Oct 12Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I bought his Submission at a flea market a couple of years ago but haven't gotten around to it yet. This piece of yours definitely made me put it higher on my to read-list.

Houellebecq said: "“People who have humanitarian ideas are a catastrophe. It doesn’t work and motivations are doubtful.”…"

It reminds me of H. L. Mencken's "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it."

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Yes, exactly. It reminds me of the Emerson quote, “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” I’ve read some of Mencken in the past, very good writer with good ideas, and have “A Mencken Chrestomathy: His Own Selection of His Choicest Writing” on my list of books to read…

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Been waiting for this for a while. You seem to share a lot of my own impressions of the book(https://deusexvita.substack.com/p/review-7-of-2024-submission-by-michel). Would love to hear a little more about why you think Catholicism isn't a potential solution (and why I think Houellebecq agrees). Another large part of the novel is François trying to follow in Huysmans footsteps and trying to be Catholic, but walking away and choosing Islam when it doesn't do it for him. My thought is that the big problem with Catholicism is that it is far too skin suited by the globo homo. The church basically allowed the sex scandal stuff to happen without doing much to stop it, and also doesn't enforce its own views with the same intensity as Islam and even the earlier Church (the Pope used to lead armies to war). On the parish level there's still a lot of virtue: my local priests have helped me a lot with overcoming certain spiritual problems (nihilism, porn use), but it's just not enough. Young people need to be getting married and we need to be rebuilding community, but my priests at least are not so good at helping with this. There's also a sense that the church has lost the fight against secularism almost completely, and now all that remains is fighting a brave rear guard action. I don't know, I say this all as a practicing Catholic, but I just don't see a way forward for the church unless there are massive changes on all levels of the hierarchy. I don't want to see an Islamic world, and I don't believe the intellectual forces of secularism (the gospel of growth) are up to facing our current challenges. I guess the personal solution is just to focus on gnostic spiritual growth as you say in other posts.

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Thanks for the nice comment, Joshua, and I will check out your link. I agree with everything you’ve written here; Catholicism unfortunately seems hollowed out by globohomo at this point, especially under Pope Francis. Guido Preparata discussed how the Church was skinsuited in the decades after World War 2 in his book "Empire and Church" which I discussed in this post: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-globohomo-skinsuited-the-catholic

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I'm for dreaming up a new religion before allowing America to be ruled by Islam.

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Oct 13Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

64% of University students in Iran are women, as are 30-40% of University professors and 40-50% of doctors. In Tunisia the numbers are even higher, while in Morocco and Egypt are marginally lower. There's nothing about Islam that prevents the workforce participation and financial independence of women. Technological advancement is not incompatible with Islam, see the various space and satellite programs of Muslim countries today and the historical record of Islamic scholars. As for social mobility, consider that a major proxy for it - higher education - is far more affordable in all of the countries I mentioned than it is in the US.

Westerners tend to have a distorted view of Islam formed by decades of biased media conflating the worst regional cultural aspects and niche precepts with the whole religion, compounded with the negative effects of US-perpetrated destabilization (for Middle Easterners) and mass migration (for Westerners).

The vast majority of Muslims are monogamous; several Christian denominations allow(ed) polygamy. Christians specifically set out to convert non believers by sending missionaries worldwide as far as the most remote tribes in the Amazon; the Quran specifies "there's no compulsion in religion". Women's degree of freedom is a cultural issue, not a religious one, and both Books preach submission to men.

I can go on... the point being that in reality there's not much difference between Christianity and Islam -- both follow the Word of God, after all -- and the extreme aspects of either are down to culture, position in history and the personal inclinations of those claiming religion as their guide.

The Quran is just better protected from manipulative "adaptations" since it is to be read in the original Arabic and needs no interpreter, priest or Pope to be delivered. It's also less conducive to masochistic pathological compassion, not having self sacrifice for others as the main angle of the religion. I recommend reading it, primary sources and all that ;)

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Thanks for the comment, Pas. I have a future post analyzing why Islam fell behind technologically compared to the West as seen in Timur Kuran's "The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East". Kuran is a Turkish-American economist and political scientist, Gorter Family Professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University, with an Islamic but pro-globalist background. I think his take was fairly balanced and you may appreciate it when I post about it...

Re: "no compulsion in religion", I think that is not quite accurate. Yes, Islam allows people "of the book" to live under Islamic control, but they are subject to a host of regulations that sap the will of the minority religions over time as dhimmis (paying jizya, not being allowed to repair houses of worship, prohibitions on testifying against Muslims in court, etc.). Islam is much more similar to Judaism in many ways compared to Christianity: both Islam and Judaism are religions which regulate to minute detail every aspect of a believer’s life with their respective Sharia and Halakhah systems, both traditions contain detailed legal and ethical instructions for both religious and social life. Unlike Christianity, which relies on councils or synods to rule on doctrine, ethics and behavior, the laws and beliefs in Islam and Judaism are derived through a process of debate. In fact the two religions are so close in terms of their structure that the tenth-century rabbinic leader Saadia Gaon unselfconsciously referred to Jewish law as shar’ia, the prayer leader in a synagogue as an imam and the direction Jews faced when praying as qibla. Both religions emphasize correct action (orthopractic belief), versus the Christian focus on prayer/repentance for salvation and an emphasis on correct belief (orthodoxy). Per Israel Shahak, Jews view Christianity as idolatrous but not Islam...

If one looks at a map of Islamic control, it has only expanded (with some pauses) on a historical timeline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBaZYtrln54

To be fair, a different way of looking at religion is one of exotericism vs. esotericism, and the great traditionalist philosopher Rene Guenon ultimately rejected Christianity because he viewed both it's Catholic and Protestant permutations as essentially forbidding mysticism. He found refuge in Sufism...although Eastern Orthodoxy has shown itself to be more resistant to the "manipulative adaptations" than other Christian belief systems...

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Islam is not the true problem. Do you think the globalists give a crap about Muslims?

They are throwing the Muslims a bone in Afghanistan right now. Everyone knows the US could go in there and flatten the Taliban if desired. But what’s happening? The globalists are calling the shots and signaling to the Muslims, if you play ball, we will allow you to do as you please.

When the time comes, the globalists will literally rid the world of Muslims if need be.

None of the Muslims at the top are "ideological Muslims" because they understand that Islam is not a religion, it’s a political ideology. It’s just like Marxism, there are no ideological Marxists at the top, because Marxism is just a method to achieve power, it’s not an ideology for those in charge, it’s simply a power structure.

Islam is like Marxism 1.0, it’s the same thing effectively, only much older.

The globalists are the true problem. And they will use all of these ideologies to serve their goals.

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Oct 12Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

What you won't hear about Andrew Jackson is that the Rothschilds were his personal bankers and that it was through him the Democratic Party became the original globalist pro-slavery party. His attack on the Second Bank has become a historical red herring.

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I had not heard that Andrew Jackson used the Rothschilds as his personal bankers; is that covered in your book? I will be covering his Bank War against the Second Bank in a future post.

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I've never heard this, but I would like to learn more. If this is true, this is a major blackpill, because he was honestly a hero of mine, despite his faults.

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Oct 12Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Hello, great article as always!

I was just wondering on your point on why Islam is more favourable to globohomo; you say that it is primarily because it is used to enforce a strict wealth inequality, but I do not see the evidence for this in Submission or in Islam (Rediger may just be combining the Nietzchean ethics of his youth w/ Islam & there seems to be many sources that suggest that there is more emphasis on redistribution in Islam than Christianity).

Rather, Christianity (particularly Roman Catholicism, since globohomo is more focused on it and it has been heavily infiltrated by Freemasons, globohomo agents, homosexuals) seems to be inimical to globohomo on a spiritual, fundamental level, rather than it being the most threatening religion to globohomo on a purely materialistic/mechanistic level. This is because, in my opinion, the rulers of the world have made some sort of pact.

Thanks again for the read! I always look forward to your posts.

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Thanks for the comment, vilui. As I responded to Joshua, Catholicism seems like it has been hollowed out post-World War 2 and especially post-Vatican II (see the post I linked him discussing "Empire and Church"). I agree with you that globohomo seems to viscerally hate Christianity in a way that it doesn't hate Islam, which is interesting and curious - just one example, when the U.S. nuked Nagasaki in Japan the epicenter was the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, I think intentionally: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immaculate_Conception_Cathedral,_Nagasaki#History . I think globohomo hates Christianity so much because it is an ultimately optimistic religion that offers individuals choice, it provides dignity to people and respects their souls, which is antithetical to globohomo's approach of stripping everyone down to the material essentials in order to exploit them as cattle. Islam, from that core perspective, is much more in line with globohomo's dictates even if it more masculine/patriarchal. The attacks on the family, the attack on masculinity in the West are simply strategies to try to grind down people to the level of exploitable widgets...

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Oct 12Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

“… globohomo seems to viscerally hate Christianity in a way that it doesn't hate Islam, which is interesting and curious …” It’s probably Christ’s message is an antiestablishment message.

Anyway, all I know about the Islam religion comes from Christian sources, so I can comment confidently on only one thing: the 4:1 marriage sex ratio precludes modern Western concepts of human rights, period, end of discussion.

But I do have one pertinent first hand experience with the Muslim world. During my 1990-91 high school year in France, neighbors across the street from us were Algerian immigrants to France some many years before, wife 34, husband 50’ish, three kids, oldest child was 17 … 🤔… 😳 I’ll never forget the mint tea & Arabian pastries.

Anyway, the wife said the problem is with the culture, not the religion. She said the culture is stuck in a medieval mindset - just like Christian Europe once was.

That was 33+ years ago. I was just an ignorant boy from suburban USA. I’d never given the Muslim world a thought.

I wonder how much anti-medieval influence the crumbling Western Europe has had on her children & grandchildren & future great-grandchildren … 🤔

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Oct 13Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

And, even more ironically / paradoxically, Hiroshima was bombed on the Feast of the Transfiguration - the day Jesus revealed himself to his disciples as whiter than white, so bright they could not look at him.

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> "I think globohomo hates Christianity so much because it is an ultimately optimistic religion that offers individuals choice, it provides dignity to people and respects their souls, which is antithetical to globohomo's approach of stripping everyone down to the material essentials in order to exploit them as cattle."

This is just terrible to read from you. Have you converted to Orthodoxy or something (ft. Jay Dyer)? Just why...

1. Both Christianity and liberalism deny that humans are their bodies.

2. They both profess the message of anarchism and hatred of all earthly power (paganism, Hitler).

3. Christianity neatly maps to the map of LGBT.

4. Christianity is multiracial just as Islam and miscegenated all of Latin America (and is now destroying southern Korea).

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Hi Adunai, re: Christianity's optimism, I recommend Dostoevsky's The Grand Inquisitor which puts individual choice at the center of faith: https://stephenhicks.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/DostoevskyF-Grand-Inquisitor-text.pdf

We've discussed together previously how Christianity was a transvaluation of values from Roman inegalitarianism to Christian egalitarianism, where at least spiritually all people (or at least all believing Christians) had intrinsic worth. This was a radical departure from what came before. Over time this belief in egalitarianism intensified and morphed into the economic egalitarianism of communism and the racial egalitarianism of what we're experiencing in the West now.

Still, do you not seem to think that our upper level financial elites - the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners, etc. that parasite off this ratcheting egalitarianism - seem to viscerally hate both whites and Christians? And that they don't have that visceral hatred of Muslims?

Re: points #1 and #2, liberals are secular, atheistic materialists (regardless of their professed beliefs). They believe in rule by scientific managerialism, not anarchism or hatred of earthly power. Re: #3 and #4, yes you are right, per above.

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I read this book a while ago and it was very good. I'm a practicing Catholic, but it is disheartening what has become of the Church, but I agree Islam has its problems and I don't think they're the solution either.

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It is an excellent book, one I wish I had read at the time, before all of the fury and outrage, which of course is completely displaced (and probably like the brass eye pedo special critiqued by people who could not be bothered to read / watch it). I think the title sums up the book. The nothingness of the men, and the lack of greatness quickly restored through a slight change. The horror is the quietness with which it deals with these themes, especially the females in the book. It really is a superb read, I think Serotonin hit me harder, as I read it when it came out, this is a close second.

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Oct 14Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Hey NLF,

to be fair, the positives and negatives you mentioned would probably be molded according to the white (european?) spirit, just like christianity was to some extent.

The bigger issue with whites is high IQ + high individualism (which is also why asians don't seem to have the same problems, although they have other issues). Over time I'm really wondering if we aren't too smart for our own good and this is not a literary device there : perhaps this combination of high IQ and individualism will prove maladaptive and will see us eliminated from the gene pool. To boot, those who have a lower propension to individualism but still have a high IQ and are aware of our issues tend to fall in the incel subtype, thus also acting there as a bottleneck. My worry is that if nothing is done, the average IQ of whites will have gone down in a way that has nothing to do with race-mixing.

Finding a solution to this is extremely hard and will probably require laying the groundwork for decades before a collapse that would allow us to rebuild from there. I hope it is something that's a bit more "european" than Islam, but we won't have much else left if the remaining hiqh IQ conscious whites remain so complacent. It's one thing to deal with our overlords and the general alienation, but it's another to deal with brainwashed normies who care for nothing but hedonism, trying to extract every little drop of pleasure before the whole "west" unravels.

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Oct 13Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Submission was my introduction to Michel Houellebecq. Damn good place to begin. I found it intriguing once Isalm became the law of the land everything that imperils society worked itself out. Wages inflated due to women leaving the workforce, with that they became mothers again literally rectifying the birthrate question. Definitely a thought provoking book. Ironically the main conundrum is Islam. With determination and diligence we can make Catholicism great again. I'm achieving this in my life, one orgasm at a time. I'll be up to my fifth kid in the coming months. Go to Mass, fam.

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A few disparate comments on quotations! Overall, it's all nonsense and garbage as everything else in the West, all of it (aside from Hitler's movement, but even he was advancing animal welfare).

> "how Africa’s alarmingly high birthdate (still over 6.0) will result in future swarming of Africans even more into Europe"

The two are not exactly connected. It's like blaming the wars on immigration - idiotic. Immigration is caused by internal European policies.

> " Show me the mind of a man who somehow avoids cancellation despite publicly stating that the Great Replacement theory is real [...] Perhaps depressing realism isn’t a threat to the system the way idealistic active resistance is."

I feel like many tiny Eurotrash subcultures such as French don't have a cancel culture because they're so mad and insignificant, nobody cares. Case in point - students in my Ukrainian uni made a presentation on cultural Marxism. So what? Still utterly useless and easily swayed by Hebrew magics.

> "There is no conspiracy orchestrated by the elite [NLF: this is wrong]"

The issue with conspiratorial thinking is that the élites are nevertheless forced to base themselves in the culture at large - and one might add, the élites are part of the people. Christians love BBC.

> "said Gisèle Sapiro, a sociologist and author of Peut-On Dissocier l'œuvre de l'Auteur? ("Can we dissociate the work of the author?", 2020). "There is a culturalist view of the world, close to Samuel Huntington's 'clash of civilizations,' which locks populations into a fixed religious identity in order to euphemize the racist presupposition."

Culturalist, nice word! That's who I am<3

> "He treats Russia with clemency, unlike Europe and the United States: In Ukraine, Vladimir Putin "had eyes bigger than his stomach," says the writer."

How blind can one be? This is such a litmus test... In what way did Russia show that it wanted to do anything other than kill itself (doing a venerable hecatomb in Donbass)? And it's being swarmed by Big Turkish Men all the same.

> "Finally, he engages in philosophical and literary concerns, filled with nostalgia for the Catholicism from before the Second Vatican Council."

Yeah, the Catholicism that partook in the miscegenation of the Americas, the demise of Hitler, and surrendered without a shot fired to LGBT. Hitler died fighting, so an argument can be made that he was in opposition. But the Catholics are like the USSR, a fake and gay charade.

> "And the paragraph was not political; it was rather the simplicity and clarity of the ideas expressed that was the giveaway; shitlibs obfuscate, they revel in needless complexity and unnecessary verbiage."

It is my idea that Christians and liberals consider any pattern recognition to be evil. That's my pet theory regarding the ire my autistic culture maps drew on Reddit anyway.

> "He’s famous for describing us as sex objects with a sell-by date of pretty much 25"

> "his current Asian wife happened to be a fan of his work and she is 34 years younger than he is."

Ulbek, you had one job... (My future Asian waifu is 38 btw, hopefully Klaus Schwab makes her younger come the longevity escape velocity.)

> "https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Michel_Houellebecq"

Based, thanks!

> "Even though he is describing single, childless Western women as blown out mentally and spiritually, the married women are barely any better"

> "and some part of him must have known - had to have known - that he was fucked, and some part of her must have known that she was fucked, and that things wouldn’t get better over the years. The children would get bigger, the demands at work would increase, as if automatically, not to mention the sagging of the flesh."

Aren't both of these merely describing the general state of our incarnated existence? Anime isn't real.

> "They don’t work, they get married young - a rich man could have up to four wives - and they were devoted and submissive, aiming to please."

Imo, there is nothing worse than a pleasing wife, it's dull like hell. Journey > end.

> "[NLF: Yet Islamic birthrates are falling, too, and Muslims are becoming more secular overall; just not nearly at the rate of collapse of Christians]"

Fingers crossed, the Aryan race goes extinct before the Muslims get cucked. Fingers crossed, the Jewish race starts a world war which brings Muslim savagery back like in Yemen (see the map). Because the only way war could threaten a culture if it is genocidal, and the Jews are too cucked to commit genocide.

> "[Rediger] called it tragic that [the traditional right-wing nativists]’s irrational hostility to Islam should blind them to the obvious: on every question that really mattered, the nativists and the Muslims were in perfect agreement."

Well, the point of disagreement is probably racism, not culture at large. Also, there's a conspicuous lack of penile mutilation (circumcision) in the article... Does Ulbek not mention it at all? Or is our dear Neo-Feudal already mutilated by virtue of being Anglo? (The other point would be the proliferation of the Arabic language and names, but Europe is full of Hebrew names already, no difference.)

> "the coincidentia oppositorum. God, being infinite, is the infinite synthesis of opposing ideas; by understanding and combining them, one becomes able to see from a higher plane."

I've never seen the troon-to-incel pipeline described so exaltedly.

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