You give the "other side" too much credit, and not enough to us deplorables.

For instance, you write:

"Note from this the different time scales that our overlords operate on compared to the masses: the online right thinks in terms of events — days, weeks, months or maybe a couple of years at most — while the timescale of the central bank owners is on the level of decades or centuries, giving the latter an enormous advantage."

You are confusing, I think, a deep mental illness perpetually (generation after generation) afflicting the "other side" with virtue(s). Just because a one-legged man makes it awkwardly, slowly, and painfully down the road for miles by using a crutch, doesn't mean that they can walk as well as those with two legs. No advantage to basically being chronically crippled. Pity them instead, and then of course actively take steps to unnecessary falling into the position of having to fear them as they hobble along.

As to a "Redneck Rebellion" -- the people you speak of act in more insistent, consistent and less abrupt manner than "the other side". It is the "other side", in fact, that has been trying to effect a rebellion.

As to the matter of redneck "rage" or "anger". Wrong words -- it is "disgust", not "rage". See https://www.colby.edu/psych/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2021/09/Xu_et_al_2021.pdf if you want more hard data confirmation that the "other side" is the side that has rage, anger, and a propensity for violence.

As to the proposed "egalitarian (Christian) rachet-effect" you use as an interpretive tool. Up to about 10,000 years ago there were not that many of us at all, as our few common forebears all passed haltingly through the same sequential set of environmental meat-grinders and sieves. At heart (in our genetics), there is, therefore, not that much difference among people. (Reportedly, the genetic difference between any given one man and one woman is far, far greater than the genetic differences among the modern groups of men and women on the earth.) This egalitarian impulse, bred unconsciously into our bones over a couple of million years predates Christianity -- Christianity instead is an echo of our evolutionary past and our consequently shared human genetics. Not something to try to discard by repetitive thinking. See https://hraf.yale.edu/ehc/summaries/hunter-gatherers for reports on pre-Christian/pre-Neolithic egalitarian tendencies.

Interesting maps you provided, but these are tautological not explanatory.

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Nice response, Larry. I agree with you that our overlords are deeply sociopathic, mentally ill, and violent; they seek the perpetuation of their power and control at the expense of everything else, they suppress their unconscious (ala Jung) and project their own deficiencies onto their hapless enemies. I hope the post didn't come off as supporting their perspective - merely outlining it. Most Middle Americans, "deplorables" as you say, simply want to live their lives and they are pushed and prodded into responding to these endless hyena-like shitlib provocations.

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Yours is one of the few Substack sites that my "like" button no longer works on (probably the result of just another petty local 'globohomo' tantrum), but consider this a "like" of your post and response, Neo. A prodded response can be still a self-guided response, fortunately. Most Middle Americans tend to be truculent and stubborn (and disgusted) when others try to prod and nudge them.

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Thanks Larry, and I appreciate the heads up regarding the status of the like button.

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I've seen quite a few responders (3+) to other sites I read report the same problem with their like buttons.

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My "like" button does not work on comments but I can still like a post. Interesting.

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I spend a lot of time around deeply libtarded people. They are being primed for violence — they sincerely believe that Trump is going to harm gay/black people, although they can’t articulate exactly how. The delusion is really wild to interact with in person, and even the most mild pushback generates paranoia that you, too, are a Trump supporter.

Bet: Trump will win the election, which will trigger the left powder keg. BLM will seem like a cute parade. The left (or feds posing as lefties) will start going after individuals, businesses and homes with Trump flags or otherwise known supporters. The right responds (but with guns), and voila: outright hatred (we’re so close to leftists calling for the death of Trump supporters already), an East Germany style snitch network, citizen dearmament, the works. The noose is tightening but I think Trump gets through and then is dealt massive civil unrest and the economy exploding… then WWIII starts under his Dem successor. Unless, of course, the downward cycle is interrupted, God willing.

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In general response to this low probability scenario you envision, see https://grundvilk.substack.com/p/a-few-comments-on-the-cliodynamics. But, in areas with high density of the kind of 'primed' people you speak of, it would of course be safest to just stay far away as possible and let the emotional fuel of the potentially violent burn itself out on its own.

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As you mentioned in your post, I lived in Portland for over a decade (now a couple hours away) which is definitely influencing my worst case scenario prediction. It’s a good reminder that most of the country is less of a dumpster fire.

I find sociological statistics fascinating, certainly less of a science than a philosophy using figures to make assertions. Have you heard of/read Bernoulli’s Fallacy? It addresses the crisis of reproducibility that’s hitting social science publications.

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Hadn't heard of the book you mention, but have read of the reproducibility problem -- which afflicts much modern scientific work, not just that of the social sciences. Scientific progress is all inch by inch (and always has been). Much bathwater concealing the tiny babies, after all.

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I live in a middle class city in the Mountain West. It's like a Nordic Utopia here compared to Portland. The author is just stirring stuff up for clicks. It's a waste of time.

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Stirring up stuff does help refine perceptions of some readers, however.

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WWIII needs to start under Trump, that's the only way the right will support it, and that's one of the reasons he will get it.

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Maybe - he did push the mRNA heart attack jabs, but half of his supporters (20%+ of the country) refused them anyway.

Politicians are only worth supporting so long as they support the proper positions; hero worship of anyone is wrong and doomed for disappointment.

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Don't believe your lying eyes - believe genetics

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We are made to believe that we can control the climate with our activities and that Sun is just a minor inconvenience, but at the same time we are being told that we cannot stop technological progress that we are directly responsible for. Likewise, we are being told that a genuine successful revolution of people against their masters is impossible.

What if none of that is true?

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If you havn’t seen it, you may appreciate N.S. Lyon’s take on hard versus soft managerialism. It’s a very, very long post but has some good insights: https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-china-convergence

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Thank you for mentioning the Boer War. A highly unknown and underrated event. The Brits are the ones, I believe, who first established concentration camps. They could not outfight the Boers, who established guerilla warfare tactics, so they had to resort to essentially using women and children as bait. Their record in South Africa, India and Ireland (and probably other areas I am not that familiar with) is odious. They owe reparations to many people. Obviously, their overlords were delighted with their efforts.

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Reparations? Fuck no. They are literally being punished as we speak. Half of England is a rape zone.

England should be strong again. Ireland for the Irish. England for the English. South Africa for the Boer.

In fact, all of Africa for the Boer.

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I agree with your bleak assessment but I am not sure I see the smoking gun proof of a fed-planned and controlled Redneck Rebellion. Who would be its leaders for starters? Where would it be based? I'd need some more info on that.

Secondly, the proposed war for America needs to be fought by somebody. On the one hand we have these MARS or whatever and on the other we have the sprawling federal government. The question: would American soldiers gun and drone down their own countrymen? It is generally assumed that a significant enough chunk of them wouldn't. That there simply wouldn't be enough soldiers and other enforcers to subjugate a theoretical rebellion. I don't know how to feel about this theory one way or the other.

On the one hand, Americans treat each other like jackals in the best of times and think that this is a virtue and proof of their freedumz. I blame the Libertardian psy-op for this state of affairs. On the same hand, a lot of these vets show their true colors when they join the cops and ruthlessly terrorize normal people from behind a badge. They probably have some MK-Ultra/Full Metal Jacket Skinnerian condition causing them to sperg out like this. This is the backdrop to Escape From New York, btw. Lots of psycho vets return home and are used as brutal cops called blackbellies? I think. It's explained in the novel. Furthermore, the regime is importing janissaries, as you noted before.

However, all of this seems rather silly to bring up when the real and most obvious first obstacle is the secret police infiltrating and then eventually neutralizing any friend group larger than 5 people. I don't see how any kind of third political party or grassroots cultural movement let alone massive populist uprising could occur under such draconian Soviet-tier conditions. This sort of thing would have to occur during a solar flare or in the aftermath of a nuke going off or in some foreign country.

It becomes much easier to disavow any and all political activity, illegal or legal, when you know that it will be fruitless. Don't let anyone call you a "coward" or worse a "pessimist" for just pointing out the obvious.

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"Would American soldiers gun and drone their own countrymen?"

Most likely yes. I challenge you to find, in all of history, an example of the military refusing such orders. I'm not saying it never happened, but it's definitely rare. As to the question of whether a brown military would be more likely to do it, irrelevant. White soldiers obey orders just the same. Better, probably.

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it is usually not the case of individual soldiers refusing but their commanders switching allegiances.

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There will be no redneck rebellion. The rednecks simp for Israel and at the end of the day are too unorganized and cowardly to do anything significant. A few rednecks would get themselves in trouble. Libs would freak out and then stuff would die down just like on Jan 6th.

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A 'redneck rebellion' is impossible because there is zero organization and zero logistical support. What are people going to do, walk out their front doors and open fire? At whom? At what? Or get in the car with their guns and drive to DC? If they tried that in great enough numbers to matter, all they'd accomplish would be hopelessly clogging the highways and depleting the gas stations so they'd all be stranded.

Anyhow, if there were any chance people were going to act, they would have done it merely because someone took a shot at Trump. If they didn't act then, then they will still be on the couch even if he is killed. You can betchyer bottom dollar the muds would be out there burning and looting if somebody took a shot at Obama, hit or miss. Of course the USSS wouldn't let someone get close enough to Obama to take that shot, but I digress.

There can be false flags/Ray Epps style 'rebellions." Probably will be. Sooner or later, assuredly will be. But they would have to be pretty big ones to make sufficient pretexts for whatever new 'worlds' are planned. Even J6 fell mostly short in that department. All it was really good for was getting a fraudulent election certified. So they need a false flag bigger than J6, basically. Probably much bigger. Some lone gunman, or a squad sized gaggle of them, isn't going to cut it.

Thus, I'd rate the financial collapse/war with foreign power scenarios as being far more likely candidates for ushering in the Brave New World. If they really wanted to put the fear of God in folks and get them begging for some hard tyranny, they would arrange for a limited nuclear exchange.

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Lots of good points as always but I especially liked the section 'The three types of globohomo wars' and the supposedly unsuccessful American wars.

Far too many people still think about the world as a game of Risk, where all nation-states act as

rational, sovereign and independent actors who only serve their own nation's cause. So for instance, if you go to war, the only objective is always and everywhere to 'win' that war as overwhelmingly as you can. That's how most people would think of it. But that's not how it works, it hasn't for more than a century by now.

P.S That really is a killer of a quote by Assange.

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You forgot the other issue of millions of military age males who just crossed the border. Someone I know is filling out immigration paperwork and now it straight up asks if you are willing to fight for the country and do you have firearms experience. Our infrastructure is extremely easy to sabotage, and our police and military are so weak that a few dozen illegals could hold an entire city hostage with a shipping container full of weapons. There are plenty of forces around the world who would pay good money to see the US descend into chaos, and our incompetent overlords are literally setting the table for them.

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Maybe, it (the assassination attempt) was just a ploy to break the apathy. Am i the only person who remembers reading a long article around the start of the lockdown, that NATO was gifted, the 7th largest military base in the USA -- in Louisiana so NATO could have a small navy and an airfield there? because i cannot find anything about joint access bases by nato and the usa now. maybe i have low band width and the power is in flux, but, no one has enough ammo stockpiled for a war like that to end in anything other than your death. I like to think people are not that stupid. This could be instigated in the cities, sure. It would be politically useful only if you want to erase the usa off the face of the earth forever. NATO has unlimited firepower and 2 million military aged men from foreign lands already IN the country to draw from. what do you think all those guys crossing the boarder so easily are for anyway? it is not just happening here. The Redneck rebellion is their wet dream, and very marketable. they will prolly use this exact narrative to sell/explain why NATO has to come in and bring order by wasting everything is sight especially the food production and water. whether it happens or not. we are being herded into those camps supposedly (visibly online), they are only those 2. libtards and christian nationalists rednecks. those are false categories. you left out the fentayl junkinies (they ain't fighting anyone) and the white trash, the native americans, the mexicans and so on. there just are not that many red necks. they are rural, few, far between. who has enough gas for that alone? if they want a fight like that, it will need way better funding, and we have been stripped of our assets (lost somewhere in ukraine and israel) for a long while now. it just is not possible. it may be the chose narrative tho, i grant you that, but it bears not resemblance to reality that i can see. it will have to be deep faked mostly. staged, set up.

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This is the ultimate problem with elite theory, which the author is proceeding from. It assumes nothing changes without elite approval. But if this were the case we would all still be ruled by the descendents of Pharoahs and Chinese Bronze Age aristocracy.

Elites fuck up. They always eventually do. That is not to say the current elites have, or even that a redneck rebellion will be successful. However, the elites have already made significant miscalculations regarding Russia and China.

They may well make miscalculations regarding the rednecks. I just don’t see elite theory as anything more than a guideline

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They definitely mess up, they’re not Gods. They messed up by accidentally letting Trump win in 2016 by not rigging it enough and they messed up their recent failed assassination attempt. Every attempt to build the Tower of Babel will ultimately end in failure - how it happens, I don’t know.

China and Russia, like U.S. elites, are mere servants of the world order though as discussed here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-global-world-order-is-centralized

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That is where there is a bit of disagreement. I think that China and Russia both were, how to say… in on it, and now they are not. I think that a significant realignment is in fact occurring. Internationally.

I think that for all intents and purposes, while dissidents in the West may not like or desire the Russian and Chinese movements’ goals, it is a movement away from the hegemony the elites in the West had all but sewn up.

I think much of why it has occurred is um… how to put this nicely…. Ancient ethnic rivalries against the Russians many in the elite have

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What is the meaning of your name?

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It is a reference to Cixin Liu’s Remembrance of Earth’s Past series. A type of character in it is called a Wallfacer

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I thought it was interesting, discovering you in the comments, since I happen to mention the Wallfacers in my last post.

As to the Op's argument about Redneck rebellion being crushed. it smells like a Tokyo Rose type of argument in favor of avoiding war at all costs.

While I do see plenty of logic in OP's argument, in spite of everything in his post, it ignores a fact of history.

I could not find any historical evidence of an oppressed people regaining their liberty without the willingness, to engage their oppressors in battle.

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Re: the redneck rebellion, the point offered was that successful rebellions throughout history have always had either institutional and/or foreign backing. Because the middle American middle class has a flat zero representation in governing institutions (Trump as the head of the executive branch was at least theoretically supportive of them, although not in actual practice), such a rebellion would be doomed to failure. Worse - actually much worse - the right has no dynamic counter-ideal to offer, it is merely reactive, it has no idea who to target or what ideals to push for other than “liberalism without immigration” - it merely wants a return to some recent period of the past, the 1980s or 1960s or whatever which is impossible. The blogger Kynosargas covered this point well. Unless or until a counter-elite forms to the egalitarianism of the west, and this counter-elite seizes at least some institutional power, there is nothing to do other than education, even though globohomo continues their attacks with endless monetary printing and endless open borders. It is a paradox.

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Yes, Dr Metias Desmet described the problems with elite theory on his substack. It's a much better read than this nonsense.

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Thankyou for the mention. So that is mass psychosis formation guy…. Look, I start from two simple axioms. The elite are people. People die.

Because the elite are people this means that no matter how brilliant those amongst them may be or how good their strategic planning might be they will be imperfect. Also, I think we all wear different hats. I mean who I am at work is a different aspect of my personality than who I am at work, or with my children, or my wife, or my friends, etc. one can be quite competent at work and a horrible spouse, parent, etc. Because people die whoever begins an elite cycle will have to pass the reigns to someone else. No matter how airtight the system they create, descendents (whether literal or spiritual) will fuck it up.

I think that elites cycle. These cycles have variable times, some elites rule over foreigners (by blood), some are close to the people they rule. There are many variations all with their own difficulties.

Looking at our elites I see a disjointed elite. It is a combination of billionaires who pursue money and power at all costs, sometimes for their own personal reasons, and sometimes out of greater philosophical construct. You have ethnic lobbies, who are pursuing their own interests or what they perceive to be the interests of their group. You have as well, elites who seem to be taken by strange ideas of destruction.

With this level of upheaval, it is difficult to say what will happen next. Mainly because over the hill are different societies with different elites and different struggles who are moving up

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A courageous friend, writing where few will tread.

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Thanks William. It wasn’t an easy one to post as I expected criticism from every direction.

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Their main goal is global CBDC, defacto global slavery with control beyond their wildest dreams, debt default with no intentions of ever paying it back is part of this, they need something to blame the default on. Secondary goal is depopulation.

I don't think any kind of rebellion is even remotely possible in western countries, widepsread rioting the media will try to sell as some sort of rebellion is plausible, but nothing organised, if there is any organised malitia type activity it will be a response to the rioting, trying to restore law and order, but that would allow time to organise and it would depend just how hard globohomo had pushed people, when people lose everything, people lose it. They had the foresight to disarm the UK back in 1996 off the back of a false flag pretext, so it'd be sticks and stones over here anyway.

See Leeds in the UK recently for an example of how highly strung neglected inner cities are, contracted social services decided to take some (Romanian) kids into care, locals got uppity, police stepped in and removed the kids and socal workers for their protection, locals got even more uppity and thousands hit the streets for 3 days of general, very multicultural, riotery; until they got enough riot police in to wag the finger at them.

If you'd posed the 'how are they going to achive this' question back in 2019, I would have said WWIII is odds on favorite, now I'm not so sure. They mite call it WWIII, but it will be more akin to the controlled attritional warfare going on in Ukraine, mutually agreed depopulation and distruction, giving the excuse to default on national debts and bring in their CBDC solution, the back office is already in place and David Webbs "The Great Taking" explains how they're going to hoover up all the assets for pennies.

That could bring people into the streets, but if most of the men (and women I guess nowadays) are away doing their national service protecting the psychopathic rulers of the sand pit from the evil bogeyman du jour, who knows, most of europe has a national service/draft statute on their books now, UK floated the idea but then left it hanging since the election, where too may people voted for another obvious globohomos yes man.

Trannsfecting ~70% of western plebs with a prionergic calalysing genetic soup has a high chance of fulfulling thier depopulation agenda, we won't know how successful that was for another ~6yrs, euthenasia laws are already seeding themselves throughout the western countries in preperation.

The west does seem to have a hard on for war tho, against all logic, so who knows. Most of Natos forces couldn't muster enough hardware to take a proper war seriously anyway, so anything serious would be up to you colonials while we cheer you on.

They could just as easily pull the pin on a global financial meltdown, a global great depression on acid would make populations putty in thier hands, eager for their digital solution.

Bad timing for me, it'll all be kicking off when my 3 score yrs and ten are just about up, I hope I still have enough teeth left to chew the popcorn lol.

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The danger of arming up for war is that the population might turn their weapons on you

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Maybe if Corbyn had got in, not in any other circumstance, and the coup within the Labour party which ejected the entire left wing has made sure that could never happen again.

99% of military officers are public shoolboys (an odd British name for very expensive private schools, officers get MOD funding for their kids private education), a large % are left handed brick layers (Masons) and the 'establishment' literally runs through their veins, i.e. top brass are hereditary aristocrats. NCOs are brainwashed to follow orders, there's zero chance the armed forces would rebel against the establishment, there's more chance they would willingly fire on the population.

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"So, grossly oversimplified, the U.S. government had borrowed $21 trillion, and then something like that amount of money disappeared out the back door of DOD’s and HUD’s—or Treasury’s—bank accounts.

In theory, this makes DOD and the U.S. government’s bank depository—the New York Fed and the private banks that own it and implement many of its operations—the largest money laundering institutional team in the history of the world.

Note that the New York Fed became a shareholder of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in October 1994. The BIS is based in Basel, Switzerland and is the central bank of central banks, having 63 of the largest central banks in the world as its members. The BIS enjoys sovereign immunity and can hold assets without disclosure on its balance sheet. What role the BIS may have played in helping to facilitate New York Fed depository transactions, including those that resulted in the $21 trillion in undocumentable adjustments, is an important unanswered question."


Musings on the Department of Defense

Guest post by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari.com



"For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset."

Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump

MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset



Tokenized, Inc: BlackRock’s Plan To Own The Fractionalized World

In the aftermath of the recent Bitcoin ETF approvals, BlackRock’s Larry Fink revealed that soon everything will be “ETF’d” and tokenized, threatening to fractionalize not just existing assets and commodities, but the natural world, reducing most living things into Wall Street financial products to be traded on a single, universal ledger.


"This is corporate capture down to the molecule: a ledger entry for the protons in the new and improved fractionalized atom – courtesy of Larry Fink and his Tokenized, Inc."


Forgive Us Our Enshittification

Jesus died for our debt, not our sins


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Great view and I agree with the failure of a rebellion, it requires a lot of effort, common leadership, and enough courage, which is hard to find since January 6th. On the other hand, I believe that actions like strikes or the Canadian truckers’ convoy could be an interesting option to explore, as someone who lives in a country parlaysed by strikes or students’ protests in the past I can assure they have worked well (with the former even destroying the economy as it happened in 1980). Regarding forever wars, a drastic collapse in draft recruitments will be enough; once white Americans understand that they must not fight for a state that hates them and this is completely logical then we can enjoy globalists coping as they try to recruit their so-called

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I think a more plausible scenario (with better odds for the good guys) would be a Redneck Rebellion in conjunction with a secession movement (the Bible Belt states etc). Globohomo might not even mind carving out the big pie this way (a la Korea, or The Man In The High Castle), as they’ll end up with some prime real estate on the coasts, then try to deal with the rest later.

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My thoughts exactly.

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"combined with it’s likely intentional mirroring"

Yes. They could have assassinated JFK or DT in no-chances-taken, as well as easier ways. But they had "good" reasons to go for it the way they did.

One was to anger some; but there are others (some of which among have been touched on on this Stack pastly), ranging from superficial (or apparently that) to deep in their motivations and or goals.

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