This post argues that stock market bubbles may be created by our upper level elites to then intentionally pop it, generating pain and panic for the public until providing the dialectical “solution” involving increased governmental control. This is especially relevant now with America possessing the greatest stock market bubble of all time.
In my recent post on the Redneck Rebellion I offered four scenarios our upper level elites may use as a pretext for implementing a totalitarian state of emergency to seize whatever civil liberties are left. Such an emergency will led to severe limitations on freedom of speech, programmable CBDCs limiting your consumption, social credit scores based on your internet and phone activity (which is all stored by the NSA and already routinely abused1) and enforced by a woke AI, creating a living Hell for all but our rulers.
These scenarios were as follows:
Crash the economy by deflating the biggest economic bubble in human history until people cry out for assistance, a strategy perfected in Japan;
A false flag hack by “Russians” or “Chinese” as a Cyber Polygon type event, crippling important infrastructure until it is “rebooted” with the radical changes;
World War 3 with Russia, Iran and China, where those who don’t submit will be treated as enemies; or
the Redneck Rebellion.
I covered the Redneck Rebellion in that post; this one will review the first option.
Princes of the Yen
A couple months ago I watched a great independent 2014 documentary recommended by
titled Princes of the Yen: The Hidden Power of Central Banks, which is based on the book of the same name by economist and university professor Richard Werner. I had not heard of it before, but it’s on Youtube for free and it’s been viewed an impressive 3.9 million times. The video is here:The documentary explains how the central bank owners used Japan as its plaything in the aftermath of World War 2. FDR both knew about Pearl Harbor before it happened and manipulated events to bring it about by cutting off Japanese oil supplies; he needed America to be attacked in order to overcome anti-war domestic opposition exemplified by the America First Committee and Charles Lindbergh Jr. If Japan had not attacked, it’s nation would have ground to a halt without oil — a classic Catch-22.
After the war, Japan’s Rothschild-owned central bank, the Bank of Japan, was restructured by the victors. It would take time, patience, and a long-term strategy to incorporate Japan into the One World infrastructure because of its highly reactionary population. Their plan to do so was as follows:
First, keep Japan on a centralized war economy footing but with the production of goods modified for civilian use. The rulers would use window guidance to tell banks which industries to loan to, which companies within those industries to approve and how much money to allocate.
Without the burden of military expenditure, Japan quickly rebounded from the devastation wrought by World War 2 into its “economic miracle”. This was intended so that our elites could use Japan and China as checks on each other in case either tried to get away from their grasp (the “balance of powers” strategy which was also pursued with India/Pakistan, South Korea/China, and Israel/Middle East).
The next stage involved gutting the reactionary Ministry of Finance and transferring the country’s monetary policy to the Rothschild-owned Bank of Japan, which would then become “independent” of political considerations. The Ministry of Finance was powerful with a large bureaucracy, though. How were they to accomplish this maneuver? The strategy pursued was a clever long-term three-step:
create an enormous economic bubble by flooding the real estate and financial sector with endless loans, then
pierce the bubble and create a multi-decade depression by cutting back by 80% or more the amount of loans until the population was sufficiently weakened to
allow for a “restructuring” solution. This was carried out:
Eventually after the multi-decade grind the population grew weary for a solution, any solution, and one was readily provided: the Ministry of Finance was gutted and the Bank of Japan took control in 1998 with its “independence” from political influence (i.e. only Rothschild control) predominating. To add to the humiliation even the name of the Ministry of Finance was changed.
This strategy was also used successfully in the 1997 Asian financial crisis where multiple Asian countries were brought to heel in a similar fashion.
This is a relatively simple, clear, and easy to understand globohomo strategy, yet basically no one understands what was done here or why.
The results
What was the result of our One World leaders militarily occupying the country, creating the conditions for an “independent” central bank while controlling the propaganda outlets of the country? Just like every other so-called “first world” country controlled by the central bank owners, here’s Japan’s fertility rates:
One may note that Japan has historically been rabidly anti-immigration because it has almost no natural resources and has relied almost entirely on its community spirit and bonds for its success. Well, here’s Japan’s immigration rates through 2018:
The immigration rate trend has increased substantially since 2018, and now Japan is being slowly forced to acknowledge immigration publicly. Zerohedge recently proclaimed that “Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration”.
Is this part of why nationalist Trump-ally Shinzo Abe was assassinated in 2022?
This is how you end up with the below level of humiliation (which is clickable to watch):
The United States
Globohomo has multiple tools in its belt to conquer the heart and soul of a nation: it can do so militarily and it can do so financially; it can create bubbles that feel like economic prosperity and create fun and giddiness for many years, and then deflate those bubbles to put pressure on the public to achieve political ends. These strategies can take decades to play out; they are patient and think long term. Once they have established control they attack on the spiritual dimension: make the cost of living too high to afford a house or have children, work the population to death, pummel them with slop propaganda to demoralize them, and then the final step of replacing the native population with foreigners. A long, drawn out genocide so the Rothschild and ally central bank owners can get unfathomably rich, increase their power, and do the service of what arguably appears to be the Demiurge in destroying the world.
This raises the question: is this globohomo’s strategy here in the United States now, creating an unprecedented artificial bubble in the United States since the 2009 crash (2009-2022) with 0% interest rates in order to then pop the bubble with higher interest rates or a manufactured crisis, bring in an incredible amount of misery in order to facilitate globohomo’s next stage of their plan: the introduction of CBDCs which will reduce humanity to a level worse than that of impoverished serfs?
It perhaps looks that way:
Alternatively, perhaps globohomo just prints the stock market to infinity and price non-major stockholders out of life. Our elites prefers to create scenarios that provide them maximum flexibility and optionality where they win from any option. Endless “Numbers Go Up” charts pacify the upper middle class into passivity; they think things must be good as long as their stock market account grows, even though it is only growing due to endless Federal Reserve printed loldollars being shoved into the market (paid for by the public via inflation, disproportionately affecting the lower classes) along with cheap debt, and even though America has descended into a crime-ridden, illegals-everywhere, expensive and filthy blown out Hellhole where only the top 0.0001% benefit. These upper middle class types only panic if the stock market falls. The same argument applies to fake GDP “growth”, as
explains here. There is some strange belief people have in Numbers; it’s hypnotizing and almost occult.Intentionally creating a bubble to then pop it for political objectives wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened in the United States. The aftermath of the 1929 stock market crash led to FDR’s so-called New Deal which transformed the country into a socialist state. The Supreme Court’s back was broken with the switch in time saved nine. And despite false stories like Bernard Baruch and Joe Kennedy supposedly selling at the peak of the market right before the crash because they saw shoeshine boys pumping stocks, the reality was far more nefarious (as recounted previously here). Paul Warburg arranged the 1929 stock market crash; first he advised all member banks to get out of the stock market or sell it short on March 9, 1929, then on October 24 the Federal Reserve Bank suddenly increased the rediscount rate to 6%, thousands of orders hit the exchange to sell “at market”, and six days later the Federal Reserve Bank ordered the contraction of brokers’ loans in the amount of $2.3 million, the combination of which caused the crash. Congressman Louis T. McFadden stated “It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international [central] bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all."
As famously stated by FDR, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Again, here is the Japan documentary if you want to watch it. It is very educational:
Thanks for reading.
A declassified FISA report stated that the FBI ran 3.1 million illegal FISA searches on American citizens in 2017 alone, compared to 7,500 combined searches by the NSA and CIA in the same year. It later came out that the law firm Perkins Coie had its own NSA search terminal set up in its D.C. offices to spy on domestic opposition; it was placed there to provide the perpetrators protection. In 2023 the DOJ Inspector General revealed that more than 10,000 federal employees have access to the NSA database for surveillance inquiries, more than 3.4 million search queries were ran between 12/1/2020 and 11/30/2021, and approximately 30% were outside the rules and regulations that govern warrantless search, showing the pattern of illegal governmental behavior had only expanded. The FBI can now look at your web browsing history, emails, anything you have ever typed on your phone or computer, any audio you have made in the vicinity of your digital devices without a warrant (per Edward Snowden, the NSA picks up all of that data as part of Total Information Awareness). Then they use parallel construction to prosecute. See also the Room 641A controversy, a telecom interception facility operated by AT&T for the NSA as part of its warrantless surveillance program and a facility that is likely copied throughout the country.
So, you see the bad guys from time to time intentionally beating the bushes here and there on the surface of the earth so the rabbits and all the other game living there will run out from their protective cover to become easy prey for waiting hunters. If this is so, staying safely in the bushes theoretically seems to be the best general plan of defense. Huh -- something certainly to think about. Amish much (just one cultural example)?
"Like" button worked this time. Go figure.
The purpose of bubbles is wealth transfer of 'sweat equity' from workers to those close to the Central Banking low interest disbursement window.