It seems like what they have established is copying the containment policy the managerial state employed in Brave New World, updated for modern technology. Dissidents are very easily corralled into an internet space where they can spin their wheels endlessly debating with one another on substack or youtube channels, so long as accessing such things requires one to actively seek it out and is thus inaccessible to normie by virtue of his disinterest and inability to read. Realistically written articles should be by far the easiest thing for a Woke AI to parse for crimethink, but they leave this kind of stuff alone simply because it keeps us occupied and away from influencing the real world.
My guess is the social credit system blacklisting and torment will be used more sporadically as a tool to try and drive dissidents into Uncle Ted behavior whenever the regime requires more enemies to parade in front of the sheep as proof of the necessity of the regime.
You're right that we're mostly corralled into a corner of the internet spinning wheels, but such is the nature of globohomo's closed-feedback system where the only way one can really impact it from the outside is via attempts at de-legitimization (such as here). Gab is a great example of a useless echo chamber...
I see our elite's malevolence as juggling priorities of various demand and time-intensities, that they're focused on the big fish now (Trump, Republican politicians) now as woke AI and the CBDC systems are perfected. But eventually they will want the system to be standardized and apply to everyone, much as the Chinese social credit score system is. The WEF wrote in a linked article in the post that it's coming to America by 2030 ("revelation of the method")...and because globohomo always wants more power and more control, programmable CBDCs will give them a level of micromanaged control never seen before in human history...
Excellent article! The depth of research you put into your articles is truly amazing. When do you sleep, haha?
When I was younger it was my hope that "we the people" would push back on the abuse of our rights but, now that I am older and more pragmatic I realize that most will go willingly into the digital prison you described.
For those less willing it might get rough.
Spiritual strength, mental fortitude, and the ability to go unnoticed may become prerequisites for survival.
Thanks Wheel. I agree with you; most people will go along with it just as we saw with the COVID scam. The best thing one can do is try to develop spiritual strength and mental fortitude. Given Total Information Awareness has everything we've ever written, typed, or looked at online, including emails and texts and phone calls, and regardless of whether one uses a joke of a VPN or Tor or whatever, going unnoticed may not be an option. Another option is trying to live in a rural area with no debt, but given globohomo is shoving as many non-integrating non-white foreigners into these areas as fast as they possibly can, that doesn't seem like a long-term solution...
An additional obstacle is future energy costs. Heating with propane is expensive and the affordable rural homes are usually poorly insulated farm houses.
Several years ago we bought undeveloped land and are midway through building a high efficiency simple house on it. Because of the no debt I have been able to do almost all the work myself.
Sometimes I'm surprised that so few other people are doing this. Obviously it's a lot of work and risk, but if one looks back just two generations, it was very common.
I'm not convinced on the gnostic POV. I've had many moments in my life where I've gotten very lucky after listening to faint feelings. It feels like I'm getting help. The help really kicked up after starting prairie restoration work on the land. It seems unlike a demiurge to care about things like this.
Thanks for the nice comment, Erik. I think part of the problem with rural living is that most jobs have gravitated to urban areas, and globohomo has intentionally destroyed the small and mid-sized farmer (in a well documented conspiracy) -- it's close to impossible to earn a living with it these days, unlike a couple generations ago. So the people reverting back to rural areas often have substantial savings built up from living in urban environments (such as Tucker Max as one well-known example).
Re: gnosticism, yeah, I don't think it's for everyone. I think part of it's appeal is expectation management -- if one has a philosophical pessimistic perspective and thinks that the Demiurge controls this plane, one is not going to be surprised to the downside very often. The other part of the appeal is that it helps center one to live in the moment -- if one doesn't think the future will be better and neither was the past, that this life is pain and suffering, then one can focus on living instead of on pipedreams. That's just my take, anyway.
Check out Galahad Eridanus. His work is invaluable in this fight, as he seems to be on the frontiers on what this new, necessary form of consciousness will be
As for the stall in 3D technology I experienced that first hand. My GPU from 2012 died last year and I had to replace it. The new GPU can deliver around 1/3 of it's performance and cost the same. I can say this bc I'm a GameDev myself and doing performance testing all day long. There has been a few improvements on the software/API level, but the hardware performance didn't change at all from roughly 2010 on.
As for AI, I tried several generative AIs and they are just optimized steal machines. They combine work from humans available on the internet that is "tagged" (giving meaning) by hordes of low income workers from third world countries. The wokeness is an extra hardcoded layer on the database of stolen content. AI music creation is no AI also. There are mathematical rules to pleasant music that were figured out by musicians in the 1800eds and put into machine code in the 1980ies. Labeling this as AI is just a marketing trick. As for ChatGPT, try for yourself. It creates bs links, and shows you mostly stolen content from the internet.
This kind of stuff makes me glad that peak oil is here (or very close), and that a lot of the elite's efforts are actually self-sabotaging. You can't have digital surveillance if a). the grid doesn't work because renewables can't maintain baseload and b). your backend doesn't work because your employees can't code because you gutted the education system 20 years ago to keep the masses dumb and docile. More and more it's looking like collapse is a white-pill. Time to get back to harvesting the last of the tomatoes.
I agree with you that we're right at peak oil or past the peak, which is being obfuscated by our elites for political purposes (a topic of a future post). This is why in some sense they need to push Net Zero in Britain, alternative energy, "15 minute cities" etc. Although production numbers are likely faked (especially Saudi's as a national security measure), we can see the problem indirectly by where and how oil companies have to extract these days: using very energy-intensive fracking techniques, deep ocean extraction, etc. The EROEI (energy return on energy invested) keeps going down alarmingly fast...
Therefore, from an energy consumption perspective they likely see big social unrest ahead, another reason why they need the digital panopticon. But the energy cost of running a digital panopticon worldwide AI is going to be insanely high, leading to the issue you describe...
I understood that peak oil is a psyop. I don’t believe we are running out of anything. This beautiful planet is munificent and can support all 8 billion of us and more. It’s only Globohomo stealing, hoarding and lying which makes most believe in fake calamities like peak oil, overpopulation, climate catastrophe etc etc ad nauseum
Mark Robinson must be more important than I thought. Because there's only so many times you can hoist someone on the petard of what they posted 15 years ago before even stupid people start to catch on. Or else.... the people who are going after him are reckless and haven't thought this through.
While TIA should work great for the social credit/cbdc system (provided infrastructure endures), using it to publicly target and ruin individuals for wrongthink could be counterproductive (to the regime) and probably has a short shelf life, as a practice. Then again, as long as everyone they go after in such a fashion is a "racist," (or in this case a "nazi," same thing) there probably won't be too much blowback. Racists being well established as subhuman. Even murderers have more status than racists, as shown by the well funded support networks working to get them clemency/pardons/new trials. "Racists" receive no such support.
North Carolina is a critical swing state and smearing Robinson as "rathithst" will likely swing at least a couple points in favor of Kamala. It's a game of small percentages. That's why they did it, imo...
Sure, but it’s not hard to go through a person’s social media posts if it’s not an anonymous account. Plenty of people have gotten in trouble for it; the first one that comes to mind is Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, who wrote lots of pro-pedophelia “jokes”, got fired for it and then reinstated. Scrolling through someone’s social media accounts is just research; finding an anonymous account’s posting on some obscure message board from 15 years ago is qualitatively different.
One other thought: If they can use something you posted anonymously online 15 years ago against you, then they can create the damning post themselves and your denial won't be worth the air spent breathing it.
This last part is important. Very likely he wrote those messages and then for parallel construction purposes they grafted on the email component to tie it to him directly.
just a precision, the article which mentions these phases is a review of his last book, The Realm of Caesar and the Realm of the Spirit. Yet, I read the whole book and it's not there, so it must have appeared elsewhere in his other books. The book , his testament, is well worth reading as a summary of his life's insights.
I have very low opinions of the gnostic creeds because its subverted fruits are evident all around us. It has been subverted by satanists and instead of vainly trying to escape reality they have become the demiurge, crafting hyper realities unimaginable to our forefathers.
escaping their lies leads back to reality, and only then to god.
Hi halftrolling, the term "gnostic" is an umbrella term with multiple meanings depending on who is using it and why... In the way you are using the term, "The core of this interpretation [of gnosticism] is an accusation that one’s opponents are using the pursuit of an Ideal as an idol that is not the ineffable Godhood - whether that be environmentalism/Gaia worship, race, economic equality/communism, etc. Through the pursuit of this Ideal - usually a secularized, blind devotional religious energy - with the correct understanding or outlook, adherents believe they can bring Heaven to Earth materially."
While our opinions are aligned on the topic of utopianists, the issue I have with the inverted gnostics is a different one. They are attempting to disguise the whole of reality in an informational shell (hyper reality) not in pursuit of utopia, but of power to shape what everyone else believes. They cannot control reality, but they can potentially control hyper reality as petty gods. This is the metaphysics of “clown world”.
Practitioners of satanism gain power by inverting the truth, and their current goal is to invert the whole of reality into a semi-virtual bubble in which anything they say goes. They become the demiurge.
The current age is the synthesis of gnosticism and satanism. Hide reality and only then replace it with an inverted copy.
As for gnosticism itself, it strikes me as people attempting to escape reality and thus gods judgement. Satan himself tried to escape the lords judgement by rebelling, and look where that got him.
Hi JD, good question. Ellul kind of uses the terms "technology" and "technique" interchangeably, but I see technique as the application of or process of using technology. Understanding how to properly utilize technique is how one makes money in this world.
Very nice graphs regarding hard and soft goods innovation provided here. Note that the pace of technological change increased atop the increasing availability and use of fossil energies of various sorts. Latest development of Gates seeking to resurrect Three Mile Island to run an AI center is quite the hoot -- sounds like someone trying to harness a broken-down old horse laying in a ditch because all the farmers forgot how to breed and raise horses anymore. (In mining circles, such old depleted mine rehab 'projects' are undertaken by amateur miner wannabes who have no ability to find and develop new ore bodies. Temporary stock promotion value only.)
Yep, that's pretty much the way corporations have long operated -- it's a given, so is clearly taught in college economics and business administration classes. Interesting that you indicate the same strategies of operations have diffused out into the non-business environments. Business abhors a vacuum I guess.
Thanks Larry. I had heard about the attempt to resurrect Three Mile Island, which surprised me given globohomo is quite anti-nuclear, but had not heard it would be to run an AI center - that is pretty funny. I had read in various places that globohomo is seeking huge reductions in Western population energy consumption but with an exception for AI use, who energy needs are enormous and will grow even greater. So this would fit right into that argument.
Re: the NYT article, thanks for linking it - it started out strong but then devolved into a "there's no scientific evidence for group stereotypes, and we need to protect Science (tm) from those who would advance the link between group stereotypes and genetics." That feeds back into my point: that a society based on a core belief of egalitarianism will not and cannot advance into areas that contravene those core other words, it is the beliefs that must change first rather than the science.
Yeah, I agree with you entirely about the course of Reich's article. He clearly wanted to walk down the sidewalk in the direction it is definitely leading, but also doesn't want to step on any cracks while doing so. Even so, he, quite the academic authority on human genetics, evidently realizes he and others will eventually have to stick more than a toe in the pool of cold water his and others' work has inadvertently revealed. His more technical writing about new paleogenetic findings and attendant hypotheses (see is extremely interesting if true, and pretty tightly- and well-written.
My unstated purpose in mentioning the Hail Mary Three Mile Island rehab play is that here's AI -- that supposed next greatest technological innovation of all human time -- trying to inch its woke way forward on the back of a long neglected and energy source in disrepair because all other sources/systems are already decaying and stretched to the max. This being the case, I wouldn't expect too many energy-intensive technological innovations/hard goods/soft goods to crop up in the near human future. I'd also expect the great 'globohomo' play against the rest of the world to gradually wither on its vine for the same basic reason.
You also need to keep in mind that the rate of adaptation of technology is speeding up also because they figured out new ways of forcing it onto the masses at a faster rate.
I had to change the flight date yesterday - the airline website offered that option - I tinkered with it, but no dice - it always said there were no flights available on the modified date. I know that's BS, because I can order a new ticket for those dates without any issues. Of course, the airline also offers their online support chat - I used that and managed to get the flight date changed without any major issues. Guess what - that chat is operated by AI.
I've also noticed the same thing with search engines - they are becoming more and more useless with each day - but hey, here is our AI that gets you the website you want within seconds! This is all by design - purposely remove the functionality of the old tech while introducing new tech.
As for the stall in 3D technology I experienced that first hand. My GPU from 2012 died last year and I had to replace it. The new GPU can deliver around 1/3 of it's performance and cost the same. I can say this bc I'm a GameDev myself and doing performance testing all day long. There has been a few improvements on the software/API level, but the hardware performance didn't change at all from roughly 2010 on.
As for AI, I tried several generative AIs and they are just optimized steal machines. They combine work from humans available on the internet that is "tagged" (giving meaning) by hordes of low income workers from third world countries. The wokeness is an extra hardcoded layer on the database of stolen content. AI music creation is no AI also. There are mathematical rules to pleasant music that were figured out by musicians in the 1800eds and put into machine code in the 1980ies. Labeling this as AI is just a marketing trick. As for ChatGPT, try for yourself. It creates bs links, and show you mostly stolen content from the internet.
It seems like what they have established is copying the containment policy the managerial state employed in Brave New World, updated for modern technology. Dissidents are very easily corralled into an internet space where they can spin their wheels endlessly debating with one another on substack or youtube channels, so long as accessing such things requires one to actively seek it out and is thus inaccessible to normie by virtue of his disinterest and inability to read. Realistically written articles should be by far the easiest thing for a Woke AI to parse for crimethink, but they leave this kind of stuff alone simply because it keeps us occupied and away from influencing the real world.
My guess is the social credit system blacklisting and torment will be used more sporadically as a tool to try and drive dissidents into Uncle Ted behavior whenever the regime requires more enemies to parade in front of the sheep as proof of the necessity of the regime.
You're right that we're mostly corralled into a corner of the internet spinning wheels, but such is the nature of globohomo's closed-feedback system where the only way one can really impact it from the outside is via attempts at de-legitimization (such as here). Gab is a great example of a useless echo chamber...
I see our elite's malevolence as juggling priorities of various demand and time-intensities, that they're focused on the big fish now (Trump, Republican politicians) now as woke AI and the CBDC systems are perfected. But eventually they will want the system to be standardized and apply to everyone, much as the Chinese social credit score system is. The WEF wrote in a linked article in the post that it's coming to America by 2030 ("revelation of the method")...and because globohomo always wants more power and more control, programmable CBDCs will give them a level of micromanaged control never seen before in human history...
Spinning wheels is bleak and thankless, but still, someone has to carry the fire.
Excellent article! The depth of research you put into your articles is truly amazing. When do you sleep, haha?
When I was younger it was my hope that "we the people" would push back on the abuse of our rights but, now that I am older and more pragmatic I realize that most will go willingly into the digital prison you described.
For those less willing it might get rough.
Spiritual strength, mental fortitude, and the ability to go unnoticed may become prerequisites for survival.
Thanks Wheel. I agree with you; most people will go along with it just as we saw with the COVID scam. The best thing one can do is try to develop spiritual strength and mental fortitude. Given Total Information Awareness has everything we've ever written, typed, or looked at online, including emails and texts and phone calls, and regardless of whether one uses a joke of a VPN or Tor or whatever, going unnoticed may not be an option. Another option is trying to live in a rural area with no debt, but given globohomo is shoving as many non-integrating non-white foreigners into these areas as fast as they possibly can, that doesn't seem like a long-term solution...
On living in a rural area with no debt:
An additional obstacle is future energy costs. Heating with propane is expensive and the affordable rural homes are usually poorly insulated farm houses.
Several years ago we bought undeveloped land and are midway through building a high efficiency simple house on it. Because of the no debt I have been able to do almost all the work myself.
Sometimes I'm surprised that so few other people are doing this. Obviously it's a lot of work and risk, but if one looks back just two generations, it was very common.
I'm not convinced on the gnostic POV. I've had many moments in my life where I've gotten very lucky after listening to faint feelings. It feels like I'm getting help. The help really kicked up after starting prairie restoration work on the land. It seems unlike a demiurge to care about things like this.
Thanks for the nice comment, Erik. I think part of the problem with rural living is that most jobs have gravitated to urban areas, and globohomo has intentionally destroyed the small and mid-sized farmer (in a well documented conspiracy) -- it's close to impossible to earn a living with it these days, unlike a couple generations ago. So the people reverting back to rural areas often have substantial savings built up from living in urban environments (such as Tucker Max as one well-known example).
Re: gnosticism, yeah, I don't think it's for everyone. I think part of it's appeal is expectation management -- if one has a philosophical pessimistic perspective and thinks that the Demiurge controls this plane, one is not going to be surprised to the downside very often. The other part of the appeal is that it helps center one to live in the moment -- if one doesn't think the future will be better and neither was the past, that this life is pain and suffering, then one can focus on living instead of on pipedreams. That's just my take, anyway.
Check out Galahad Eridanus. His work is invaluable in this fight, as he seems to be on the frontiers on what this new, necessary form of consciousness will be
As for the stall in 3D technology I experienced that first hand. My GPU from 2012 died last year and I had to replace it. The new GPU can deliver around 1/3 of it's performance and cost the same. I can say this bc I'm a GameDev myself and doing performance testing all day long. There has been a few improvements on the software/API level, but the hardware performance didn't change at all from roughly 2010 on.
As for AI, I tried several generative AIs and they are just optimized steal machines. They combine work from humans available on the internet that is "tagged" (giving meaning) by hordes of low income workers from third world countries. The wokeness is an extra hardcoded layer on the database of stolen content. AI music creation is no AI also. There are mathematical rules to pleasant music that were figured out by musicians in the 1800eds and put into machine code in the 1980ies. Labeling this as AI is just a marketing trick. As for ChatGPT, try for yourself. It creates bs links, and shows you mostly stolen content from the internet.
So there is no AI. It's a scam.
…at least not real AI available to the general public.
This kind of stuff makes me glad that peak oil is here (or very close), and that a lot of the elite's efforts are actually self-sabotaging. You can't have digital surveillance if a). the grid doesn't work because renewables can't maintain baseload and b). your backend doesn't work because your employees can't code because you gutted the education system 20 years ago to keep the masses dumb and docile. More and more it's looking like collapse is a white-pill. Time to get back to harvesting the last of the tomatoes.
I agree with you that we're right at peak oil or past the peak, which is being obfuscated by our elites for political purposes (a topic of a future post). This is why in some sense they need to push Net Zero in Britain, alternative energy, "15 minute cities" etc. Although production numbers are likely faked (especially Saudi's as a national security measure), we can see the problem indirectly by where and how oil companies have to extract these days: using very energy-intensive fracking techniques, deep ocean extraction, etc. The EROEI (energy return on energy invested) keeps going down alarmingly fast...
Therefore, from an energy consumption perspective they likely see big social unrest ahead, another reason why they need the digital panopticon. But the energy cost of running a digital panopticon worldwide AI is going to be insanely high, leading to the issue you describe...
I'd be very interested in a post on peak oil and the interplay of politics and energy supply.
I understood that peak oil is a psyop. I don’t believe we are running out of anything. This beautiful planet is munificent and can support all 8 billion of us and more. It’s only Globohomo stealing, hoarding and lying which makes most believe in fake calamities like peak oil, overpopulation, climate catastrophe etc etc ad nauseum
Mark Robinson must be more important than I thought. Because there's only so many times you can hoist someone on the petard of what they posted 15 years ago before even stupid people start to catch on. Or else.... the people who are going after him are reckless and haven't thought this through.
While TIA should work great for the social credit/cbdc system (provided infrastructure endures), using it to publicly target and ruin individuals for wrongthink could be counterproductive (to the regime) and probably has a short shelf life, as a practice. Then again, as long as everyone they go after in such a fashion is a "racist," (or in this case a "nazi," same thing) there probably won't be too much blowback. Racists being well established as subhuman. Even murderers have more status than racists, as shown by the well funded support networks working to get them clemency/pardons/new trials. "Racists" receive no such support.
North Carolina is a critical swing state and smearing Robinson as "rathithst" will likely swing at least a couple points in favor of Kamala. It's a game of small percentages. That's why they did it, imo...
Well it's not just Robinson. One could get the sense it's a trend. Somebody went back 10 years for this guy's
Sure, but it’s not hard to go through a person’s social media posts if it’s not an anonymous account. Plenty of people have gotten in trouble for it; the first one that comes to mind is Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, who wrote lots of pro-pedophelia “jokes”, got fired for it and then reinstated. Scrolling through someone’s social media accounts is just research; finding an anonymous account’s posting on some obscure message board from 15 years ago is qualitatively different.
One other thought: If they can use something you posted anonymously online 15 years ago against you, then they can create the damning post themselves and your denial won't be worth the air spent breathing it.
This last part is important. Very likely he wrote those messages and then for parallel construction purposes they grafted on the email component to tie it to him directly.
I believe you might find Berdyaev's view on the evolution of technology of interest, see:
* Nikolas Berdyaev on the Five Historical Periods of Humanity, as Related to Nature and Technology,,_as_Related_to_Nature_and_Technology
More refs are here:
Thanks Michel, this sounds right up my alley. I will read the underlying work...
just a precision, the article which mentions these phases is a review of his last book, The Realm of Caesar and the Realm of the Spirit. Yet, I read the whole book and it's not there, so it must have appeared elsewhere in his other books. The book , his testament, is well worth reading as a summary of his life's insights.
I have very low opinions of the gnostic creeds because its subverted fruits are evident all around us. It has been subverted by satanists and instead of vainly trying to escape reality they have become the demiurge, crafting hyper realities unimaginable to our forefathers.
escaping their lies leads back to reality, and only then to god.
Hi halftrolling, the term "gnostic" is an umbrella term with multiple meanings depending on who is using it and why... In the way you are using the term, "The core of this interpretation [of gnosticism] is an accusation that one’s opponents are using the pursuit of an Ideal as an idol that is not the ineffable Godhood - whether that be environmentalism/Gaia worship, race, economic equality/communism, etc. Through the pursuit of this Ideal - usually a secularized, blind devotional religious energy - with the correct understanding or outlook, adherents believe they can bring Heaven to Earth materially."
I agree with you that those who pursue an Ideal as an idol end up bringing Hell on earth, not Heaven. My use of the term is meant differently... My original post on this topic delves into it:
I hope this is helpful...
While our opinions are aligned on the topic of utopianists, the issue I have with the inverted gnostics is a different one. They are attempting to disguise the whole of reality in an informational shell (hyper reality) not in pursuit of utopia, but of power to shape what everyone else believes. They cannot control reality, but they can potentially control hyper reality as petty gods. This is the metaphysics of “clown world”.
Practitioners of satanism gain power by inverting the truth, and their current goal is to invert the whole of reality into a semi-virtual bubble in which anything they say goes. They become the demiurge.
The current age is the synthesis of gnosticism and satanism. Hide reality and only then replace it with an inverted copy.
As for gnosticism itself, it strikes me as people attempting to escape reality and thus gods judgement. Satan himself tried to escape the lords judgement by rebelling, and look where that got him.
This was because their worldview refused to subsume all of society to treat “technique” as a God. —- what do you mean by “technique”?
Hi JD, good question. Ellul kind of uses the terms "technology" and "technique" interchangeably, but I see technique as the application of or process of using technology. Understanding how to properly utilize technique is how one makes money in this world.
Thanks, I’m following now. And, I should have followed the link to Wikipedia! Guess I forgot who I was reading.
Very nice graphs regarding hard and soft goods innovation provided here. Note that the pace of technological change increased atop the increasing availability and use of fossil energies of various sorts. Latest development of Gates seeking to resurrect Three Mile Island to run an AI center is quite the hoot -- sounds like someone trying to harness a broken-down old horse laying in a ditch because all the farmers forgot how to breed and raise horses anymore. (In mining circles, such old depleted mine rehab 'projects' are undertaken by amateur miner wannabes who have no ability to find and develop new ore bodies. Temporary stock promotion value only.)
Yep, that's pretty much the way corporations have long operated -- it's a given, so is clearly taught in college economics and business administration classes. Interesting that you indicate the same strategies of operations have diffused out into the non-business environments. Business abhors a vacuum I guess.
As to proscriptions on HBD and possibly impending paradigm shifts, see the relatively recent NYT article written by David Reich:®ion=Marginalia&pgtype=article
Thanks Larry. I had heard about the attempt to resurrect Three Mile Island, which surprised me given globohomo is quite anti-nuclear, but had not heard it would be to run an AI center - that is pretty funny. I had read in various places that globohomo is seeking huge reductions in Western population energy consumption but with an exception for AI use, who energy needs are enormous and will grow even greater. So this would fit right into that argument.
Re: the NYT article, thanks for linking it - it started out strong but then devolved into a "there's no scientific evidence for group stereotypes, and we need to protect Science (tm) from those who would advance the link between group stereotypes and genetics." That feeds back into my point: that a society based on a core belief of egalitarianism will not and cannot advance into areas that contravene those core other words, it is the beliefs that must change first rather than the science.
Yeah, I agree with you entirely about the course of Reich's article. He clearly wanted to walk down the sidewalk in the direction it is definitely leading, but also doesn't want to step on any cracks while doing so. Even so, he, quite the academic authority on human genetics, evidently realizes he and others will eventually have to stick more than a toe in the pool of cold water his and others' work has inadvertently revealed. His more technical writing about new paleogenetic findings and attendant hypotheses (see is extremely interesting if true, and pretty tightly- and well-written.
My unstated purpose in mentioning the Hail Mary Three Mile Island rehab play is that here's AI -- that supposed next greatest technological innovation of all human time -- trying to inch its woke way forward on the back of a long neglected and energy source in disrepair because all other sources/systems are already decaying and stretched to the max. This being the case, I wouldn't expect too many energy-intensive technological innovations/hard goods/soft goods to crop up in the near human future. I'd also expect the great 'globohomo' play against the rest of the world to gradually wither on its vine for the same basic reason.
Thank you for this.
Here's my latest:
I already live in The Nether, so Big Mother can fuck right off 😂
You also need to keep in mind that the rate of adaptation of technology is speeding up also because they figured out new ways of forcing it onto the masses at a faster rate.
I had to change the flight date yesterday - the airline website offered that option - I tinkered with it, but no dice - it always said there were no flights available on the modified date. I know that's BS, because I can order a new ticket for those dates without any issues. Of course, the airline also offers their online support chat - I used that and managed to get the flight date changed without any major issues. Guess what - that chat is operated by AI.
I've also noticed the same thing with search engines - they are becoming more and more useless with each day - but hey, here is our AI that gets you the website you want within seconds! This is all by design - purposely remove the functionality of the old tech while introducing new tech.
As for the stall in 3D technology I experienced that first hand. My GPU from 2012 died last year and I had to replace it. The new GPU can deliver around 1/3 of it's performance and cost the same. I can say this bc I'm a GameDev myself and doing performance testing all day long. There has been a few improvements on the software/API level, but the hardware performance didn't change at all from roughly 2010 on.
As for AI, I tried several generative AIs and they are just optimized steal machines. They combine work from humans available on the internet that is "tagged" (giving meaning) by hordes of low income workers from third world countries. The wokeness is an extra hardcoded layer on the database of stolen content. AI music creation is no AI also. There are mathematical rules to pleasant music that were figured out by musicians in the 1800eds and put into machine code in the 1980ies. Labeling this as AI is just a marketing trick. As for ChatGPT, try for yourself. It creates bs links, and show you mostly stolen content from the internet.
So there is no AI. It's a scam.