2 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Mark Robinson must be more important than I thought. Because there's only so many times you can hoist someone on the petard of what they posted 15 years ago before even stupid people start to catch on. Or else.... the people who are going after him are reckless and haven't thought this through.

While TIA should work great for the social credit/cbdc system (provided infrastructure endures), using it to publicly target and ruin individuals for wrongthink could be counterproductive (to the regime) and probably has a short shelf life, as a practice. Then again, as long as everyone they go after in such a fashion is a "racist," (or in this case a "nazi," same thing) there probably won't be too much blowback. Racists being well established as subhuman. Even murderers have more status than racists, as shown by the well funded support networks working to get them clemency/pardons/new trials. "Racists" receive no such support.

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North Carolina is a critical swing state and smearing Robinson as "rathithst" will likely swing at least a couple points in favor of Kamala. It's a game of small percentages. That's why they did it, imo...

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2 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

One other thought: If they can use something you posted anonymously online 15 years ago against you, then they can create the damning post themselves and your denial won't be worth the air spent breathing it.

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This last part is important. Very likely he wrote those messages and then for parallel construction purposes they grafted on the email component to tie it to him directly.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Neoliberal Feudalism

This kind of stuff makes me glad that peak oil is here (or very close), and that a lot of the elite's efforts are actually self-sabotaging. You can't have digital surveillance if a). the grid doesn't work because renewables can't maintain baseload and b). your backend doesn't work because your employees can't code because you gutted the education system 20 years ago to keep the masses dumb and docile. More and more it's looking like collapse is a white-pill. Time to get back to harvesting the last of the tomatoes.

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I agree with you that we're right at peak oil or past the peak, which is being obfuscated by our elites for political purposes (a topic of a future post). This is why in some sense they need to push Net Zero in Britain, alternative energy, "15 minute cities" etc. Although production numbers are likely faked (especially Saudi's as a national security measure), we can see the problem indirectly by where and how oil companies have to extract these days: using very energy-intensive fracking techniques, deep ocean extraction, etc. The EROEI (energy return on energy invested) keeps going down alarmingly fast...

Therefore, from an energy consumption perspective they likely see big social unrest ahead, another reason why they need the digital panopticon. But the energy cost of running a digital panopticon worldwide AI is going to be insanely high, leading to the issue you describe...

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