Pretty wild to watch history in real-time only for people to downplay or dismiss the significance of a literal assassination attempt, which miraculously failed somehow, during a pivotal moment when the US Republic is collapsing in on itself.

I agree, there's no time to waste for whitewashing and smudging.

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A clearly fake assassination attempt on Trump

And how do we know it's fake? Because if you're a real threat to the establishment and they want to assassinate you, they don't just "attempt" it (see the fate of true political hero, John Magufuli, late President of Tanzania, who told his people Covid was a hoax and warned them not to take the vaccine. Contrast that to Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump...).

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Hi Truth, feel free to comment but please don’t spam the same comment over and over again, thank you.

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Feels like a psy-ops imho. Which way though?

Wonderful optics, galvanizes the base, and feels the narrative of Trump vs the deep state. All very useful in the society of the spectacle. Photos can be modified, Hollywood special effects are possible. Why so publicly? As you say possible hillbilly revolution, like J6 which was ridiculous and he left them to rot in cells, also not sure how you miss at this distance, but the intensity of the moment is most defiantly a factor. Not sure how you can 'just' clip the ear though too. Only Tyson's that good. The level of secret service incompetence is impossible, and the MSN stories are pushing hard the the firecracker, 'pop' false narrative... Whole thingas divide an conquer ? Get the party started for real?.... or more J6 foolery?

Trumps history is one of corruption and personally feel like people pinning all their hopes and dreams on him as Democrats did with Obama is foolish. Trump University and Casino were pump and dump on scale scams, up until recently he was a long term Democrat supporter, especially the Clinton's. Did some acting the the Apprentice and his first term was a big nothing, while initiating the CoVid rollout. This is the guy who is going to make America great again? I'll take the other side of that bet, on meaningful metrics eg income, affordable housing, reduction of debt etc Of course can be wrong.

Bottom line is even if he is 'real' and has a % of elite onboard, they can just neuter him as they did before... so why the drama? Perhaps for the sake of the spectacular? Infighting amongst elites?

If it is real, the level of incompetence amongst the ruling elite is astounding. Sort of 'emperor has no cloths' retarded, or the old man in the wizard of Oz behind the screen banging pots and pans. Not entirely sure which one is more frightening tbh. I like to think I'm being out-played by 5D chess wizards, Operation Gladio, MK Ultra deep psyops style, if its this, well then. I'd like a refund and will adjust accordingly.

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Assange was asked why they hadn't dished the dirt on Trump and replied that "there isn't any".

When I hear about how corrupt he is, I will always ask you to provide irrefutable evidence of said corruption, or it's just more media / TDS bullshit.

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Most business he has been involved in has failed and investors taken to the cleaners. Search court case over the years. It's not corruption, it's business as usual though. Legal Ponzi scene. Perhaps you'd like to send your children to Trump University? Or go and live in the any number of buildings he's financed that were billed to be at x standard and then turned out to be severely lacking. Excluding Trump towers ofc. We've seen what he's about in his first term. Much to do about nothing, and rolled out the vaccination. What else do you need? Given a choice between Boden and him, it's the easiest decision, vote trump and go about your day. That's the real amount of time we all should spending on this though.

I don't fault him really, don't hate the player, hate the game etc and of any of the elite I give him a fighting chance of being stripped of everything, shipped off to say Somalia and being able to live, and even thriving there, even at his current age. The pirates would probably welcome him.His hustle is real. Great mental image of him rolling out with a crew to highjack a supertanker, but I digress.

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Who said there are elections, ?

Selections where puppets take turns while the globalists proceed with their plan uninterrupted

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Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump.  Considering  he was bailed out in the 90's by  a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka  carries a title of a young global  leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push  for  the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for  hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners

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Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of  Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control  ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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Trump University was not created by Trump.

He did put his name to one, but so did a many other rich investors and to my knowledge they all failed the same way.

Business wise, I understand that his success rate is well above the average.

Maybe you'd prefer Bernie?

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Maybe you research a bit instead of shilling

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Assange is a shill of DS and an agent of Soros

As far as trump - sorry u were too busy listening to his bs instead watching his deeds

Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

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Tds is what the trump cultists are inflicted with

how do we know it's fake? Because if you're a real threat to the establishment and they want to assassinate you, they don't just "attempt" it (see the fate of true political hero, John Magufuli, late President of Tanzania, who told his people Covid was a hoax and warned them not to take the vaccine. Contrast that to Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump

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Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of  Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control  ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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just read this morning that in the meanwhile the WHO installed its pandemic preparedness plan. While we were distracted by a bleeding ear? Also, every moment people, children die in Palestina. Barely anyone spills a word on that anymore. The world with its wide spread news is a sad place.

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Good info 👍 tends to be the case I think, real getting blasted out with noise.

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This ....

.((shin_ksge)s a stentorian magisterial.erudite..intellectually pointillistic... non schizoid adult in the room real substantive comment*God bless.**

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Disliking 30 pieces of silver clockwork orange chabadniick grifter trumpdog..the*amoral solipsist in chief*..lolita express superstar...warp speed genocider...destroy America for Isreal trumprat....who funded

bill gates...Ukraine..bombed Syria for javanka and..Isreal.....does not mean preferring genocide Joe..Isreal firster pedophile con artist socialist sputtering

Bernie..or any other "hero of aipac*..maybe...it's more important...to find the 2nd shooter.if there was one ...on this obvious deliberately sloppy set up.....but please be respectful of intelligent dissenters....millions feel betrayed by trumpdog...many millions of Americans don't think trumptardism is an answer to anything...many of us voted anti-hilly Rosenberg Clinton the first time.....and lived to see t--,rump break a trillion original core campaign promises....we aren't vindictive manipulating hateful mossad Jews but we also don't forget"....please don't blame dissenters on the right or mainstream..we--didnt shoot-trump" or anyone..but trump betrayed America left and right ..as an obrse..pro-palestinian genocide-jew...trump...the frail billionaire .78 year old man.. needs to look at the many millions of Americans he betrayed..let down..backstabbed..failed....trumpdog can shove new Jew kung flu ---and his red fag laws and love of transgender surgery and LGBTQ too*

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Was watching CBS coverage... About 20 mins or so after Bidens address they had some DHS spook (very creepy "lady", wouldn't rule out trans) on to connect this to "rising extremism" which is obviously right-coded in the media, and then went on to say that what we *really* need to worry about is retaliatory violence. Clearly in place to frame the event just as you said.

Also, throughout the night there was clearly an attempt to portray this as a "mass shooting" style event rather than a targeted professional assassination, which it obviously was. They must have said 10 times that maybe trump was just hit with some sort of shrapnel or ricochet, as if he wasn't clearly the intended target.

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indeed, who benefits most?

Biden - suddenly the onslaught to remove him is disapeared like a fart in the wind.

The DNC/deepstate - no trump, they can continue their outright sale of america to china

The families of the 3 letter agencies that run the banks and the ops against/for any profitable targets.

How did a 20 year old, who lived an hour and a half away know which building to climb, how to access it, when to be there, how to sneak a long gun into high security area and all the other logistical questions of pulling off an assasination of a former president?

His parents appear to be living off the government tit, quite well. was he groomed by them for his role? There are many more questions, then answers. why was he "allowed" deep penetration of the outer perimeter? Why was the rooftop unsecured. j

President Trump is alive because of God, we have seen his hand upon us in real time. I am not deeply religous in the traditional sense, but I cannot deny what I have seen.

God saved this nation and Donald Trump, make of it what you will. I am in awe...

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Smart and concise summary. I am of the religious community and believe the same. I also liked your hat tip to Shawshank Redemption in your “fart in the wind” quote. 100% on target Biden benefited from this, even managing to sound coherent in his statement on the assassination attempt. He screwed up by calling him “Donald” though, never referred to the man by his given name in my memory.

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Really?did God"save trumprat to. fund bill gates..?..palestine genocides the gay Jew disco meat grinder in jewkraine? Trump funded WeF...javanka is a proud WeF member.a vote for trumprat is a vote for Jared kushner..schmuely botwach..rothschild.....wake up!....trump's ineptitude is legendary..we non Sectarian pro..2A Christians recall 30 pieces of silver broken trumpdog promises all over the floor not long ago...big Catherine rightly mentioned warp speed genocide ....warp speed incompetence...was this more professional wrestling,bread and circuses fuzzy emotional thinking theater?...**just saying..,.-the Beast was wounded and his wound miraculously healed**trumprat converted to chabad Judaism in 2018..Chabad is deeply Antichrist ** so forget jewkraine..Palestine..DIE*critical race theory*agenda 2030,murder rates skyrocketing.preplanned mass starvation..because...."trumpdog."..no thanks.**

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You're beginning to get incoherent. Perhaps you could try to make a cogent argument?

pretend everyone doesn't have all the thoughts that are in your head, and then try to line your thoughts up in a logical and meaningful way that presents your ideas in a thoughtful manner that would inspire curiosity and a desire to know more about the topics you raise. or babble on...

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We don't know you....** Are you a jr.high school grammar Nazi ?Try having a heart for truth ..try not condescending or pontificating that you have some great inner light that all of the many dissenters to your view

don't possess..go hurl valid rocks at the person in the mirror..the one who obviously forgot that you live in a glass house...send your condescending hate mail to Isreal kushner ..sstanyaho..schumer boteach..zelensky Soros Biden pritzker..emhoff....do the world a favor..don't respond to what we intelligently thoughtfully bother to write..fact stands.....as real Non Sectarian Pro 2A Christians strive..millions of decent folks share the perspective we communicated..sorry you don't seem to comprehend it..sorry you didn't like it..other decent dissenting folks actually step back and think things thru..then again..many persecutorial flat minded normie s will accept many old lies with new faces .but..thanks for your *paternalistic*effort at sharing your..*opinions*...do us a favor..stay the hell away**

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someone needs a hug......

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I'm in awe too! Trump and his ear of steel! The ear that can not be blown to smithereens by a bullet travelling faster than the speed of sound!

An ear that shows absolutely zero damage once the gigantic bandage was removed!

Utter and complete awe.

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First of all. it's notable that all the assassination attempts, successful or failed, on national leaders in recent times are against leaders who were or would be considered anti globalist/anti Davos.... Fico, Abe, Trump, Raisi. You don't see any globalist friendly leaders getting knocked off. Simultaneously, the globalists tell fairy tales about the dangerous, violent "populist" threat to "democracy." There really aren't sufficient words to describe the despicable subhuman scum that these people are, and thus nothing is too fantastical when it comes to theorizing what lengths they will go.

The utter and total incompetence of the USSS (that's the best possible thing you can say about it) in leaving that rooftop unsecured beggars belief. I don't believe it. This wasn't midtown Manhattan, there were not many rooftops to consider, indeed that was the most prominent one besides the one directly behind the speaker's platform. Simply unfathomable, and thus unacceptable on its face. Even untrained school children tasked with event security would know to command/secure that rooftop. I do not accept any "oops" explanations for this.

At the same time, it is plausible that the warnings from bystanders could be innocently ignored. Say it's some local cop they told, he likely would have been as incredulous as me at the prospect of that rooftop being unsecured, and quite possibly assumed it was a secret service sniper up there. Perhaps comms with other officers were not what they should have been, something for which an "oops" explanation is more plausible.

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Trump as anti davos? Could you elaborate on this? He was a very proud and frequent visitor. When was the change?

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Looking at the first video of the counter sniper team it sounds like they shot first then the several shots from the assassin. At 1/4 speed looking at just the video element in case the sound synch is off you see the CS rifle rise for it's shot and it looks like Trump covers his ear after that. Did the shots at Trump come from further back and someone else? Curious.

Not going to expound on what a rookie move it was to raise off the scope.

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sound can be deceiving when rounds are traveling faster than the speed of sound, The snipers were of the mindset the perimeter was being policed so they had their scopes aligned for far targets. The shooter was very close in relative terms, with the magnifaction of the scopes it would take longer to bring him into field of view using the scope, than simply looking over it. Time was critical in this response.

From what has been released so far, it appears he had rigged his vehicle with explosives and was planning on creating a distraction so he could fire at will. The police discovered him on the roof, he threatened to shoot them, they retreated and he took his shots then, knowing he didn't have long before he would be removed.

I'm not gonna second guess the snipers, they handled the situation. My ire lies with the leaders of the Secret Service and whoever was the local head of this SNAFU...

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Yes and we already have multiple "credible" but contradictory accounts on timing (saw the guy wandering around for 30 minutes, etc) and accountability (local LE was responsible for the building, local LE snipers were *inside the building, protection detail snipers - Hawkeye - were told to not engage unless the sniper shot first, etc).

I'm only going to ask the question, who and what agencies have been after Trump for the last 8 years to keep him out of office again? Illegally so like the Steele dossier for example. Something to think about.

Incidentally the current information and video shows the counter snipers had their scopes set on the sniper for several minutes.

Explosives always seem to show up in the events staged or helped by the 3 letter agencies, like the J6 pipe bombs. Curious we have no photos of those or the ones supposedly found at his home. More so that there are no photos of the rifle, they usually plaster those all over the place.

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Cui bono? In the short term, it gets Team Biden's negotiations with globohomo off the front pages.

J6 was orchestrated, decent people were manipulated, and a script was followed by all the uniparty players to declare it an insurrection with National Guard drama. Therefore I find the argument J13 was supposed to be the precipitating event for white nationalists to rise up and be crushed, compelling.

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Yes, exactly…

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I have a stupid question… not trying to defend the SS sniper team that was late to engage, but what are their rules of engagement? Based on the eyewitness account from the Trump supporter that has the sniper crawling into position and firing off shots within 5 minutes, would the SS sniper team be allowed to shoot at an unknown sniper that just crawled into position in less than 5 minutes without the sniper first shooting? Were they hesitating because of potential friendly fire?

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The shooter was on a roof and by himself; there wouldn’t be friendly fire. I don’t know exactly what the rules of engagement are but no, they are not supposed to allow the shooter to get off a shot before returning fire.

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Makes sense. Yeah, SS probably has some sort of safeguard in place that dictates only their sniper teams are allowed on roof tops in the vicinity and no other law enforcement sniper teams are allowed to crawl on to roofs.

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At the very least, an unknown person on a roof means security should have had Trump in a car long before

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Not a stupid question Luc. First, the kid was not in any sort of uniform (police or other), helmet, vest/gear, etc., he was in civilian clothing carrying a rifle. No business there whatsoever. The normal counter-sniper team ROE should be to have acquired him in their scopes, requested police to immediately investigate, and regardless if the responding officers even arrived, the moment the kid dropped down to a shooting stance they should have immediately fired & killed him.

This is literally a total FUBAR on the SS and heads should roll, firings, resignations and possible prosecutions. I hope the gal running the SS will at least resign, as she was the one denying additional agents requested by Trump’s detail, but since she’s a DEI hire, I doubt it.

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Do we know they were an SS sniper team? They had POLICE on their jackets. Maybe they were PA State SWAT under direction of Presidential Probably Governor Shapiro. If this thing had succeeded he is one of the people in the nation most well positioned to benefit. There may have been riots in PA and he would have stepped forth as the capable leader able to protect the nation from the MAGA extremists etc.

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I beleive they were SS. however anyone who can qualify for sniper status can handle a target that close.

Secret service was in charge of covering the 2 closest perimeters to the president, the local police had the 3rd perimeter where the assasin was on the roof. so the snipers would have been Secret Service as they were inside the closer perimeters.

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Some astute observer pointed out that photo looks suspiciously like the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima.

Whenever there's an (already questionable, likely-staged) event like this, you have to ask "what is the intended reaction?".

The reaction will be to rile up, and anger Trump’s base.

Cast against current political events - where Joe Biden refuses to step down, guaranteeing almost certain defeat for Democrats, and ask what useful purpose an angry Trump base might serve?

Could a "right-wing extremist" become so incensed by this event that he's compelled to avenge it?

Do the Left need Joe Biden gone, but any action on their part will look like they were complicit?

Would it be advantageous to set up the other side, to lay false blame?

I predict JB will be out of the picture within weeks.

And we'll have the biggest story of the decade; how Donald Trump and his base murdered a sitting President.

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Yes, Alex Jones predicted globohomo will murder Biden and blame it on a Trump supporter. But I think those false flags or actual revenge attacks would have been *much* more believable if Trump had actually been assassinated. I don't see a riled up Trump base being egged on to that behavior based off the results from today.

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I don't either. But I don't think the perp would actually be a Trump supporter. The Public just needs to be TOLD it was a Trump supporter.

And you're right, a real Trump assassination would be much more believable, but (a) as they've found with the bogus legal prosecutions, it just further galvinizes the base (figurehead or no figurehead) and (b) a real Trump assassination would squarely point at Democrats.

Better to get rid of the liability Democrats believe is holding them back, but pin it on someone else. You elevate your slain hero to martyr, you keep your own hands clean, and you blow a massive hole in any support for the opposing campaign, while at the same time generating sympathy votes and reeling back in those who were considering leaving the plantation.

This event is either a setup with Act II to come.

OR there's another big event going on right now that they want all eyes off.

Time will tell.

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“Likely-staged”?! Hey nitwit, have you ever shot a gun in your life?

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I wrote in my book "Our Country Then and Now" that the "lawfare" attacks on Trump were a slow-motion assassination attempt that began even before he was inaugurated in January 2017. Well, the "lawfare" was failing, so......


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Some interesting theories here.

Timing and purpose make the most sense in this piece.

The sheer chaos that would have resulted had the assassin been “successful” cannot be overstated.

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The shooter was allegedly antifa.

The web address antifa dot com takes you directly to the whitehouse.

It previously ( before his installation) took you to Joe Bidens own website.

The bolsheviks behind antifa, are also behind Pedo Joe.

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still not convinced either way - first thought yes, an assassination attempt, then read some discrepancies, and yes they are there. All the while this is a show - it does not matter who resides in the WH, the president has not ruled the country for 100 years. The only one who resisted was done like trump - but with better shooters. Those who think that the president is in power, might want to read some books - a good one is from 1971, No one dare call it conspiracy. Or some Eustace Mullins, which I only know from his Death by injection - but that too, describes the money and the power grab.

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Nice analysis. And Globohomo have now probably blown it with Trump as it's now probably more difficult for them to pull off another Trump assassination, though a dumb VP pick (which unfortunately seems almost certain) may encourage another try. If Biden doesn't withdraw he seems a very tempting target for them now - by of course a retarded Trump supporter expertly groomed by the FBI. Interestingly the failed attempt on Trump may also indicate the degradation of competence under Globohomo. When they did the Kennedy brothers they made sure by taking the precaution of having multiple shooters in place for both.

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So it is feasible that Biden or Harris will be shot and the killing blamed on deranged MAGA redneck.

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Yes, that's what Alex Jones suggests may happen next (or they'll go for Trump again using another method like poisoning or the CIA heart attack gun). But the emotional/psychic "juice" behind such a "MAGA revenge attack" is off by 90%+ because Trump survived with a flesh wound...

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EXCLUSIVE: Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20 year old shooter who tried assassinating President Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last night, was featured in a BlackRock


ad in 2023! The ad was filmed at Bethel Park High School.

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I would suggest short term only. The spinning is strong. In certain ways that Trump did not have a heart attack when shot is remarkable given his physical health and age. More remarkable is that moment reminding me of an iconic image, but of course Trump pumping his fist defiantly.

Trump is not part of the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Biden crime gang. His relationship to the CIA though longstanding extending to Resorts International and earlier did not nest in the crime gang which runs the CIA at present.

I suppose what might be most effective is a moment in time where Biden and Trump are in very close proximity and a suitcase nuke goes off.

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If this was a loner with ideology, you'd expect to see a manifesto with a statement. High school shootings are one thing, but political shootings are something else - and these days, legitimate ideological political assassins post stuff online to make the reasons known.

Without that.... things look pretty dodgy.

By the way, this is the fellow who FBI says did it. It's the original source video - timestamped - but he's got short hair there - without seeing his most recent pics, it's hard to say if it's him (did he grow his hair long or not?) or perhaps the antifa Yearick fellow many suggest. https://youtu.be/RkGUEBN_u8U?t=4083

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