Sep 14, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Thank you for your well phrased tribute. The Wikileaks reveal of DNC and Podesta emails started my journey towards truth, and I appreciate JA very much for his sacrifice.

I remember a challenge on the chans to find one email among the lot that actually addressed public interest. Not a single one could be found. The administrative state is solely about mongering power and money.

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Awesome, inspiring, beautiful and well-researched tribute. Thank you.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

So, basically you are a believer in old-style feudalism (i.e., it's a matter of 'meet the new boss -- same as the old boss')? I ask because you write,

"With respect to #3, perhaps transparency at all costs will lead to a better future for all down the road, but a non-productive elite using guile and military might to secure the excess production of farmers has existed universally since the neolithic agricultural revolution. It is simply human nature. There isn’t going to be a kumbaya moment where the masses are smart and dedicated enough to prevent this kind of elite grifting from occurring; rather, the important thing to me seems to be supporting an elite that have noblesse oblige to the masses instead of noblesse malice, that promotes values of greatness, honor, nobility, and strength of purpose instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator, and ties responsibility to power, which is only possible with a king or dictator versus an oligarchy. An oligarchy will stick figureheads in power while they operate behind the scenes to crush the population in order to suck it dry; but a king or dictator knows that ultimately they will be held responsible to the public, and therefore they will try to deliver better results to the masses than an oligarchy. By Assange pushing for transparency at all costs, I think he may have gone up against too fundamental of a drive of human nature. "

There are a whole lot of assumptions are expressed in that statement above, assumptions evidently not held by people like Assange. For some recent reports on the positive influence of transparency, see https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/the-state-of-the-contest?. Kumbaya one step at a time -- same as it ever was.

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The Cliff Notes answer to why I believe human nature is not immutable: even at the worst of times and under the worst of conditions, humans can learn (and remember) remarkably well and relatively rapidly adjust themselves accordingly. The main operand in the bottleneck function I posit is very recently mentioned elsewhere (https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/decolonisation-and-how-the-elites): "This modern strain of decolonisation draws substantially from postmodern and poststructuralist thinkers like Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida and Edward Said. Building on Marxist concepts, it rejects Enlightenment notions of objective truth, universal science, and an external reality beyond human perception. Instead, postmodernism contends all knowledge and morality are socially constructed, contingent on one's culture or position in society. No immutable facts exist beyond competing power dynamics." These named contentions are over the long run entirely empty and absolutely impotent bullshit, no matter the temporary state of "competing power dynamics". An example of how this bottleneck already applies? Despite Trump facing 90 'word attacks' and 1000+ of his most dedicated allies now being in prison, and despite the rest of the happy-happy rigamarole of those vaingloriously wielding "competing power" right now, where is the hard power you speak of in America when those who might want to wield such power are themselves doing their damndest to destroy such power? Surely, you know that the basic nature of all branches of the US military has abruptly changed since 2020 because of its infection with 'postmodernism' policies. Surely you have heard that the traditional conservative state dominant sources of new military recruits have all but dried up? Surely you realize that people like Trump's most dedicated allies won't continue to make the same sort of over-trusting mistakes as they did in 'J6'? The 'oligarchy' makes a very lousy boxer, so blatantly and carelessly does it telegraph its intent -- and then it punches itself in its own face.

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