In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

The founding vision of limited government, personal liberty and responsibility, has been systematically attacked, especially in the last 50 years. It no longer inspires or animates the majority, even in America. The notion that freedom of thought and action are highly desirable is now not even considered.

Entropy is coming.

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Good score card, fair and balanced lol. I have a feeling they’ll run RFK Jr as an indie late in the game just so they put him on stage to syphon votes off of Trump, basically act as a spoiler a la Ross Perot. He can do that with his anti-vax stance alone and he’s not wrong there... Trump on the other hand gets booed every time he brings up Operation Warp Speed and yet he keeps doing it like he’s completely out of touch.

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RFJ Jr could siphon off some Trump votes if he ran as a 3rd party candidate, but he could also siphon off a lot of Democrat votes, so that approach would be risky for them. Jill Stein in 2016 received 1% of the vote via the Green Party (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Stein_2016_presidential_campaign#Results )

and she was blamed for Trump winning and viciously attacked as a Russian agent and investigated by the Senate: https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/senate-intel-committee-investigating-jill-stein-campaign-for-collusion-with-the-russians/2017/12/18/ea7f3f1a-e44b-11e7-833f-155031558ff4_story.html

Needless to say the Green party's ballot access was dramatically curtailed in 2020 and they received 400,000 votes vs. over 1,400,000 in 2016: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Party_(United_States)#Presidential_ballot_access

They won't even let Dementia Joe debate RFK Jr. -- lol.

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I guess my point is that RFK’s signature stance is vis a vis the jab (wrote a book about it etc), and there are a lot more Republicans in that camp than Dems (who are very monolithically brainwashed in that respect). But we may never know how this would play out in real life.

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I agree, a lot of Trump voters are attracted to RFK's principled stance on the heart attack jab, much more than Democrats are on that issue.

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p.s. “out of touch” or as they now call it “5-D chess”

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Great analysis, thank you!

I'm curious what you make of this alleged photo of DeSantis and Trump making the same hand sign as they apparently sit together: (warning, link leads to untrustworthy sources)


Henry Makow commented: "Both are making Masonic 'Gestures'. Sad & Pathetic. Why RFK Jr. is our best bet"

OTOH, I suppose it could just be that DeSantis mimics Trump in an attempt to woo his base, or maybe it's just a "power pose" speakers have learned to use...

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I would want to see the video itself and not just a still of it to come to an opinion of it. Globohomo's extreme reaction to Trump's 2016 win, and their over-the-top attempts to discredit and then criminally prosecute him, as well the as massive hits on Trump's networth, lead me to believe that Trump is not part of the criminal cabal, although his own worldview is confused, highly erratic and ego driven.

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Interesting static/closed-system, AI-type decision algorithm. On the average, probably a correct analysis. As you'd expect of a closed system product, however, it doesn't take into account the influence of the unexpected -- for example, the powerful and unpredictable effect of vast stores of extremely strong native pugnacity that reside in many short people (wives, for a common example -- and in even those males who wear lifts). Or, the possible strengthening effects of synergistic political alliances. Consider in this last regard: is the apparent Trump/DeSantis antagonism possibly, as you say, kayfabe?

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This article left out that Trump is lately saying very liberal things like implying Florida's abortion law is too harsh.

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The article discusses that Trump via his son came out in favor of transsexualism, which is very liberal.

On abortion, it's generally an issue I avoid discussing because it's a distraction from issues that affect globohomo's hold on power, which is why globohomo loves keeping the population focused on it. That being said, from a strictly *political* standpoint, restrictions on abortion are a loser at the voting booth and a significant part of the reason Republicans underperformed in 2022 (apart from mass vote fraud) was the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe.

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You might want to include Kennedy in your excellent analysis. Globohomo hates him as much as they do Trump.

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