I agree, the crucial initial move for most is to tune out. When I tell people I don't watch TV they look at me like I've just said I make all my clothes by hand. It seems inconceivable to many. And yet in historical terms sitting on a couch watching a glowing box is novel.

I don't believe most care anything for the truth or facts. The aftermath of Covid was nothing. No one even now cares what they were injected with. A physical injection into their bodies. What is being injected into their minds is an even more distant concern.

But for those who are uncomfortable the advice must always be to step away from the mainstream in all its forms.

Great piece. The long list of forgotten events includes some major clangers of which there is still much evidence. Even the ozone layer stuff. Do they care? I strongly suspect the magic ingredient is to trigger emotion and you don't need to ensure it even makes sense. Abortion is now reproductive rights, an emotive subject for Western ladies; the unimaginably dangerous practice of mass immigration is now about diversity etc. Nothing to it.

At times I believe it is all just a cosmic test to see who keeps their head. Covid certainly felt like that.

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Nice response, Spaceman. I agree with you: " I strongly suspect the magic ingredient is to trigger emotion and you don't need to ensure it even makes sense." And yes, the older I get, the more unreal everything feels, that this is all some sort of test...

At the end of Jung's autobiography he made the same point, that despite his vast knowledge he became less and less certain of things the older he got - there are too many layers of unseen reality above that of the intellect and the senses..

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I have recently been reading Jung. I suspect he was right. I am particularly convinced by his take on projection; much of what bothers us is something inside ourselves. And also that the subconscious largely directs the majority of people completely beyond their awareness.

Emotion is certainly a powerful way to manipulate people. Crude, but effective. We see the results all around us.

That quote from AA resonates too. The average person is so far from anything resembling truth or facts or understanding anything you might say sounds to them like science fiction.

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I hope you make a note of this comment, it's wasted as only a comment.

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I had restacked his comment...

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Nice (...).

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"And yet in historical terms sitting on a couch watching a glowing box is novel"

If Odysseus turned up today he'd see that the Lotus-eaters have taken over the world.

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Indeed he would.

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"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born." - Ronald Reagan (not a favourite of mine, but a succinct observation)

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Fyi the notes links don't work, but the links to previous articles do. Great article all the same.

I think you'd enjoy reading COVID 19 Psychological Operations and the War for Technocracy. The section I'm reading ATM is about the need for mixed messaging and constant changing of requirements during the plandemic. The author trace's it back to MK Ultra and the 🐦‍🔥 program. The constant change creates a sense of groundlessness and pacivity and interestingly a default trust in people with credentials which is not what I'd expect.

Another interesting observation is you can't just smash folks all out, as it will either kill them (re torture)or harden them to a point of resilience. You need to give them enough hope of getting out or circumstances changing. If also creates a sense of indebtedness to the torturer/handler.

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Thanks Shin. Is anyone else having issues with the Notes links? I tried it on my phone and in private mode / signed out and didn’t have any issues.

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"History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." - Orwell

Although I tuned out of the MSM shortly after 2016, I only came to appreciate what the whole phenomenon of "the news" actually is relatively recently. You are right, withholding our attention from The Feed is a vital first step. My own approach to staying informed is to curate a small list of sources, most of which are personal blogs whose owners grok the basic outside-the-Matrix facts of life. These include some intellectually fun places to visit like this ;-). I follow my nose down interesting rabbit holes like a bloodhound and tailor this 'algorithm' list to match my ever-updated world view.

The balance you describe being struck by TPTB as they exert pressure on us is spot on. However, I think there is an important ratchet effect at work here too. Red pilling is an irreversible process. Once someone basically 'gets' the big picture, no amount of blue pill incentives or coercion can make them unknow what they know. The Matrix pool is thus constantly diminishing and the digital prison doors must slam shut before the awake become too numerous. This will in any case involve cutting off unfiltered mass communication channels and Big Tech has this well covered. It's no surprise Musk & co feature prominently in the new regime.

I don't know what the opposite of an "early adopter" is, but I have never owned a smartphone. Right from the start I had an unconscious wariness of a technology tied to me personally which someone else controls. After 2020 and the Vaxx 'passport' push, it became absolutely clear that the smartphone is *the* turnkey technology which will facilitate our digital enslavement - one QR code swipe at a time. Buy a dumbphone, embrace texting & give those thumbs a workout again. In terms of 'news' I think it is good practice to set aside an amount of time each day/week to update oneself via *a laptop* (preferably running Linux, behind VPN/Tor etc). Very little of any true importance is worthy of our immediate attention and the more shill the demand for it, the more skeptical we should be.

Good work.

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Thanks John. Yes, redpilling is an irreversible process - once your eyes are open they don’t get closed again - however, our elites seem to have that angle covered: by swamping the country with unlimited non-integrating illegal hordes (20 million let in under Biden alone), by unlimited monetary printing causing vast inflation so people are too focused on basic survival to fight back ($2 trillion+ national deficit a year, 20% inflation per year), and with vast and expanding censorship and dis/misinformation heavily boosted via AI analysis, the effect of redpilling is heavily diminished - for the moment…I agree with you that it will eventually result in “cutting off unfiltered mass communication channels” more than we have currently seen, likely via social credit score controls and CBDCs.

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I find memes are increasingly my main source of "news." I certainly could not stomach CNN or the BBC.

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I have to properly digest this article + its links, but as an interim comment: thank you SO much for introducing Guido Preparata to me - why is his The Ideology of Tyranny so expensive 😡 and your wonderful description: "demented cretin Yuval Harari" made me laugh out loud - very much a plus in today's world shenanigans 😊

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Thanks Eleanor. I'm glad you appreciate Preparata, whose insights are unparalleled - his "Conjuring Hitler" fundamentally changed the way I saw World War 2. "The Ideology of Tyranny" is the one book of his I havn't read yet, and you're right that it is pricey - he's coming out with a second edition on it soon, so you may want to hold off on that one until the new version is released. I'll be reading it and likely reviewing it as well...

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In the meantime I might give Conjuring Hitler a go, which also does look interesting

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It will change the way you see World War 2 and the world - it’s his most powerful book of the one’s that I’ve read.

There are two editions on Amazon, which has been in the process of banning it for wrongthink. The second edition is here, with only a couple reviews so far: https://www.amazon.com/CONJURING-HITLER-BRITAIN-AMERICA-DESTROYED/dp/B0CL7MZBWT/

The first edition with lots of glowing reviews is here: https://www.amazon.com/Conjuring-Hitler-Preparata-20-May-2005-Paperback/dp/B013PQOVOG/

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Quite impressed that you managed to create and remember such a long list of events and "current things". Nietzsche talks about how pain is the basis of memory, which is why for example, those tribes with simple honor morality have trouble interfacing with more complex society; if everything gets discharged in the moment, then no higher morality can develop.

What follows is that if you can distract and placate people with stories that bear no resolution but that provide ongoing chemical stimulation, they will buy into their own disorientation. (I've also fallen prey to this, so I have no claim to maintaining attentional purity here.)

I'll confess that out of the 100+ narratives you've posted, in my life, I've only followed maximum ~15 of them in any meaningful depth throughout the last decade – most of them squarely the Big Tech, Immigration, and COVID categories above – since those are the ones that have touched my life directly and immediately.

The fact that, for example, Fauci got a 'pre-emptive' pardon from Biden, infuriates me; but not as much as the fact that the Trump DOJ will probably still not indict him and follow that thread to its root. The way COVID was handled was the first time in my life that I came full face-to-face with pure malice and how it institutes cowardice around its own field as a means to survive and propagate. I will never be able to look away from how that works now.

I used to try to stay on top of environmental stuff. In the 2010s, during college, I spent time trying to dive deep into IPCC analyses of climate and geography starting from the early 2000s, and teach myself the fundamentals to track their claims because I took (and still take) climate change seriously.

I found that post-2008, I was unable to glean any sort of coherent picture of climate and the environment, since the data that got reported did not include methodology on how it was collected or why, and was just mostly paired with activist sounding-claims on how certain NGOs need for more funding to reduce carbon emissions.

This is was also when my anorexia and psychosis kicked in high gear and I had a complete breakdown, so I had to give that project up (being hospitalized, medicated, dropping out, etc.)

The threads around geopolitics and foreign countries are meaningful, of course, but I can't find any personal interest in keeping track of them beyond a general acute frustration that the oligarch class of The American Empire is unable to keep their g*dd*mn grubby hands out of everyone's business across the globe.

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Man you missed my favorite memory hole of the 2010s: Kony 2012 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kony_2012). For those of you who don't remember, this was viral video campaign to attempt to raise money/awareness to catch the African warlord Joseph Kony (who's particular crime seems to have been using child soldiers). As far as I know Kony is still at large, although he has shifted his theater of operations to the more unstable South Sudan, and the money the project raised was probably embezzled.

As far as takeaways, I agree with Spaceman Spiff. Tuning out and focusing on what actually matters in your own life is the only way to go.

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Ah yes, I remember that one. Michelle Obama made that into a bigger event with her #BringBackOurGirls social media hashtag, which the media highlighted. As far as I know, they were never Brought Back.

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You mean Mike Obama right? Who is this Michelle?

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"CIA affiliate or agent Tucker Carlson, skin-suited Joe Rogan, retard Don Jr., squished prole face J.D. Vance, homosexual, hypocritical deviant Peter Thiel and “dark elf” Curtis Yarvin"


My students say I am a conspiracy theorist when I am simply an Art Historian trying to show them how long the elites have been using visual propaganda to snow and enslave us. They're chronologically arrogant, and as much as they know much is fake, they can't seem to believe much is evil.

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Evil is difficult to convince people of. Genuine malevolence is rare. Few encounter it. So many do not recognize it and rationalize it instead.

Note how Eastern European nations are much more skeptical than Western nations. They have some experience and memory of psychopaths running their societies and what they were capable of.

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Good point. Such an easy, fat cat life for my students—and these are lower and lower middle class kids—urban and suburban—at a state college. Pajama life. I can reach a few, usually the religious who were home-schooled and studying engineering, some awakened straight white guys. But the remainder, it’s impossible. The only success I’ve had with the young women is showing them the lies of the sexual revolution…

I don’t want to accelerate the decline, but I feel that the moment they can’t get Starbucks on demand may be the moment the tides turn.

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I agree. Or, for the ladies, when the hedonism catches up with them and they ask where have all the good men gone? Lots of videos of that online. Even that doesn't reach them.

Temptation is everywhere. Huxley was on to something.

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What's interesting about your list is that it remained firmly within the central pane of the Overton Window. You didn't even touch on topics such as the development of Directed Energy Weapons, the enormous increase in death and disability that followed the release of the COVID shots, or other topics which, despite being easily verifiable, lie outside the bounds of acceptable discourse.

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Could this be made into a board game?

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I feel for the unwashed masses. Not their fault that the modern world is so complex. With city, state, federal, world, economic, social issues etc contently changing. How do you, with family, find time to simply enjoy life?

If you attempt to keep track of it all.

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You're just as unwashed as anyone else. Even if you shower five times a day. Dirt never sleeps.

I'm sorry but what good does it do to look down a nose to pity those below oneself?

Other than pump an ego. Which any moron or unwashed one can do as well and frequently does. Ask Trump.

I'm not trying to fight but this irritates me a lot and since I'm not an oyster I don't know how to make it a pearl.

So pardon me. Signed, An Unwashed Mass of One

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I think the rise in depression, anxiety, mental disorders, antidepressant prescriptions, suicides and various addictions are the telltale signs people know something is amiss, but have poor coping mechanisms. But they signify some sense of awareness even if people don't have a framework to understand it. Mass immigration being a good example.

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Interesting point in the note about how they would have to eliminate the high IQ people in order to usher in their total control.

But with con-vid, they sterilized, injured, and killed many that were low IQ. This includes experts, doctors, and others that may be book smart but lack cognitive intelligence.


"It has been shown that in 2018 and 2019,

worldwide, the rate of depression was the highest ever recorded. Depression is the clinical consequence of weak resilience.

Our mental immune system has never been as weak as it was in 2018 and 2019.

When I have a large part of society with a weak resilience

where they are forced to remember these narratives, because they would have life threatening consequences

or at least consequences like that you might have to pay a fine because you are caught on the street after 8 o'clock,

because 8:05pm the virus becomes particularly dangerous, then you have to remember these things.

But how do you do this if your hippocampus has lost growth potential?

Quite simple, it starts to overwrite things that were there before.

With the new narratives we overwrite our previous experiences."

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Really liked this read, first time reader too. I also think that tuning out seems to be the best way to avoid consuming yourself in slop news/stories/demands.

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Excellent! I’ll save this one for the archives. I would add one more to your list, the Baltimore bridge collision. That one was memory holed as well.

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‘Trumpenprole’. Love it! If that’s your own, kudos to you.

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The bio-medical aspects of Stargate (is there a reason people here don't call it by its silly name?) are vital as well.

Control -

a) Money/Lack of resources

b) Movement/Lack of autonomy

c) Health/Lack of wellness via transhumanism or death (whichever comes first. no matter either way.)

Equals billions of head of compliant livestock to buy, sell, trade or eliminate and sell for parts as is lucrative and seen fit.

I think one of the psychosis some are currently suffering from in their tick-like sticking to the shaggy dog Trump is a secret hope they will get lucky and become a House Slave instead of a Field Slave. Cuz everybody knows Mammy had it good at Tara.

Great article. Thank you. So glad to be aboard. Sez the pirate. ha.

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