Globohomo likely ordered Dementia Joe out: who's the replacement?
Big Mike and Gruesome Newsom enter the picture
This is a politics post about the Democrat nominee if Joe Biden drops out.
I generally try to avoid political posts because such posts have short shelf-lives and because political developments are subject to higher-level cultural, religious and metaphysical forces which are much more interesting and convey a much wider perspective to the reader to assist them in their own journeys. Politics is all sound and fury, and the public responds to the so-called “facts” that are spoon fed to them as Guido Preparata so astutely points out in "Phantasmagoria, 11:
My viewpoint is fundamentally alien from [the classically Cartesian] pseudo-dichotomous game of perception, which in the final analysis, still plays itself out entirely in the discursive arena designed and fastidiously controlled by the screenwriters of Washington’s propaganda ministries […] a fundamental truth of (today’s) politics [is that] unless we ourselves are protagonists at the highest level of the event in question, there is no way of knowing anything at all about what is truly unfolding, except for the superficial and spectacular layer of sound and fury, which is in any case conveyed by TV screens and (journalistic) hearsay. So “they” write the story (in the media and books) and “we,” for our part, are relegated to commenting. But the comment, whatever it may be, ends up being nugatory for our “reflections” are wholly conditioned and constrained by the “facts” - the “reality” - which the self-proclaimed “actors of history” see fit to throw at us.
To being “relegated to commenting” on spoon-fed “facts” is in effect playing into their rigged game. Regardless, it is occasionally fun to delve into this lower, dumber political level just to mix things up while still keeping our eye on the higher realities. For background, I previously argued that Trump was a better pick than Ron “Meatball” DeSantis before DeSantis’s complete implosion when he was still running neck-and-neck with Trump. So let’s do another political post here.
Biden has arguably been ordered to withdraw
The New York Times, the official outlet of globohomo along with the Washington Post, has arguably ordered Joe Biden to withdraw from running for re-election by promoting a nasty hit-piece against his cognitive capacity. The below link is clickable:
Also see the Daily Mail article here for some colorful analysis. To add insult to injury Biden’s handlers then brought him out without giving him drugs for a night-time press conference (when dementia patients are in a worse condition), and told the controlled press to unleash lots of attacks on his mental condition and record and publish the results. Hillary Clinton, David Alexrod and others then piled on.
Globohomo wants Biden out because he is polling poorly against Trump, an average of Trump +1.9 according to RealClearPolitics:
Meanwhile fake polls show a Democrat “other than Biden” beating Trump by 6 points.
Biden is trying to respond with weak, transparent political games to sway the public such as trying to blame Republicans for the wide open border during his term where something like 20 million illegals were let in. However, it was his cabinet appointees like Alejandro Mayorkas who opened the border and ideologically-aligned organizations like the CIA and affiliates (including religious groups, both Jewish, Protestant and Catholic) who carried out the logistics of shipping in these hordes from Latin America and settling them across the country, housing them in hotels and giving them access both to public services and funding. This is globohomo’s strategy playing out of what they accomplished in California by turning it into a one party state but nationally: at least 60% of these illegals if not much more will vote Democrat, therefore shipping in tens of millions of them will eventually ensure a permanent Democrat one party state. It’s simple math. Because Republicans are the Orwellian Outer Party that follows whatever globohomo dictates, led by turtle-man Mitch McConnell, they have encouraged and facilitated this process. That’s why Ronna McDaniel, the niece of RINO Mitt Romney has been chair of the RNC since 2017 — her goal like her uncle’s is to destroy the populist white right-wing base.
Now, Dementia Joe has suffered from cognitive decline well before 2020, although it’s recently gotten worse. He survived the 2020 debates with a powerful cocktail of drugs, a hidden earpiece telling him what to say along with a media assist and bottom-level public expectations, supercharged by a heavily rigged election, primarily from mass mail-in balloting from the COVID scam. Because of Biden’s growing cognitive decline it’s an open question whether his handlers will let him debate Trump this time around - there’s no agreed upon debate yet. Maybe they’ll take the “high road” and say they won’t let him "debate an insurrectionist” or whatever. Or maybe he’ll miraculously pull off a 2020-tier performance with a similar assist.
It’s possible they always intended Biden to be a one term president. Between raising interest rates by 5% under his watch and completely opening the borders, encouraging a major war in Ukraine and a host of other horrors, they likely calculated that his actions would be unpopular and they would throw him under the bus as he got too old, discarded like a piece of trash.
How much does who is president matter?
From a wider perspective, regardless of who is president there are fundamental structural issues in America that won’t be solved by Trump or by anyone else. No one can fix the $2+ trillion dollar deficit sitting on top of a $33+ trillion dollar national debt which only increases parabolically no matter which party or who is president:

That’s not to say the president has no power; he does have some, specifically in international relations deciding which wars to start or end (which is why Congress is trying to tie Trump’s hands preemptively from ending Ukraine support), which treaties to sign or not sign, as well as whether to enforce existing laws or not. The laws for immigration are all already on the books, it’s just that Mayorkas, the Jewish front man for Cass Sunstein who has directed Biden’s open borders policies from behind the scenes and who previously came up with globohomo’s cognitive infiltration strategy of their enemies, refuses to enforce them:
Because the president has some power, globohomo was so furious at Trump’s 2016 win that they recklessly revealed themselves to the public to stop him. First they ordered the media to scream about him nonstop for four years, then they ordered the courts to twist the law into a sick facsimile of itself as a way to paralyze Orange Man, then they coordinated a worldwide shutdown under the guise of “COVID” in order to institute permanent vote-by-mail (in addition to other objectives). They accomplished their goal: Trump’s presidency was basically a failure. What did he “achieve” other than tax cuts for the ultra rich, letting huge numbers of criminals out of prison, abandoning his base and moving the embassy to Jerusalem? Even the Afghanistan withdrawal happened under Dementia Joe after globohomo stymied his attempt. I guess Trump kept us out of a war in Syria, although he did bomb them. But the cost to globohomo was letting the cat out of the bag that it existed — until then it was able to hide in the shadows and remain a “conspiracy theory” that relatively few believed. That’s a big cost: they now have to increasingly rely on hard power for control, and hard power is much more expensive and much less efficient than soft power.
Why doesn’t Biden retire gracefully?
Back to Dementia Joe. The reason for the New York Times hitpiece as well as special counsel Robert K. Hur’s report highlighting Biden’s ill health is they want him gone before the election, but he or his handlers (likely his fake “Doctor” wife) are resisting this and don’t want him to withdraw. Globohomo doesn’t want to remove him by focusing on his corruption, of which they have unlimited evidence of (indeed, politicians are not allowed to reach this level of power unless globohomo has nasty blackmail against them, just like Barack Obama1; for one example, Obama basically admitted publicly he is homosexual, with his 1982 love letters being released in 2023 stating, “I make love to men daily, but in the imagination”; also see here — Trump was the exception, ultra clean, which is part of why they hate him so much). Hitting Biden on corruption is too close to home because Biden was only doing what everyone else in the uniparty is and was doing, including and especially in Ukraine. If they try to take him out on this basis who’s to say that this argument won’t be turned on others? Too tricky, too uncomfortable. Better to blame it on his health.

Note society’s increasing focus on reading unstated motives into official statements. In other words, what is published in the official papers of record is nonsense, and anyone who takes it at face value today is a retard. The establishment has lost its legitimacy. The Soviet people used to do the same thing when they read Pravda: no one took it at face value and the question became which party behind the scenes was trying to benefit from any particular piece of information? That’s where we are at now.
Who do they want?
Biden was chosen as a compromise candidate in 2020. He represented the race-obsessed anti-white Obama wing of the Democrat party; as Obama’s VP he would continue to represent this wing’s interests and this wing was ascendant, stronger than the competing corrupt Clinton/Wall Street clique. In the Democrat Party the party decides who will be the candidate and the primary elections are simply show for the masses; this is why Biden came in a distant fourth place in the early 2020 primaries until his competition suddenly dropped out (they were ordered to). This is also why Bernie fell on his sword in numerous cycles when he was polling well and he ended up with multiple expensive vacation homes. The Republican party doesn’t have anywhere near a deathgrip over the primary process as the Democrats do, although they try, which is why they were unable to prevent Trump’s ascendancy in 2015/2016 (aided by the mass media and by Hillary/Bill Clinton who saw him correctly as a clown buffoon who they hoped would simply blow up the Republican party, which almost happened but they were too clever by half).
At this stage it’s not entirely clear who globohomo wants to replace Biden with. It likely won’t be Kamala because, despite her checking off the correct race and gender boxes, she is incredibly unpopular even within her own party.
There seem to be only two figures who have situated themselves to take up the mantle at the Democrat convention: “Big Mike” Michelle Obama or “Gruesome Newsom” Gavin Newsom (I love the Big Mike label because it is such a funny representation of modern clown world, but Newsom’s maybe could use some work).
thinks the choice will be Big Mike.Note the changing odds on RealClearPolitics where both Big Mike and Gruesome are rising and Dementia Joe is falling:
See some earlier articles setting the stage for Big Mike’s entrance here and here. She/he also stated in 2017 she has expressed no interest in ever running for president, stated in 2021 she is nearing retirement and Barack has publicly guaranteed she would never run. Not that this means anything to these liars. Anyway the first Democrat primaries are this month, so if they are going to make their move they will do it perhaps at the DNC or shortly thereafter.
There are a number of reasons why globohomo could favor a Big Mike ascendency:
Black and “female”, checks those intersectional boxes. Makes it harder to attack her. Theoretically breaks the glass barrier that Hillary tried with “I’m with her” for first “female” president.
Major chip on her shoulder due to knowing her advancement was from AA. Her senior thesis was apparently an unreadable abomination and she admitted to suffering from “Imposter Syndrome” at Princeton. Her hatred of whites is seen as a plus.
Extremely masculine physiognomy to the point there have been swirling rumors, in half jest, that she is a transsexual. Also see here. She is linebacker size. Her children look like Obama’s close friends Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt. Given the way globohomo loves to scam the public in as extreme ways as possible for their own God complex, this could make sense as well.
Blackmail is not an issue given Barack and Michael went from basically penniless to buying eight figure mansions after leaving office. They are controlled top to bottom.
The Obama’s have no scruples, spying on the Trump administration and their political enemies in the Spygate scandal that makes Watergate look like a walk in the park.
Michael “coincidentally” watched the Notre Dame cathedral fire while drinking wine along the Seine:
She is extremely popular among liberal women, almost cult-like.
She would allow the continuation of the team behind Obama to continue their work without any interruption.
My gut says the rise of Big Mike would be a good strategy and that it would be easier to pivot and generate excitement by NPC shitlibs, especially shitlib women, than to push a half-dead dementia patient across the finish line with excessive fraud.
The other alternative is Gruesome Newsom whose physiognomy is strongly reminiscent of Patrick Bateman’s. The guy has no scruples, he will say anything, do anything without any compunctions - he helped obliterate California’s future without blinking an eye and he would do the same thing to America in a heartbeat if he thought he could personally benefit from it. The upside for globohomo regarding Newsom is he is a gaslighting bully and those kind of antics may be seen as useful. He recently and transparently vetoed some ultra-far leftist bills to try to bolster his national reputation. It’s also why globohomo hosted him in a debate against Meatball.
Alex Jones predicts the nominee will be either Big Mike or Gruesome Newsom:
Alex Jones called Biden’s withdrawal seven months ago. See the above clip if you also want to watch Biden admit he crapped his pants on live television.
While globohomo can do whatever they like in elections - between permanent vote by mail, endless printed ballots, fraudulent Dominion voting machines, a shitlib Democrat tsar within the post office, a fully compliant media and judiciary, tens of millions of illegals, etc. - they generally prefer to keep the election within a couple of percentage points because the further a blowout is in favor of Trump the harder it is to rig. Maybe they’ll ultimately keep Dementia Joe if his handlers put up enough of a fight, maybe they won’t. Maybe they’ll even “let” Trump win and then crash the economy around him. Or they could imprison him and install cheating slut Nimrata Randwata. Democracy is dead and we are ruled by a parasitical global oligarchical central bank financial squid intent on crushing the world and turning everyone into slaves.
Let’s finish this post with a couple of Petrina Ryan-Kleid paintings found hanging in Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion:
Thanks for reading.
Obama has an Islamic background with a CIA affiliated communist father and a deranged shitlib and possibly prostitute mother with white grandparents who raised him, who he later threw under the bus, with major holes within his official history and is very likely a CIA asset like his father. Who knows how and under what circumstances his good looking chef died in ten feet of water while paddle-boarding outside Obama’s home; tying up of a loose (gay) end?
Like someone said,
Hillary Clinton:
in chocolate: Kamala Harris
with nuts: Michelle Obama
"But the cost to globohomo was letting the cat out of the bag that it existed — until then it was able to hide in the shadows and remain a “conspiracy theory” that relatively few believed. That’s a big cost: they now have to increasingly rely on hard power for control, and hard power is much more expensive and much less efficient than soft power."
Yes - there lies the silver linging of it all. Billions, including myself, woke up from the dream that the people have some say through elections and that our freedom and welath is set in stone forever. A rude but necessary awakening.
Historians might look back one day and argue that showing their totalitarian faces so bodly and greedily snapping for the "small Covid window of opportunity to fast forward the great reset" was the single mistake that spoiled their plans, or at least pushed it back many more years. We will see.
But even my German 66 year old sister, never much interested in politics, doesn't give me the looks anymore when I talk about "the globalist". That means something, trust me. If she allows the thought, millions, if not billions, worldwide allow it.