackrock have to this school/town? I'm just scratching the surface here - The coach featured in that blackrock ad is named Brian Delallo. His grandpa is John DeLallo Sr. - former intelligence officer, while his father was advertising fbi training academy - https://x.com/iffylalala/status/1813088105328746647/photo/1

Our shooter had explosives in his car - explosives making material at home - he also had detonator on him, on the roof.

Anyways - a lot of oddities. Lone shooter without a manifesto, but with fairly decent shooting skills (first shot was a kill shot, had Trump not turned his head), given the lack of scope, with explosives and no social media presence at all. FBI is releasing little info - what was on his computer? Who did he keep in touch with? Did he have a telegram account? etc

And here we have Bethel Park show up again.


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Yes, you are asking great questions Sam.

My theory is here: https://substack.com/@neofeudalism/note/c-62292109?utm_source=activity_item

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One of the hydraulic lifts that was holding up a speaker was struck by a bullet. You can see it at around 9:10 in this video...


I'd be surprised if such a detail would be included in a staged event.

Also, I sincerely doubt this was a deliberate miss. It would be too risky, not to mention dang near impossible to take such a shot. A shift in the wind or a last minute tilt of the head would change the outcome.

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From Sawyer's article: "Even a really good marksman could easily pull left far enough to hit an ear instead of a forehead""

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Only if the target didn't move and the wind didn't shift. As Sawyer also said, "A good shot would be able to hit a not-moving-much human head at that range without a problem. The AR platform is very accurate at that range."

A "not-moving-much human head".

Trump moved his head at the last minute. The shooter would have to both anticipate that movement and precisely time the shot to guarantee that only the ear would be hit while hoping the wind didn't shift. I sincerely doubt that Trump would have taken that risk, nor would any sharp shooter guarantee such a hit considering all the things that could go wrong.

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Yes, you can see Trump move his head at the very last second. See here Jasun: https://x.com/CatholicVote/status/1812608972458799439

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Regarding the University of Nevada Department of Psychology study, I skimmed it just to the methods section, which was far enough to confirm my bias, (and confirming my bias is all I wanted to do 😂, and as quickly as possible). Anyway, yes indeed, it’s weeeeiiiirrrd that most people apparently do not experience life as one big, long, constant inner dialogue, including images.

It’s weird to me at least, and to people like me, who are cerebral/ intellectual/ head-oriented.

But it’s not weird to two other kinds of people: the heart-oriented (emotions) and the gut-oriented (intuition, instinct, physical body).

My bias is that NPCs come in all three kinds: the head-, the heart-, & the gut-oriented.

Of course, the heart- & gut-oriented are the weird ones 😂 whether NPC or not.

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An excellent and timely sanity check.

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(for us all)

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Your grounding methods are sound, of course. But aren’t they too abstract to serve as practical methods? My suggestion would be ‘grounding facts’--little pebbles to hold rather than big (abstract) rocks to cling to.

Fact 1: Under the best circumstances when people are cooperating and are well trained, the truth can be hard to suss out or even communicate. (Take-away: Be patient, the truth is often complicated.)

Fact 2. Highly trained people, with considerable resources, are trying every trick to mislead me. (Take-away: I must be especially on guard and generally vet info myself and carefully. Trust is given carefully and contingently.)

Fact 3. I have vivid memories of my own mistakes and limits. (Take-away: I can learn from others, even from their errors—and be grateful for that. Be prepared to re-think conclusions.)


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RTM, would those “grounding facts” just lead to a perspective of caution and moderation of approach? I agree with that as far as it goes, of course. But it doesn’t delve into how one would try to parse situations as being true or untrue…

In this case, I took the available facts and filtered them through (1) cui bono? (weak) and (2) my long-refined (and always being updated further) recursive model about the structure of the world (stronger) to arrive at tentative conclusions…

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I agree that the "grounding facts," as I have presented them, are more cautionary than productive of the truth. However, it has grown to be my conviction that the process of truth finding (let's call it 'learning') is a similarly messy and hard-to-pin-down art. It is my experience, having taught teenagers for over a decade in a past life, that the nature and cultivation of learning itself is not often explicitly delved into except in a superficial way. I think, upon reflection, that that is because it is a personal and messy practical process. In my current life, as an engineer, I wouldn't say that in exercising 'due diligence' I am practicing the methods you mention, per se. It is a bunch of activity of various sorts that lead to a gestalt or holistic sense of "Okay, I see what the big issues are, have a sense of how they contribute to the whole, and have certain levels of confidence in the conclusions I might draw." Yes, that is a recursive process--in real time.

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Fact 4! A large proportion of published research is junk. (see John Ioannidas of Harvard)

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Good post. I appreciate your stance, and am glad to share it , but only up to a point." I also believe that this world is controlled by a small number of central bank owning families who have very specific and very nefarious long-term goals, that they are parasitizing off the masses whose core values are Christian-derived egalitarianism which allowed this financial system to come into place, and that behind this system is the possibility of" demiurge is too grand. every desert people know of djinn, there is one called "bad thing" near east jesus i am told. such beings seem resentful of life, and have no memory, no empathy (water). greening such areas would be wise. I absolutely love this--"You cannot evade your responsibility thus by entrusting your salvation into the hands of a priest-specialist. A simpleton may bring you salvation and a great philosopher may confound you." I have an article on reality testing , which is a similar concept people should consider. this is the major deficiency if religions. it leaves people wide open to manipulation without this. we must consider truth and reconsider truth in all things.

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Recursive personal thinking and traditional scientific method are basically the same thing, though. They relate to each other much like microeconomics (which parallels personal recursive thinking) and macroeconomics (which parallels aggregated personal recursive thinking). Also, I don't think Trump would at all be offended or weakened by your or any other person's view of him, given his own evident self-reliance -- you yourself know what that's like, I suspect.

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One of my flaws is that I am too quick to give people the benefit of the doubt. This is a byproduct of my conservative religious upbringing that pounded into my head not to be “judgmental.”

The truth of the matter is that often first impressions are correct, you should trust your gut, and that “…most people may simply be meat robots, lacking thoughts inside their heads, and they react to stimuli as they experience it.”

Great essay! It definitely made me ponder my own grounding mechanisms, and the ways in which I have benefitted from my programming, and had to fight against it.

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I haven't read Anglin for years, probably not since Charlottesville. I started to find him sus around that time. The 'aim for the ear' theory really got me laughing.

I don't know, this time around I am inclined to believe that what we saw also was what happened. Some fucked up kid who for whatever reason got this idea in his head about shooting Trump. Guess we will never know for sure.

Any way, something I've always been concerned with when it comes to Trump is whether he'd decide to go hard against Iran. These latest comments by his VP pick Vance certainly don't defuse that concern:

Vance: Israel should finish war as quickly as possible, partner Sunni states against Iran


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I agree with your comments here, Observer. I think generally people have a really hard time separating a man or a party from the message. The message/ideals are what is important, and the man and party are only worthy of loyalty so long as they adhere to the ideals. Trump did govern as a dove during his first term, starting no new wars and initiating the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but just as I bitterly criticized him for his fraudvirus positions and pushing the mRNA death jabs, if he starts a new war he won't have my support for it either...

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Trump is a man, and is fallible, like every other man. The MRNA vaccine ruse was very clever and very deeply funded and it was obiquotious. It was hard not to drink the kool-aid. Even the President must rely on "experts" - what he didn't know was Fauci created Covid19. so he was feeding Trump bad information from the get go.

I can't really hold that against him, Trump is a germophobe, I think they used that as a pysche op to convince him he had covid and then they "cured" him and made him a spokesman for Pharma. They are a bunch of clever bastards, I'll give them that..

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Sure, one can always come up with excuses for poor leadership, but my standard is not of loyalty to the man but to the relevant underlying values — I’ll support the man only to the extent he promotes the values…

But as you say Trump is a man and fallible, just like everyone else, and no one should be looked to as a hero. It brings to mind the famous expression, “Don’t meet your hero - you’ll only be disappointed…”

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Is anyone else noticing more and more that things are being talked about and framed in spiritual ways? I noted how the idea of Trump being protected by something higher came up as well as images with angels. I see it as the tide turning away from pure 'rational' materialism.

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Hi Crumpet, good observation, I’m noticing a bit of that too. I think there is a direct and strong inverse correlation between material wealth and spirituality and, well, the material wealth of America and the West generally has peaked and is massively declining, and it’s going to get much worse no matter who is in charge. This will open the doors for further increases in spiritual growth…

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6 months BEFORE the trump incident, christianity was being pushed for like i have never seen it in my lifetime. they were frontloading people to that headspace, the messianic headspace. Dozens of talking heads in the mainstream alternative media converted all at once. herding people into that box of 'trust me' i am christian... this is long form advertising. i suspect a holy war, or a civil war, maybe both. Groupthink , is bad, m'kay?

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only a fool sees the world and thinks the world he sees is all there is ...

The universe is bigger and older than we can understand, yet somehow we think we understand just about everything, when we really know nothing at all.

when you die you go back to where you were before you were born, and you and I have no idea of what that will be like. yet we are told this life, this world, this moment is all there is.

I cannot see beyond now, but I am certain there is a tommorow. Rational and irrational are a matter of perspective.

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agreed. I have a refrigerator magnet that says, doubt those who "know" Trust those who question.

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I lean towards, relentless propaganda turns the weak into zealots, at the same time there is absolute existential malice toward Trump from the propagandists, who deliberatlely left him vulnerable, while media has trained us, make that move and either way, right or wrong, your life is changed beyond your control utterly forever, causing a general tentative lack of decisiveness.

And if one thinks the left and globalist technocrats and elite generally are one whit less likely to destroy the West, America, Trump and MAGA, to maintain power, seriously question that complacency.

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Desiring/insisting that things make sense, or that there has to be a reason, is a trap to be wary of. In the world of humans, things definitely don't have to make sense. Although government pronouncements have a higher sense bar to meet, which makes them more suspect when they fail to clear it. It could be said that fedgov is kind of like my high school principal at a school of 2000+ students. He's just hoping to maintain control, he doesn't really give a shit if you believe or admire him.

And sometimes liars tell the truth, i.e. when globohomo was warning that Russia would invade Ukraine

But if you can get over those two hurdles, then recognizing obvious lies is really the thing. Such as, we're invading Iraq because Saddam has WMDs. But a lot of people have WMDs, and we aren't invading them, so that must be a lie.

And lies by omission. Dogs that don't bark. Such as, there's still been no campaign manager taking credit for Biden's election victory. Think back to Lee Atwater, James Carville, Karl Rove, David Axelrod, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, the victorious campaign manager always becomes a "sage," a pundit, a person whose opinion must be listened to. But who was Biden's? Does anybody know? Things that make you go hmmmm.

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Sorry, I read only the beginning of this piece but I read the previous one where you pushed the theory that obviously God saved Trump. As I already commented your conspiracy theory elsewhere and as I already explained before the Trump assassination attempt under another post, when you were pushing again the Trump non establishment hero fighting the deep state theory, this theory is the most flat earth of all for several reasons. First, as explained in great detail by Joël van der Reijden https://paradigmet.blogspot.com/2018/09/deep-politics-and-supranational-aspects.html - the theory that Trump is not establishment is just bs. So the "deep state" has exactly zero motives to assassinate him or if they actually have a motive, it is not that he is somehow "antiestablishment". The problem is that you don't have a clear motive for the crime. Your second argument that God saved Trump and it is possible that the deep state can miss is in my opinion a coincidence theory where coincidences are just too much. You not only have the shooter miss, you have all the witnesses who point to a "man on the roof" and all the SS fail Trump. So now we are supposed to believe that the shooter climbed a roof where everybody could see him except the guards, all the guards are all in it and they pretended not to see him. And he couldn't kill Trump from 100m because Trump moved his head. Sorry... but.... In this case again Trump is obviously in it too. The argument that somebody died - maybe died, maybe these are crisis actors, maybe somebody shot him, but it doesn't mean Trump was shot.

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me thinks thou doth protest too much...

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I am plotting a conspiracy theory to infiltrate the conspirators who plot to infiltrate the conspiracy theorists. Can I get government funding?

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Have you ever nicked yourself shaving, not noticed it, and then put on a white dress shirt?

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AS for conclusions, i will wait it out for a bit. Yes, some kooky idea will be promoted, and i can toss those, but i am not satisfied with what is certain yet, No internet presence , really? In this day? thing that are NOT there that should be. the negative space is important to a picture too. I'll wait.

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