I agree. I don't care about changing society, I am more interested in ways for individuals to improve mental, physical and spiritual strength. Enough individuals make such change, then society will.

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Excellent piece, a wonderful contribution to Jünger studies.

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Thank you FR.

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Have you read “The Worker”?

He may have despised “the Demos” but not people.

Indeed, he’s reaching for and loving what’s best in them.

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A worthy look into an important character.

My favourite piece by him was definitely when he predicted the return of the Ioten. I found myself positively delighted.

EJ unfortunately witnessed the destruction of his order in WW1, which was the last time the aristocracy led in battle, the last time Chivalry and honour were considered to be indispensible.

The aristocracy largely opposed National Socialism, so they were the unwitting tool in the rise of globalism, which is what truly declared war against the Reich.

Truthfully, the European soul has always belonged to the elder gods. No abrahamic demonic ever informed the keepers of the old code. WW 1 & 2 were fought to end the dominance of myth and the blessing of the dead.

How much of EJ has to be seen in light of the globalist dominance of what once was Germany is, I think, crucially important. Germans themselves can only be taken seriously in the current climate if they hysterically renounce themselves, despite the fact that the six million are well known to derive from the fantasies of the winners.

The modern sickness isn't just Covid. As The Carnicom institute has pointed out, synthetic biology is now a fact in the biosphere. The legacy of WW 1 & 2 are very much about the nullification and replacement of mankind on a technological level. If nothing else, this reality should cement EJ into the ranks of thinkers such as Tolkien,, whose stance against technology is prescient indeed.

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oh how i hope you are correct "Truthfully, the European soul has always belonged to the elder gods. No abrahamic demonic ever informed the keepers of the old code. WW 1 & 2 were fought to end the dominance of myth and the blessing of the dead."

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You can see for yourself that this true.

Go to the beach and watch that young European woman stretch herself before the sun, delighting in the attention her gorgeous form earns her.

Head at night to a music venue, and observe those who merge with rhythm and note.

Listen to the beat of your own heart. You know that has nothing to do with the noise in your mind.

The heart of Chivalry was always the dance of love. No hybrid abrahamic knows the true origin of the Grail, they can only appropriate and muzzle and make profane that which is truly beyond their grasp in a fevered moment of hollow triumph, not understanding that they cannot own the light.

Listen to the fear they seek to poison you with, and you will learn much of the methods of control.

Your soul is found in the silence, beneathe the strong arms of the ancient oak, the mystery of the lightning struck tree.

No, the European soul has never belonged to the stifling veneer of the abrahamics, those stealers of the Sun and Moon. Just as they cannot tell you of the mystery of the Green Knight, they cannot, unless you let them, lay ownership on the Ethereal Light that is you.

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I agree with you, but i myself just spoke to some young people yesterday, mormons, i am surrounded by junkies who found jesus. it is so... empty to me. as a kid i went to a pow wow years ago, and there, it felt right. That is why they murdered most the native peoples. they could never stand the real competition, they need a monopoly. I am in the rural usa.

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One cannot observe birds during a hurricane.

The society and religion lay bare their engagement with abuse, addiction, and platitudes.

I can say that society places the Native Americans on a pedestal, and that this form of worship is based upon images, not upon the reality of human beings. This is easy to do when all is seen from a distance.

Perhaps the most daunting aspect of the spiritual path is the requirement of a savage inner honesty, the wild and terrifying surrender that is akin to death. One must balance raw internal forces, even as one evokes them as necessary for development. Certainly some Native American traditions acknowledge this, and equally, so do pre-abrahamic European practices.

From my point of view, the abrahamics, all of them are obsessed with power, and this power is forced. Such is a primary reason for their rocky, and oppressive relationship with their mystics. Control has never embraced dissent.

In the end, religion is a cornerstone to society, and both have obviously, spectacularly failed.

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I agree with you that abrahamics have been a disaster. i think it was by design, there is solid evidence at least for some.

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well, i do not think the natives americans are on a pedal stool, but they do alright these days. the drummer in one of my bands was a blackfoot, so we did gigs on the res, and i just fit in better there than i ever did at any church. their religion is , dare i say it, rational. that which nourishes and sustains you is sacred. direct, simple, logical. It was very like a thing. Pow wows , i mean. unfortunately the liquor abuse got them too, just like the Irish. that happens when a population gets decimated like that, maybe revenue from the huge casino will help, but i am thinking they will just become another mafia... it is already happening.

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The focus of mankind is returning to the individual, after taking this collective approach to the doorstep of species suicide. It requires a huge amount of energy and damage to support the monolithic, the highly centralized.

On a certain level, this must be so, to develop such towering institutions, and to maintain them the consciousness required is strongly egocentric, the linkage is for that ego to identify with the monolith. So too then, the sacred side must also participate in this phenomenon.

This entire complex is breaking down.

From what I have seen, there is not just one Native way, just as there was no single approach in Europe before Rome unleashed its political religion upon Europe. The coming individual focus will not return us to those times, but it will offer an opportunity to arrive at a more mature understanding, where the collective idiocracy will no longer flourish as the measure of the norm.

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While he manifested an amazing variation of traits and beliefs, maybe we shouldn't be amazed. The nature of existence is such that it affords perhaps an infinite number of different ways to perceive and experience it, if we open our minds to them. Great article.

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Interesting summation of his life and thoughts. I knew nothing about him and am glad that I read the piece.

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The Moving Contradiction

it's not Malthus after all...


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“In my dealings with people, I have noticed that I do not speak much to the middle sort, whether of intelligence or character...." Jünger lived the midwit meme like us all

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interesting. i have been wondering how many people have a robust inner dialogue. i think he did, and it is a powerful too in critical thought. i suspect that many people do not have this ability. perhaps by cultivation of the indoctrinates of religions and schools that now drill almost any creative though away.

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Excellent article! It took me a few days to be able to sit and read it slowly and undisturbed. Well worth the wait, and the focus. This one is going in the archives!

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Interesting. I read both the New Yorker and Paris Review articles you link and got a better picture of Junger. Someday I might read his On the Marble Cliffs or Glass Bees novels. Some day..

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> "I ask myself how this cannibalistic attitude, this utter malice, this lack of empathy for other beings could have spread so quickly, and how we can explain this rapid and general degeneration. It is quite possible that such lads are untouched by any shred of Christian morality."

This was really difficult to read. But I too consider Hitlerianism to be Asiatic in nature, with its Führer deification and barbarism. I merely consider such materialism as a yea to life, and its opposite - the idealist Christianity - as collective suicide. But be my guest, call such life unworthy of living - the sooner Christianity dies, the merier!

> "He despised democracy just as he despised the gullible and easily-swayed demos who had brought Hitler to power."

I consider all powerful cultural forces inherently democratic - be they transvestite rights or Al-Qaeda's fundamentalism. It strikes me as stubborn aristocratism to despise all will of the people purely for its mechanism - yes, the vehicle is dark and uncouth, but the truth can be appreciated.

> "Echoing Diogenes of Sinope, he wrote “What is left of us from this life if we do not accumulate worth that can be exchanged for gold at the tollgate of death’s realm, to be exchanged for eternity?”"

That's rather nihilistic, anarchic, frivolously irresponsible.

> "he was worried that if it was successful it would lead to a new Stab-in-the-Back legend."

So, he was opposed to a resurrection of Germany in the future?

> "but he displayed little of the brilliance when Guido Preparata described the strategies employed by the British and American financial powers for world domination in “Conjuring Hitler”."

Please, stop with Preparata - how does he explain the Anglos counting on a swift French defeat?

> "“The situation could be described as a paradox: the warrior caste certainly wants to support war but in its archaic form. Nowadays it is waged by technicians. [...] This can be expressed impartially: He wants to create a new standard. And because there is so much about this new Reich that is medieval, it involves a steep decline.”"

Ironically, to me the Middle Ages seem like an age of relative stability as compared to the ancient time. The NSDAP to me lies closer to Rome and Assyria than to the royal squabbles in France and Italy.

> "It’s either peasants and fishermen or people of the highest quality."

But does it cover those fishermen who gobble up propaganda, like my mom? Or only the kind who don't give a rat's ass about watching television?

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Hi Adunai, your comments generally touch on the nature of one's core beliefs. Junger was at heart an aristocratic conservative with Christian values (indeed, he converted to Catholicism shortly before his death). I am a populist with pessimist gnostic sensibilities. You are (as far as I understand based on your love for Juche Korea) a fully transvalued militarist who, like Cesar Tort, hopes for war and mass death as a response to Nietzschian Christian nihilism (please correct me if I'm wrong). The purpose of this blog is to help people discover their core values by wiping off all the layers of garbage propaganda from our eyes -- I don't necessarily think there's a one-style-fits-all solution. In essence it is a process of trying to perfect our own physiognomy so we can be the best version of ourselves possible.

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