Great post! The way money is used by the central banking families to ensorcell billions of people and fuel the banksters' social control mechanisms, it really adds another layer of depth to the profoundly true statement, "The love of money is the root of all evil."

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(((love of money)))

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uh, yes.

"...when enough capitalists have been weeded out, and tools like social media become ubiquitous and powerful enough, the balance of power begins to shift from the capitalist to the starving blog editors in their multitudes, and the integument of capitalism is burst asunder, like an eggshell cracking or an animal shedding its skin for a new one.

Attempts to prevent, forestall or control this is exactly why the “Great Reset”, the pseudopandemic, the climate scams, depopulation, medical tyranny, and related enclosures of the commons have been unleashed upon us. A covert world government controlled by centralized capital is already in place and we can at least be relieved that it is apparently not interested in an unrestricted and maybe nuclear world war."

The Bursting Integument


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More evidence, from Japan of all places


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Excellent article. Best of the best. And yet...

There's one key element in all of this I am not able to understand and is driving me nuts for the past couple of years. It's this: What's the point??

The explanation you provide does not quite convince me: "The private owners of the world central banks are seemingly animated by a malevolent Demiurgic spirit which seeks a total inversion of human values and quite possibly an end to humanity itself." Not that I do not believe in evil; of course I do; but the chances of all central banks owners being all sociopaths of _the same_ kind, animated by _the same_ malevolent spirit, acting in collusion and across generations, seems to me must be statistically very close to zero.

Were you saying they're driven by money and greed I would understand, because greed is ubiquitous and money is a very powerful motivator, though I'd argue that those people have already more money they could possibly spend/enjoy in all their (and their descendants') lifetimes. Were you saying they're driven by power itself I would also understand, though I'd equally argue they already have more power they'd possibly be able to exert in their lifetimes. But a conspiracy of malevolent spirits, all in the pyramid's highest echelon, seeking total inversion of human values? Hmm... Seems not impossible, yet highly implausible to me. And then the end to humanity itself? It's not that this _could_ kill the parasite; it absolutely _would_ kill it. Parasites by definition cannot live without the host.

I don't claim this objection in the least invalidates your exposition, which I find brilliant and, whichever the ultimate motives of those people, makes all the sense from that point down. I'm simply trying to express my puzzlement in the face of something I don't fully grasp: the main point.

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Hi Freelander, thanks for the comment. I think the incentives of this reality drive toward a particular outlook among our upper elites. The thought that came into my head to try to explain the idea is the game Crusader Kings 3 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_Kings_III ) , a fun game which I havn't played in awhile. Let's see if this explanation makes any sense.

In the game you start out a ruler of various power (a count, owner of a duchy, a king or an emperor) and your primary goal is to survive and your secondary goal is to grow your power by conquering other lands, and there are risks of all sorts along the way: risks of rebellion, risks of being conquered by outsiders, risks of being poisoned or your offspring being killed or kidnapped. What I like about the game is that it highlights the precariousness of power, serving as a kind of Sword of Damocles, and how the impulse is always (1) to consolidate your rule, (2) to increase the security of your rule and for the rule of your descendants and (3) to expand your rule. Using this game as a comparison, the goal of our ruling class is similarly to stay in power perpetually, to become as secure as they possibly can and to grow their power. I think it's human nature and is only natural; and if our rulers weren't aggressive and ruthless enough to maintain their rule they would be supplanted by others who would because of the shitty incentive structure of this reality.

It just so happens that our rulers stumbled upon a particularly sophisticated method of ruling that allowed them to stay in the shadows and to achieve a degree of security that is unprecedented, because the masses can't blame them for the results of the policies they push (instead they blame the puppet politician middlemen). By calling their behavior Demiurgic or demonic I don't necessarily mean that they are necessarily animated by a Demon or Satan (although they could be), but merely that for those who have internal values of the Golden Rule their actions from the outside *look* demonic -- because they're so focused on crushing challenges to their rule, particular populism, by flooding the minds of the masses with nonsense so they become too busy infighting to turn their attention to the actual structures of power.

This ruling attitude requires one to push endless lies onto the masses, to sicken and poison them in a million ways, to always come up with new grievance classes, while also at the same time moving to impoverish any threats to their rule (particularly whites and Christians) that seems to me to be quite evil. But if they didn't do it someone else would... I hope this explanation makes some sort of sense.

(Lastly, on the topic of how stable our ruling elite are across generations, according to a Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing Staff Report from the House of Representatives in 1976, a few families which owned controlling stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks at their founding in 1913, and examination of the charts and text and the stockholders list of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks show the same families in control in 1976. Here are notes from the report: http://www.save-a-patriot.org/files/view/whofed.html )

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Thanks for your detailed reply. I can understand that the ultimate goal (or rather "drive") of the ruling elites is to consolidate, preserve and increase their power (though increasing _total_ power -which they already have- seems to me a mathematical impossibility). I am ready to drop my objections about them already having more money/power they could ever be able to spend/exert. As you say, it's only natural: people acting as the mean human beings we are. One does not necessarily need to be demonic (don't worry, I understand the figurative -or not so figurative- way in which you use that term) in order to pursue those goals. What I still don't see is why the inversion of all values and even the end of humanity itself. On the one hand, I do not think this is paramount for the said goals: nowadays they can easily control the whole humankind via just banking (money) and induced fear, as we've seen with Covid-19; let alone when they fully implement and deploy QR cattle-tagging and CBDCs. No need for more sickening and poisoning us, I believe. The masses are already utterly powerless. On the other hand, the ruling elites (all of them white, probably) have most likely grown up, studied, been educated in an atmosphere of more or less normal or even traditional values, and therefore seeking the inversion of those values for the rest of the planet requires -or so seems to me- a certain degree of insanity (demonization if you will) which, I dare say, begins to fall a little beyond what's "only natural and human". I can picture some odd Rothschild or Schröder getting all sociopath or sadistic once every few generations, but not all of the ruling elites at the same time. Why stuffing down our throats the gender agenda, transhumanism, virus terror or the ultimate degradation/slavery they're devising for us? After all, they also live on planet Earth, travel around, go to restaurants, parties, spectacles, concerts, hire servants, chauffeurs, tutors, private teachers... Do they really want to live in the uninhabitable dystopia they're turning this world into? Because this dystopia is indeed indistinguishable from satanism, unless there is some rational explanation for it.

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Hi Freelander, from what I can tell (and it's hard to know for sure from outside their conspiracy; I am looking at results and patterns and working backwards) our upper-level ruling elite still feel insecure that their placement in the global hierarchy faces ongoing threats from populism. By continuing with their strategy they believe they will be able to institute a permanent neo-feudalism where their rule will never be able to be challenged again.

The end-goal appears to involve significant depopulation along with mixing races, religions and other differences into a low IQ, sickly slave class where they believe these genetic changes, combined with programmable CBDCs, will entrench their rule permanently. They hope to ultimately, in effect, become a different species. They can then work on their transhumanist agenda and use the remaining slaves as a testing ground for gene therapies (which we can see with the COVID gene therapy "vaccines").

This post delves more into how the propagation of our upper level elites works on a structural level: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies-1dc

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Hi NF. You describe a scenario short of Huxleian which, although not implausible, is precisely what I fail to comprehend because I think very improbable that the upper elites may collectively, and across generations, share one and the same demiurgic vision. Even if each of them felt himself to be a god, each would have his own dystopic, demiurgic dream, and it wouldn't take long before they begun quarreling among themselves about which hell model to implement; wouldn't you think so?

Anyway, for the sake of debate, somehow I have the feeling that -as you suggest- they still might feel a tad bit insecure, else they wouldn't take that much trouble in brainwashing and indoctrinating the masses: they'd simply finish enslaving us without further rhetoric. Totalitarian rulers do not need to provide explanations for the lower casts. Now, my point is: where do our ruling elites feel their dangers may come from? I hope you'd agree with me that we the plebs ourselves feel overwhelmingly helpless. Except in altstream media's magical thinking -or self-delusional in the best case-, wherever I look around in the slightly more 'enlightened' citizenry, the RS Club (you know: Riley Slavsquat, Rolo Skywalker, Rurik Slavskiy, Realistic Substackers), I see nothing but utter pessimism and helplessness; there seems to be a consensus in feeling that there's absolutely nothing we the masses can do to brake free from the globalist yoke, given the point in history we've reached. So, what is -in your opinion and if you agree with my premises this far- _that_ weapon the ruling elites think we have but we ourselves don't see at our reach?

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Hi Freelander, I don't know if I will be able to offer you a satisfactory explanation, which may ultimately be a spiritual question: what are the mechanisms that bind the upper elite together in the long-term across generations? However, I see it as a combination of (1) needing forward-attack-momentum against their enemies as a *binding* tool to keep them cohesive so they don't infight, along with (2) unknown initiation tools into the upper levels which likely require giving the existing members very dark blackmail on oneself so that person will not down the road step out of line. I would also suggest that given the upper level appears to be comprised of a very small number of mostly Jewish families (Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners, Schiffs etc.) it would not be surprising for the Talmud (which very clearly sees the world as Jew-vs-gentile) to be a binding agent as well.

You know, I do sympathize with your approach - my Neoliberal Feudalism long-form essay approached the analysis from a consequentialist and materialist mindset, autistically and painstakingly putting the bricks of knowledge together in an attempt to discover a synthesized whole. It's just that the conclusions I reached ultimately evolved into spiritual conclusions - I began to see hints of a kind of malevolent, creative, active and aware energy driving our elites. Everyone has their own journey so your investigations may take you elsewhere, but that is where things have been pointing me toward...

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Yes. That's why it took me a bit more than four decades being in this world to come to the realization. Because I sought for the "why" of every thing from a materialistic standpoint.

When it became obvious (and it took a tremendous amount of time, and experiences, for that to come to pass) that the tools and tenets of our contemporary culture, including the best thinkers', weren't up to the task, then it became possible that I would awaken to the existence of a further dimension, any number of further dimensions in fact, of existence.

It's like eventually seeing the solution to a puzzle that was extremely challenging to us: we now have the new skill to see the solution to a whole new class of puzzles.

Once you know it's there because you have seen it, even once, unmistakably, you start being able to spot its traces in a lot of things, places, a lot of times: this applies both to Good and anti-Good.

"hints of a kind of malevolent, creative, active and aware energy driving our elites": I think it happens to also detect those hints within ourselves. Indeed it's like a force field (gravity, electromagnetic, to make 2 examples): both the force field of Good and anti-Good are in every point of time and space, without and within us, pulling every thing and living being towards them.

And all of this can't be discussed or viewed in depth with >=95% of the cultivated and intelligent, because their faith is the faith of the times we live in, which is materialistic, thus the fundamentals are always lacking in every explanatory theory they build and expound on; they also must end their analyses short of one last "why" and "how".

Also: I believe that awakening to the further plane(s) of existence, and ultimate fundamental good-anti-good war, isn't something we can attain on our own, but a gifted call we are given when the time comes that we are ready to hear it.

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Fair enough, NF, and thanks a lot for your honest line of debate. Though I think myself to not be devoid of inner spirituality, I admit to my total disbelief in the supernatural. Perhaps that's where our reasonings diverge and what makes it so dfficult for me to fathom the arcane of the upper elites.

By the way, I think I'll try to translate your present article into Spanish and upload it to my blog, of course citing the source. May I count on your permission?

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Maybe they’re all shills for finding groups of aliens, who promised they’re chosen to rescue them from the dying plane if they were the ones who “won”?

Yeah, I know that’s nutty, but at this point, everything is so crazy that the crazy is beginning to look possible.

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I'm praying for them to quabble amongst themselves. Just hope that they don't destroy the rest of us when they do.

But I agree - I've never met 2 narcissists who got along, they were always in competition for control. Ergo - I reckon some elite conflicts are coming, but will we even notice?

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The building of the Tower of Babel. Once again.

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I don’t think applying statistical averages to elite families is valid because I take the demonic seriously, meaning that demons are most interested in those with the leverage to enact most damage. Whether invited by occult practice or not they will be where the action is, seeking to influence. Perhaps extremely selfish drives are doorway enough. There is always something absurd about evil because an insatiable appetite for total power or ‘security’ is at odds with reality, like the demonic desire to somehow supplant God, invert and undo creation. An impossibility which gives clownish, if dire, results. All the rational

Incentives so well explicated here can coexist with a drive that is so off balance as to be insane. They are clever devils, not Gods, and we shouldn’t expect a consistent wholesome rationality despite their cunning. I’m sure they believe they can quarantine themselves from the ruin and recreate the benefits without the threat, to the extent that it’s thought through. But I don’t believe they are entirely authoring all this from the human mind. There is also delight in toying with destruction, of playing ‘God’ and perhaps a little of Freud’s death instinct, to be relieved of the burden of caring, or like the murderer’s subconscious wish to be caught.

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Thinking of he ruling elite as actual demons (or directly inspired by real ones) would ultimately explain everything and I could at last give a rest to my brain. Unfortunately I can't have that rest because I do not believe in demons nor gods at all. so I can't follow you down that path. :-)

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Perhaps you could split the difference and think of it this way: there are virtuous ways of living and acting and unvirtuous, or evil, ways of living and behaving. When one embraces the latter, one gradually promotes evil thoughts and actions and thus one mindset embodies evil and can be described as 'demonic'. Whether or not actual demons exist in a non-physical supernatural realm doesn't really matter. Evil can drive a person's character and actions, and also groups where evil people associate with each other. The result is that they act in a demonic fashion and perpetrate demonic culture. And here demonic means 'that which pomulgates evil' and evil is 'that which goes against developing virtue' and virtue is that which values life, goodness, sacredness, family, honesty, courage, loyalty and so forth. The demonic not only does not value such but works to undermine, pervert, negate and overcome it.

So old families hell-bent on preserving their own wealth and power at the expense of others, willing and able to ensure others don't rise at their expense, are almost certain to be promulgating evil not good because of course the ultimate Demon is the demon of always putting self first, putting self over others, aggrandizing and benefiting self at all costs. That is the source of all evil and reversing it is the source of all virtue.

Something like that.

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Well, that's definitely a way of bypassing the problem of whether or not daemons (or gods for that matter) actually exist. But if I correctly understood James, he was referring to real ones. In any case, I am not even sure if I believe in 'evil people'. I have the feeling -rather, the inkling- that most people are generally 'good' (meaning, not having an instinct to deliberately and pointlessly harm others); good, but stupid and weak; and it is our weakness and insecurity what, more often than not, makes us ill-behave. I don't know.

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I believe that, until you meet the Spirit (of Good or anti-Good), and feel It (and by consequence, also begin to feel its Counter), you have no unshakeable objective foundations to lay on the concepts of good and evil, including honesty, holiness, life, and all virtues. They are small things in brackets, till the day you meet and meet and feel the Absolute, and the absolute realities that come from that encounter.

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I was face to face with an entity, a demon. I was in the shower and felt an evil presence in my bathroom. I got out of the shower to see what it was. I saw tiny black (molecules, tiny gnats, I don’t know what it was) swirling, trying to form a human outline. It was very tall. I wasn’t afraid. I felt it couldn’t harm me. I was curious. It gave off an evil like I’ve never felt. It was so strong I sensed it from inside the shower as I mentioned. I don’t take legal prescription medications or illicit drugs and I don’t drink and am of sound mind. I didn’t believe in demons before this. I can’t say I ever thought about their existence at all. Now I know they exist.

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That’s an interesting concept, Freud’s death instinct. I hadn’t heard about this before.

I agree with you regarding dark entities/demons as I came face to face with one. See my reply to Freelander below.

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IKR? Or Lizard People....a separate race to Humans.

As a practicing mystic, I do believe in Spirits and Influences, but not like the "demons" of Christian, Muslim mythology. I do believe that people can be "entered," by malicious forces. The original use of the word Daemon is about inspiration, like a supernatural muse for creative types.

If I were to dive into Jungian thought, though - the Demon is the Shadow. The Shadow is those unacceptable things that you have stuffed and locked away which will jump out unexpectedly and sabotage you. This is why the Dark Night of the Soul is valuable - if you can know your Shadows, befriend them, tame them - they become Powers.

I have found that narcissists cannot face their Shadows.

BUT - James, that begs the question - all of them? At once?

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It might be worth listening to some of the exorcists of the Catholic Church. - Fr Chad Ripperger, Fr Dan Reehil or Fr Carlos Martins. To get down to brass tacks, you listen and either conclude they’re telling the truth or lying. These are entities that can make working class kids with a high school education speak fluent grammar-perfect ancient languages, know specific facts about people they’ve never met, and make objects and even people levitate. This is what they can do when they get full control, which is quite rare. I am not a Catholic by the way but Catholics have the fullest historical documentation and taxonomy of these phenomena that I know of. It’s consistent across time. These are unfathomably intelligent beings with a loathing for humanity who take an interest in what happens here. They only fully manifest under duress - to intimidate. It’s not hard to surmise who their top targets will be.

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There's a yogic saying: 'that which does not arise in deep, dreamless sleep is not real.' The flip side of that saying is that there is no limit to the ways in which seeming reality can manifest.

That said, it does not much matter if there are demonic presences or demonic states of mind or demonic tendencies etc. for all that matters is what one experiences, the shape and feel of it. In this sense the 'demon' is the feeling and experience of the evil involved not the form in which it appears, either as a supernatural entity or a regrettable tendency or whatever.

And this feeling level of evil is not dependent on Body alone and is itself - as with all emotions, feelings and perceptions on the part of those of us identified with our bodies for this brief period on this plane - non-material.

Indeed, ALL experience has non-material aspects. In the Buddhist tradition they talk about the three bodies of the Buddha or, more simply, Body, Speech and Mind. Mind has no form or location that can ever be measured or determined. It is non-material. Speech is a little tricky, it's qualities of any given phenomenon which reflect some sort of meaning, value, expression etc., and body is material form, but also refers to the shape and form of certain thoughts or images.

Take a smile: there is lips and teeth making the physical smile - Body.

Then we have the fact that a message is being sent and received by it, some sort of communication principle in the mix. Also the qualities of the smile: wry, sweet, loving, sarcastic, spontaneous etc. - Speech

Then there there is warmth, the heart, the connection, the soul of the smile, the person smiling - Mind.

The smile is not only the lips and teeth, nor does it exist without them. Even an angel or demon smiling will appear with some sort of face in order to do so manifesting some sort of form or shape in so doing.

So the demonic can be found in all three aspects which always coexist and it really doesn't matter if they are otherwordly or not - the message (of the smile or frown) is communicated and that's all that matters.

Something like that.

I think this sort of discussion is important because in more ordinary parlance it gets down to motive: what are the ones trying to control (or destroy) everything up do? What drives them? My go-to explanation is: 'because that is what they do'. But this analysis of motive - expanded on in the excellent essay linked at The Tree of Woe - is very interesting and hopefully will gradually leach into the public domain more.

Because of course politics ultimately does always involve a spiritual battle of sorts, as well as whether or not potholes are being adequately repaired.

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I recommend Rene Guenon's masterwork The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times for insight into the spiritual causes of the current state of things as well as for indications of what may come.

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It seems to me that ‘demon’ is practically speaking a synonym for a malicious external force that can enter a human being, which so far as I can gather, all societies have believed in, in some form, apart from our materialist scientistic one. What the term refers to in actual usage is more important than the etymology, interesting enough as it is. We need only agree that malevolent entities exist, some of which have intelligence.

I accept Jung’s schema but don’t believe at all that it’s the primary operating principle here. The forces are too organised to relegate explanation to the fluctuating personal psyches of individuals across space and time, as you seem to suggest yourself. Something is operating from the shadows on the shadows of individuals. Visualise the underground communication networks between apparently separate mushrooms. It is interesting to bring in his concept of synchronicity here though. This is also operative from the dark side of things. Then there is the inheritance of acquired traits, perhaps over simplistically described as epigenetics, and generational curses. I think the chief obstacle to people comprehending this is a view of diabolical influence as unsubtle, as if it’s an either/or - either sovereign and clear or fully possessed and crazy. It is ordinary, common and often completely undetected, and can intertwine with one’s belief in their own goodness. Destruction looks good if one can rationalise from one’s fear that the majority of lives are pathetic, ugly, stupid - a failed experiment. A cleaner better order of things can entice. God can appear as an indifferent tyrant. One need not be consciously evil, though there are such people who are perfectly possessed, meaning they are possessed and know it and have no problem with or resistance to it.

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A short pamphlet called "The Occult Technology of Power" sheds powerful light on how the ruling families transfer their power to the next generation. (available free on LibGen and other places) https://library.lol/main/A130CE370977C8F0697A8047ECA5E31B

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I got onto this in the 80's, in a similar way - by playing a game. Steve Jackson's "Illuminati," where you pick (higher up on the pyramid than a king) a power broker (maybe you want to play the Discordians or the Gnomes of Zurich) - and then - expound your power upon the globe.

Contrast / compare with a similar card-style came, called "Nuke War," where - you accumulate weapons, build armies - but also have to use propaganda, resources, etc., to keep your people from going elsewhere. Of course, at the end of this game, everybody dies.

I recommend both of these games - I have both of them (and one expansion set for Illuminati) - but (cries) nobody wants to play with me.

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There's an old recovery saying that might apply to the demiurge phenomenon.. for those with experience no explanation is necessary, for those without experience no explanation is possible. In investigative circles, the suggestion is to "keep digging" but for the recovery person that may be a death sentence. OTIR and Experiencer sub reddits both discuss archons, abductees and targetted individuals from a place of "trauma based personally change." Popular media reinforces change through "revelation of the method" including myths of a malevolent AI inhabiting human supercomputer. In the context of the Great Reset, coordinated plans for technocracy, digital rationing, acess/mobility restrictions and social engineeting through a series of emergency declarations are a form of acceleration to achieve Type 1 civilization in the midst of a race against time as we face limits to surplus energy, debt based economies and increasing complexity. The Gnostic Archons may be a preexisting machine intellegence masquerading as a higher power through the millenia. UAPs, Havana Syndrome, DEWS and other exotic tech may be evidence of TI experiences of the Arthur C. Clarke variety.. earthly reversed engineered and/or sufficiently advanced humanoid technologies. The TV show Fringe and Stranger Things explores this concept very well. The common skeptic reply of how can ETs survive interstellar travel and how can "they" control all leaders is mute if their agents are not flesh and blood, they are capable of interdimensional travel, they can remotely threaten or neutralize threats to their agenda and/or their technology can influence human behavior through archetypal and religious transformations to affect the path of society and technology.

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"What's the point".

The point is life. Or anti-life. When you strip all covers, even from our own deeds and behaviours and the narratives we manufacture to back them and make them look good (to ourselves, if nobody else), that's the point... even at the simplest level, the personal.

And from there, to the entire history of this planet, this universe, and every universe that may exist.

The point is Charity and Good vs their Opposites. That's the only, ever-present, real point.

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Are you familiar with the Maximum Power Principle?

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Is there a relation between my comment and the principle?

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Boils down to the survival of species depending on being the most suited to efficiently exploit available resources. Religious, social and cultural constructs are emergent phenomena that can be explained as the influence of egregores or the demiurge.. entities created through repetition, ritual and group think to reinforce these successful survival strategies.

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Very nice piece. Would like to comment on this : "I see them as a connected conspiracy, orchestrated from the owners of the world central banks who use the political actors of their nation state subjects, to crush populism wherever it is found."

I think it goes beyond this, particularly as it relates to the united states. Populism is created and managed. Reminds me of this..

The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth." ~ Ezra Pound

I do not think the supranational oligarchy leaves much to chance, they provide the heros.

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Thanks Hugh, yes, I agree with you. Both sides are controlled by globohomo in any media-covered debate or controversy. It brings to mind this quote by Eustace Mullins, the disciple of Ezra Pound: “The [central bank owners] adopted the Hegelian dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It denies all other powers and all other realities. It functions on the principle of thesis, antithesis and a synthesis...Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist...a distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group...If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.”

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Mullins was pretty astute re : Medical Tyranny, Psychiatry and Vaccines. I also wonder how much of his Secrets of the Federal Reserve were borrowed by G Edward Griffin. (as much as I like listening to Mr Griffin)

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Nice comment, Stefatanus. I will be covering G Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island in a future post, which is an excellent book. I did a global search for "Mullins" within his book based on your comment and it came back with only seven results; I would not be surprised if Mullin's work was relied on to a much greater extent than he disclosed...

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Operating for centuries right under our noses, and hardly anyone noticed. Would that more people understood what is going on and who is perpetrating this.

Best brief explanation of the core problem I have seen; thanks for this.

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By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome.

So simple and so easy to understand and yet so little seen.

It is the key that unlocks the last page of geopolitics.

It ads nuance to the phrase 'all wars are bankers' wars'.

It seems to add the layer that they start, manage and finish wars. They are 'their' wars.

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You know GC, as a long-time reader you obviously know what you’re talking about. But are you interested in educating NEW readers, or simply preaching to the choir? Your use of the term “globalhomo” over and over again shows me your strategy is the latter. Most liberals and certainly all woke idiots in this country will not allow themselves to have a conversation with someone who uses the term “homo.” You know this! So why aren’t you writing this article without inflammatory language. If you want to educate people, write your points using language that won’t inflame the reader and you might just win some of the opposition over to the side of common sense. Piss them off with your language and your points are immediately dismissed. Come on man!

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Hi Scott, thanks for the comment, and good question. As I explained at the following link, I believe that one's clique and physiognomy is more or less predetermined and I only want to educate others who naturally lead toward ideological dissidence. I have no interest in educating the masses, maybe others do and can: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/dissonance-to-informational-control-08b

Plus, I must tell you: writing "globohomo" is really, really fun (also, globohomo is a portmanteau of globalization plus either homosexuality *or* homogenization. If you do decide to show an article to a friend and they balk, you can explain it as homogenization if you like.)

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Okay, I appreciate your response and portmanteau option, thanks!

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That's a well-conceived and well-written but top-heavy argument and description of the problem and proposed solution to the problem. However, human parasites are an unshakeable given in the natural world -- there is no final or even temporary eradication of same (they are indeed tough and resourceful little buggers, even when they are more than half out of their minds). We need, I think, to mimic the lowly goat and instead just strengthen ourselves against the ill effects of the ugly little creatures by creating and maintaining a physical (and mental -- in our human case) immune system sufficient to minimize the negative effects of omnipresent parasitic infections. Goats do this by foraging for, and favoring, specific foods that maintain their bodies in optimally-performing condition, a form maximally resistant to internal parasites. For more on what I'm talking about in the human case, see this paper (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438822001696) which indicates that the degree of active resistance we mammals show and exert against those who otherwise seek to dominate us is ultimately controlled by the fitness of our biochemical metabolism. You've already seen it, but a more general essay on the same problem (and its long term solution) you are concerned about can be found here: https://grundvilk.substack.com/p/more-likely-knock-on-effects-of-the

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Yes, you could well be right that the parasitical system is an intrinsic component of non-hunter gatherer societies. There's a great scene in the movie Margin Call with Jeremy Irons that makes this same point: https://youtu.be/LtFyP0qy9XU?si=AXR7ViiFxGzLtXnH&t=60. Guido Preparata likens humanity to a slave-making ant colony, a theme I will cover in a future post.

However, regardless of the probabilities of removing the parasite it helps *me* mentally to do what I can against it, seeing the horrors it is bringing onto the world...

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I understand -- but it the meantime towards the same end, maybe raise some hens and eat a lot of eggs, per the recommendation of the "Raw Egg Nationalist" (https://www.amazon.com/Raw-Egg-Nationalism-Theory-Practice/dp/B08J16B5XB/ref=sr_1_1).

PS: hunter-gatherer societies did and do have parasite problems, but they were/are of the non-human variety.

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And eat a lot of meat

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If you can afford it...

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Or eat fewer eggs, given that viruses are grown on them in the labs that seek to make otherwise fairly innocuous viruses more damaging to humans

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(((slave making ant colony))) Hint the Jews farm us like cattle with debt slavery.

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I think this would be the thing people will learn in history class in 100 years, when other underlying things are happening in the background. It's like always a delay in the meddling things, for example now things about the Romanian 89' revolutions are coming up and how the US plaid it's part to the game after 25 years.

On such (let's say minor) global events generally it syncs with the ones involved being too old or dead, so nobody get's prosecuted.

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Regardless of these so called zones - There exists a global empire which is predicated by technology and cheap energy. A sub-set of empires serve the above Technosphere universally, in spite of all forms of competition, embargo and sabotage.

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What's funny is that if you paid attention to trends among the youth, we are either commies, neo-cons, checked out neets, or White Nationalists. The future will involve a lot of White ethno-centrism.

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I don't disagree with the premise and the analysis of the pyramid.

What I disagree with, because it's overly simplistic, is when you apply the same to the rest of the non-western world. I also think there's a misconception about what multipolarity means and implies.

For instance, both Brazil and Sri Lanka, as you said, implemented globohomo policies. With Brazil when Lula returned post bolsonaro, and with SL through its authoritarian leader Rajapaksa, who was sent packing (2022) in a popular uprising because of food cost inflation in an economic crisis sparked by banning fertilizer (and then covid).

But both these examples show both countries are not directly controlled. They're contested.

When we step away from the Western world, from a Western view, we mistake Eastern and Southerners going along with "our" play because they're with us, when they're doing it because in a Western unipolar hegemony, the west is the only game in town.

Sure, we can hypothesize that China and Russia are really in on it with a seat at the big BIS table, but I don't think it's realistic. It's why BRICS emerged in the first place, to revitalize the non-aligned movement.

China can't risk not exporting to the West as it would suffer immediately internally. So it walks a line.

Sure, South Am, Africa and Asia don't currently count much in world denominated in USD.

But in a multipolar world, there's opportunities to ditch current alliances and relationships. Assuming a country like Nigeria, for instance, won't join BRICS is an assumption. Look at Indonesia (and look at it's history from 1954-57), which just a few days ago joined BRICS out of the blue.

BIS, like the London exchanges, was created in a certain moment and holds absolute power only in the West. We westerners are the slaves, no problem. But Indians and Chinese are slaves to their respective hierarchies.

Another worthwhile analysis is the ME, as Turkey and Iran play their games, but so too do all the Sheiks, who would scoff at being subservient to anyone. Look at the spat between UAE/Saudi vs Qatar a few years ago. None of them, including turkey and Iran, have forgotten how "the west" betrayed them post WW1. Realistically they can't do anything about it, more than they're currently doing, in a unipolar world. But in a multipolar world?

Latin and South America, long considered an American backyard, could also dissent and change the cards on the table.

My point is, the rich have never really paid taxes. And the rich in country A have more in common with the rich in country B on a different continent than their respective worker ants. That said, assuming they're all seated at one table as equals is erroneous, in my view. And just like the mafia families, they're just as prone to go to war with each other as they are to cooperate.

I think the West is in real trouble. Whether this is by design, so that in the future default the powerful take all the chips, or whether it's a mix of overplaying their hands and incompetence, we'll never know until it happens and we wait holding our breathe to see if mobs with pitchforks materialize. I don't think a total collapse is the goal because they'd risk loosing their own golden geese. I quite like the analysis of GGG Luongo for instance, highlighting different factions within the West and specifically highlighting how the US big banks faction might shaft and take the globohomo chairman's role.

In either case we'll see what happens.

I grew up in the Indian subcontinent and the view from there of the West is completely different from what the West thinks their views of it are. The illusion that they can't make do without the West is only maintained because they are satisfied with what they get. The Russian oil exchange post "sanctions" is a good example of stuff happening without them asking permission. You could interpret this as "they're all in on it", but I disagree. They don't see themselves as subservient and still remember the 1700s.

Another pro-west thing that's rarely currently voiced is our economic growth as a consequence of courts and law, regardless of how it shafts ordinary citizens. This is a big selling point for Western hegemony.

Sorry if it's a bit incoherent. It's difficult off the cuff with the tech limitations of SS on a smartphone.

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Thanks for the comment, Stefano. I agree with you that there is competition among national-level elites; they compete with each other and with other nations. My position, though, is that none of the national level competition competes with the international financial elites at the level above them. So, for example, in the U.S. Trump and the "counter-elite" in the U.S. *do* compete with the woke Obama crew -- it's just that neither of these elites can or will change the fundamental structure of the higher level pyramid control. I delve into this aspect of the argument here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/red-lines-of-the-counter-elite

Julian Assange discusses the levels of integration into the neoliberal world order in his book The Wikileaks Files (2016), which I will discuss in a future post and which Rurik covered previously here: https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/why-does-washington-kill-the-puppet . The Wallerstein theory of geopolitics is also relevant, discussed here: https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/the-nwo-has-core-winners-and-periphery It also brings to mind this scene from the otherwise mediocre film The International: https://youtu.be/LFqx2sROwsE

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I reread your comment and realized I misread it, sorry. We're saying similar things. I had previously read the post linked.

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I've been reading slavland after you highlighted him, but I find his analysis not well anchored, although I don't dismiss his view out of hand either.

I don't think Trump and Obama are in the same camp, although they belong to the same group. DJT is a lot similar to Berlusconi in the sense he's an outsider to the old boys club while Obama is a servant (like Blair).

Neither attacks the central bank structure, but then no one in the West could without getting their children's heads chopped off.

But higher up, I'm not sure Dimon and Fink are in the same camp either, nor would I assume globohomo wef and wall street are best buddies, and the Fed and the City of London are also not always in the same camp. They're all in the same Western fraternity, linked the SNB, but I think each curates its own garden, as borrel would say.

I just think it's more nuanced and members change and just as there was a time before the Rothschilds so too there can be a future without. But if that's all you see and assume they're always in it together, then if it ever switches you'll be caught offside.

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Love the audio play button. That makes it more vivd like a documentary.

The more I read/listen to it the more it makes sense. Difficult to grasp in the beginning like the Indian guy experiencing the western world for the first time https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/india-its-worse-you-think .....

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The real question is this: is any country right now plotting to upend this? Look, I am well aware that the Anglo-American world is utterly beholden, but is East Asia? Is the Central Asiatic?

No one wants to get raped to death like Qaddafi, but also, having that happen creates hatred of the power system.

Basically, I think there are many on the national level who do wish to upend this thing, but that whole thing about how it has to be multiple nations simultaneously working together is the issue.

No one wants to replace the BIS with the Bank of China, or the Bank of Russia, or whatever. This ability to play one side off against another combined with the threat of a coup followed by your torturous death is what is keeping people in line.

So far, only fairly eccentric and somewhat mentally off people (like Qaddafi) have been willing to take he chance.

I am not convinced that this is literally like 1984 with three competing blocs actually all in alignment behind the scenes. I think that these power blocs probably began this way, but increasingly the system relies more on hard power all the time, and creates enemies.

This entire thing is quite unstable. Hence why the desire to desolve nations both politically and on a genetic level. But even then, will that work? Look, these people are becoming increasingly sloppy.

So… don’t be surprised when something happens

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I’m new here, just moving away from pseudo alternative media like Scott Ritter, Pepe…., thought u are one of those who believe in Europe Last Battle and crap like that. Excellent text, I’ve learned a lot. Congrats 👏👏👏👏👏

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