Outstanding article and an uplifting story. Ian Smith is a true American hero and an inspiration. We are gonna need a lot more heroes before this is over.

You have gazed hard into this abyss and seen the true horror of what potentially awaits us, as have I. One of the greatest difficulties at this stage is 99% of the thoroughly propagandized population (normies and even the semi-red pilled) simply don't recognize the sheer immensity of the unmitigated evil* that is now in plain sight, for those of us with the eyes to see it. This is probably actually a good thing. It's a lonely world watching Satan striding the earth while most folk go about their lives as if nothing were amiss. Ian's example is important because he focused and fought for his livelihood and was not paralyzed into inaction by a doomer mindset. We must all seek to do likewise and focus on what we can do, rather than what we cannot.


In Diary of a Man in Despair Reck-Malleczewen describes how after the truly extraordinary example set by the White Rose martyrs in 1943, many other Germans turned against the seemingly all-powerful Nazi state. We are not 'there' yet, but the same principal applies, as demonstrated brilliantly in your cartoon.

The Brave New World that is being prepared for us is not one I will inhabit. I have therefore chosen my own hill to be de-personed upon, or worse if necessary. In the meantime I must content myself with trying to raise awareness of the nature of the dire peril everywhere and anywhere I can. Your blog is an important voice in that respect. Chapeau.

cogi non potest quisquis mori scit

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Thank you for the nice comment, OIC, and nice link. I'm a big fan of Edward Slavsquat. I agree that those with eyes open to the evil in this world is a lonely path. As Thomas Ligotti concludes in "The Conspiracy Against the Human Race", “If truth is what you seek, then the examined life will only take you on a long ride to the limits of solitude and leave you by the side of the road with your truth and nothing else.”

I agree with you that raising awareness is what should be focused on at this time, at least politically/culturally. Moving to a rural area and learning self-sufficiency would be nice on a practical level...

For what it's worth, the World Economic Forum gave their blueprint for their planned future in a 2016 Forbes article (which is fairly famous at this point): https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030/

If they continue with this blueprint it seems like they make some sort of allowances for people who disagree with their planned vision. The article states: "My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages."

Forming some sort of self-sufficient community in the countryside doesn't sound all too terrible, all things considered at this point. But at the end of the day, who wants to rely on globohomo handing out the "privilege" of being able to live away from their control grids?

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Yeah, my vision of those allowances and what living on the outside might look like is somewhere between The Hunt and the life of the Brutals in John Boorman's magnificent movie Zardoz. Hobbesian at best. Maybe they'd put us in a zoo, or perhaps there is a Madagascar Plan - and I'm not talking about the movie here folks, look it up.

Anyhow, the sun also rises. Best wishes my friend.

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Great idea for a series. The Left has villains, and use control of the media to turn villains into heroes.

The Right has real heroes. We need to know who they are. This woman would famous if she were a Leftist.

Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich

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I thought this was going to be about the other, more famous Ian Smith who stood up to GloboHomo. This is still good though.

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"I’m not sure there are words to properly describe the instinctive reaction to this photo."

'The personification of a pimple' is what popped into my head.

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Phil Silvers character?

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haha Phil looks way better. Not sure who could pull off that creepy smile.

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Hello to the writer of this article.

I am from Argentina and I have been reading tons of Substack articles recently, yours included.

I am extremely pissed off that we are all being murdered and the fact that evil is becoming so open about it's goals.

It angers about how testosterone is being murdered, how diversity is murdering us, how wild life is being murdered by non-Whites (who are Children of Satan without anything positive) and how the jabs are horribly maiming genetics.

One of my worst fears is to see an entire ethnic group that have been around for millennia to go extinct alongside millions of species as well as the fear of not fully removing all these abominable Satanic chemicals that are screwing us in the ass for quite too long.

Pardon my French, but my anger cannot be contained for long.

I hope you understand what I mean and correct me if I got something wrong in my judgement.

I will keep reading your articles every now and then.


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Hi Ari, the destruction of western civilization is a terrible thing to watch unfold in front of us. Thousands of years of intellectual, cultural, historical, civilizational progress being flushed right down the toilet. That being said, right wing populism hasn't and doesn't understood the depth of the problem and, imo, isn't ready for any sort of realistic counter, although there are lots of heroic, principled actions by guys like Ian Smith. I encourage you to read this 2019 by Nouvelle Droite author Kynosarges, especially the six points under the headline "The Sober View": https://news.kynosarges.org/full-speed-into-the-void/

Essentially, what is needed is a transvaluation of society's core values away from priestly egalitarian values, and the right is nowhere close to understanding this. If you want to be useful, direct your energies toward your own learning and educating others. I don't think a "redneck rebellion" has much or any chance of success given the limited, reactionary perspective from which they are operating.

I hope you find this response helpful...

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