Like someone said,

Hillary Clinton:

in chocolate: Kamala Harris

with nuts: Michelle Obama

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"But the cost to globohomo was letting the cat out of the bag that it existed — until then it was able to hide in the shadows and remain a “conspiracy theory” that relatively few believed. That’s a big cost: they now have to increasingly rely on hard power for control, and hard power is much more expensive and much less efficient than soft power."

Yes - there lies the silver linging of it all. Billions, including myself, woke up from the dream that the people have some say through elections and that our freedom and welath is set in stone forever. A rude but necessary awakening.

Historians might look back one day and argue that showing their totalitarian faces so bodly and greedily snapping for the "small Covid window of opportunity to fast forward the great reset" was the single mistake that spoiled their plans, or at least pushed it back many more years. We will see.

But even my German 66 year old sister, never much interested in politics, doesn't give me the looks anymore when I talk about "the globalist". That means something, trust me. If she allows the thought, millions, if not billions, worldwide allow it.

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My bet is Newsom ("Any Twosome Newsom" as Michael Savage called him because of his pro gay stance). As you say, he's an immoral monster, a genuine skin suit Lizard Man willing to do anything required. And I think he's the pick because he will be the last American President. Given his relative youth, he will be effectively President for Life.

But here's another thought I've had, which explains why the open borders. They let Trump win (Trump actually WILL win of course). Then immediately after they call him the winner, we start to get widespread "migrant" riots, ginned up by paid Antifa and Feds on the ground. Because they've shipped migrants to every corner of the country, towns big and small, the riots grow rapidly and nearly every town has trouble. Who gets blamed? Trump, of course.

In response, Biden (who is still President for several months) claims an "insurgency" and state of emergency, sends out the National Guard and even the military to quell the riots, maybe shooting some in the streets. The riots are quelled and Biden has "saved" America, the media tells us non stop. Alternate views are harshly suppressed. Trump is arrested on some phony-baloney charge of "treason" or "sedition," he's taken away and locked up, if not killed outright. Biden says it's all too much for my poor old heart, and he appoints Newsom "interim" leader during the emergency, which never ends. Newsom is leader for life and just like that we no longer have elections.

The incremental slide to tyranny is taking too long, and the elites want it over with, and the WEF slave state implemented. This is how it's done. Any push-back or rioting by Trump supporters is of course met with ruthless, deadly force. Coups are never slow. You can build up for a long time, but when it happens, it's kinetic and quick.

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Maybe if we are going to call him "Big Mike" we should properly gender him, lol.

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Thank you, Sir, yes, Joe is dismissed it seems. Imo, covid has nothing to do with Trump. I think it is naive to think globohomo hated so much a clown like Trump, his mentor is the same as Putin's, namely Kissinger, that they exposed themselves. I argue that they hate his base, not him. We know that they want to genocide white people, black and browns are poor and live in ghettos already, only whites cause problems and resist. They constantly attacked by proxy his base, the proxy being Trump. And with the Trump derangement they enforced partisan politicis, painted the Left as deranged lesbians, painted the Right as nazi-terrorists, sow division and hatred, made everybody believe that the "democrats" are the "deep state". One of the reasons for the success of covid is partisan politics. Trump said - "we value the economy over people's lives" (meaning Wallstreet, not the real economy, and the flu, not really lives, but nevermind) and "The Left" with their Trump derangement syndrome thought "now we must close the economy" (meaning the real economy, not Wallstreet) "and put people before profits" (meaning kill as many as we can). Vote-by-mail is part of the digitalization, imo. I also suspect that they want to remove parties in the future, because nobody believes them anyway and hook us all in a "direct democracy" cybernetics system to "gain trust in the system". I think there is no way a black woman to be installed as a president of the US, it will be too.... you know, over the top, but probably I underestimate them. I think what we are seeing though is a return of the Right. WEF said they want people to trust them. This is why they push Tucker Carlson, Javier Milei, Elon Musk and maybe Trump.

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Love that Biden +6 poll from Quinnipiac. They’ve been a blue outlier for decades. Always a disclaimer “Quinnipiac often seems biased in favor of Democrats”

Of course it seems that way. If they were a real polling organization, and always got things wrong in the same direction, you’d consider then to be incompetent. Fix your damn methodology so we can count on you!

But that’s not the point. That Quinnipiac Biden +6 drags the polling average substantially to the left. So the money will follow the poll. “Look Biden is doing great, let’s write a check!!”. It changes the narrative from “Trump with a wide lead in all polls” to “The polling average shows a slight Trump advantage”.

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Big mike always reminds me of “Gossamer” from The bugs Bunny show

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Interesting how many times the Daily Mail article about Obama's chef feels it needs to stress that he was married with children. All right, calm down Daily Mail!

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Michelle Obama will be the nominee.

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I’ve never been able to verify that assertion. Do you have incontrovertible data on the matter?

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The US public deserve big-mikes rod up their arse, 100% deserve good & hard;

Newsome can do for the USA what he did for Calif, make robbery legal again :)

In a criminal GOV like USA its unfair to send criminals to jail, they are the majority, here's an idea, lets fill the jails with non-criminals;

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"Truth is stranger than FICTION, fiction must make sense" - Mark Twain, the last white man with a brain between his ears;

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For some reason or another, even though I never click on them, "stories" of Liz Cheney's latest pronouncement, whatever it is, made wherever or to whomever I know not, keep showing up in my homepage feed not just daily, but even multiple times daily. Just today there were at least 2 more.

A TDS afflicted shitlib woman I know told me during the J6 hearings that she would vote for Liz for president. (never mind that 16 years ago she thought Liz's dad was Satan incarnate). Is she representative of other brainless "progs"?

The two above items for your consideration

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The Electronic Townhall

It is not about asking questions or stating opinions, writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what it is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and that the only way to hold them accountable it to inspect their work."

He called his idea The Fourth Branch of Government.

It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.

The only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.

It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

The Electronic Townhall

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It's too bad Perot dropped out in 1992 based on fake globohomo blackmail. He had been polling well. When he re-entered the race he was seen as wishy washy and only received 15% of the vote. Too bad...

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That just demonstrated that Perot didn't have what it took to do the job that needed to be done, in spite of the good game that he talked

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I worked for Perot (via EDS) back in the late 80’s-90’s. There is a reason we ALL called him the ‘the hand grenade with a bad haircut’.

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They threatened to kill his children, so he dropped out; Then they created the myth of trying to re-enter and destroyed his credibility; His daughter had a wedding planned, they told him everybody at the wedding would die if he didn't drop out;

It wasn't 'blackmail', it was an offer he could not refuse; Mafia is 'deep state' they saw Perot as a threat to their system.

They did the same earlier with Smedly Butler 1930's US-MARINE hero running for POTUS

The only two times a Patriot has ever ran for Satanic POTUS in USA

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Yeah, well ...

The Electronic Townhall is still the only mechanism that could provide relief from the avariciousness of the players.

Whether or not it could actually be put into place is another matter.

I am certain that it was the reason the media excoriated Mr. Perot.

What about you? Do you have any good ideas?

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Personally I believe that politics is downstream of culture which is downstream of belief. If we want to see real change it starts with ourselves and getting out of this lopsided egalitarian, nihilistic paradigm, and trying to help others do the same. Hence the beauty of this Substack community...

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comment removed by poster.

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Participation is still a problem. The Left has nothing else to do. The Right is busy working and raising families. I suspect the end is the same, if a bit slower.

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Too true.

The sin of the right is complacency. We believe in live and let live. We work and build and meanwhile behind our backs the leftists get in control of the government, the media, and the big corporations. But I'm afraid it's too late for simply more participation in the system to change it. Because Uniparty.

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To some degree politics is all sound and fury, but it is also a red flag or smoking gun.

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New-scum for President!

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"Biden was chosen as a compromise candidate in 2020."

This should really read "compromised candidate". But there is a problem with kompramat, because sometimes those puppets start dancing. They can have the goods on Joe in Ukraine, China and elsewhere, but the JoeMafia family might have many, many tales to tell of their own. It's the classic case of "You can't shoot us all." At least, not on a timetable that wouldn't be massively suspicious.

I suspect we have (at least) two evil forces threatening each other with pocket guns. JoeMafia is negotiating for a graceful exit that still keeps their hand in the pocket, on the phantom trigger.

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