Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Outstanding column! In a sane world, there would be robust discussion about the structure of the public-private diagram you shared, the degree of collusion vs. competition between the various entities on it, and the way that those entities manipulate words, meaning, and values in pursuit of their own self-interest. As George Carlin said, "You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests align."

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Thanks Alex; I very much agree...

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Yes, there is a spiritual component to the current crisis of mankind.

For the last several thousand years the emphasis has been to create monolithic structures, both material and intellectual through which to create identity and to focus force.

The direction has been towards the spheres of material existence, with the purpose to dominate.

This effort has reached its logical conclusion, it has already achieved its ultimate expression, and having done so it is quite obviously in decline.

In a sense, it doesn't really matter if the decline is self inflicted, but if one takes the time to observe, there is plenty of support for this position.

The decline, rapid and accelerating, is quite naturally horrifying.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First is that decline also means an erosion of the power of control. People fear the murderous and abusive global system because they have learned to loose trust in eachother and themselves. As this illusion and confusion becomes more clear, more identifyable, options that do not include murderous totalitarianism will also become clear.

Much of the current global control system is simply illusion and entrainment. Its based upon an exercise of force that is highly centralized. In order to competently wield the weapon of "resources", it must both create the crisis points, and the response to them. This requires a sophisticated functioning infrastructure, which itself is failing.

The best choice for people today is to remember their humanity, and keep all options open.

Things as we currently see them are not going to last.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Many good points that I can nod me head in agreement with but there are still gnawing doubts about some of the individuals you named as I can't help thinking they work for the system. Therefore, the problems they have highlighted are there because the solutions are already planned.

For instance, Iain Davis has done that excellent diagram but he will go so far and no farther in actually indentifying the ruling "elites". And he is all for ignoring elections and doing away with governments but if that means a new "democracy" based on tokens on the blockchain, that might be a different type of slavery.

Focusing just on the WEF and central bank digital currencies means we are not discussing the other aspects of the 4th industrial revolution which means every aspect of our lives and us will be monitored. 'Track and trace' on steroids!

The 'resistance' and the health freedom movement would have been planned for and welcomed if the solution all along was to be a digitalised world. Monitoring our reactions and decisions as well as our guts will be a daily occurence. That way an economy based on tokens can be created whilst at the same time they control us from behind the scenes. Many will be happy with the story they tell themselves about their world and not even realise that the rules of the game are set by others who they don't ever see.

The programmable digital currencies could well be community currencies not CBDCs at the front end. They could be linked to every human being’s digital ID. And not just people, as everything can be given a value. See carbon credits as a foot in that door.

When this transition is complete, it is going to enslave humanity as we will find ourselves in a ZERO TRUST world (slaves and enemies of the state for eternity) - needing permission for everything, all the time.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I believe Assange is also an asset (along with Snowden and Manning). It all seems incredibly scripted. That goes for most of the 'self-made' billionaires as well, especially Musk. His plans are ridiculous and infeasible, many are already dead and buried or dying (hyperloop, cybertruck, electric semis, the entire EV scheme, self-driving cars, Solar City, Boring Company, colonizing Mars), and he is NOT a founder of Tesla or Paypal. Yet he doesn't get called out and his start up company with no track record scored billion dollar contracts with NASA. HOW? He's supposedly not only CEO but also lead engineer (LOL) of several revolutionary companies in multiple industries simultaneously. I'm an engineer and have been in the business world for decades, and I call BS. And what's with his obsession with the letter X (Osiris Risen?).

Methinks everything on the main stage is 100% theater, and logic would say it would be.

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I mean, do you think Assange hasn’t spent the last decade locked up in an Ecuadorian embassy followed by prison? If he has been, what kind of an asset is that? If he hasn’t been, on what basis are you determining what is real and what is fake?

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I don't know if he was locked up all that time, but I suspect not. I really didn't spend a whole lot of time on the subject after the initial collateral murder video was released that implanted wikileaks into the public mind. I've been ignoring these stories to a large extent as they tend to be time wasting and energy draining, at least to me. My interests these days are more in who the hell built all the incredible megaliths around the world that meet or exceed current abilities/technologies, and why is that truth hidden and obviously false ones taught in the unis?

What is real and what is fake? That is incredibly difficult to tell, moreso every day. What I'm saying is that the Assange saga seems scripted, much like Greta Thunberg but with better writers and producers. I could cite many examples but it would take me a bit of time to lay it out. He may be genuine, but he sets my BS detector on high, as do his main cohorts, Snowden ("former?" CIA contractor) and Manning. Here's an easy one (this is just a single piece, an example, but put together present a strong case IMO): Hollywood, which as I'm sure you know is a propaganda organ for the NWO or whatever you may call it, made a movie about Snowden that made him out to be a hero. If he was real, he'd have been demonized like Saddam, Gaddafi, Mossadegh, etc. These films do not get made by chance. IDK, it's all very strange to me.

It doesn't matter one way or the other, it's just my opinion and I could be completely wrong. I enjoyed this essay, especially the spiritual aspect at the closing. It's given me some much needed motivation to keep creating. Thank you.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

That's a piece of evidence that Hollywood is not actually that far up the food chain. Hollywood loved them some Assange and Snowden as long as Assange and Snowden were dishing dirt on Republicans. Once they started dishing on Democrats then they didn't love them anymore. In other words, Hollywood is too low on the totem pole, and too dumb, even to be able to see through the uniparty charade.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

"Hollywood is too low on the totem pole, and too dumb, even to be able to see through the uniparty charade."

This is true of most of the writers, actors, directors, etc., but not so of the people who own and control the news/entertainment machine.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I don't think Hollywood is high up the chain, but if you look at the origins and occult symbolism, it is a very weird place (eg. the Druid's wands used to cast spells were made of holly branches/wood). It's also embedded into the military/industrial complex. Whatever the case, TV and movies have played a major role in shaping society and pushing agendas, as the music industry has done, particularly with gangster rap (see Lyor Cohen).

“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called 'education.' Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated … It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.”

—Bertrand Russell, “The Impact of Science on Society” 1953

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There are 24 Hollywoods in AINO. I'm not convinced it signifies anything that the film industry ended up in one of them.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Assange family is part of a cult in Australia with heavy MKUltra overtones and is a manufactured product. He's gone from emaciated to rockstar looks in a blink of an eye. His CV prior to wiki is all deep state companies and to think that the UK government couldn't just remove if he was a clear threat is silly. Equador is a US Allie, all of which is covered on MSM like a soap opera.... Highly suspect.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Interesting, not surprised at all. If the "elites" want someone in custody or disappeared, it is done. I they do not want someone on the MSM, they are not on the MSM. Yet Assange was plastered wall to wall for months, raising awareness of his "cause". Billions in free marketing from GovCorp media? No way.

His Bondian supervillain appearance has always been a red flag to me also, and getting carried out of the embassy with some book in his hand, can't recall now but it was sus. I also liked the multiple visits from Pam Anderson! WTF was that? LOL

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

yeah, interesting how you say "zero trust" between people, I was thinking how this is the case, pretty much, already :-(

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"Focusing just on the WEF and central bank digital currencies means we are not discussing the other aspects of the 4th industrial revolution which means every aspect of our lives and us will be monitored."

There is another layer which is never (at least never in my searches, but one time only), directly discussed.

It's all good and well identifying and naming the WEF, CfR, Club of Rome, Chatham House, Rockefellers (and the Bilderburg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and on and on), but these organizations are eclipsed in the success of their plans and in the granting of their demands, by that of another grouping of organizations: AIPAC, ADL JFNA, and AJC, which are all Zionist Israel affinity organizations.

As a block, whatever these organizations demand of especially Washington, but also the City of London, Brussels, and the other four Five Eyes, these organizations get.

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Yep, interesting. There are places that much of the key board warriors do not dare go. 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves'. Lenin.

On the role of Hollywood and the J question, Jasun Horsley has been brave and honest enough to look at both.https://childrenofjob.substack.com/notes

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'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves'

Foreboding when it was uttered or written, but it almost certainly was known and has been practised since paranoia has been a defining characteristic of power.

Another quote with similar allusions to orchestration is often associated with Albert Pike but was, in all probability, written by someone else: "Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him."

The kind of control suggested also extends to the scope of public awareness and debate. Someone else whose kinship at least, if not any presumptive affiliation with the list of organizations I provided earlier may not be purely coincidental, said, "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate…” 1998, The Common Good, Noam Chomsky.

Thanks for the link to Jasun Horsley's Substack. I'll keenly head over to see what he has to offer on the subject.

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You are welcome. Thank you for the quotes. They are from famous people who may become labelled as notorious in time. Here is one from a member of the public who, I feel makes another good point in a comment on a substack.

John Kirsch

Apr 27

"The goal of the elite is to drag us back into the servitude we lived in before the enlightenment and, later, industrialization, improved our lives to the point where we started to realize that we didn't need the elites anymore.

One vital element of that effort is, as you say, convincing people to seek "peace" and become passive and disengaged, children, in other words, so that our rulers will have a free hand".


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(replying to my own comment ... )

AIPAC is a “single-issue organization” concerned only with maintaining bipartisan support for the US-Israel relationship. And yet the most important organization, in money terms and influence, greater even than AIPAC, is the innocuously sounding UDP, United Democracy Project (which is actually AIPAC’s new super PAC), and its "Astroturf affiliate," DMFI, the Democratic Majority For Israel. These groups are spending millions smearing and attacking candidates in an effort to stop the growing number of elected officials who are willing to speak out against Israel, and on the other hand are not even remotely concerned with democracy.

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Jul 9Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I’m in the fight buddy. I chop my own wood and have paid up front for the necessities of my family’s physical existence- water tanks food gardens heating cooking etc.

I’m writing scathing potty-mouth songs to Mock the bullies https://open.substack.com/pub/thumbnailgreen/p/on-a-watch-list?r=nv8me&utm_medium=ios

I’m also learning that you do in fact have an effect if you live your principles. In 2005 I took my years of Permaculture work to focus on living it. I built my Straw bale off-grid etc and now years later have many friends and associates tell me there move was inspired by me. It’s humbling but just awesome too.

Do the good thing. Do the hard thing if it’s the right thing.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

great essay, one of yer best IMO.

no one is coming to save us. all change and pushback must first come at the individual level. every endeavor of pure creative output is an act of resistance.

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Thanks Hollis. I agree with you.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

This is top tier spiritual guidance

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Sincerely, thank you for writing. I will also contend that your writing "is the best use of my time to combat this nightmare horror show," because it is concerned with the very substance of the matter, and as such you do a great service. It's the greatest service to me, in fact, but equally to anyone else who struggles as i do with articulating the vibrations resulting from my observations of the world, my interpretations, and then formulating my responses.

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Thanks aux, I appreciate your feedback and encouragement.

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Thank you also for giving me more for my word ammo stockpile: NPC.

Yes, I realise it's an initialism with origins lying elsewhere (gaming), but I've been using cumbersome polysyllabic terms that I think up (which is how the only thoughts I come with tend to be), such as 'servitor of the regime,' as an alternative to "normies," which I hate, but NPC works so much better and the the image it conveys is more nuanced and evocative.

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While risking becoming a nuisance, or having already become one, I'd like to add that the other great value of your writing is that you identify, describe, and then bring together many aspects and component elements of the matters you describe in your articles. Even while I may have independently worked out the overarching theme or the major thrust of what is unfolding and why, before reading your take on it I'm usually either entirely ignorant of the various important constituent parts you present, or I have overlooked them. The importance of this cannot be overstated.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

It's hard to believe that the CBDC/social credit score control grid would apply to black and brown people. Can you picture negros getting their EBT cards turned off for wrongthink? Me neither. So if it happens, it will probably apply only to whites. Thus increasing our racial solidarity. Although if we can't buy gasoline then that solidarity won't do us a whole lot of good.

But there's a numbers problem when it comes to debanking or freezing too many people out of the economy. Because then the economy kind of stops working. So to keep their precious economy alive, they'd have to use this as a very selective weapon, with the victims well publicized, to scare the rest.

But I doubt they care too much about subversive blogs such as this one, and subversive commenters such as myself, whom they would prefer to remain in the shadows. Punishing us for wrongthink risks giving us (and our opinions) attention. Better to just keep us quiet. I have an idea that they don't really care what we do or say so long as we stay in our echo chambers where they can keep an eye on us.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Author

Hi Martin, I don’t really see it being on the basis of race but of one’s willingness to dissent. Yes, non-whites are much more likely to go along with the program because of lower average IQs, a greater tribal mentality and being promised handouts on the basis of race. But look at how a guy like Clarence Thomas, who is the most based man in our government, is treated — he’s attacked on an almost daily basis. So while whiteness is a proxy for a much greater willingness to dissent compared to other races (which is why globohomo focuses on it so much) individuals of other races who go off the reservation will be viciously destroyed as well (i.e. look at Kanye, Candace Owens, Kyrie Irving, Nick Cannon etc.).

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Thanks for turning up here!

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Thanks Mary.

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This is a brilliant post. Straight to the heart of the matter!

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May I give you anothe perspective on neutrality? In this article, neutrality is explained as a virtue but not the ultimate virtue, yet more constructive than rivalry: https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/p/neutrality

One needs neutrality to a degree and one should not mistake passivity with neutrality. Neutrality is a constructive mode of cosnciousness (a.k.a. virtue) which is more constructive than any flaw such as hatred, fears, anger, revenge, rivalry, aggressivity, and such but it is less constructive than some other virtues, all of which is explained in that article.

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Hi UPI, thanks for the link. I agree with you that the West has no business being involved in Ukraine, which means “borderlands” in Russian. The nature of our globohomo overlords are such that they must always be seeking to expand their hegemony, both internally and externally, and one of their targets is Russia: they want to fragment it into a dozen pieces to make it easy for resource exploitation, and Ukraine is their tool to do it. So while one can adopt an isolationist or neutral stance regarding foreign conflict in general - much as the America First Committee correctly did - at this point I think it’s becoming quite difficult to remain neutral regarding the globohomo system as a whole…

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I agree that it is difficult to remain neutral at some point and perhaps one should not remain neutral at all but raise one's own consciousness higher to more constructive modes of consciousness (virtues) but it is important to start from neutrality or come up to it and then with a clear mind, so to speak, pick a side, if at all. Most people pick a side based on flaws such as prejudices, hatred, Russophobia, fear, rivalry, and such, which is why I make a point to make decisions at a constructive level of consciousness, and one such is neutrality.

I started off as almost everyone in the EU not at a neutral level, so I had to bring myself to it mostly by simply raising my awareness about the history of the conflict and the whole context. The more I researched, the more I realized that Ukrainians are the bad guys as well as NATO but I still refuse to pick a side and remain neutral because as a peace activist, this is needed. Also, I can see and understand why both (or three) of them did some bad things, and have compassion for all involved.

I am all about saving lives rather than saving territories but that's just me; I can also understand why people prefer to die for a piece of land. Only one thing I consider most important is to follow Christ's teachings. I am not religious but I believe that in any conflict or war, those who follow the Son of God Christ always win, no matter what. And all who deny Christ as the Son of God suffer, like Jews and Muslims, and others.

Ukraine has no chance of winning because its two top leaders Zelensky and Yermak are Jews or deniers of Christ, while Putin is very Christian and wholly supported by Orthodox Christian Church and its Patriarch Kirill, who bless the soldiers and weapons while no one really blesses Ukrainians. Zelensky's regime even banned UOC and persecute priests and close off churches.

So, I am not neutral in that regard, I support Christians, not the Jews and persecutors of Christians. Both Ukrainians and Russians are Christians, so I support them both but not the liars (https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/p/zelenskys-lies ).

I reckon, we are likeminded, so I ask you to join us in our peace initiative by reading and sharing our content, which is designed to raise both awareness and consciousness, needed for peace. While most of others excell in raising awareness by providing news and commentaries on the developments in the war in Ukraine, we add to it by providing a solution - raising also consciousness (not just awareness). You are free to use our content in your articles and if possible provide the source (link to our article).

Bless you!

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Jul 13Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

A word of warning. There are questions out there about Putin's religious affiliations and his ethnicity as well.


We could be witnessing extermination of the slavs, while both leaders are in fact Jews. Also, keep in mind that USA is also controlled by the tribe.

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A word of warning. You are a victim of Kyiv and NATO propaganda who are notorious for forging documents and villifying Putin. You could have seen through it by simple facts, such as that he is a devout Orthodox Christian often visiting church and with very close ties with Patriarch Kirill, as well as that there is no leader in history of humankind who has done more good to his people than Putin. He increased the GDP, trade balance and living standards of Russia like no one else in the history of Europe or the world: https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/i/143797946/putin-is-the-most-competent-and-beloved-world-leader

We are witnessing extermination not of the Slavs but of the enemies of Jesuits (globalists - neocons & neolibs, whose secret societies are Freemasons, Illuminati, Opus Dei, Skulls & Bones...), as they are on the secret mission to exterminate all whom they perceive as heretics. Jesuits have indirectly created mass psychosis in Ukraine and NATO, as well in Israel and Palestine, which is why, now under a Jesuit pope Francis we have two big wars in Europe, in Ukraine and Israel, where all the Jesuits-perceived “heretics” — the Orthodox Christians, Jews, and Muslims — are fighting with each other, killing each other to the great benefit and glee of the Jesuits. They achieve their ultimate agenda of exterminating the “heretics” by using proxies and posing as being the peace-loving, holy men in all this: https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/p/behind-the-scenes-powerbrokers

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Jul 10Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Another banger from you JR.

Just a mild nitpick though, I don't think you can awaken the masses or anything like that. The most you can do is try to reach people predisposed towards dissidence and form a new elite. By definition, the masses are not an active political entity.

But you've spoken about that as well already.

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Jul 9Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

"The correct attack, then, is an attack of delegitimization."

To add to this, as per William Lind's 4th Generation War, the best way to attack the incumbent's legitimacy is to provide the services that they can't. Substackers, among others, are providing medical information and services far outstripping the globohomo (GH). Soon we will see local strongmen providing better law and order than the GH when it comes to modern crime and immigrants. Provide better food than them, better career tracks, better religion, better repair services. Whenever and independent gives a solution that works it takes away from GH.

Through that process, William Lind argues, the state loses its legitimacy because it loses its reason to exist and people become loyal to the groups that actually can. Primarily when they can't give law & order, muchless the prosperity health and freedom they promise. Finally they lose their monopoly on violence which, sadly enough, groups like the Cartels are accelerating.

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Jul 9Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Shitlibs: "wElL aCtUaLlY"

Me: Throw anything you can find at the system! Even throw rocks.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Thanks. I certainly concur in all you say. I would also request that you read and then publish a review of my new book, "Our Country Then and Now."



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Hi Richard, I do plan to read your book as it looks interesting - I have a long queue to get through... No guarantees on a review but I'll write something up about it if there's synergy.

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Jul 8Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

That would be great. I know there is so much out there now for us to keep up with!

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Not everyone can be a robot polisher. Klaus Schwab

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