I don’t trust either of them, but nor do I see them as villains. We must take help where we can get it, and both of them have served useful purposes in the past.

There’s good and bad in both of those men.

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I agree, they're not villains, and they both do good - Tucker was the furthest right figure allowed on air and he did semi-red pill some people, and I happen to be a really big fan of Musk's SpaceX. The post was meant to poke holes in the bubble of hero worship that a bunch of people right are currently ascribing to them.

As Solzhenitsyn stated in The Gulag Archipelago, “If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? During the life of any heart this line keeps changing place; sometimes it is squeezed one way by exuberant evil and sometimes it shifts to allow enough space for good to flourish. One and the same human being is, at various ages, under various circumstances, a totally different human being. At times he is close to being a devil, at times to sainthood. But his name doesn’t change, and to that name we ascribe the whole lot, good and evil.”

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Hi Neoliberal Feudalism,

That was a really great assessment of both men, but in particular Elon Musk.

I think point 9 in your list has the answer to what he was thinking when he took over Twitter.

Musk, like almost all billionaires throughout history, is the agent of the hidden hands of the International Money Cartel, which operate as a massive hive to own and control all of the industries on earth, as they control all of the multinationals, on both sides of the competition, in all nations.

And they do this quite simply, but it is so huge and so global it is hard to wrap ones head around the scope of it. I call it the IBFIC - the International Banking Finance and Investment Cartel, which is made up of the worlds biggest financial corporations, and when you dig you see that they all OWN EACH OTHER, and that's how the HIVE is created - e.g. the standard icons, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Check who owns them, and then what they own along with dozens of other financial partners. You will find:

-Coca-Cola and Pesico - same owners

-Tesla (allegedly American) and BYD (allegedly Chinese) - same owners. BYD's biggest shareholder is Warren Buffet's company 40%, then Black Rock 10% -

-Netfix and Hollywood - same owners.

-Temasu and Amazon

-Amazon and Big Retail (the latter of which they are destroying).

So, in effect there are no American companies, there are no Russian companies, and there are no Chinese companies - they are all owned by the IBFIC. It is globalized MONOPOLY CAPITALISM. They control all sides of all industries, in all nations. And remember the Chinese Communist Party is their PARTNERS in this and have been for generations.

When the global capitalists butcher and destroy one side of an industry, as they have been doing with Hollywood, then it is for the profits of the other side, which in this example is for the rise of GLOBAL HOLLYWOOD - that is Netflix, which is penetrating language markets that it never had a significant share of before, think India, Indonesia, Thailand etc.

So when they use "CREATIVE DESTRUCTION" to destroy one side it is enriching the other, but all the small, medium, and any large investors not aligned with the IBFIC are wiped out.

So, coming back to Musk.

The Woke Mob had all but destroyed Twitter and it was bleeding cash, and on its way to bankruptcy. And the freedom community was fighting tooth and nail against the CENORSHIP INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, so the global capitalists have clearly assigned Elon Musk the task of being the "FAKE HERO" - he rides is on and feeds the public what they want to hear, he strips out the majority of the dead wood, and he allows the leaders of the "ALTERNATIVE MEDIA" many of whom are CONTROLLED OPPOSITION - he gives them a cheap blue tick and boosts their voices, making them all think that they have participated in the FREE SPEECH REVIVAL - but the ugly truth is apart from the policy points that you made up above that show he is not a free speech absolutist as he claims, Twitter like Substack, and Telegraph, have become CYBER SPACE CANYONS FOR CORRALLING DISSIDENTS, because no matter how much we shout in these spaces the voices are not heard outside of the walls of the DIGITAL PRISONS.

It's like those that are rebelling against global totalitarianism have been corralled into DIGITAL GHETTOS, and considering the crackdown on the ability to earn an income on all platforms, and the complete loss of virality based on the crowd, then ghetto is the right word.

I see Elon Musk, and almost all of the worlds billionaires, especially ones that are members of the World Economic Forum, as nothing more than the agents and puppets for the true power in the world, which is the International Money Cartel - this is the group that has been around for hundreds of years, they own and control the worlds biggest banks, they own the CENTRAL BANKS CARTEL, which gives them control of the global MONEY MONOPOLY, and through their holdings, which are hidden in TAX HAVENS, TRUSTS, and FOUNDATIONS, they control the IBFIC and so control the GLOBAL ECONOMY, and their transnational cartel is nicely organized today where we can see it and that is the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, which boasts that 'By 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy' - because they plan to OWN IT ALL.

The key groups behind the International Money Cartel are the MONARCHIES, BANKERS, and BILLIONAIRES - because they are the groups that chartered, licensed, and financed the rise and rise of the MONEY MONOPOLY, and the MULTINATIONALS, both of which are the key elements for the rule of OLIGARCHY, and control of the global economy, and thus control of nations!

I think that Alexander Solzhenitsyn was wrong about Evil, and while I can well understand why he thought that way having experienced what he did, I cannot agree with it at all, because as I track the true power in the world that is responsible for all of the CHAOS, CONFLICTS, and CATASTROPHE, it always leads back to the TOTALITARIANS at the TOP, and that is our monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, who finance the endless attacks on mankind, and the relentless war on humanity for their profits, power and privileges. Evil rules humanity, and Evil begins at the top. The majority of people just want to live their lives in peace, adequate prosperity, and liberty - but the rule of OLIGARCHY, which is based on the empire building of CROWN MONARCHY IMPERIALISM, refuses to allow the common man to live like this, because the paradigm that the oligarchs rely on for wealth extraction is SLAVERY, and today we are all SLAVES TO THE GLOBAL OLIGARCHS through the multiple mechanisms and systems of parasitic wealth extraction that can be best summarized in 3 ways - TAX-SLAVERY, DEBT-SLAVERY, and WAGE-SLAVERY.

So Musk is fake, he is an agent of the hidden CROWN EMPIRE, which some writers like Frances Leader like to call the Roman Empire 2.0, because you can literally see the rule of Rome everywhere in the signs and symbols - the American Federal Government is symbolized by the Roman Eagle, which comes under the Crown of the Vatican!!! But I like to call the hidden deep state, the Zion Imperial Empire, because all roads lead to Zion - even Baphomet!

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Thanks for your comment, Ivan. I agree with you that the world is centralized at the level above that of the nation state. I think you may appreciate this post on the topic: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-global-world-order-is-centralized

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Hi Neoliberal Feudalism, thanks for that. You're one of the few that really gets it about the external powers screwing with us. Thanks for your link I'll have a read. I am sure you're talking my language. Cheers.

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I trace this back to Phoenecia, the purple ink from the snails became the color of royalty throughout history. Same criminal families slowly owning everything--from Phoenecia to Egypt to Rome to Byzantium to Spain to Holland (Dutch East India) to Britain to the US to China.

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And I agree but it makes me so paralyzed to think it's a fait d'accompli.

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It's not a fait d'accompli.

Though I know why you feel that way.

I encourage you to look back through history. This is a never ending fight. But the greatest problem has always been the ignorance of the masses that don't understand the organized Evil that wages war on humanity. The masses outnumber and out-potential that Evil by about 10,000 to 1. But Evil organizes the masses into house slaves and field slaves. And 99% of the house slaves don't understand they are working for Evil. And probably 50% of the field slaves are sucked in by the propaganda of the ruling Evil, and think they are doing the right thing - look at how they use our boys as cannon fodder - 'democracy, freedom, sovereignty stand with Ukraine' - while Maui burns, and their hurricanes wipe out cities, and the cost of living crises have more homeless on the streets of western cities than ever.

The bottom 50% knows it's all stacked against them but they don't understand why.

All of this is changing with 2 big events. The Internet has created a massive flow of information and ability for people to talk with other people all over the planet, and to connect the dots and see the patterns on a global basis, which we have NEVER had the ability to do in real time. Even with the censorship, which today is brutal, you can still dig and see the corruption, frauds, and lies.

The second big event is the COVID-19 TERRORISM and GENOCIDES, this has shocked about 20% of the global population wide awake, and like me caused us to ask the question-Who has the power to lock 4.5 billion people in our homes and call us useless eaters?

And once you start down this path, and uncover the Evil that rules humanity, there is no turning back. And the evil, horror, and immensity of it can make you feel paralyzed, as it is immense.

But as they are revealing more and more of their ugliness then more and more people are being galvanized to wake up and fight back.

That number is already in our camp, and I'd say we have 30%+, which is way more than we need. But the Evil at the top has their dirty hands on all the levers of power, especially the MONEY MONOPOLY, which is one of their greatest weapons.

So times are tough, and likely to get tougher.

We have to harden ourselves, focus on what we must do to keep ourselves and our families safe, and educate the people around us and build walls of resistance.

Ultimately they will not win, but they are leaving a trail of wreckage in their path.

A quote from Norman Vincent Peale guides me always: "Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do."

And that is the GREATEST obstacle to the WESTERN FASCISTS which is that we western people have 2,500+ years of history of fighting this scum, and it is in our DNA to fight, and that is what has made the west so successful in conquering the world, our Evil elites tapped that for their purposes. Their biggest mistake will prove to be that they turned on us, and showed us finally their true ugliness for all to see.

Fight back Irish Wet Nurse - if you are Irish, then you come from a line of people, (me too as I am part Irish), that goes back countless thousands of years, and is one of the toughest races of people in Europe, if not the world. Reach inside and tap that power in your DNA.


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Maybe we should just disregard any rich trust fund kids.

They more than anyone else are invested in the current system.

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Excellent article!

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I wrote about this in my WASP article. The truth is this: either he had a coming to Jesus road to Damascus moment or he did not (Musk I mean)…. Could have been his son that was trooned out.

Carlson has either had a coming to Jesus moment or he has not.

In either case it could have been either a pivotal event or a process.

We cannot know at this time. Much like my moniker here, one has to assume that you are being watched if you are at the level they are. So they have to hide their true intentions (whatever those may be).

So no… I don’t have faith in either in either one of them. But I have a modicum of hope. Granted it is not much. I think far too many people have hope because too many people are looking for a savior

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Its interesting reading this for the first time today, with Tucker's and Alex Jones' X accounts now enabling both to reach such massive audiences and the chummy relationship between AJ and Carleson, and between AJ and Musk all forming a backdrop.

To answer the question posed in the title, my opinion of 'not very' remains unchanged.

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Incredible and factual. I do not trust either and now you can add DeSantis to this globalist crew.

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I remember Carlson when he looked and acted like an obnoxious, spoiled rich northeasterner with an odd penchant for bowties -- now he's growing double chins. I'm guessing this is your source for mentioning his possible CIA connections: https://swprs.org/fox-news-tucker-carlson-and-the-american-empire/. Musk is, like Trump, basically a promoter, and promoters show enormous flexibility of action and apparent (public) belief when it comes to the all important (to them) business of spinning and pushing their often empty projects.

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I hadn't seen the SWPRS link, but I'm a big fan of theirs - thanks for sharing. I agree with you on all of this.

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Not in the slightest.

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Super pertinent now. Elon is to be watched. His PayPal mafia beginnings are another thing to watch. Peter (psycho) Thiel is a friend too.

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See why School Shootings are actually State Sponsored Terrorism to Promote Gun Control - https://tinyurl.com/bdzcmxuc

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I don't see Tucker's hatred of Trump as a bad thing.

Trump is the President who helped bring about COVID tyranny, after all.

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I'll give Tucker a break on not being aware of how school shootings are organized STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM - https://tinyurl.com/bdzcmxuc

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I will confess: I advocate a couple of these things myself.

I prefer a carbon tax to any Comprehensive 5 Year Plan to Stop Global Warming. The original Constitution allowed the federal government to raise money through tariffs and excises. Well, it’s REALLY easy to tax the carbon coming into an oil refinery or coal fired power plant. You can tax the economy without spying on the economy. It’s really hard to hide an oil refinery.

Yes, this is regressive. That’s why I favor something like a UBI. But I prefer the term Citizen Dividend. First, it is for citizens only. (Let’s tax immigrants, both legal and illegal. If people are willing to PAY to become Americans, they might actually support the American Way.) Second, it allows us to have an income tax that is flat for 96+% of the population and partially replace the income and FICA taxes with consumption taxes — such as a carbon tax. Third UBI sounds like something people could live off of and be whiny hippies. A dividend is a supplement to other income.

When deficits exceed a trillion dollars per year, higher taxes constitute SMALLER government. Giant deficit spending is worse than high taxes. You pay for both the government goodie and the interest. Also, those who propose the goodie have to justify the taxes to pay for same.

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May I challenge you briefly please?

In order to support any carbon tax, you must believe the United Nations position, which I regard as extreme propaganda, that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.

But thhis is a big and MASSIVE LIE. And easy to show.

Carbon dioxide throughout the history of science has always been known as the 'GAS OF LIFE' and indeed it is. Some simple points, about this and the falsity of the U.N. claims.

-plants use CO2 and the miracle of photosynthesis to store carbon in the form of plant fiber and give out oxygen. Plants and trees are not just homes and habitats for uncountable species, but also food and resources for all life. And oxygen sustains all life too.

-So the more CO2 there is, and the warmer the planet, then the more plants grow, the more food, and the more resources, and the more life on the planet. This is why the tropics, which is where I live, are the most abundant life sources on the planet!!!! This also means that all the fossil fuels being burned are returning carbon to the atmosphere to grow more plants, and remember those fossil fuels apparently came from plants, especially coal. All we do by burning them is return them to the cycle above ground.

-C02 makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere. Yes you read that right. If you knew already great, if not I am not surprised because most do not know it. So firstly that is literally ZERO. It cannot be responsible for heating up all the air. Where ever you are right now look around you. Try and imagine 0.04% of the space you are in. And ask yourself how can it heat up the whole space? it's like having a campfire on a cold winters night and claiming the fire is warming up the whole field. Bollocks.

-But it gets worse! What is the percentage of the 0.04% that is coming from mankind, and the percentage from nature? Nature creates 97% of all carbon dioxide on the planet. 97%!!!! Mankind, with all our nasty fossil fuels, planes, ships, cars, and trains, we only contribute 3%. So nature contributes 33 times more than mankind. Mankind's contribution makes up 0.0012% of the atmosphere, which is NOTHING.

I could go on and on and on, for example the claim that CO2 is a GREENHOUSE GAS is at best an uniformed opinion, and at worst a deliberate lie, and I would go with the latter not the former. A group of scientists in the last few years did a series of experiments and proved that CO2 does not HOLD HEAT which is what greenhouse gases, like water vapour which makes up a large component of the atmosphere, does.

If the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change is LYING, and it is my considered opinion that they are, we have to ask: Why the lies, and who profits?

And therein lies the most important issue - the international global capitalists, who are all in partnership with the Chinese Communist Party, are making TRILLIONS out of the CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX, because the majority of the allegedly "GREEN ENERGY" industry's products are made in China, which by the way has now got 60% of the world's coal fired power stations, and building more at the rate of 2 per week on average, so it has the CHEAPEST ENERGY IN THE WORLD, while it also supports the CLIMATE FASCISM for all other nations demanding they follow the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and get to NET ZERO, by which time the international capitalists and the communists will OWN THE ENTIRE WORLD because they will have BANKRUPTED EVERYONE.

The key to WORLD COMMUNISM, aka the New World Order, Global Governance, totalitarianism, the UN-WEF Public Private Partnership - is the ability to CONTROL all life on the planet, which means control over mankind - and that is what the entire CARBON SCAM is really all about. When you control carbon you control life.

So, if we support the CARBON MARKETS and TAX, we are supporting totalitarianism.

But worse than that is we are supporting the biggest hoax in history, which is being used to destroy people's lives all over the planet for the enrichment of the TRUE COMMUNISTS, the MONARCHIES, BANKERS, and BILLIONAIRES.

I truly hope this gives you pause to reconsider your position.


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CO2 is fertilizer for plants. Yes.

So are phosphates. There are problems when too much phosphates get in the water supply.

I agree that humanity releasing fossil CO2 into the atmosphere is a good thing -- to a point. Nature has been sequestering carbon for hundreds of millions of years. We are releasing it -- at a tremendous rate geologically speaking. Change, even change for the better, at too high a rate is disruptive.

0.04% of the atmosphere is not zero. The atmosphere has a mass of about the same as ten meters of water covering the entire surface. 0.04% of that is a bit under half a millimeter, or about the thickness of a couple coats of paint. A couple coats of paint is optically significant.

With all that said, my case for a carbon tax dose not rely on global warming being a significant threat. If people don't work due to labor taxation, that work capacity is gone. If we leave oil in the ground due to a carbon tax, that's oil for future generations to pump.

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If we replaced all welfare with a UBI and only had a carbon tax you would have a solid case. Especially when combined with your caveats. However the government would keep the status quo we currently have and add a carbon tax to it. UBI would not be limited to citizens only. The truth is that with our government in it’s current form, it is nearly impossible for them to not create a bad system just because they are bad people

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The government changes in a few months...

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I don’t mean specific administrations. I mean the overall system

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There is no final solution.

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I think you’re onto something.

Man who sells electric cars wants to make fossil fuels more expensive.

Man who sells electric cars to consumers supports redistribution to help more people afford his product.

Man who relies on public goodwill takes a middle-of-the-road stance on vaccines.

Great Scot!

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