Vitamin and iodine nutrition are still so overlooked in modern society. The average doctor receives only 25 hours of nutritional education in entire the course of their studies. Goitre used to be rampant in inland areas of Europe. Some estimate that iodisation has raised IQs by 15 points.
It's interesting to note the enormous increase in height and longevity that people has experienced in the last century, thanks to adequate protein intake (not miso!)
I also remember seeing a Western study from the 1940s or thereabouts in which thiamine was given to orphans on a standard unfortified diet, with noticeable improvements in scholastic ability.
> "In Japan, where you can set your watch by the trains, people consume easily ten times as much iodine as other people."
They get punctuality beaten into them by their cruel parents, too. Something that César Tort will never see as a useful tool for running the soulless Machine.
I don't know enough to confidently sort out the truth. NLF wrote: "The alternative explanation for these odd diseases, the bottleneck hypothesis (i.e. there was only an initial small population which inbred), is likely incorrect because (1) the genetic diseases associated with the Ashkenazim are concentrated on only a few metabolic pathways, not scattered like one would expect to see if the bottleneck hypothesis was accurate; and (2) certain measurable genetic changes that would have been expected to occur if true did not happen."
Hi Jerome, I think Cochran and Harpending have a good argument, although I don't have a firm opinion on the matter. Here are more details from them on this:
"Most medical geneticists believe that these common Ashkenazi genetic diseases are a product of population bottlenecks. A population bottleneck occurs when a population goes through a period in which it is quite small....when we say that a population is "small," we generally mean a few hundred individuals at most [which is what the study you link says]....Genetic diseases made common in a bottleneck are the product of chance, however, so there is no particular tendency for them to fall into a few metabolic pathways: They're scattered all over the biochemistry book, not concentrated on a few pages.
Our knowledge of human genetics has expanded rapidly over the past few years, and we now have good estimates of the total number of human genes (about 22,000) and the number of genes in different functional categories - in particular, the number involved in sphingolipid metabolism (108). We looked at twenty-one genetic diseases among the Ashkenazi and calculated the probability of finding four that affect sphingolipid metabolism, assuming randomness, in a given population. That probability was very low, less than 1 in 100,000. That can't be a coincidence.
We can say some other things about a population that has recently passed through a tight bottleneck. There would be overall genetic changes: reduced genetic variety in nuclear genes, increased genetic linkage, and increased genetic differences from other populations. All of these properties are measurable, and none have occurred among the Ashkenazi Jews.
Finally, a genetic bottleneck would not increase a population's intelligence. If it was severe enough, it would almost certainly decrease intelligence as moderately deleterious genes became common.
Therefore, although bottlenecks can explain high frequencies of genetic disease in some cases, the bottleneck hypothesis cannot possibly explain the genetic data and the spectrum of genetic disease observed among the Ashkenazi Jews."
Great article. Explaining incentives to people is very hard because most of them have such a trivial line of thinking. They believe that since there are poor people, the solution is to give those money so they won't be poor anymore. They have no idea how systems interact, how incentives work and why helping people is usually the most straightforward path towards making the broader society actually miserable.
I have come here from the post you wrote under Chechar's article. Read it all, here's a few thoughts.
> "the proto-Indo-Europeans by their lactose tolerance was a huge advantage that allowed them to spread over western Eurasia, the Americas, and Australasia around 7,000 BC"
Do you mean the Aryans colonised America in 7000 BCE? Or is your wording awkward?
> "This [disease] is the primary reason why Cortes and Pizarro were able to conquer the Aztecs and Inca with so few men."
And Chechar would disagree, with his deMausian psychoclass theory. After all, did the diseases have the time to act? Didn't the conquest span a few months or years?
1. > "The bottom of society did not reproduce itself, with the result that, after a millennium or so, nearly everyone was descended from the wealthy classes.”"
2. > "Elites in agricultural communities wanted a docile population that could be taxed and controlled."
A contradiction? Either way, it was Ryan Faulk from whom I first heard the idea of "manorialism", of the North Sea population which successfully reduced violence in itself.
> "the First Crusade of 1096 resulted in ~25% of deaths of Jews in the Rhineland:"
Awkward wording? Did you mean "resulted in the 25% reduction of the Jewish Rhineland population"?
> "Even if society decided to pursue widespread eugenics, which traits would be emphasized and who would make that determination?"
Jean-François Gariépy fears the computer. Hence the "phenotypic revolution" where DNA gives way to the machine which enslaves and domesticates man.
> "east Asian nations have the highest average IQs in the world, yet the world clamors to move to white western countries"
The issue is that the Mongoloids still have countries - which went through much more change than the Occidentals'. I.e., they tried a lot (Meiji Restoration, Cultural Revoultion, the Miracle on the Han River, the Juche Idea).
> "people should not have children if they cannot support them without welfare."
Would it have been that much of an issue in the context of a racially-homogeneous nation?
> "If human needs were put before technical necessity there would be economic problems, unemployment, shortages or worse."
The Unabomber (sorry, easier to write) sounds like the total opposite of Savitri Devi. Not that Savitri was an ally of the machine. If we synthesise them both, do we get a triad? Individual - Nature - Machine.
Nobody seems to support the Machine. Everyone wants a reasonably content individual and cheerful Nature. Yet I have an impression that human individuals find their expression in the Machine, which anyway is an expression of Nature at large - even when it uproots and destroys lush forests.
After all, the most objective gripe I have with the Aryan race is its deathwish, its civilisational inefficiency, "low self-esteem". So much so that even the Jewish Ashkenazi race is going extinct! Swarmed under the tide of Sephardim & Hasidic Asiatics! Yeshua giveth, Yeshua taketh away, a millennial irony.
Yes, some of the phrases may have been unintentionally awkward - the perils of self editing...I will update the errors you pointed out.
Re: the effects of smallpox in Mexico, see here: "It had been estimated that the population of Mexico fell from over thirty million people before the arrival of Hernan Cortez to 1.5–3 million by 1568. Although the numbers are uncertain, it is estimated that smallpox killed forty to fifty million people in the New World. Regardless of the exact numbers, it is certain that the conquest of the Aztec Empire was greatly influenced by the arrival of the smallpox virus." . Or "He got it in the form of a smallpox epidemic that gradually spread inward from the coast of Mexico and decimated the densely populated city of Tenochtitlan in 1520, reducing its population by 40 percent in a single year." From:
Re: the Incas: "The effects of smallpox on Tahuantinsuyu (or the Inca empire) were even more devastating. Beginning in Colombia, smallpox spread rapidly before the Spanish invaders first arrived in the empire. The spread was probably aided by the efficient Inca road system. Within months, the disease had killed the Incan Emperor Huayna Capac, his successor, and most of the other leaders. Two of his surviving sons warred for power and, after a bloody and costly war, Atahualpa become the new emperor. As Atahualpa was returning to the capital Cuzco, Francisco Pizarro arrived and through a series of deceits captured the young leader and his best general. Within a few years smallpox claimed between 60% and 90% of the Inca population,[54] with other waves of European disease weakening them further."
You write, "the most objective gripe I have with the Aryan race is its deathwish, its civilizational inefficiency, "low self-esteem"; yes, it is a tragedy that a civilization that brought so much culture, beauty, philosophy, architecture, music, art, science, technology, innovation is imploding right before our eyes.
Re: the Ashkenazim, you are correct that in Israel their populations are being overtaken by Hasidic and Sephardic, who have many more children. Just as importantly they are massively out-breeding, a feature which they were prevented from during the Middle Ages and which led to their unusual higher IQs in the first place.
This is certainly a curious idea, thinking of human population history as detached from culture. But then, what to make of the difference between the miscegenating Iberians and the genocidal Hitlerians? It can't be reduced to biological determinism, can it?
The Ashkenazim are going extinct due to the pathological Christian proclivity to mercy they inherited from the West. Otherwise, there would have been nothing to stop them from genociding the local Arabs, and enacting strict Nuremberg-style laws against the miscegenation with the Sephardim. (Hence my "Yeshua taketh away" remark.)
Nietzsche might have entertained the ideas of using Jews as a cement for his supra-national empire (à la Roman), but for his vision, the Jews would have had to abandon their "light for the nations of the world" priestly values.
(For the last point, see an insightful essay by Daniel W. Conway《Ecce Caesar:
Nietzsche’s Imperial Aspirations》in《Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism?》(2002) by Jacob Golomb and Robert S. Wistrich.
All of creation is less than 6,000 years old according to the Bible. It’s so annoying to read anything where the authors are rattling off crazy assertions such as, “millions of years ago…”
You lose credibility with your Bible believing audience when making such foolish assumptions. An expert in statistics can easily determine the age of the earth based on the data within the Bible, and everything fits perfectly.
If this place were millions of years old, the population would have already saturated the earth along time ago. The Hebrew calendar online says that we are in the year of creation: 5,785, and the people who use this calendar clearly rule the world. Perhaps we should ponder that before jumping to conclusions.
Ron Unz is entertaining the possibility that the Jews are actually the Punic converts, which would explain their sudden skill in marketing and money and numbering in millions
I prefer to use the word “filter” to “selection” because it make more clear that both natural and artificial environment will filter out the unflavored traits through early death, abandonment, infertility, or voluntary exile. Those who thrive in this environment tends to be genetically similar to each other and marry each other’s sister. Their children would be ever closer to the “Platonic ideal” over generations unless there is disruption. The limited share of men achieving fatherhood (40%) increased the similarities.
We await the Christos' return... julius christos osiris. The man-god, a murdered god at that, who cast down the oligarch parasites. We need a new populist strongman to chase away the darkness, sunlight is the best disinfectant after all.
Nice review article on evolutionary mechanics and Cochran and Harpending's book, but like light passing through a refractive medium, your application of the subject matter bends a bit from its long run expression in reality. We are all bozos on this bus ('re_All_Bozos_on_This_Bus), no matter how much we argue or wish otherwise.
Great article!
About Jews—Vox thinks that they are not so smart.
Vitamin and iodine nutrition are still so overlooked in modern society. The average doctor receives only 25 hours of nutritional education in entire the course of their studies. Goitre used to be rampant in inland areas of Europe. Some estimate that iodisation has raised IQs by 15 points.
In Japan, where you can set your watch by the trains, people consume easily ten times as much iodine as other people.
It's interesting to note the enormous increase in height and longevity that people has experienced in the last century, thanks to adequate protein intake (not miso!)
I also remember seeing a Western study from the 1940s or thereabouts in which thiamine was given to orphans on a standard unfortified diet, with noticeable improvements in scholastic ability.
> About Jews—Vox thinks that they are not so smart.
Vox, by his own admission, prioritizes rhetoric above truth.
> "In Japan, where you can set your watch by the trains, people consume easily ten times as much iodine as other people."
They get punctuality beaten into them by their cruel parents, too. Something that César Tort will never see as a useful tool for running the soulless Machine.
Another great article!
Presumably, you don't find the claims in this article persuasive:
I don't know enough to confidently sort out the truth. NLF wrote: "The alternative explanation for these odd diseases, the bottleneck hypothesis (i.e. there was only an initial small population which inbred), is likely incorrect because (1) the genetic diseases associated with the Ashkenazim are concentrated on only a few metabolic pathways, not scattered like one would expect to see if the bottleneck hypothesis was accurate; and (2) certain measurable genetic changes that would have been expected to occur if true did not happen."
Which I cannot (yet) refute.
Hi Jerome, I think Cochran and Harpending have a good argument, although I don't have a firm opinion on the matter. Here are more details from them on this:
"Most medical geneticists believe that these common Ashkenazi genetic diseases are a product of population bottlenecks. A population bottleneck occurs when a population goes through a period in which it is quite small....when we say that a population is "small," we generally mean a few hundred individuals at most [which is what the study you link says]....Genetic diseases made common in a bottleneck are the product of chance, however, so there is no particular tendency for them to fall into a few metabolic pathways: They're scattered all over the biochemistry book, not concentrated on a few pages.
Our knowledge of human genetics has expanded rapidly over the past few years, and we now have good estimates of the total number of human genes (about 22,000) and the number of genes in different functional categories - in particular, the number involved in sphingolipid metabolism (108). We looked at twenty-one genetic diseases among the Ashkenazi and calculated the probability of finding four that affect sphingolipid metabolism, assuming randomness, in a given population. That probability was very low, less than 1 in 100,000. That can't be a coincidence.
We can say some other things about a population that has recently passed through a tight bottleneck. There would be overall genetic changes: reduced genetic variety in nuclear genes, increased genetic linkage, and increased genetic differences from other populations. All of these properties are measurable, and none have occurred among the Ashkenazi Jews.
Finally, a genetic bottleneck would not increase a population's intelligence. If it was severe enough, it would almost certainly decrease intelligence as moderately deleterious genes became common.
Therefore, although bottlenecks can explain high frequencies of genetic disease in some cases, the bottleneck hypothesis cannot possibly explain the genetic data and the spectrum of genetic disease observed among the Ashkenazi Jews."
Great article. Explaining incentives to people is very hard because most of them have such a trivial line of thinking. They believe that since there are poor people, the solution is to give those money so they won't be poor anymore. They have no idea how systems interact, how incentives work and why helping people is usually the most straightforward path towards making the broader society actually miserable.
I have come here from the post you wrote under Chechar's article. Read it all, here's a few thoughts.
> "the proto-Indo-Europeans by their lactose tolerance was a huge advantage that allowed them to spread over western Eurasia, the Americas, and Australasia around 7,000 BC"
Do you mean the Aryans colonised America in 7000 BCE? Or is your wording awkward?
> "This [disease] is the primary reason why Cortes and Pizarro were able to conquer the Aztecs and Inca with so few men."
And Chechar would disagree, with his deMausian psychoclass theory. After all, did the diseases have the time to act? Didn't the conquest span a few months or years?
1. > "The bottom of society did not reproduce itself, with the result that, after a millennium or so, nearly everyone was descended from the wealthy classes.”"
2. > "Elites in agricultural communities wanted a docile population that could be taxed and controlled."
A contradiction? Either way, it was Ryan Faulk from whom I first heard the idea of "manorialism", of the North Sea population which successfully reduced violence in itself.
> "the First Crusade of 1096 resulted in ~25% of deaths of Jews in the Rhineland:"
Awkward wording? Did you mean "resulted in the 25% reduction of the Jewish Rhineland population"?
> "Even if society decided to pursue widespread eugenics, which traits would be emphasized and who would make that determination?"
Jean-François Gariépy fears the computer. Hence the "phenotypic revolution" where DNA gives way to the machine which enslaves and domesticates man.
> "east Asian nations have the highest average IQs in the world, yet the world clamors to move to white western countries"
The issue is that the Mongoloids still have countries - which went through much more change than the Occidentals'. I.e., they tried a lot (Meiji Restoration, Cultural Revoultion, the Miracle on the Han River, the Juche Idea).
> "people should not have children if they cannot support them without welfare."
Would it have been that much of an issue in the context of a racially-homogeneous nation?
> "If human needs were put before technical necessity there would be economic problems, unemployment, shortages or worse."
The Unabomber (sorry, easier to write) sounds like the total opposite of Savitri Devi. Not that Savitri was an ally of the machine. If we synthesise them both, do we get a triad? Individual - Nature - Machine.
Nobody seems to support the Machine. Everyone wants a reasonably content individual and cheerful Nature. Yet I have an impression that human individuals find their expression in the Machine, which anyway is an expression of Nature at large - even when it uproots and destroys lush forests.
After all, the most objective gripe I have with the Aryan race is its deathwish, its civilisational inefficiency, "low self-esteem". So much so that even the Jewish Ashkenazi race is going extinct! Swarmed under the tide of Sephardim & Hasidic Asiatics! Yeshua giveth, Yeshua taketh away, a millennial irony.
Hi Adunai,
Yes, some of the phrases may have been unintentionally awkward - the perils of self editing...I will update the errors you pointed out.
Re: the effects of smallpox in Mexico, see here: "It had been estimated that the population of Mexico fell from over thirty million people before the arrival of Hernan Cortez to 1.5–3 million by 1568. Although the numbers are uncertain, it is estimated that smallpox killed forty to fifty million people in the New World. Regardless of the exact numbers, it is certain that the conquest of the Aztec Empire was greatly influenced by the arrival of the smallpox virus." . Or "He got it in the form of a smallpox epidemic that gradually spread inward from the coast of Mexico and decimated the densely populated city of Tenochtitlan in 1520, reducing its population by 40 percent in a single year." From:
Re: the Incas: "The effects of smallpox on Tahuantinsuyu (or the Inca empire) were even more devastating. Beginning in Colombia, smallpox spread rapidly before the Spanish invaders first arrived in the empire. The spread was probably aided by the efficient Inca road system. Within months, the disease had killed the Incan Emperor Huayna Capac, his successor, and most of the other leaders. Two of his surviving sons warred for power and, after a bloody and costly war, Atahualpa become the new emperor. As Atahualpa was returning to the capital Cuzco, Francisco Pizarro arrived and through a series of deceits captured the young leader and his best general. Within a few years smallpox claimed between 60% and 90% of the Inca population,[54] with other waves of European disease weakening them further."
You write, "the most objective gripe I have with the Aryan race is its deathwish, its civilizational inefficiency, "low self-esteem"; yes, it is a tragedy that a civilization that brought so much culture, beauty, philosophy, architecture, music, art, science, technology, innovation is imploding right before our eyes.
Re: the Ashkenazim, you are correct that in Israel their populations are being overtaken by Hasidic and Sephardic, who have many more children. Just as importantly they are massively out-breeding, a feature which they were prevented from during the Middle Ages and which led to their unusual higher IQs in the first place.
This is certainly a curious idea, thinking of human population history as detached from culture. But then, what to make of the difference between the miscegenating Iberians and the genocidal Hitlerians? It can't be reduced to biological determinism, can it?
The Ashkenazim are going extinct due to the pathological Christian proclivity to mercy they inherited from the West. Otherwise, there would have been nothing to stop them from genociding the local Arabs, and enacting strict Nuremberg-style laws against the miscegenation with the Sephardim. (Hence my "Yeshua taketh away" remark.)
Nietzsche might have entertained the ideas of using Jews as a cement for his supra-national empire (à la Roman), but for his vision, the Jews would have had to abandon their "light for the nations of the world" priestly values.
(For the last point, see an insightful essay by Daniel W. Conway《Ecce Caesar:
Nietzsche’s Imperial Aspirations》in《Nietzsche, Godfather of Fascism?》(2002) by Jacob Golomb and Robert S. Wistrich.
All of creation is less than 6,000 years old according to the Bible. It’s so annoying to read anything where the authors are rattling off crazy assertions such as, “millions of years ago…”
You lose credibility with your Bible believing audience when making such foolish assumptions. An expert in statistics can easily determine the age of the earth based on the data within the Bible, and everything fits perfectly.
If this place were millions of years old, the population would have already saturated the earth along time ago. The Hebrew calendar online says that we are in the year of creation: 5,785, and the people who use this calendar clearly rule the world. Perhaps we should ponder that before jumping to conclusions.
Ron Unz is entertaining the possibility that the Jews are actually the Punic converts, which would explain their sudden skill in marketing and money and numbering in millions
I prefer to use the word “filter” to “selection” because it make more clear that both natural and artificial environment will filter out the unflavored traits through early death, abandonment, infertility, or voluntary exile. Those who thrive in this environment tends to be genetically similar to each other and marry each other’s sister. Their children would be ever closer to the “Platonic ideal” over generations unless there is disruption. The limited share of men achieving fatherhood (40%) increased the similarities.
We await the Christos' return... julius christos osiris. The man-god, a murdered god at that, who cast down the oligarch parasites. We need a new populist strongman to chase away the darkness, sunlight is the best disinfectant after all.
Nice review article on evolutionary mechanics and Cochran and Harpending's book, but like light passing through a refractive medium, your application of the subject matter bends a bit from its long run expression in reality. We are all bozos on this bus ('re_All_Bozos_on_This_Bus), no matter how much we argue or wish otherwise.