Aug 4Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

So, you see the bad guys from time to time intentionally beating the bushes here and there on the surface of the earth so the rabbits and all the other game living there will run out from their protective cover to become easy prey for waiting hunters. If this is so, staying safely in the bushes theoretically seems to be the best general plan of defense. Huh -- something certainly to think about. Amish much (just one cultural example)?

"Like" button worked this time. Go figure.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Author

That’s a good example, Larry; I have a future draft prepared on the Amish…

Globohomo really prefers to establish scenarios where they win regardless of the outcome. Don’t resist? Get swarmed by even more illegal immigrants and even more Federal Reserve printed loldollar inflation. Resist? Get a military boot placed right on your face.

This is why I think education as to the system of this world is the only current option…

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Aug 4Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

That being said and agreed, I still think you are being too narrow in ascribing all the current -- and many of the historic -- ills of the world to central banks/Rothschild/etc. For example, the Hopi high-tailed it to their isolated mesas under relatively recent threat of the Athabascan Navajos from the north, and the even earlier (people-eating) assholes from Middle (and South?) America. Similarly, Okinawans holed up on their islands to minimize interference from, among others, the busy-body, rent-seeking bureaucratic Japanese to the north (Okinawans reportedly ended up having to surrender their weapons to the Japanese: there's an instance of the military boot you speak of -- and the supposed needs-must origin of Okinawan weaponless martial arts.)

My point is that some men have been predators of other men for quite some time -- not just since the Rothschild's opened up their first banking franchise. This being the case, the "system of the world" is not confined to those you call globohomo, and being aware of this problem and being able to effectively respond to it has never been an option -- it has always been (at least since the Neolithic anyway) a need.

Speaking of inflation -- take a read of this: https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2024/07/28/285-energy-and-the-credit-ratchet/. Even 'globohomo' gets kicked good in the ass sometimes and has to sing the blues.

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Yes, there are certainly plenty of other trends other than the egalitarian ratchet effect and the Rothschild owned central banks: there's been an ever-increasing push toward greater government centralization and decreased individual autonomy since the neolithic, with some setbacks here and there. If the Rothschilds and their allies hadn't seized on the central bank innovation, perhaps someone else would've. There's the natural will-to-power and will-to-dominate that all humans feel. And nothing on this plane survives without consuming other living things, leading to the Demiurge argument. Regarding your link, thanks for supplying it. It reminds me of this post by David Turver about EROEI (Energy Return on Energy Invested): https://davidturver.substack.com/p/why-eroei-matters

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Aug 5Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Let’s not forget the tendency of human egos toward comfort. We sleep walk into this slavery with the allure of shiny new technology.

But yes Bankers blow chunks.

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Aug 5Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

My "Like" button doesn't work again for me on NeoFeudal... "Like". Human bodies like comfort, too -- not just their egos. Just another potential trap.

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The purpose of bubbles is wealth transfer of 'sweat equity' from workers to those close to the Central Banking low interest disbursement window.

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Aug 16Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

It would be interesting to write an "alternative" analysis of the world today if Hillary Clinton have won the election against Trump (and a second term)

What would have happened?

Same BLM revolts?

Covid too?

No January 6

War in Ukraine?

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"This post reminds you that Technocrats must kill capitalism and Free Market Economics before Technocracy can rise from the ashes. This was the original plan for the Trilateral Commission's New International Economic Order from 1973 onward."





The U.N. is apparently a giant racket. With sovereign immunity no less.

"A 'scientific priesthood' will determine the limits of our actions and 'protect' us from complex global shocks."

The ruling class doesn't intend and never intended to protect anybody but itself. They know that these crises of capitalism, which oddly they work to accelerate, will usher in the end of their rule because capitalism based on usury without the kind of debt forgiveness practiced in ancient societies is unsustainable. They think that they will be able to end capitalism on their terms, by kicking a little UBI at the starving masses while controlling them with satellites and AI. They will find out differently, that AI is not up to the job and that, beyond their wildest nightmares, people will start working together.

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Aug 5Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

This aged well, amazing.

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There has to be some kind of supernatural explanation to why the Rothschilds conquered the world.

Simple finance and banking doesn’t cut it.

In my Satoshi story, it starts out grounded in the 2008 financial crash but towards the end it leans heavy into supernatural and a cult trying to bring moloch into our world with child sacrifices.

Satoshi stops it.

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I agree that our upper elites seem to be demonically possessed by some sort of malevolent, creative, and highly destructive being. On what basis does Satoshi stop it? And how is the Tether issue addressed?

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Here’s an outline of my story so far.


I wanted to tell the story of how Satoshi invented Bitcoin but then I realized Why is more important than How.

So I ended up creating this fictional story set in 2008 and how Satoshi wakes up like Neo and builds Bitcoin to end bankers tyranny.

Tracy Twyman wrote few interesting books. As expected she was suicided.

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Again I suggest you read my book, "Our Country Then and Now." Thanks.

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