Thanks to Substack, we have access to sensible views like yours, Rolo's and Slavsquat's; otherwise we'd have to rely on the finkelthink narratives of MSM/Z-anon.
And kudos for quoting from Vidal's Julian. Your remarks on Caesar remind me that in Creating Christ, the authors observe that when Caesar met opposition or betrayal, and won, he would offer clemency; the defeated party would join him, grateful for being spared and looking forward to sharing in the future loot. (But there were no second chances, you'd be ruthlessly eliminated at the first sign of disloyalty; no "forgive your brother 70 time 7 times"). In this way Caesar built a base of power, gaining more and more allies, and gained the adulation of the people.
I guess things didn't work out so well with him and the Senate, but consider that the Senate's triumph was short lived, and emperors that followed used Caesar's own name as a title. Not a bad legacy. In fact, the authors go into this in order to argue that Julius Caesar (JC) was the real life model that the myth of Jesus Christ (JC) was based on. Whether or not that holds water, they do make a case that the Roman world was not a world of ruthless "blond beasts" that was either (1) taught morality by the loving Christians , as the latter would say, or (2) destroyed by a religion of slave morality, as Nietzsche and a lot of "alt right" types would say. History is complicated!
> "Whether or not that holds water, they do make a case that the Roman world was not a world of ruthless "blond beasts" that was either (1) taught morality by the loving Christians"
Caesar killed 2 million Gauls and sold another 2 mil. into slavery. America bred 10 million Iraqis under their occupation, and then left in shameful defeat. We are not the same.
Where is my Afghan slave girl, damnit? Didn't my country occupy Afghanistan in the 1980s? Oh wait, that is unthinkable!
So what? If Romans failed to live up to what we would think their virtues would require, so did Christian rulers. The point is the virtues were the same. Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
The Roman concept of "peace" (Pax Augusta or Pacis Eventus) required the suppression of Gauls, Goths and Jews. Such successful operations resulted in coins celebrating the Emperor as "Prince of Peace". Sound familiar?
When Jesus asks "Whose image is on this coin" it may well have been a coin minted in 44BC, the year of Caesar's assassination and deification, celebrating his "clementia".
Enters capital in triumph, forgive enemies, betrayed and murdered, proclaimed a god. That sounds familiar as well.
Shakespeare, of course, captures this sense of being at one of the junctures of history in his play Julius Caesar, although these lines belong to Brutus:
I quoted this whole passage myself somewhere on J6 as it perfectly summed up the inevitable result of Trump's half measures on that day. It is certainly appropriate to describe June 23 in Russian history.
Props to you for understanding what Russian Federation is. And who putin and his cabal shills for...
Many alt rightish westerners hold view on "Russia" as a some sort of a last hope traditional bastion. When in fact its one of the most rotten, corrupt and decayed constructs.
It's really hard to tell from the outside, but my guess is Putin is going to sue for a Minsk 3-style peace with the West over Ukraine which will be pathetic and embarrassing, and he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity and have some sort of uprising or rebellion when that happens. Better to purge them, arrest them and take them out ahead of time. But it could be something else...
this theory holds the most credit, i was thinking the Wagner mutiny was done so as to root out people not under Shoigu's control and that Prigozhin was in on it all along, now i am not so sure. He must have actually spoked the truth about this tuvan asiatic mongol that happily sends Russians to their deaths in suicidal attacks. The first step was to run the Russian liberals out of the country as their are the opposition to this SMO but now that Russia is losing and being grinded by this conflict they must have realised this is unsubstainable in the long run and now want a way out so they are purging,arresting and killing patriots and populair figures who could offer resistence after the peace treaty is signed and all those thousands of death were basicly for nothing, and it was just that Olcharch A took some remote Ukrainian village nobody could even find on a map from Olicharch B.
Regarding the topic of half-measures (and totally not referencing people such as Brett Andersen) - I do believe excessive philosophising to be indistinguishable from Christianity. Sure, one has to be somewhat culturally relativistic to engage in cultural alchemy and forge one's own path for his collective, yet I posit that pure rationalistic masturbation is not it. Instead, one should ground himself in history and empirical fact to evaluate different moralities.
Do you happen to know anyone who would analyse the Islamic custom of rendering women mute as opposed to the Juche Korean tradition of forcing women to sing (male-composed songs)? Now that would be both revolutionary and productive.
Again, there is something to be said about a clear break with the past. When liberals turn Peking into Beijing, and conservatives turn the Byzantine Empire into Roman, it is not an adequate response, but instead being mired in the same cultural milieu. A proper look from the side would constitute an utterly different model of reality - up to abandoning the English language altogether.
Hi Adunai, it's interesting you say that, as I look at most philosophers since Christianity's victory as merely moving society slowly away from belief and toward rationality and decadence. Nietzsche was a rare exception and, in my opinion, the last philosopher if or until a societal transvaluation of values occurs, because he correctly identified the process of nihilism occurring rooted in Christian values. I will be doing a post on the process of decadence in the not too distant future.
Regarding a "clear break with the past", that is only possible with an establishment and propagation of an intellectual foundation of radically different core values. Such a philosophizing also has concrete benefits to it -- for example, being apart from the herd was required to avoid the COVID-19 panic and avoid the death jabs.
You're still talking in a universalist key. I dunno, maybe it's because I'm Jewkrainian so I feel a painful sting of inferiority? Or maybe because I'm not an Amerimutt, so I have an appreciation for the existence of separate cultures and lands?
Namely, when you talk about the reevaluation of values, you probably mean the downfall of the Christian society in the USA. When you talk of the herd, you mean the relatively-anarchist nature of the population in those same USA. What I hate in Anglo media is precisely this idealistic, rootless, divorced from materialistic reality view.
At least, the schizo Russians are not like that; in their takes, it's the evil Western Nazi gays trying to destroy... Russia. Makes geographical sense, if nothing else.
Of course, exactly how you would go about reaching a point where the rednecks in West Virginia hang portraits of Hitler and smash the statues of Jesus, that I do not know. I'd wager to say, it would take a person of the stature of Lenin.
I've touched on the Brazil election where nationalist Bolsonaro was replaced by globohomo puppet Lula in a rigged election, and then Lula immediately turned around and demanded de-dollarization. Is that the action of globohomo puppet-masters who are scared of such de-dollarization?
Ultimately, the BRICS "multipolar world" scheme is a head-fake, because the Rothschilds and their small group of allies own the central banks of these nations. So shifting from a unipolar to a multipolar world does not change any of the fundamentals regarding who rules the world. This is why you have a weasel like Alex Soros bragging about hoping America falls:
> "nationalist Bolsonaro was replaced by globohomo puppet Lula"
Right-wingers are for international capital, socialists are for nationalising said capital for the good of the particular nation. See Cuba. Or Korea.
> "the Rothschilds and their small group of allies own the central banks of these nations."
Even if we suppose this to be true, what does it even influence? Isn't it a case similar to that of a genocidal Hitlerian America led by Jews? If scary bankers lead Turkey, and Turkey genocides Europe, it's still a net positive for Asia, and a loss for Christianity.
You are scared of bankers because muh freedom, because anarchism seems to be the bane of all Christcucks such as yourself, Rolo Slavskiy, @Strateg_Divannogo_Legiona and the rest. All you do is double down on the freedom nonsense half of Christian theology. You're just conservatards on drugs.
The bankers are inconsequential. If America falls, the entire world order unravels, banks or no banks. If history returns, the conditions won't be exactly conducive to bankers - let alone pods. And if pods indeed come into being nevertheless, they will be finished in the Sino-Nipponese Mongoloid fusion artstyle with AI waifus, 0% black skin (the gyaru notwithstanding).
The right and left depend on one's definitions of those terms. I define the right (as I use the term) as populist and nationalist, with an underlying element
of inegalitarianism and hierarchy. You are defining right-wing as capitalist versus a left-wing of socialist, so we are using different definitions.
Re: the effect of usury, I will quote from "Goals, Motivations and Strategies of the Owners of Modern Society: Part 1":
"Any industry that received expansion of credit in this manner resulted in major price appreciation, so individuals were forced to take out debt at whatever rate was demanded or get priced out of their industries. For example, Jewish money lenders first arrived in England in 1066 in the wake of William I’s defeat of King Harold II at Hastings. They had financed the war and, in return for their support, William I richly awarded the money lenders by allowing them to practice usury under royal protection. By charging rates of interest of 33% per annum on lands mortgaged by nobles and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen, within two generations 1/4 of all English lands were in the hands of usurers. At his death in 1186, the English financier Aaron of Lincoln’s wealth exceeded that of King Henry II. The famous economist Dr. William Cunningham compares “the activity of the money-lenders in England from the eleventh century onward to a sponge, which sucks up all the wealth of the land and thereby hinders all economic development.”
The ultimate effect of the central bank system is the death of the host (i.e. white western civilization). You want history to "return", but history cannot return without opposition to this system as it is.
> "I define the right (as I use the term) as populist and nationalist"
Wow, I've just had an idea that this angle is only possible if one inherently assumes the entire planet, all possible people, in short - globalism. In that way, yes, the very basic idea of discriminating between countries, of Westphalian sovereignty will be right-wing. But that was a given in the days before the Sissy Age, hence why Cuba can remain nationalist & left.
Again, the Leninist vanguard party principle presupposes a certain degree of hierarchical thinking, and I mean true hierarchy, not the Jews > transvestites > women > Negroes > sissies > cis scum of the modern era in America.
> "The ultimate effect of the central bank system is the death of the host (i.e. white western civilization). You want history to "return", but history cannot return without opposition to this system as it is."
Have you forgotten Asia exists? The Occident is the main impeder of the natural state of life. Still, such incidents as the genocide of the Rohingya and the Turko-Armenian struggle over Artsakh are indicators of the healthy state of Asians that will spring to the torrent of blood and steel the moment America kicks the bucket.
And yes, I do hope the far future to be a resplendent savage world where Nature has fully regenerated and Man wages war against the inferior psychoclasses.
I suspect that at the top of the ladder (elite globohome banksters and their sundry lackeys) there are no actual “good guys”. Just squabbling factions of amongst the pigs at the trough.
And I am praying always that God does indeed intervene. I’m convinced only He can stop the madness.
Did a ritual for Astaroth, got a new RTS announced (ZeroSpace). Prayed to Lilith, a commanding Jewish lord meets his tragic demise. Just empiric facts.
@Strateg_Divannogo_Legiona 's latest model of the world assumes an inter-American struggle between the CIA spook Deep State on the one side, and capitalist corporations on the other. The CIA want China to attack Formosa to kill Nvidia and Google, lest the spook authority be dissolved by the ever-growing tech capital. Thoughts?
Regarding our Jewish prince, he had a good run killing eager goyim scum. The Europeans are indeed a wretched race - and our little clown war is putting another (x) to the long list of Europe's failures (after Hitlerian Germany, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and arguably the neo-Christian West dying in real time). This is why I have grown disgusted with the concept of Aryan superiority - nothing but failures.
But returning to this car crash - why is it that both you and Rolo are expecting Minsk-3 when neither Strelkov nor Sofa Legion Strategist do?
> "The point of this is that globohomo plays for keeps. They are utterly ruthless, amoral, and do whatever it takes to retain power, no matter the cost."
This is rather emotional of you. Can the globohomo wrap up the transvestite culture in America if they willed so? Really? Could Gorbachev instill Russia with patriotism in 1991? Highly doubt it. My view - culture is paramount, Yeshua is king (soon to die for good, fingers crossed).
> "he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity"
I also take issue with your use of the term "right". If we go by economic liberalism, Putin is far-right, the country is sold to traitorous spooks and spooky gangsters. Putin's Russia is anarchist and capitalist, hence right-wing.
> "the temerity to elect Orange Man and Bolsonaro and vote in favor of Brexit."
Did Trump halt transvestite rights? Did Brexit stop the extinction of the English people? And who is Bolsonaro but another fat capitalist? Aren't you looking too deep into the clown fiesta?
> "I have been embarrassed more times than I can count offering certainty over a political analysis, especially in my younger days, only to be later proven wrong."
All my model is predicting is the increasing derangement of the suicidal neo-Christian culture. If I add some complexity to it - namely, a Jewish conspiracy - I would expect Poland to be devastated, as it's the last Aryan country on the planet. Hopefully it comes to pass. Cannot wait.
You can look to see how many CIA and FBI agents are infested in social media companies, google, Apple etc. for confirmation of this. They issue orders; corporations always acquiesce or are destroyed. War with China may or may not eventually happen, but China is controlled by the same forces that control the west:
2. "why is it that both you and Rolo are expecting Minsk-3 when neither Strelkov nor Sofa Legion Strategist do?" The Not-War has run down -- are you hearing of any new significant actions on either side? There is lots of chatter of backroom negotiations taking place. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't, but purging those to the right of Putin would be a smart move to do before the not-Surrender.
3. "Can the globohomo wrap up the transvestite culture in America if they willed so?" Globohomo is a product of underlying egalitarianism and the Rothschild central bank system sits as a structure on top of it. They ride and juice the wave, but are not the ultimate causes of it. Voting out of this is impossible, it begins with a transvaluation of values among the masses, if ever.
4. "he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity". Right in this context means populism and nationalism. Right can also mean inegalitarianism / quality (i.e. competence, accountability) over quantity.
5. " I would expect Poland to be devastated, as it's the last Aryan country on the planet." Poland is already well on its way with vastly increased support for gay marriage. Globohomo is rotting their souls before a physical purge, but regardless, Poles are so stupid in general they are no threat to their agenda.
> "Poland is already well on its way with vastly increased support for gay marriage."
How is LGBT even relevant? It's an indicator, but nothing more. If Poland survives the collapse of the West, there may be unironic hope. Hence if a Jewish conspiracy is real, they ought to nuke Poland ASAP, hundreds of warheads, then bring in the Turks to impregnate their women. This is what the standoff with Lukashenko/Duda might imply.
> "1. Corporations are controlled by globohomo and by the underlying egalitarian values of society:"
So what you are saying is that there is no friction in the American Empire's internal structure, right? That's what I would posit as well. Zero opposition, everyone on board.
Effectively, America has no politics, other cultural views are unthinkable, the world outside the bubble inconceivable. This is my point. Americans constantly talk "Let's invade China to liberate Hong Kong" or "Trans rights is trans genocide", but their internal unrest amounts to a few cosplayers politely entering the White House, and their secession incarnates as a Negro rapper fucking bitches in CHAZ.
Americans might stumble due to the sheer idiocy and unreality of their hyper-Christian culture of rich fat slobs, but other than that, they will not yield an inch. "They" is indeed a misnomer as this culture is not controlled by any single human or a Party or Organisation, like the CCP or ISIS.
Re: Minsk-3. I honestly have no idea what it would look like, and why you would assume this. In this very post you have called the élite ruthless. If America wants to disarm Russia, why stop? Unless they are afraid Russia to be on the verge of collapse, haha (that is Strategos' explanation for Russian victories).
"How is LGBT even relevant?" Because a decadent nation cannot resist globohomo's dictates.
"This is what the standoff with Lukashenko/Duda might imply." The standoff is only a short or mid-term stand-off, not long term, because the rapidly changing demographics favor the transformation of Europe into the Kalergi plan. Demographics is destiny.
"So what you are saying is that there is no friction in the American Empire's internal structure, right?" More or less correct. The friction is over which oligarchical element gets what degree of the grift pie from the masses, but there is no core underlying friction. Such friction could only come from a transvaluation of values, and there is zero signs of that happen outside of very fringe elements of the internet like here.
"I honestly have no idea what it would look like, and why you would assume this. In this very post you have called the élite ruthless. If America wants to disarm Russia, why stop?" Putin is controlled by the same financial forces that control the West. The overarching agenda is long-term white genocide and Putin has furthered that agenda admirably (from their view) with the WW1-style grind of Slavs on both sides of this fake war. Globohomo could overthrow Putin (as I wrote in my other post about the war) -- certain Jewish elements like Victoria Nuland would love that -- in order to carve up Russia for its natural resources, but they could also leave their puppet Putin in power given he does what they want.
The more or less stablished "West-critical" narrative goes that the big corporations (controlled I guess by the global elites or the West in general) covet Russia's natural resources, and this would be the reason why there is allegedly an old but ongoing project for splitting Russia into smaller countries which would presumedly be easier to control and loot.
Much as I try, I am unable to match up this narrative with the one that says Putin is a puppet in the hands of those same global powers. Well, if they control the man in charge of the whole of Russia and can simply instruct him to surrender its resources to the corporations, why on earth would they need a torn apart Russia? This could only work against them, in case one or more of the new countries got lucky and managed to get an anti-globalist government. No matter how unlikely this last possibility, why risk it? Russia _already_ belongs to the global elites, doesn't it?
Hi Freelander, good question. I'm not going to pretend to give a comprehensive answer, as it is conjecture and impossible to know from the outside.
That being said, I see the top layer of globohomo as the Rothschild central bank owners and their allies, likely animated by the Demiurge/Satan. Their goal is white genocide where they ultimately rule over about 500 million - 1 billion low IQ, confused mixed race slaves and everyone else genocided.
They believe they will be able to rule over this population in perpetuity. How they get there is a question of strategy and tactics. Is it better to have Putin and his oligarchical cronies in control over Russia and bleed the country with terrible central bank policies, a collapsed fertility rate and slav-on-slav murder in Ukraine? Or is it better to dismember Russia into a dozen pieces and go for maximum resource extraction and chaos? There are different arguments to be made for both and different factions backing both, for example, bloodthirsty Victoria Nuland (who is a mid-level lackey, not top-level decider) is part of the faction that wants dismemberment. The behind the scenes jockeying for specific tactics is unclear from the outside. Generally speaking, though, I think globohomo prefers to leave existing leaders in control so long as they go along with the over-arching program, because that decreases elements of uncertainty and chaos.
Fair enough. Now that I think of it, if they manage to massively depopulate the world, then Russian resources won't be necessary. But such degree of depopulation is going to take at least one more century. Satan knows what will be their objective by then...
> "likely animated by the Demiurge/Satan. Their goal is white genocide where they ultimately rule over about 500 million - 1 billion low IQ, confused mixed race slaves and everyone else genocided."
Just to clarify, that is a beautiful future, and I would unironically support it. We are not the same.
The issue is that I consider the non-Israeli Jews to be inherently tied to the fate of the Aryans, and if Aryan America goes under, Asia will regenerate. And so far, Occidental Jews have shown ridiculous, superhuman levels of Christcucked mercy. Hence where you see the strivings of genocide in their hearts, I do not know.
> "Such friction could only come from a transvaluation of values, and there is zero signs of that happen outside of very fringe elements of the internet like here."
I wonder whether a political movement nucleus forms as an expression of cultural change, or vice versa - begets such change? Hitler came out of Nietzsche and WW1, whereas Kim Il Sung succeeded in establishing an illustrious dynasty all by himself.
Regarding a gay Poland - I wouldn't put too much weight on LGBT as a true factor of a nation's collapse. Peoples seem to be way too resilient, and only physical miscegenation can fasten the decline into decades - something that is under way to the West of the Elbe, but not in the Slavlands, and not even in Japan. I would be wary of overestimating the role of degenerate culture when the push comes to shove - see America's strength in WW2 despite the Axis' smug calculations to the opposite. Culture is of import in terms of peaceful survival - such as in the cases of the late Soviet Union (failure) and Juche Korea (success).
As things stand, if the Jews don't nuke and literally settle Poland with Turks, the Poles stand a chance of recreating an Aryan Intermarium imperium. An easy conquest of Belarus will only make them harder. That's quite obvious, and honestly lifefuel to any Aryan racist, no idea why so few think of it. I'm not marvelling at it precisely because I would expect a Polish genocide as Jewry's defensive measure to prevent another Holocaust. I hope they're not missing this mortal danger to Israel.
P.S. I get triggered by the ideas of New Khazaria in the light of the recent Dnieper Kakhovka dam destruction. Do you, too? Why would Jews settle in a land replete with depleted Uranium and unexploded ordnances? And Stalingrad is native Turk land.
Eastern Europe is suffering from a dramatically sub-replacement fertility rate. It cannot afford these kind of WW1-style grind-fests like is happening in Ukraine. Japan is a bad example, because it has and is being swarmed with foreigners -- it has increased by almost a million foreigners in just six years:
As Gulte Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons, is reported to have said, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." I think the emptying out of Ukraine and Russia by the internationalist powers is very sad...
Re: Poland, I have a low opinion of Poles based upon their strategies throughout the 20th century and how they have reacted so far in the 21st. They seem generally dumb and arrogant, a bad combination, and easy for globohomo to lead by the nose. Combined with their increasing secularism and increased support for gay marriage, and I don't see good things for the country in the mid-term...
> " It cannot afford these kind of WW1-style grind-fests like is happening in Ukraine."
A few hundred thousand dead is a nothingburger. Stop being a pussy. I do not consider such numbers to be a genocide. Poland is 40 mil. and 100% Aryan, absorbing Ukrainian whores. I do not see any danger to it - provided America dies soon enough for the natural Turkic-Negro immigration not to kill Poland.
>"Japan is a bad example, because it has and is being swarmed with foreigners -- it has increased by almost a million foreigners in just six years"
You acknowledge that 90% of them are Mongoloids, right? Negros only constitute a measly 6 thousand. The Brazilians are most likely Japanese. The Sino-Koreans are usually racially-superior (and so are the Aryans lel).
Hence, the only real danger to Japan would stem from the Pinoy (276k and counting). But even in the worst case evaluation, this immigration is incredibly recent, so any racist régime could easily track down the Pinoy descendants and discriminate them just as the burakumin.
> "I think the emptying out of Ukraine and Russia by the internationalist powers is very sad..."
Umm, the Russians did it to themselves. You're literally a monocausalist here.
> "They seem generally dumb and arrogant, a bad combination, and easy for globohomo to lead by the nose."
The thing is that globohomo needs either to keep America alive long enough, or to genocide Poland swiftly enough for Israel's ancient enemy to be vanquished. See, here I'm considering the worst case for the Jews, for they are not all-powerful.
What we have so far - even the Nikopol atomic power plant is standing undamaged, and so is America. If nothing happens in 2024, I will look towards the AI future.
For what my opinion is worth, I find a couple serious objections to the Kremlin's authorship of this murder.
First off, I think it's unlikely -though certainly not impossible- the State behaves in revengeful ways. Usually, professionals do not engage in useless revenges. I'd rather say they'd kill Prigo were his dead to be beneficial for them in some way, but such benefit is not particularly obvious to me. And even if I am missing the usefulness of killing him, and they indeed wanted him dead, well -- they had many, far better and less embarrassing ways (let alone without needing to kill half a dozen another totally innocent persons) to carry out an assassination, like for instance a "lost" bullet or a "rotten" fish fillet somewhere in Niger. One of the things the Kremlin needs the less during the BRICS summit is a scandal compromising its "morality". Also, it would be quite embarrassing as well with regards to Lukashenko, somehow the guarantor of Prigo's "safety".
On the other hand, the mandatory "Qui prodest?" question does not yield, in my opinion, a list of suspects headed by the Kremlin. Numbers 1 & 2 in my list are France and the US. Only number 3 or 4 might be Someone within the Kremlin (not necessarily the Presidential Administration), and yet, it would not be very clear to me what kind of "prodest" would get that "Qui". In any case, Prigo had a ton of enemies who might want to try to kill him either for practical reasons or for purely personal, emotional ones like hatred or revenge; the Kiev regime being one of those obvious enemies.
Lastly, quite a few people have pointed out the date (23rd August, two months after Prigo's mutiny) as proof of the Kremlin's "authorship", but to me this argument does not hold water. What? Did they call Prigo and convince him into getting on _that_ airplane _that_ day so they could kill him in the "monthversary" of his mutiny? Did they arrange 500 alternative ways of killing him that very day so as to make sure they would not miss the target? Or were they ready to patiently wait, for an eternity if need be, until Prigozhin got on board a given airplane (a permanently sabotaged one) any 23rd of any month for years to come?
Hi Freelander, I don't see France or the U.S. benefiting from a decapitation strike against Wagner leadership; Wagner was a thorn in the Kremlin's side, why would they want to remove it? Wagner was already out of the Ukraine war as well...I see Putin and Shoigu benefiting, especially the latter. The aborted march on Moscow was due to Shoigu's demands to Prigozhin for Wagner to be absorbed by MoD by July 1. Wagner balked and challenged Shoigu/Putin's authority publicly, and from my speculation they judged a public response to be the best way to reassert their authority and deterrence capabilities. Removing all of Wagner's leadership means that the thorn in their side is now gone, and Wagner may just be absorbed by the MoD after all now. Putin's initial comments about Prigozhin's death were noncommittal, something about him having had a "tough end". We don't know if a bomb took the plane out or anti-air fire, but if the latter then it was almost certainly a top-level-approved Russian operation. And all of this should be viewed in light of the Kremlin's current purge against the right with Strelkov, Surovikin and Popov arrested...
Perhaps I am misled by the news, but apparently Wagner has been active lately in Niger, where France (and of course the USA) want to oust the coup new regime, unfriendly towards the West. In fact USA is, if I am not mistaken, about to declare Wagner an international terrorist organization, or something on those lines. I would be surprised if neither France nor the USA were extremely glad after Wagner got beheaded. On the other hand, Wagner theoretically stopped being a thorn in the Kremlin's side after whatever "arrangement" they reached by Luka's mediation. I agree with you that the Kremlin probably judged a public response the best way to reassert their authority, but a botched job like that is a very lousy way to carry out a public response and would therefore be counterproductive. If I can figure this out, the Kremlin can too.
In my opinion, the strongest argument in favour of the Kremlin's authorship is what you point out about the MoD being now able to absorb Wagner, although I still need to see that, because I tend to think that mercenary soldiers are not happy being directly employed by governments.
Of course Putin's comments about Prigozhin's death were noncommital. If I were in Putin's shoes I would have been a lot less diplomatic towards the man who marched on Moscow with an armed PMC, shooting down my planes and killing my pilots. I do not know how people could expect Putin mourning Prigo and showing himself overwhelmed by sorrow. Actually, had he done so, his critics (virtually everybody in Slavsquat and Slavslands) would have branded him as a consummate hypocrite.
By the way, yesterday I published a sui generis pseudo essay about this topic in my own substack. If you have time, you can take a look at it:
Thanks to Substack, we have access to sensible views like yours, Rolo's and Slavsquat's; otherwise we'd have to rely on the finkelthink narratives of MSM/Z-anon.
And kudos for quoting from Vidal's Julian. Your remarks on Caesar remind me that in Creating Christ, the authors observe that when Caesar met opposition or betrayal, and won, he would offer clemency; the defeated party would join him, grateful for being spared and looking forward to sharing in the future loot. (But there were no second chances, you'd be ruthlessly eliminated at the first sign of disloyalty; no "forgive your brother 70 time 7 times"). In this way Caesar built a base of power, gaining more and more allies, and gained the adulation of the people.
I guess things didn't work out so well with him and the Senate, but consider that the Senate's triumph was short lived, and emperors that followed used Caesar's own name as a title. Not a bad legacy. In fact, the authors go into this in order to argue that Julius Caesar (JC) was the real life model that the myth of Jesus Christ (JC) was based on. Whether or not that holds water, they do make a case that the Roman world was not a world of ruthless "blond beasts" that was either (1) taught morality by the loving Christians , as the latter would say, or (2) destroyed by a religion of slave morality, as Nietzsche and a lot of "alt right" types would say. History is complicated!
History is complicated
The more you know the less you know.
> "Whether or not that holds water, they do make a case that the Roman world was not a world of ruthless "blond beasts" that was either (1) taught morality by the loving Christians"
Caesar killed 2 million Gauls and sold another 2 mil. into slavery. America bred 10 million Iraqis under their occupation, and then left in shameful defeat. We are not the same.
Where is my Afghan slave girl, damnit? Didn't my country occupy Afghanistan in the 1980s? Oh wait, that is unthinkable!
So what? If Romans failed to live up to what we would think their virtues would require, so did Christian rulers. The point is the virtues were the same. Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
The Roman concept of "peace" (Pax Augusta or Pacis Eventus) required the suppression of Gauls, Goths and Jews. Such successful operations resulted in coins celebrating the Emperor as "Prince of Peace". Sound familiar?
When Jesus asks "Whose image is on this coin" it may well have been a coin minted in 44BC, the year of Caesar's assassination and deification, celebrating his "clementia".
Enters capital in triumph, forgive enemies, betrayed and murdered, proclaimed a god. That sounds familiar as well.
Despised by a pseudonymous neo-Nazi? Wow, that will really besmirch my escutcheon.
First, César Tort is not anonymous neo-Nazi, he's a legitimate Hitlerian from Mexico. Second, are you related to Michael O'Meara?
Shakespeare, of course, captures this sense of being at one of the junctures of history in his play Julius Caesar, although these lines belong to Brutus:
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves
Or lose our ventures.
Excellent. The three lines before this too:
Our legions are brim full, our cause is ripe.
The enemy increaseth every day;
We, at the height, are ready to decline
I quoted this whole passage myself somewhere on J6 as it perfectly summed up the inevitable result of Trump's half measures on that day. It is certainly appropriate to describe June 23 in Russian history.
Props to you for understanding what Russian Federation is. And who putin and his cabal shills for...
Many alt rightish westerners hold view on "Russia" as a some sort of a last hope traditional bastion. When in fact its one of the most rotten, corrupt and decayed constructs.
I still don't get the motive. Is it just that he embarrassed them? Sending a message to anyone else who might embarrass them?
It's really hard to tell from the outside, but my guess is Putin is going to sue for a Minsk 3-style peace with the West over Ukraine which will be pathetic and embarrassing, and he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity and have some sort of uprising or rebellion when that happens. Better to purge them, arrest them and take them out ahead of time. But it could be something else...
this theory holds the most credit, i was thinking the Wagner mutiny was done so as to root out people not under Shoigu's control and that Prigozhin was in on it all along, now i am not so sure. He must have actually spoked the truth about this tuvan asiatic mongol that happily sends Russians to their deaths in suicidal attacks. The first step was to run the Russian liberals out of the country as their are the opposition to this SMO but now that Russia is losing and being grinded by this conflict they must have realised this is unsubstainable in the long run and now want a way out so they are purging,arresting and killing patriots and populair figures who could offer resistence after the peace treaty is signed and all those thousands of death were basicly for nothing, and it was just that Olcharch A took some remote Ukrainian village nobody could even find on a map from Olicharch B.
You certainly seem pretty blackpilled.
If I had to guess this is a result of Putin's half measures being trumped by Shoigu's full measures.
Regarding the topic of half-measures (and totally not referencing people such as Brett Andersen) - I do believe excessive philosophising to be indistinguishable from Christianity. Sure, one has to be somewhat culturally relativistic to engage in cultural alchemy and forge one's own path for his collective, yet I posit that pure rationalistic masturbation is not it. Instead, one should ground himself in history and empirical fact to evaluate different moralities.
Do you happen to know anyone who would analyse the Islamic custom of rendering women mute as opposed to the Juche Korean tradition of forcing women to sing (male-composed songs)? Now that would be both revolutionary and productive.
Again, there is something to be said about a clear break with the past. When liberals turn Peking into Beijing, and conservatives turn the Byzantine Empire into Roman, it is not an adequate response, but instead being mired in the same cultural milieu. A proper look from the side would constitute an utterly different model of reality - up to abandoning the English language altogether.
Hi Adunai, it's interesting you say that, as I look at most philosophers since Christianity's victory as merely moving society slowly away from belief and toward rationality and decadence. Nietzsche was a rare exception and, in my opinion, the last philosopher if or until a societal transvaluation of values occurs, because he correctly identified the process of nihilism occurring rooted in Christian values. I will be doing a post on the process of decadence in the not too distant future.
Regarding a "clear break with the past", that is only possible with an establishment and propagation of an intellectual foundation of radically different core values. Such a philosophizing also has concrete benefits to it -- for example, being apart from the herd was required to avoid the COVID-19 panic and avoid the death jabs.
You're still talking in a universalist key. I dunno, maybe it's because I'm Jewkrainian so I feel a painful sting of inferiority? Or maybe because I'm not an Amerimutt, so I have an appreciation for the existence of separate cultures and lands?
Namely, when you talk about the reevaluation of values, you probably mean the downfall of the Christian society in the USA. When you talk of the herd, you mean the relatively-anarchist nature of the population in those same USA. What I hate in Anglo media is precisely this idealistic, rootless, divorced from materialistic reality view.
At least, the schizo Russians are not like that; in their takes, it's the evil Western Nazi gays trying to destroy... Russia. Makes geographical sense, if nothing else.
Of course, exactly how you would go about reaching a point where the rednecks in West Virginia hang portraits of Hitler and smash the statues of Jesus, that I do not know. I'd wager to say, it would take a person of the stature of Lenin.
I think you promised to write about why globohomo is pushing so hard for BRICS to happen. (We "sanction" ourselves so you guys trade with each other)
Hi W M, I've touched on BRICS previously:
Here on Russia:
Here on China:
I've touched on the Brazil election where nationalist Bolsonaro was replaced by globohomo puppet Lula in a rigged election, and then Lula immediately turned around and demanded de-dollarization. Is that the action of globohomo puppet-masters who are scared of such de-dollarization?
Ultimately, the BRICS "multipolar world" scheme is a head-fake, because the Rothschilds and their small group of allies own the central banks of these nations. So shifting from a unipolar to a multipolar world does not change any of the fundamentals regarding who rules the world. This is why you have a weasel like Alex Soros bragging about hoping America falls:
> "nationalist Bolsonaro was replaced by globohomo puppet Lula"
Right-wingers are for international capital, socialists are for nationalising said capital for the good of the particular nation. See Cuba. Or Korea.
> "the Rothschilds and their small group of allies own the central banks of these nations."
Even if we suppose this to be true, what does it even influence? Isn't it a case similar to that of a genocidal Hitlerian America led by Jews? If scary bankers lead Turkey, and Turkey genocides Europe, it's still a net positive for Asia, and a loss for Christianity.
You are scared of bankers because muh freedom, because anarchism seems to be the bane of all Christcucks such as yourself, Rolo Slavskiy, @Strateg_Divannogo_Legiona and the rest. All you do is double down on the freedom nonsense half of Christian theology. You're just conservatards on drugs.
The bankers are inconsequential. If America falls, the entire world order unravels, banks or no banks. If history returns, the conditions won't be exactly conducive to bankers - let alone pods. And if pods indeed come into being nevertheless, they will be finished in the Sino-Nipponese Mongoloid fusion artstyle with AI waifus, 0% black skin (the gyaru notwithstanding).
The right and left depend on one's definitions of those terms. I define the right (as I use the term) as populist and nationalist, with an underlying element
of inegalitarianism and hierarchy. You are defining right-wing as capitalist versus a left-wing of socialist, so we are using different definitions.
Re: the effect of usury, I will quote from "Goals, Motivations and Strategies of the Owners of Modern Society: Part 1":
"Any industry that received expansion of credit in this manner resulted in major price appreciation, so individuals were forced to take out debt at whatever rate was demanded or get priced out of their industries. For example, Jewish money lenders first arrived in England in 1066 in the wake of William I’s defeat of King Harold II at Hastings. They had financed the war and, in return for their support, William I richly awarded the money lenders by allowing them to practice usury under royal protection. By charging rates of interest of 33% per annum on lands mortgaged by nobles and 300% per annum on tools of trade or chattels pledged by workmen, within two generations 1/4 of all English lands were in the hands of usurers. At his death in 1186, the English financier Aaron of Lincoln’s wealth exceeded that of King Henry II. The famous economist Dr. William Cunningham compares “the activity of the money-lenders in England from the eleventh century onward to a sponge, which sucks up all the wealth of the land and thereby hinders all economic development.”
The ultimate effect of the central bank system is the death of the host (i.e. white western civilization). You want history to "return", but history cannot return without opposition to this system as it is.
> "I define the right (as I use the term) as populist and nationalist"
Wow, I've just had an idea that this angle is only possible if one inherently assumes the entire planet, all possible people, in short - globalism. In that way, yes, the very basic idea of discriminating between countries, of Westphalian sovereignty will be right-wing. But that was a given in the days before the Sissy Age, hence why Cuba can remain nationalist & left.
Again, the Leninist vanguard party principle presupposes a certain degree of hierarchical thinking, and I mean true hierarchy, not the Jews > transvestites > women > Negroes > sissies > cis scum of the modern era in America.
> "The ultimate effect of the central bank system is the death of the host (i.e. white western civilization). You want history to "return", but history cannot return without opposition to this system as it is."
Have you forgotten Asia exists? The Occident is the main impeder of the natural state of life. Still, such incidents as the genocide of the Rohingya and the Turko-Armenian struggle over Artsakh are indicators of the healthy state of Asians that will spring to the torrent of blood and steel the moment America kicks the bucket.
© Mauricio
And yes, I do hope the far future to be a resplendent savage world where Nature has fully regenerated and Man wages war against the inferior psychoclasses.
I suspect that at the top of the ladder (elite globohome banksters and their sundry lackeys) there are no actual “good guys”. Just squabbling factions of amongst the pigs at the trough.
And I am praying always that God does indeed intervene. I’m convinced only He can stop the madness.
Did a ritual for Astaroth, got a new RTS announced (ZeroSpace). Prayed to Lilith, a commanding Jewish lord meets his tragic demise. Just empiric facts.
@Strateg_Divannogo_Legiona 's latest model of the world assumes an inter-American struggle between the CIA spook Deep State on the one side, and capitalist corporations on the other. The CIA want China to attack Formosa to kill Nvidia and Google, lest the spook authority be dissolved by the ever-growing tech capital. Thoughts?
Regarding our Jewish prince, he had a good run killing eager goyim scum. The Europeans are indeed a wretched race - and our little clown war is putting another (x) to the long list of Europe's failures (after Hitlerian Germany, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and arguably the neo-Christian West dying in real time). This is why I have grown disgusted with the concept of Aryan superiority - nothing but failures.
But returning to this car crash - why is it that both you and Rolo are expecting Minsk-3 when neither Strelkov nor Sofa Legion Strategist do?
> "The point of this is that globohomo plays for keeps. They are utterly ruthless, amoral, and do whatever it takes to retain power, no matter the cost."
This is rather emotional of you. Can the globohomo wrap up the transvestite culture in America if they willed so? Really? Could Gorbachev instill Russia with patriotism in 1991? Highly doubt it. My view - culture is paramount, Yeshua is king (soon to die for good, fingers crossed).
> "he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity"
I also take issue with your use of the term "right". If we go by economic liberalism, Putin is far-right, the country is sold to traitorous spooks and spooky gangsters. Putin's Russia is anarchist and capitalist, hence right-wing.
> "the temerity to elect Orange Man and Bolsonaro and vote in favor of Brexit."
Did Trump halt transvestite rights? Did Brexit stop the extinction of the English people? And who is Bolsonaro but another fat capitalist? Aren't you looking too deep into the clown fiesta?
> "I have been embarrassed more times than I can count offering certainty over a political analysis, especially in my younger days, only to be later proven wrong."
All my model is predicting is the increasing derangement of the suicidal neo-Christian culture. If I add some complexity to it - namely, a Jewish conspiracy - I would expect Poland to be devastated, as it's the last Aryan country on the planet. Hopefully it comes to pass. Cannot wait.
Hi Adunai,
1. Corporations are controlled by globohomo and by the underlying egalitarian values of society:
You can look to see how many CIA and FBI agents are infested in social media companies, google, Apple etc. for confirmation of this. They issue orders; corporations always acquiesce or are destroyed. War with China may or may not eventually happen, but China is controlled by the same forces that control the west:
2. "why is it that both you and Rolo are expecting Minsk-3 when neither Strelkov nor Sofa Legion Strategist do?" The Not-War has run down -- are you hearing of any new significant actions on either side? There is lots of chatter of backroom negotiations taking place. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't, but purging those to the right of Putin would be a smart move to do before the not-Surrender.
3. "Can the globohomo wrap up the transvestite culture in America if they willed so?" Globohomo is a product of underlying egalitarianism and the Rothschild central bank system sits as a structure on top of it. They ride and juice the wave, but are not the ultimate causes of it. Voting out of this is impossible, it begins with a transvaluation of values among the masses, if ever.
4. "he and the oligarchs don't want those to their right to be around to gain popularity". Right in this context means populism and nationalism. Right can also mean inegalitarianism / quality (i.e. competence, accountability) over quantity.
5. " I would expect Poland to be devastated, as it's the last Aryan country on the planet." Poland is already well on its way with vastly increased support for gay marriage. Globohomo is rotting their souls before a physical purge, but regardless, Poles are so stupid in general they are no threat to their agenda.
> "Poland is already well on its way with vastly increased support for gay marriage."
How is LGBT even relevant? It's an indicator, but nothing more. If Poland survives the collapse of the West, there may be unironic hope. Hence if a Jewish conspiracy is real, they ought to nuke Poland ASAP, hundreds of warheads, then bring in the Turks to impregnate their women. This is what the standoff with Lukashenko/Duda might imply.
> "1. Corporations are controlled by globohomo and by the underlying egalitarian values of society:"
So what you are saying is that there is no friction in the American Empire's internal structure, right? That's what I would posit as well. Zero opposition, everyone on board.
Effectively, America has no politics, other cultural views are unthinkable, the world outside the bubble inconceivable. This is my point. Americans constantly talk "Let's invade China to liberate Hong Kong" or "Trans rights is trans genocide", but their internal unrest amounts to a few cosplayers politely entering the White House, and their secession incarnates as a Negro rapper fucking bitches in CHAZ.
Americans might stumble due to the sheer idiocy and unreality of their hyper-Christian culture of rich fat slobs, but other than that, they will not yield an inch. "They" is indeed a misnomer as this culture is not controlled by any single human or a Party or Organisation, like the CCP or ISIS.
Re: Minsk-3. I honestly have no idea what it would look like, and why you would assume this. In this very post you have called the élite ruthless. If America wants to disarm Russia, why stop? Unless they are afraid Russia to be on the verge of collapse, haha (that is Strategos' explanation for Russian victories).
"How is LGBT even relevant?" Because a decadent nation cannot resist globohomo's dictates.
"This is what the standoff with Lukashenko/Duda might imply." The standoff is only a short or mid-term stand-off, not long term, because the rapidly changing demographics favor the transformation of Europe into the Kalergi plan. Demographics is destiny.
"So what you are saying is that there is no friction in the American Empire's internal structure, right?" More or less correct. The friction is over which oligarchical element gets what degree of the grift pie from the masses, but there is no core underlying friction. Such friction could only come from a transvaluation of values, and there is zero signs of that happen outside of very fringe elements of the internet like here.
"I honestly have no idea what it would look like, and why you would assume this. In this very post you have called the élite ruthless. If America wants to disarm Russia, why stop?" Putin is controlled by the same financial forces that control the West. The overarching agenda is long-term white genocide and Putin has furthered that agenda admirably (from their view) with the WW1-style grind of Slavs on both sides of this fake war. Globohomo could overthrow Putin (as I wrote in my other post about the war) -- certain Jewish elements like Victoria Nuland would love that -- in order to carve up Russia for its natural resources, but they could also leave their puppet Putin in power given he does what they want.
The more or less stablished "West-critical" narrative goes that the big corporations (controlled I guess by the global elites or the West in general) covet Russia's natural resources, and this would be the reason why there is allegedly an old but ongoing project for splitting Russia into smaller countries which would presumedly be easier to control and loot.
Much as I try, I am unable to match up this narrative with the one that says Putin is a puppet in the hands of those same global powers. Well, if they control the man in charge of the whole of Russia and can simply instruct him to surrender its resources to the corporations, why on earth would they need a torn apart Russia? This could only work against them, in case one or more of the new countries got lucky and managed to get an anti-globalist government. No matter how unlikely this last possibility, why risk it? Russia _already_ belongs to the global elites, doesn't it?
Please help me understand this.
Hi Freelander, good question. I'm not going to pretend to give a comprehensive answer, as it is conjecture and impossible to know from the outside.
That being said, I see the top layer of globohomo as the Rothschild central bank owners and their allies, likely animated by the Demiurge/Satan. Their goal is white genocide where they ultimately rule over about 500 million - 1 billion low IQ, confused mixed race slaves and everyone else genocided.
They believe they will be able to rule over this population in perpetuity. How they get there is a question of strategy and tactics. Is it better to have Putin and his oligarchical cronies in control over Russia and bleed the country with terrible central bank policies, a collapsed fertility rate and slav-on-slav murder in Ukraine? Or is it better to dismember Russia into a dozen pieces and go for maximum resource extraction and chaos? There are different arguments to be made for both and different factions backing both, for example, bloodthirsty Victoria Nuland (who is a mid-level lackey, not top-level decider) is part of the faction that wants dismemberment. The behind the scenes jockeying for specific tactics is unclear from the outside. Generally speaking, though, I think globohomo prefers to leave existing leaders in control so long as they go along with the over-arching program, because that decreases elements of uncertainty and chaos.
Fair enough. Now that I think of it, if they manage to massively depopulate the world, then Russian resources won't be necessary. But such degree of depopulation is going to take at least one more century. Satan knows what will be their objective by then...
> "likely animated by the Demiurge/Satan. Their goal is white genocide where they ultimately rule over about 500 million - 1 billion low IQ, confused mixed race slaves and everyone else genocided."
Just to clarify, that is a beautiful future, and I would unironically support it. We are not the same.
The issue is that I consider the non-Israeli Jews to be inherently tied to the fate of the Aryans, and if Aryan America goes under, Asia will regenerate. And so far, Occidental Jews have shown ridiculous, superhuman levels of Christcucked mercy. Hence where you see the strivings of genocide in their hearts, I do not know.
> "Such friction could only come from a transvaluation of values, and there is zero signs of that happen outside of very fringe elements of the internet like here."
I wonder whether a political movement nucleus forms as an expression of cultural change, or vice versa - begets such change? Hitler came out of Nietzsche and WW1, whereas Kim Il Sung succeeded in establishing an illustrious dynasty all by himself.
Regarding a gay Poland - I wouldn't put too much weight on LGBT as a true factor of a nation's collapse. Peoples seem to be way too resilient, and only physical miscegenation can fasten the decline into decades - something that is under way to the West of the Elbe, but not in the Slavlands, and not even in Japan. I would be wary of overestimating the role of degenerate culture when the push comes to shove - see America's strength in WW2 despite the Axis' smug calculations to the opposite. Culture is of import in terms of peaceful survival - such as in the cases of the late Soviet Union (failure) and Juche Korea (success).
As things stand, if the Jews don't nuke and literally settle Poland with Turks, the Poles stand a chance of recreating an Aryan Intermarium imperium. An easy conquest of Belarus will only make them harder. That's quite obvious, and honestly lifefuel to any Aryan racist, no idea why so few think of it. I'm not marvelling at it precisely because I would expect a Polish genocide as Jewry's defensive measure to prevent another Holocaust. I hope they're not missing this mortal danger to Israel.
P.S. I get triggered by the ideas of New Khazaria in the light of the recent Dnieper Kakhovka dam destruction. Do you, too? Why would Jews settle in a land replete with depleted Uranium and unexploded ordnances? And Stalingrad is native Turk land.
Eastern Europe is suffering from a dramatically sub-replacement fertility rate. It cannot afford these kind of WW1-style grind-fests like is happening in Ukraine. Japan is a bad example, because it has and is being swarmed with foreigners -- it has increased by almost a million foreigners in just six years:
As Gulte Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons, is reported to have said, "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." I think the emptying out of Ukraine and Russia by the internationalist powers is very sad...
Re: Poland, I have a low opinion of Poles based upon their strategies throughout the 20th century and how they have reacted so far in the 21st. They seem generally dumb and arrogant, a bad combination, and easy for globohomo to lead by the nose. Combined with their increasing secularism and increased support for gay marriage, and I don't see good things for the country in the mid-term...
> " It cannot afford these kind of WW1-style grind-fests like is happening in Ukraine."
A few hundred thousand dead is a nothingburger. Stop being a pussy. I do not consider such numbers to be a genocide. Poland is 40 mil. and 100% Aryan, absorbing Ukrainian whores. I do not see any danger to it - provided America dies soon enough for the natural Turkic-Negro immigration not to kill Poland.
>"Japan is a bad example, because it has and is being swarmed with foreigners -- it has increased by almost a million foreigners in just six years"
You acknowledge that 90% of them are Mongoloids, right? Negros only constitute a measly 6 thousand. The Brazilians are most likely Japanese. The Sino-Koreans are usually racially-superior (and so are the Aryans lel).
Hence, the only real danger to Japan would stem from the Pinoy (276k and counting). But even in the worst case evaluation, this immigration is incredibly recent, so any racist régime could easily track down the Pinoy descendants and discriminate them just as the burakumin.
> "I think the emptying out of Ukraine and Russia by the internationalist powers is very sad..."
Umm, the Russians did it to themselves. You're literally a monocausalist here.
> "They seem generally dumb and arrogant, a bad combination, and easy for globohomo to lead by the nose."
The thing is that globohomo needs either to keep America alive long enough, or to genocide Poland swiftly enough for Israel's ancient enemy to be vanquished. See, here I'm considering the worst case for the Jews, for they are not all-powerful.
What we have so far - even the Nikopol atomic power plant is standing undamaged, and so is America. If nothing happens in 2024, I will look towards the AI future.
For what my opinion is worth, I find a couple serious objections to the Kremlin's authorship of this murder.
First off, I think it's unlikely -though certainly not impossible- the State behaves in revengeful ways. Usually, professionals do not engage in useless revenges. I'd rather say they'd kill Prigo were his dead to be beneficial for them in some way, but such benefit is not particularly obvious to me. And even if I am missing the usefulness of killing him, and they indeed wanted him dead, well -- they had many, far better and less embarrassing ways (let alone without needing to kill half a dozen another totally innocent persons) to carry out an assassination, like for instance a "lost" bullet or a "rotten" fish fillet somewhere in Niger. One of the things the Kremlin needs the less during the BRICS summit is a scandal compromising its "morality". Also, it would be quite embarrassing as well with regards to Lukashenko, somehow the guarantor of Prigo's "safety".
On the other hand, the mandatory "Qui prodest?" question does not yield, in my opinion, a list of suspects headed by the Kremlin. Numbers 1 & 2 in my list are France and the US. Only number 3 or 4 might be Someone within the Kremlin (not necessarily the Presidential Administration), and yet, it would not be very clear to me what kind of "prodest" would get that "Qui". In any case, Prigo had a ton of enemies who might want to try to kill him either for practical reasons or for purely personal, emotional ones like hatred or revenge; the Kiev regime being one of those obvious enemies.
Lastly, quite a few people have pointed out the date (23rd August, two months after Prigo's mutiny) as proof of the Kremlin's "authorship", but to me this argument does not hold water. What? Did they call Prigo and convince him into getting on _that_ airplane _that_ day so they could kill him in the "monthversary" of his mutiny? Did they arrange 500 alternative ways of killing him that very day so as to make sure they would not miss the target? Or were they ready to patiently wait, for an eternity if need be, until Prigozhin got on board a given airplane (a permanently sabotaged one) any 23rd of any month for years to come?
Hi Freelander, I don't see France or the U.S. benefiting from a decapitation strike against Wagner leadership; Wagner was a thorn in the Kremlin's side, why would they want to remove it? Wagner was already out of the Ukraine war as well...I see Putin and Shoigu benefiting, especially the latter. The aborted march on Moscow was due to Shoigu's demands to Prigozhin for Wagner to be absorbed by MoD by July 1. Wagner balked and challenged Shoigu/Putin's authority publicly, and from my speculation they judged a public response to be the best way to reassert their authority and deterrence capabilities. Removing all of Wagner's leadership means that the thorn in their side is now gone, and Wagner may just be absorbed by the MoD after all now. Putin's initial comments about Prigozhin's death were noncommittal, something about him having had a "tough end". We don't know if a bomb took the plane out or anti-air fire, but if the latter then it was almost certainly a top-level-approved Russian operation. And all of this should be viewed in light of the Kremlin's current purge against the right with Strelkov, Surovikin and Popov arrested...
Perhaps I am misled by the news, but apparently Wagner has been active lately in Niger, where France (and of course the USA) want to oust the coup new regime, unfriendly towards the West. In fact USA is, if I am not mistaken, about to declare Wagner an international terrorist organization, or something on those lines. I would be surprised if neither France nor the USA were extremely glad after Wagner got beheaded. On the other hand, Wagner theoretically stopped being a thorn in the Kremlin's side after whatever "arrangement" they reached by Luka's mediation. I agree with you that the Kremlin probably judged a public response the best way to reassert their authority, but a botched job like that is a very lousy way to carry out a public response and would therefore be counterproductive. If I can figure this out, the Kremlin can too.
In my opinion, the strongest argument in favour of the Kremlin's authorship is what you point out about the MoD being now able to absorb Wagner, although I still need to see that, because I tend to think that mercenary soldiers are not happy being directly employed by governments.
Of course Putin's comments about Prigozhin's death were noncommital. If I were in Putin's shoes I would have been a lot less diplomatic towards the man who marched on Moscow with an armed PMC, shooting down my planes and killing my pilots. I do not know how people could expect Putin mourning Prigo and showing himself overwhelmed by sorrow. Actually, had he done so, his critics (virtually everybody in Slavsquat and Slavslands) would have branded him as a consummate hypocrite.
By the way, yesterday I published a sui generis pseudo essay about this topic in my own substack. If you have time, you can take a look at it:
Another lyrical support of "all-in vs half measure" is from the Butthole Surfers:
"Well, son, a funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done."