Profiles in Courage #4: Charles August Lindbergh
A leading early opponent of the Federal Reserve
This is part 4 of a reoccurring series highlighting specific individuals (either living or historical figures who are not well known) who have displayed true, unquestionable courage standing up to the globohomo behemoth against unrelenting pressures, serving as a bit of a counter to the typical grim perspective pushed on this Substack. These individuals pay a price, often a big price, for their courage, and for standing up anyway they deserve to be applauded. Part 1 covers Ian Smith, who stood up to global hysteria around the COVID narrative at its peak; Part 2 covers Julian Assange, who pushed a vision of radical governmental transparency at odds with globohomo’s desire for control over a worldwide slave colony; and Part 3 covers Gareth Jones, who was the only reporter to reveal the Holodomor to the world.
“It is utterly indefensible that we should go on piling up debts under an arbitrary system which it is impossible to physically comply with except by reducing the masses of mankind to a constantly lower and lower industrial state.” - Charles August Lindbergh, 1917
Charles August Lindbergh was a Swedish-born and U.S. raised farmer and Congressman, mostly known as the father of famed aviator Charles Lindbergh. Despite his enormous popularity, Lindbergh the aviator was viciously smeared by the media and semi-destroyed for trying to keep America out of World War 2 with the America First Committee, which later formed the basis of Trump’s “America First” and which recently got made into a gross in-your-face propaganda HBO miniseries which I don’t plan to watch. Like father like son: Charles August Lindbergh had tried to keep America out of World War 1, and he bitterly opposed the creation of the monstrous Federal Reserve in 1913, which made me interested in his story.
To get a sense for the mind of the man I picked up one of his books, “Why Is Your Country at War and What Happens to You after the War and Related Subjects.” Serving as a pro-peace and anti-Federal Reserve polemic, it was originally scheduled to be published in 1917 when Lindbergh was an active Congressman, but Federal agents destroyed the printing plates under the Comstock laws. It was eventually published posthumously in 1934 long after the relevant moment had passed. Seeing books censored makes me interested in them, and this was no exception; please note, conservatives, that America has never possessed the mythical fabled unicorn of “freedom of speech”….
Lindbergh’s pro-peace sentiments in the lead-up to war were widely seen as being pro-German. Lindbergh was one of only 14 congressmen to vote against the arming of United States merchant ships which led to war. For background, although Lindbergh was Swedish the United States had a large population of German immigrants, and globohomo asking them to wage war against their homeland was always a tricky business. There were about 5.5 million Germans in America by 1920, mostly settled in small farms throughout the Midwest. Hardworking and industrious, they suffered handedly at the policies of the monopolistic big banks of the northeast which sought to strip them of their holdings and impoverish them.
Compare this to the population of Germany itself, which in 1920 was roughly 60 million. In other words, Germany had lost around 10% of its population to emigration to America over a hundred year period — an astonishing percent. And Germans in America were, just as they were everywhere else, extremely productive.1 Indeed, this issue was apparently forefront on Hitler’s mind after World War 1 when he realized so many of the Allied soldiers were German emigres, per Cesar Tort.
The flip side of this was that it was seen as unpatriotic to be pro-German; there was a lot of American anti-German sentiment and thousands of German Americans were rounded up and interned during the war. As such, Lindbergh crouched his book defensively, writing: “It is impossible according to the big press to be a true American unless you are pro-British. If you are really for America first, last and all the time, and solely for America and for the masses primarily, then you are classed as pro-German by the big press which are supported by the speculators. In the discussion of all subjects in this volume, it is my aim to impartially state the truth, whether it favors or disfavors England, Germany or even America itself.” Keep in mind that just like in World War 2, the vast majority of the U.S. public was isolationist and against war until manipulated by the press and politicians into it. Lindbergh prefaced his book with a reprint of William W. Clay’s anti-war poem “What for?”, which is touching enough to include here:
This is what a poem should be: direct and touching at the heart. I suppose this is why I like few poems.
Lindbergh correctly believed that speculative interests had taken control of the country via the Federal Reserve Act, and they wanted to push America into war in order to profit immensely, backstopped by the masses via enormous increases in public debt and felt in the form of inflation:
We elect our own representatives, and if we ourselves know what we want and see to it that they, too, know, there would be no trouble in their truly representing us. The trouble has been largely with ourselves. We have not known what we really wanted, while “big business,” thriving off our earnings, knows exactly what it wants, has abundant means, and is completely organized to act and does act in every emergency for its own selfish ends. The special interests have experts to draft their plans. Did we not see how quickly they took hold of the war, at the time it started in Europe and again when we declared war? They are always ready, because they get the earnings from our toil. They know just what they want and have always gotten our representatives to grant it to them. In the last few years they have gotten their greatest increase of wealth.
To elaborate on this topic further, Lindbergh continued:
Already since the war began in Europe, the financial speculators have exported $6,000,000,000 in value of American products in excess of the products that we Americans got back in exchange, which fact the speculators have used as an excuse to raise the price to American consumers on the “trust” controlled products approximately $17,000,000,000 over the former prices…That is what hte press calls a “favorable” balance of trade - favorable to starve the masses and to glut the speculators.
In line with this disastrous export policy, and as a part of the speculators scheme to mulch the public on a gigantic scale while the war should last, they started the war propaganda preparedness campaign. They knew that the people were favorable to the Government itself making proper arrangements to meet such emergencies as might arise out of the existing chaotic conditions, so they wanted it all done in a way that would give the greatest control to speculators who are in charge of the banking system, and with the aid of their press, they succeeded in lining things up to suit them….
It has indeed been humiliating to the American people to see how the wealth grabbers, owners of the “big press,” actually attempt by scurrilous editorials and specially prepared articles to drive the people as if we were a lot of cattle, to buy bonds, subscribe to the Red Cross, to register for conscription and all the other things….What right, anyway, has the “big press” to heckle the people as if we really belonged to the wealth grabbers and were their chattel property?
This is basically how it works and how it has always worked:

Additionally, the Federal Reserve printed money out of thin air then lent it to the big banks at low rates of interest (3% or so) which then turned around and lent at 6-10% rates of interest to farmers, allowing an intermediary to bleed the farmers dry without doing any work or taking any risk themselves: “They were named “Federal Reserve” in order to give us the impression that they are Government banks. Our Government issues money to them, but prohibits their loaning it to us - allows them to loan it to their owner banks only. In connection with their owner banks they may expand and contract the currency in order to enable their owners to exploit us in speculation, and compel us to pay outrageous rates of interest.” Lindbergh correctly identified the hidden Jekyll Island meeting in this book, which was astonishing as it was written in 1917, only seven years after the smoke-filled criminal enterprise was formed.
Per Wiki, “Lindbergh declared, "This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized, the people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed...The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill." In 1917 Lindbergh brought articles of impeachment against members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, including Paul Warburg and William P. G. Harding, charging that they were involved " a conspiracy to violate the Constitution and laws of the United States..." He named Frank Vanderlip, Nelson Aldrich, Andrew Piatt, Henry P. Davidson and both Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and J.P. Morgan & Company as among the principle agents in perpetuating what the called this Money Trust, along with cooperating entities such as the Rockefeller Institute and Carnegie Foundation.
Lindbergh believed that the federal government must establish a financial system that is independent of private monopoly control, which he remains absolutely correct on.
Despite Lindbergh having such integrity and prescience about what was unfolding, he wasn’t perfect. He thought that “We the People” could overcome the machinations of the central bank owners, something that has - thus far - been an abject failure. He was also a huge proponent of women’s right to vote, which would ultimately serve as the impetus for a vastly increased globohomo state given that women prefer safety to freedom by a significant margin, how much easier women are generally to manipulate than men with appeals to emotion, and how women prefer big government and greater administrative layers than men do.
Ultimately, Lindbergh was hounded out of Congress by the globohomo media and then ran unsuccessfully for both Senate and Governor, losing for the same reasons. The power of the media even in that early, crude age was close to insurmountable. His son Charles worked as his driver and "never forgot the hostile crowds that harassed his father, or the way the press derided him”, something he would later experience himself. Still, doing the right thing does not mean doing the successful thing, and for fighting so hard against our parasitic financial overclass, against their endless greed regardless of the human cost involved, and in support of mankind’s independence, he deserves to be highlighted as a Profile in Courage.
Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year.
i.e. See Solzhenitsyn in Gulag Archipelago, Volume 3, p. 400: “Far and away the most industrious [of the gulag prisoners] were the Germans. They had hacked themselves free of their past lives more resolutely than any of the others (and what sort of homeland had they had on the Volga or the Manych?). As once they had rooted themselves in Catherine’s fecund allotments, so now they put down roots in the harsh and barren soil Stalin had given, abandoned themselves to this new land of exile as their final home. They began settling in, not temporarily, until the next amnesty, the first act of clemency by the Tsar, but forever. They had been exiled in 1941 with not a stick or a stitch, but they were good husbandmen and indefatigable, they did not fall into despondency, and even in this place set to work as methodically and sensibly as ever. Is there any wilderness on earth which Germans could not turn into a land of plenty? Not for nothing did Russians say in the old days that “a German is like a willow tree - stick it in anywhere and it will take.” In the mines, in Machine and Tractor Stations, in state farms, wherever it might be, the bosses could not find words enough to praise the Germans - they had never had better workers. By the fifties the Germans - in comparison with the exiles and even with the locals - had the stoutest, roomiest, and neatest houses, the biggest pigs, the best milch cows. Their daughters grew up to be much-sought-after brides, not only because their parents were well off, but - in the depraved world around the camps - because of their purity and strict morals.”
From Peter Turchin's "End Times", 2023, chapter A1:
"Actually, Tolstoy did not get the calculation quite right. (He was a genius
at writing great books, not at doing math.) But the core idea of estimating
factor x by analyzing many, many battles is spot on. Much later, this
approach was used by the American military historian Trevor N. Dupuy. In
his 1987 book, Understanding War: History and Theory of Combat, Dupuy
equated the combat power of an army to the product of three quantities: force
strength (the number of troops modified by the quality and quantity of their
equipment), operational and environmental modifiers (terrain, weather,
posture—defensive versus offensive), and combat effectiveness. The last one
is Tolstoy’s factor x.
Dupuy then analyzed several wars for which he could obtain data on
multiple battles. As an example, his analysis of the eighty-one engagements
between the German and British or American forces in 1943 and 1944
showed that the combat efficiency of the Germans was 1.45 times greater
than that of the British. This means that if the British wanted to get an even
chance at winning a battle against the Germans, they had to bring 45 percent
more troops (or arm them more heavily in the same proportion). Americans
did better than the Brits, but not by much. They still had to amass a third as
many troops as the Germans in order to have a fifty-fifty chance of victory.
Turns out we can make a lot of progress in quantifying the fighting spirit.
More recently, my colleagues within the field of cultural evolution have been
probing the psychology of readiness for extreme sacrifice, using such
concepts as “devoted actors,” “sacred values,” and “identity fusion.”[14]
I live exactly in the heart of Minnesota German farm country (per your posted map), live in a house recently re-built by a member of a long-time German family, and there's no doubt in my mind about the existence of bred-in-the-bone German industry.
Happy New Years to you, too.
Excellent piece! Some things never change unfortunately.