This is a post about how recent events and expected future events means that sitting on the sidelines is no longer possible. It argues that the best strategy against our overlords is one of narrative delegitimization - but if one focuses on unimportant layers of the global control pyramid then one’s efforts will be misdirected at best or play into their hands at worst. I hope my American readers had a Happy 4th of July.
had a recent post about the nature of fear, both our own and of our overlords. It’s a good post and worth reading, and I agree with much of it. There’s a couple points he makes which deserve elaboration on and some pushback, though, with the hope that it may offer some clarity to readers because these issues are complicated and confusing.John wrote:
I don’t think anyone’s more terrified right now than Western elites. They know they’ve fumbled the ball, that they’ve lost their footing, and they’re flailing around weightlessly as they try to catch it without faceplanting. None of their plans are really working. None of their usual levers of control are as effective as they used to be; some, such as the media, have almost stopped responding altogether. Their people are turning against them for a dozen different reasons, all of them excellent. Their great economic machine is sluggish, its components grinding together and seizing up. Their enemies abroad are on the march, or mobilizing. It’s all coming for them at once, and they don’t appear to have any idea what to do. You’re seeing that deer in the headlights look a lot now from prime ministers and presidents, and it isn’t always because of dementia. They’re in over their heads. Children, playing a game that became all too real when they weren’t paying attention.
A discussion of fear depends on what level of our elites we are discussing: do the unelected civil service who make up the great Washington D.C. bureaucracy hate and fear Middle America? Of course. Does the media fear the masses over whom they spout their endless lies? Yes. What about our elected politicians? Definitely. But it is important to keep in mind that nation-states are fairly low on the totem pole of the One World hierarchy, which I discussed previously here. As Iain Davis explained,
Agreement on the pillars [of world governance] does not suggest all national governments are of one, single hive mind. It suggests that governments do not control the global governance system. They are subject to it, just like the rest of us. The best they can achieve is "partner" status. And they are not senior partners.
The pillars did not originate with national governments. The pillars were mapped out by public-private globalist think tanks and international organisations that serve the interests of oligarchs.
The pyramid of world control is mapped as follows, although it is the owners of the world central banks at the highest layer:
I believe the higher levels felt fear at Trump’s unexpected 2016 win which explains their over-the-top reaction — it was a major wrench in their long-term plans — although Trump has since been absorbed into the system and our upper-level elites no longer fear him winning in 2024. Nor do they fear a transition from a unipolar to a multi-polar world. Indeed, they gloat about it. Here are a couple examples.
This was almost ten years ago:
Alex Soros: “The question is, which of these flags will fall first?” and includes the American flag. It sure sounds like an implosion of the country will hurt him!
Here you have the WEF predicting that the world will be multi-polar by 2030 in a since-deleted 2016 article called “8 predictions for the world in 2030”:
A multi-polar world transition must really be a devastating blow to our elites - they’re so scared they’re both predicting it and taking the steps needed to make it happen!
And here you have WEF head Klaus Schwab warn his fellow elites to be prepared for an “angrier world” (because they will be intentionally dynamiting the economy and opening the West’s borders).
So yeah, you can see fear from our lower and mid-level elites, but also rapacious greed; the level of blatant theft occurring now with trillions being publicly stolen feels like a mafia bust-out before the country implodes. Meanwhile the upper level elites look to be firmly in control and a switch from a unipolar to a multi-polar world will result in a tremendous amount of pain for those in America, but not for them. This perspective is important to understand as it is easy to get lost in the endless web of narrative (including alternative narrative) lies and misdirections. If you want to end this system, nothing less than a dismantling of or at least a full nationalization of the world’s central banks, along with corresponding extremely intensive audits, plus an end of fractional reserve banking will suffice, along with the end of globalist entities like the UN, WHO, World Bank, etc. Take your eye off this ball and you’ll end up suckered by unimportant distractions like which controlled party will win the UK or French elections (or see Brexit: what amazing, incredible changes ever came of that? Did it result in decreased immigration to England or greater domestic production?). Kynosargas was right about the lack of impact of elections…
Our overlords are not invincible and the more people who understand the structure of the modern world the weaker they will be.
John also writes:
After all, why do we endure all of this? Why do we practice tolerance? It is certainly not because we value tolerance, as we are endlessly instructed we must, by people whom we despise, and whose false values we repudiate.
We obey because we are afraid of losing what little we have. Our meagre savings. Our 401Ks and RRSPs. Our bullshit email jobs. Our mortgaged houses. Our ten-year-old used Hondas, driven on a lease-to-own basis. We are still just comfortable enough that we fear being uncomfortable, and we fear that open defiance of the regime will lead it to turn its beady eyes upon us – fire us from our jobs, kick us out of school, kick us off of social media, incite our friends and family and professional colleagues to ostracize us, put us on no-fly lists, and freeze our bank accounts….
I do not exempt myself from this judgment. Like most, I keep my head down, within reason, for instance by writing under a pseudonym. And although I do essentially nothing but write, which is to say complain impotently about things on the Internet, still I experience the occasional frisson of paranoia whenever I go through an airport, for example. Will this be the day that I find I’ve been added to a no-fly list? Or the day the knock on the door comes from the police, to deliver charges for violation of some new hate speech statute? Or the day I get doxxed? Or ... well, you get the idea.
This brings to mind a quote from Julian Assange, who I covered here. According to Assange, we aren’t able to sit out of this fight. Either we are a participant of history or a victim of it:
I think first it’s necessary to have an understanding that one is either a participant in history or a victim of it, and that there is no other option. It is actually not possible to remove oneself from history, because of the nature of economic…and intellectual interaction. Hence, it is not possible to break oneself off….Because no one wants to be a victim, one must therefore be a participant, and in being a participant, the most important thing to understand is that your behavior affects other people’s behavior, and your courage will inspire actions. On the other hand, a lack of courage will suppress them.
Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice. If we have brains or courage, then we are blessed and called on not to frit these qualities away, standing agape at the ideas of others, winning pissing contests, improving the efficiencies of the neocorporate state, or immersing ourselves in obscuranta, but rather to prove the vigor of our talents against the strongest opponents of love we can find.
Look. According to public 2017 statements by the WEF (revelation of the method), by 2030 you will have a social credit score assigned to you just like China. They boast: “By 2030, we’ll see, for example, credit scoring expanding into ‘life scoring’. Identity and reputation will be digitised and analysed in minute detail, shaping a future where a personal ‘trust score’ will be the norm, with all the benefits and drawbacks that might bring." How will a social credit score be implemented? They will have a woke AI scan all of your internet, phone, search, and text records in order to do it. Have a bad score? No loan for you, no credit card for you, no bank account funds for you. Cut out from society with your funds stolen. This is the primary purpose of AI - not ChatGPT or Claude! And it doesn’t take a high level of AI sophistication to do it. They simply needed the right level of infrastructure (5G rollout to absorb massive amounts of data) and political environment to move it forward.
Combining this with the upcoming rolling of programmable CBDCs — which are right around the corner worldwide per the Atlantic Council, either released slowly like the War on Cash or via an acute artificial crisis via a stock market crash, World War 3, or a false-flag like Cyber Polygon — the digital currencies will be programmed to allow you access to your funds only if you are fully up-to-date with dangerous mRNA vaccines and many other requirements. Even then they will limit your consumption: you will only have the privilege of buying meat once a week, or you can only travel more than 15 miles from where you live occasionally. Not to mention you will “own nothing and be happy” as we are seeing with endlessly increasing housing, car and food prices. This is neoliberal feudal hell in action and, if fully implemented, will result in a micro-managed level of control which will be the greatest loss of freedom in human history.
This leads to a couple conclusions:
If one assumes globohomo is going to institute a permanent control grid via social credit scores, CBDCs and patrolled by a woke AI, most people not just writing but also reading dissident Substackers are going to end up cut out of the system sooner or later (i.e. you).
Who wants to live in a worldwide prison? What kind of world is that to leave for future generations? It is extremely dark, evil and depressing if one does not actively oppose it.
As shown by the COVID heart attack jabs unleashed worldwide, there is nowhere to hide and nowhere to run. Either oppose this evil to the extent that you can or be consumed by it.
Now, I can only really speak for myself here. One cannot enter the arena of something one does not understand, and I did not understand the picture of the modern world really until (1) the Trump presidency years revealed the “deep state” beyond a shadow of a doubt and (2) the worldwide unified COVID response revealed the higher layers of One World government beyond a shadow of a doubt. Combined with both of these reveals was, unfortunately, an unbelievable dawning understanding of the NPC mind — a mind that refuses to think for itself and blindly follows authority no matter what (to the point of screaming at the top of their lungs “Orange Man Bad” for four years, accepting ultra-dangerous mRNA vaccines into their own bodies and shutting down the world out of fear). This had to be seen to be believed; it is still insane to me the way most people think.
Sophisticated modern propaganda has hacked and corrupted mankind’s natural inclination to believe authority figures — religious authority figures, technical authority figures, scientific authority figures — to further our elite’s own objectives at the expense of the masses. If there is ever to be amelioration of this situation the masses must ultimately evolve to discard official propaganda in whatever form it takes in favor of one’s own critical thinking skills and self-assessment. No one else will do it for you; but if you do this very difficult but rewarding work you will have an effect on everyone else. Changes to society start from changes to individuals; stop hoping for a political leader to save you.
Of course, it was easier to avoid these now pressing trends prior to the Trump era. Prior to Trump and COVID it was easy to separate the personal from the political; the relative economic prosperity and social stability induced an artificial, shallow mass blindness. It is only in a period of no threats and unprecedented prosperity, to a level never seen before historically, that one could afford to make such a distinction. But these times are over and the personal has become the political again. Reading about how historical conflicts resulted in families torn apart, brother on brother violence like in the U.S. Civil War wasn’t really understandable during modern periods of opulence; it’s becoming more understandable now…
After internalizing these ideas and seeing where our upper level overlords are directing the world, it became impossible to sit on the sidelines: one becomes, as Assange said, either a participant or a victim in this story. If one decides to participate, what would be the best way to oppose globohomo at this time? They control the money supply, they control the media, they control the security apparatus, they control all major institutions not just within the U.S. but worldwide, if there is a Redneck Rebellion they will likely control that too via CIA and FBI plants (see Ray Epps); what they are desperate to control, though, are people’s perceptions. It is far more costly to rule over a population via hard power than using soft power.
The correct attack, then, is an attack of delegitimization. Hence, this little writing hobby. This isn’t to argue that my effect is large or even moderate (it’s a easy trap to fall into to inflate one’s ego about an enlarged impact one is having), but no matter; I believe this is the best use of my time to combat this nightmare horror show, even though there are dangers involved in doing so.
states:We must focus our attention on this: The art of good speaking forms the logical remedy for a society sick with that new kind of lie that we call propaganda. We are going through a metaphysical revolution, comparable to the metaphysical revolution that led to the Enlightenment. This revolution essentially boils down to this: a society led by a propagandized mass is replaced by a society led by a group of people connected through sincere speaking.
In a sense, this revolution also transforms the imbalances created by rationalism; it turns them back into relationships. Sincere speaking is resonant speaking – it connects the Soul of man with the outside world; it restores the connection with fellow humans, one's own body, one's own drives, society, and nature.
The alternative to opposing this system is to lose the basic autonomy and dignity needed to be human. It would be hell on earth, a worse form of slavery than has ever existed in human history. Everyone has an incentive to vigorously oppose this other than the central bank owners and their top lackeys, so the issue is one of populism vs. upper level elites and their minions, along with the vast NPC hordes who blindly believe whatever they are told, not ultimately one of race, gender, sexual orientation.
It is likely that little will ultimately come of these writings - 20 million illegals have streamed into the U.S. in the past four years alone, the monetary printer is printing $2 trillion+ a year, Trump has been absorbed, woke AI and CBDCs are ready for deployment and almost everyone, while getting angrier at their declining quality of life, remains clueless - but no matter. There is a spiritual component involved. As Ernst Junger wrote, “You may then wonder what the goal of writing is assuming it has a goal. It is the creative instant itself, in which something timeless is produced, something that cannot be wiped out. The universe has affirmed itself in the individual, and that must suffice, whether or not anyone else notices it. In 1942, when I visited Picasso on Rue des Grands-Augustins, he said to me: “Look, this painting, which I have just completed, is going to have a certain effect; but this effect would be exactly the same, metaphysically speaking, if I wrapped the painting up in paper and cosigned it to a corner. It would be exactly the same thing as if ten thousand people had admired it.””

I hope you found this post helpful in some manner.
Thanks for reading.
Outstanding column! In a sane world, there would be robust discussion about the structure of the public-private diagram you shared, the degree of collusion vs. competition between the various entities on it, and the way that those entities manipulate words, meaning, and values in pursuit of their own self-interest. As George Carlin said, "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests align."
Yes, there is a spiritual component to the current crisis of mankind.
For the last several thousand years the emphasis has been to create monolithic structures, both material and intellectual through which to create identity and to focus force.
The direction has been towards the spheres of material existence, with the purpose to dominate.
This effort has reached its logical conclusion, it has already achieved its ultimate expression, and having done so it is quite obviously in decline.
In a sense, it doesn't really matter if the decline is self inflicted, but if one takes the time to observe, there is plenty of support for this position.
The decline, rapid and accelerating, is quite naturally horrifying.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First is that decline also means an erosion of the power of control. People fear the murderous and abusive global system because they have learned to loose trust in eachother and themselves. As this illusion and confusion becomes more clear, more identifyable, options that do not include murderous totalitarianism will also become clear.
Much of the current global control system is simply illusion and entrainment. Its based upon an exercise of force that is highly centralized. In order to competently wield the weapon of "resources", it must both create the crisis points, and the response to them. This requires a sophisticated functioning infrastructure, which itself is failing.
The best choice for people today is to remember their humanity, and keep all options open.
Things as we currently see them are not going to last.