You just gave me a shit-load more work w/ all those links. Thanks a lot! ;)
Masterful piece, also saved me some work coz I can link to it in my next.
If we acknowledge the elite/counter-elite paradigm only applies at a lower level of social engineering, to what degree do we allow for the possibility that parts and players, on either "side," are consciously involved in a theater of war in which, even when the casualties are real, the actual animosity is not? You mention Bilderberg, which is only the visible level of such skulldugger-gatherings, but where one can easily imagine public enemies rubbing shoulders comfortably & trading adrenachrome cocktails.
Thanks Jasun. Yes, nations "compete" to a certain extent - as we are seeing in the Ukraine/Russian war - even though nations are controlled by the financial levers of power above them. The German poet Heinreich Heine described the Rothschild system as follows: "Religion in no longer able to guarantee the governments that the people will remain peaceful. The Rothschild system of loans can perform the task much better… It possesses the moral force or power which religion has lost… Indeed it is the new religion and when the old religion finally goes under, it will provide substitutes for its practical blessings. Strangely enough it is once again the Jews who invented this new religion.” He was wrong about the peacefulness of the Rothschild system, of course, but he was right that the power of lending has basically replaced religion.
Other than Bilderberg there's also the WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, etc.
It is hard to know where the acting ends and real competition begins. I think we glimpsed how they would react to the threat of real competition - i.e. with a total meltdown and freakout - in how they treated Trump in 2017, who they thought might be against them, but he wasn't and has been absorbed into the system. But I think either way change starts by describing the system as it is...
I'm working out a model currently that involves the possibility that factions (whether corporations or empires) intentionally split themselves into two, and/or create a negative image of themselves, to "draw enemy fire," employing knowledge of (Thiel's mentor) Rene Girard's scapegoating mechanism as a means to direct & contain the masses they can no longer keep peaceful. Hence we might have astroturfed & basically controlled oppositions (the National Socialist movement? Woke? Trump?) that draw in genuine recruits & funnel their energy, inspiration, and enthusiasm to make the theater wholly compelling and immersive. But the divide is an illusion at the level of those that conquer.
Yes, that speaks to the Mullins quote: “The World Order [central bank owners] adopted the Hegelian dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It denies all other powers and all other realities. It functions on the principle of thesis, antithesis and a synthesis…Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist…a distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group…If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.”
Have you followed the recent work and book by Richard Poe alleging (with copious receipts) that in fact communism itself, color revolutions and much more, all emanate from British intelligence (or whatever multi-eyed, chimera its epicenter has morphed into at present)?
Quite compelling, and certainly aligns with the disdain for all divisive -isms as superficial containers for the evolving dialectic narratives (since I was very young, I always found the -isms ridiculous, as none had ever been realized in anything close to its theoretical tenets, and all we see are flavors of oligarchy everywhere faux debating other flavors).
Poe's book is "How Britain Invented Communism and Blamed it on the Jews". Thanks for the follow up. Will read your Preparata post and, eventually, conjuring Hitler. Poe's book also extremely compelling, copiously documented and highly readable.
It's complicated by the fact that Poe is Jewish and the 'British' have been infiltrated by Jewish interests on and off for 1000 years to the point where it is hard to differentiate the two.
The beginning of the Mullins quote doesn't seem to differentiate between the Hegelian dialectic and the dialectical materialism of Marx/Engels. It implies they are the same. But Hegel viewed the dialectical process as occurring in the realm of ideas whereas for Marx it was all about economic and political structures, material conditions and social relations, and he was critical of Hegel's idealistic philosophy.
And Jasun, as a microcosm of this, and an example of how it happens dynamically to diffuse challenges as they coalesce, have you ever looked at the early days of the Tea Party here in the US? Before it was slathered in the precursors to Trump’s “untouchables” (e.g. racist, ignorant, gun and violence loving etc) was essentially a libertarian-minded emergence with a heavy focus on central banking. I don’t know if Ron Paul ever explicitly identified with the group in name, but it corresponds with a period, now lost to history for most, where he was generating unprecedented small donation funding (mostly online) and before the machine derailed him each time, would poll very high, had enormous military support with a non interventionist message (and appealing to disgust over forever war madness), and was extremely compelling when articulating his platforms.
Similar to RFKs campaign, great effort and numerous tactics to ensure he was derailed were at work during his campaigns, including to minimizing his air time, even when he managed to be on debate stages, but also in overall coverage. But it seemed the more powerful association of the Tea Party and him with various pillars of the current hyper-binary culture war were the most effective strategy for morally undermining the image of the movement and making it unthinkable to progressives and virtue signalers.
Seems to be a part of the various tactics and mechanisms your are modeling, which, despite the internet as a theoretical antidote, have been wildly successful in funneling almost everything into the omnipresent, simplistic binaries that are only now beginning to show some signs of weakening (I suspect our corresponding plummeting attention spans, and algorithmic influences are what enabled that to be so effective).
Either way, looking forward to the fruits of your labor. Found you years ago in dialogue with Catherine Austin Fitts, and appreciate you and your work very much 🙏🏼
PS She kicked off a 2 day event on Children’s Health Defense this past Fri/Sat unpacking the War on Food. Never a dull moment with these world domination types, huh? Diabolical, but they sure do seem to have a helluva work ethic.
A good point but I expect the top brass are ruthless. If you know too much and don't play the game, you are out. The Kennedys are there for the political side of the game and are used for that.
> Other than Bilderberg there's also the WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, etc.
Why do you think Internet dissidents have lost this map for the architecture of power and direction of history?
Before the Trump era this "conspiratorial" analysis was the core of online dissident rhetoric and seemed to have quite a lot of momentum. I distinctly remember when, in 2017, Google changed the algos and booted a lot of creators like James Corbett, that it was the end of an era.
But the Straussian ilk predates this and has brought the populists along with them - is it simply because online "conspiracy theorists" never had access to the counter-elites, given that they make up some of these institutions?
The Trump era has revealed that NPCs are by no means limited to leftists, at the very least.
Rurik calls out the fake Ukraine war in painful detail, finally realizing that Washington and Moscow are just pretending to fight, the many dead notwithstanding. The Republicans and the Democrats only pretend to fight. Soon we’ll discover the War in Heaven was just as fake. As below so above. Only half kidding.
How is it that you can have lunch with a liberal friend in 2024? How did you keep them standing by this long? Without ever propounding any right wing anything, starting in 2004, I have lost the dozen or so people whom I could classify this way. They all ghosted me over the years, I can only assume due to my explaining realities of Muslim mass migration to Europe, so called green energy and then of course the fake pandemic served to flush the last two out.
Like you, I've lost a lot of my liberal friends over the years. Aristotle explained that there are three types of friendships: the friendship of utility, the friendship of pleasure, and the friendship of virtue ( ) . I've known the guy a long time but I wouldn't classify it as a deep friendship or a friendship of virtue. We catch up for lunch or coffee every six months or so and mostly discuss work...
Ok that makes sense. I have those too. They’re fun to toy with, because circumstances prevent them from ghosting you. What’s hilarious is that though they always consider themselves informed, they are always at least a month behind on current events. It takes their news sources that long at a minimum to get their story straight.
“the Holocaust as the foundation origin myth of the West.”
I’ve considered our joint foundational myth to be these past 500 years of post-Iron Age moral progress:
Renaissance & Enlightenment; Printing Press; Protestant schism —> Conquest of the Americas —> US Bill of Rights; French Revolutionary concepts of human rights —> 1st Industrial Revolution, hence 19th century socialistic idealism (wherein Kings & servants should be made equal in the Here ‘n’ Now, not just in the eyes of God)
So, I do not see any 20th century component to the Western cultural foundation myth (hence Western cultural stagnation, hedonism & materialism). To the contrary, the 20th century is a globalist & anti-Western endeavor: our backstabbing sociopathic Ruling Class ultimately unifying, however faltering initially, in order to “rectify” the perpetual Industrial Revolution “crisis” of “overproduction,” so that servants remain servants.
Are you saying that the international sociopathic Ruling Class supplanted (by propaganda, by K-12-uni education) the Western cultural self-concept with the Nazi holocaust-as-Western-foundational-myth ??? Or do you really mean that there was no Western cultural founding myth prior to WW2 ???
Hi Gerald, thanks for the comment and question. Each society has a foundational origin myth; these myths change over time depending on the needs of society. Per Cesar Tort (whose general views I do not agree with), a foundational origin myth "comports and provides an origin, framework and superstructure for society and how it interacts with the world and itself. Second, it defines what is the ultimate good and conversely, ultimate evil for the reasons of defining values and from those to justify who holds power. And third it determines and defines what is held sacred in a society."
For example, America's original foundation origin myth was it's rebellion against the British and the opening of the American continent to exploration and settlement; that origin myth changed after the Civil War to justify that war by focusing on American unity and anti-slavery; that origin myth changed again after World War 2 to be a blood libel of the Holocaust against the entire white west. A foundation origin myth can be a positive or a negative thing, either serving to promote or undermine that society. The Holocaust as foundation origin myth has poisoned the spirit of Western civilization and has caused it to lose all confidence in itself, its values and even the reason for its very existence.
I think I got it. I’m talking Big Picture, 15th century to present. You’re talking how the mass media + K-12-uni indoctrination camps have caused the Western experiment in socioeconomic liberalism to be redefined as what I call communism or totalitarianism (the totalitarianism of 2nd-wave feminism & Johnson’s Great Society —> PC —> today’s neo-maoist woke transsexual cultural revolution).
OK, in Reality there’s still a coherent storyline for Western exceptionalism (exceptionalism amongst all of the planet’s other post-Iron Age empires, e.g. the Muslim world, Persia, India, Russia, Red China). But only truly educated (& older & conservative) generations are aware of it. Today’s brainwashed youth, 3rd-generation products of the post-WW2 managed decline/ social engineering think in terms of Victimhood & Settler Colonialism, etc..
Outstanding essay Neo. I think I knew most of this instinctively, but it's good to have all the philosophical under-mapping laid out, it truely stirips the emperor of his undergarments.
I sent a link to my friend, "make sure to read the comments too, the level of 'awake' is off the charts" It's refreshing to be in such good (virtual) company.
>Taking it further, James Delingpole and Guido Preparata argue in this interesting interview that any major philosophical, scientific or political figure of the past multiple-hundreds years has been a controlled agent for alternative, nefarious purposes.
Now that's food for thought! I can't speak for the science side of it, but for the political and the political-adjacent field there probably is far more truth to this than we would like to think, especially ever since the Jews became dominant within publishing and news. It's hard to exactly pin down the time in history that shift took place, but I would guess some time in the 1800's. For instance, Reuters and AFP both were founded by Jews (who also just happened to know each other) in the middle of that century.
You at times persist in denigrating the Christian faith, and I suppose any belief in a "sky daddy" as you put it with such needless disrespect. So I unsubscribed, unfollowed, muted ... but people I follow of course continue to restack you. And so today I find myself at this post.
Just a first fast skim of this shows the usual quality of your political analysis. Quality rarely if ever surpassed on this platform.
For anyone like me who knows with certainty what grave danger the world faces in the form of the entire zionist/jew supremacy/jewish separatism phenomenon in all its manifestations -- there are many designations to choose from -- your work is unfortunately indispensable. So as long as you are working to expose and examine a major cause of great suffering in this world, I'm going to consider us "comrades in keyboards".
An exceptional post today among so many excellent posts. You have the tenacity of a ferret when you sense curious connections as well as the hidden red lines that all involved appear to obey. Well, you crossed a few with this one. I figure Jews have been so traumatized by the Holocaust narrative themselves that they could never accept right wing Whites as allies. Too much water under the bridge on both sides for that. But hey, things keep getting weirder, so why not?
Thanks Big Mike. Pushing the Holocaust as the foundation origin myth of the modern West never made sense to me given that, even if one accepted the Holocaust narrative at face value, it was the white Christian British and American soldiers, along with the white Soviet soldiers that put an end to it. The smear was made to apply to them and their descendants too, I guess.
How do you explain the Orthodox Jews all loving Trump and being huge social conservatives, as well as the alliance of lower class white Protestants with those same Jews (mostly over love of Israel)?
Or are you talking about ethnic Jews whose religious identity is a whole separate category?
"The reason being that the American ruling class was built by or under the Democratic Party. First, under Woodrow Wilson and then later under Franklin Roosevelt. It was a ruling class that prized above all its intellectual superiority over the ruled. And that saw itself as the natural carriers of scientific knowledge, as the class that was naturally best able to run society and was therefore entitled to run society." I wonder if they read Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, book "Propaganda" published in 1928. Why? Well there are some reprints of the book that have a wonderful quote on the actual cover. The quote being: "democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses.". The actual sentence rings even more familiar. Here is the missing part that precedes the above quote: "Ours must be a leadership..."
They have always felt that way. That is why they kept so much from the masses. Up to this day. They know better. You know nothing, but you also do not need to know everything in order to make more soldiers, and produce all the products and services that they need and want.
I pinged Pete Quinones, I really hope he has you on his show (and you're willing) to discuss this at length, I think this is extremely important to understand...and it's way too dense to skim, so I'm going to have to re-read this.
Curse John Carter for drawing my attention to this, I have ditches to dig goddamnit!
Terrific and much needed expose. Well done! The domination of Straussian thought (Claremont et al.) within the mainstream and online/dissident right is precisely the reason why I find myself in the ‘Nothing Ever Happens’ crowd. It is of paramount concern.
Gee, I wonder if ‘Dudley Newright’ (NRP) will showcase your piece. Hmmm.
Thanks Skeptical, yes, that makes sense. Re: Dudley Newright, he seeks greater political clout so he’s rationally attached himself to an extent to this counter-elite and the red lines required but, to his credit, he does link to things sometimes that go beyond those lines (such as my piece on the complicated relationship between the Rothschilds and the Jewish people). One is limited in truth telling if one seeks greater political clout, so I understand the tight-rope he is walking.
This touches on my particular approach within this post: given (1) such overwhelming Jewish dominance and how they won’t give up power like the Christian aristocracy did in earlier eras (shamed via the egalitarian push inherent within Christianity) and (2) traditional anti-semitism merely triggers an us vs. them defense mechanism, the idea here is to appeal to Jewish self-interest, that they must change their strategy and focus on a fundamental level or ruination awaits. I have not seen this line of argument anywhere else.
Well, tbf, E. Michael Jones has been arguing this forever; because if you get them to convert they will have to self-examine and confess/do penance for their sins. I second the many kudos here. As a devout Catholic, I also have been a wary lurker, but you always are clear, correct, and do not pull your punches in this realm and the political. Thank you.
Thanks Wet Nurse. I’m searching for answers to this ubiquitous societal nihilism and the stifling totalitarian Machine as others are, and I understand that my approach and process may not always be to everyone’s liking. It’s the mark of an evolved person to be able to learn something from everyone to one degree or another; of course, there’s a balancing act if that person is also unhelpful in other areas. Hopefully the balance of the good outweighs the bad.
Thanks Larry. Kunstler tries to blame “liberal” “Democrat” Jews in that article, but unfortunately the problem is deeper and more widespread than that. During the critical period leading up to the 1965 Immigration Act that transformed the demographic reality of America, for example, per Kevin MacDonald,
“Anti-restrictionist attitudes were held by the vast majority of the organized Jewish community—‘the entire body of religious opinion and lay opinion within the Jewish group, religiously speaking, from the extreme right and extreme left,’ in the words of Judge Simon Rifkind who testified in Congress representing a long list of national and local Jewish groups in 1948. Cofnas advocates the ‘default hypothesis’ that because of their intellectual prowess, Jews have always been highly overrepresented on both sides of various issues. This was certainly not true in the case of immigration during the critical period up to 1965 when the national origins provisions of the 1924 and 1952 laws were overturned—and long thereafter. I have never found any Jewish organization or prominent Jews leading the forces favoring the 1924 and 1952 laws—or those opposed to the 1965 law at the time it was enacted. Joyce (2021) shows the continuing powerful role of Jews in pro-immigration activism in the contemporary U.S., and, as noted above, there is substantial Jewish consensus on immigration into the present.”
Neo, I think you are missing Kunstler's general point which answers your historically-learned objections -- from my reading, he's basically just recommending that his fellow Jews quit all their perpetual meddling (on all sides of any issue) in the lives of their fellows and just go about seriously and attentively living an everyday human life like most everyday humans do. Heaven knows an ordinary life has more than enough problems and duties to carefully attend to -- why court trouble from the outside and inside by constantly striving for artificial special distinction?
Hi Larry, I guess my problem with the article is that it assumes that prior era actions were tied to fairness and egalitarianism ("tikkun olam"), while I see it as cynical power acquisition tactics against majority society. In other words, the diagnosis is different even if the recommendation is similar: His argument is that tikkun elam egalitarianism is no longer working, therefore Jews should give up on it and assimilate, vs. the argument here is: Jewish bolshevik power acquisition tactics worked (use the bottom parts of society as a cudgel against majority society), but now they are undermining the very foundation of their success, therefore Jews should give up on it and assimilate. I can see why you recommend it though given similar conclusions.
Yeah, but who knows what really lies in the hearts of men and women? I will admit most 'intellectuals' and other ostensible 'do-gooders' seem chronically confused and very anxious. If they could just calm down and gather their wits about them, as Kunstler seems to advocate, it would probably be much better for them and all the rest of us. The phrase "problem child" comes to mind when thinking of such agitated and anxious peoples.
I’ve never given it any thought, but my initial reaction is that naturally Jews (& Gypsies too) are people who’ve thrived (or at least survived) as a tiny cultural minority with one foot outside the ‘system,’ but it’s their special niche-foot inside the ‘system’ that distinguishes them from the rest of us mainstream workin’ stiffs, plus distinguishes them from all other kinds of cultural non-conformists. Gypsies fly below the radar; Jews fly above it.
I came here to Japan to fly above it.
I adopted the Jew (or Gypsy) mentality in 2014, when I decided to escape America’s ‘sinking ship’ by moving my wife & 5 young children to my wife’s native Tokyo metro, where we thrive now above the national median wealth & income levels as owners of a small family business (no employees).
But I’m totally anti-immigration (to Japan & to the West & to all developed modern industrial democracies) precisely because immigration to Japan would someday ruin this functional socioeconomic system; the USA is no longer functional but dysfunctional, same as all of the West 😡 Diversity is weakness, not strength.
So, I get the Jewish self-preservation argument.
But as the sociopathic Ruling Class Jews readily sell out the Working Class Jews (e.g. Israel’s c19 vax campaign), same as the non-Jewish members of the sociopathic Ruling Class readily sell out us non-Jewish Working Class, I don’t see how it’s helpful to focus on the apparent coincidence of Jewish overrepresentation in Western banking & government. Could you clarify this point for me? I earnestly desire to understand why we cannot dismiss it as an insignificant coincidence? Looking forward to your response 👍🙂
Hi Gerald, thanks for the question. Unfortunately it looks to me that many of the most virulent proponents of the destruction of the west are Jewish, much as we saw in Russia (see Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together). For example, Alejandro Mayorkas has let in 20 million illegals in the past four years alone. Most of the top official pushing the untested, experimental, dangerous mRNA vaccine were Jewish. Victoria Nuland, an extremely bloodthirsty fiend causing endless neoconservative mischief, is Jewish. Many of the top media figures pushing globohomo narrative sludge, the government officials at the heart of the anti-Trump conspiracy such as Andrew Weissman and Norm Eisen, the insane current Attorney General Merrick Garland, etc. The list goes on and on and on. One can look at this as a strange (repeating) coincidence, or one can look at it, see a pattern and try to put the pictures together for why this is.
Especially because our society has a red line against people identifying it or discussing it: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
Striving for distinction, all of these people have put themselves in the thick of things -- statistically speaking, it's therefore no surprise at all that they keep showing up near the top of the cultural stew for good or for ill. For further explanation of the phrase, "striving for distinction" , see my next comment below.
This is IMO the single most valuable (and charitable) insight you provide on our overarching topic here (and in other posts): " the idea here is to appeal to Jewish self-interest, that they must change their strategy and focus on a fundamental level or ruination awaits."
Amazing, great Stuff! I just want to comment on Codevilla awareness of Scientism: Thiel's comment on the moon landing and Woodstock being weeks apart is fascinating. The moon landing was a hoax as Thiel must know. Woodstock a hoax in that it was not an organic movement- it was created by Brit and US Intelligence' LSD project. (They knew exactly what LSD would do- see 1931 novel "St Peter's Snow") The hippies LOVED the moon landing (Stewart Brand, Steve Jobs etc). The inner and outer dichotomy fused, Gnostic Scientism was born -now the world's biggest religion. Resistance to the looming panopticon fades. The war on God continues.
'I want to emphasize something here: my intention here is as a callout for Jews to do soul-searching and a strategic course correction; it is intended to be helpful.'
Exactly so--I said something similar to Isaac Simpson a few months back in response to this video:
(I don't think he appreciated it; maybe I charitably(?) misinterpreted his intended message)
This is how I responded:
"Turns out problems with B A S E D mischlings don’t end at:
taking a ‘neutral’ (at best—while of course Israel continues to get billions annually in aid from America whichever party is in power) or ‘vitalist’ line on Israel/Palestine;
failing to acknowledge disproportionate representation in banking & media (obv) as well as the academy (eg admissions) and politics (cf. esp the lobby), putting it all down to ‘HiGHeR JeWIsH iQ’
…with preference for concentrating instead on destructiveness of ‘wOkE’, ‘socialism’, TRUMPTRUMPTRUMP etc.
Now, in a ShOcKiNg turn of events, when Darryl Cooper interrogates WWII fairytales, they revert to bleating anti-semitic stereotype.
B A S E D Jews! It is understood that the subaltern-Jewish coalition is in ruins; that they don’t really need you, so they don’t even pretend to like you anymore; that even in academia you begin to sense a loss of control as the POC golem gathers ever more power and turns it to your disadvantage
Of course your accession to the nu right is via your own special ‘pipeline’—and of course your interests lie not in blood & soil nationalism or icky goyische things of the ilk.
Yet many on the the right seem willing to accept you (and others may become willing), as long as you behave…just a little bit less like Jews. Please take note of Isaac’s suggestions, and please consider shifting your focus a little bit more towards detrimental influence of Jewish nepotism on opportunities for American whites and the way their taxes are spent."
Yes, good comment. It's odd how this is such a blind spot for otherwise seemingly smart people: appreciate and defend the native stock of the countries Jews all want to live in. The lack of understanding or appreciating this message is quite bizarre.
The adoration of Trump by the mischling right, as well as by orthodox Jewish right wingers, is very striking. There was for example a post-election xeet or even a long piece by l0mez to exactly this effect; BAP, Simpson, Peachy Keenan etc are all similarly starry eyed. I can't help but think that they love him so because his brand of restorative muscular liberalism is g____d f__r t___e J____ws.
He believed, as he once wrote, that ''to make the world safe for the Western democracies, one must make the whole globe democratic, each country in itself as well as the society of nations.”
So basically dodging skills will become important. Short of an Eloi coming down to say, "y'all missed the point", as it doesn't look like either faction (and undercurrents) is voluntarily changing course, and this is assuming they'd believe the new dude is speaking as the old dude and there aren't any other Elohim waltzing around playing peek-a-boo.
I was thinking the other day that all these religions and their rules were civilizing impulses to get us to evolve. It's like, mistakes were made (in the "before history" timeline) and there were attempts to put us back on track without violating the libero arbitro. But our proclivity to butcher each other would imply we've missed the point. To me the raison d'être of a Master ethics cannot be the wholesale slaughter of those who didn't win the birth lottery. And if the point was Total Victory of one faction over everyone, why wait 16 or even 2 centuries? Growing the global pop just to reduce it seems like a wasted effort. You own all the banks? Good for you. But my body is decaying with time and past my prime, so enslavement seems unlikely. And boiling the 90% to prove the frog parable sounds disingenuous.
Maybe there really is an ongoing harvest of energy or vibes, or later some mineral extraction toll to be paid to visitors. Some sort of existant supra structure in the ultraviolet range we just can't see that's everywhere now here. Or maybe another 6k cycle is ending and "they're" trying to see if "this time" things end up different before the simulation gets reseted because the poles shift and 99.9% ain't landing on their feet, regardless of what underground bunkers they got. That's a lot of sci-fi maybes.
Or maybe as is being alluded to, it's a spiritual thing and the proof is in the pudding, but we can only taste it after we've taken a bite, at which point the pudding is no more (and the demiurge can literally kiss my corpse's donkey). Which to me makes sense because I found Christ and the infinite creator as an adult, without the indoctrination of youth, and my know has naught to do with reason, so I just laugh when I hear some of the stories in those books. Which is why my sensation is that those rules were meant for tribes trying to get a civilizing process going but we missed the allegory and went literal, but not all of us. So I hope uncle Cliff is on the money. That would be rad.
But even so, if we can't get out of the way, our only other choices if shtf are attack, defend, run away and die. Or, writing on substack!
ps waking up the bourgeois ain't happening. I was at a large gathering over the weekend and I feel like safely saying: "we need a larger boat", if you can catch my drift.
You just gave me a shit-load more work w/ all those links. Thanks a lot! ;)
Masterful piece, also saved me some work coz I can link to it in my next.
If we acknowledge the elite/counter-elite paradigm only applies at a lower level of social engineering, to what degree do we allow for the possibility that parts and players, on either "side," are consciously involved in a theater of war in which, even when the casualties are real, the actual animosity is not? You mention Bilderberg, which is only the visible level of such skulldugger-gatherings, but where one can easily imagine public enemies rubbing shoulders comfortably & trading adrenachrome cocktails.
Thanks Jasun. Yes, nations "compete" to a certain extent - as we are seeing in the Ukraine/Russian war - even though nations are controlled by the financial levers of power above them. The German poet Heinreich Heine described the Rothschild system as follows: "Religion in no longer able to guarantee the governments that the people will remain peaceful. The Rothschild system of loans can perform the task much better… It possesses the moral force or power which religion has lost… Indeed it is the new religion and when the old religion finally goes under, it will provide substitutes for its practical blessings. Strangely enough it is once again the Jews who invented this new religion.” He was wrong about the peacefulness of the Rothschild system, of course, but he was right that the power of lending has basically replaced religion.
Other than Bilderberg there's also the WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, etc.
It is hard to know where the acting ends and real competition begins. I think we glimpsed how they would react to the threat of real competition - i.e. with a total meltdown and freakout - in how they treated Trump in 2017, who they thought might be against them, but he wasn't and has been absorbed into the system. But I think either way change starts by describing the system as it is...
I'm working out a model currently that involves the possibility that factions (whether corporations or empires) intentionally split themselves into two, and/or create a negative image of themselves, to "draw enemy fire," employing knowledge of (Thiel's mentor) Rene Girard's scapegoating mechanism as a means to direct & contain the masses they can no longer keep peaceful. Hence we might have astroturfed & basically controlled oppositions (the National Socialist movement? Woke? Trump?) that draw in genuine recruits & funnel their energy, inspiration, and enthusiasm to make the theater wholly compelling and immersive. But the divide is an illusion at the level of those that conquer.
Yes, that speaks to the Mullins quote: “The World Order [central bank owners] adopted the Hegelian dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It denies all other powers and all other realities. It functions on the principle of thesis, antithesis and a synthesis…Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist…a distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group…If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected.”
Have you followed the recent work and book by Richard Poe alleging (with copious receipts) that in fact communism itself, color revolutions and much more, all emanate from British intelligence (or whatever multi-eyed, chimera its epicenter has morphed into at present)?
Quite compelling, and certainly aligns with the disdain for all divisive -isms as superficial containers for the evolving dialectic narratives (since I was very young, I always found the -isms ridiculous, as none had ever been realized in anything close to its theoretical tenets, and all we see are flavors of oligarchy everywhere faux debating other flavors).
Hi Michael, I havn't read Richard Poe's take on it - which book is it? However, Guido Preparata argues the same thing in his compelling and must-read work "Conjuring Hitler", which I covered previously here:
Poe's book is "How Britain Invented Communism and Blamed it on the Jews". Thanks for the follow up. Will read your Preparata post and, eventually, conjuring Hitler. Poe's book also extremely compelling, copiously documented and highly readable.
It's complicated by the fact that Poe is Jewish and the 'British' have been infiltrated by Jewish interests on and off for 1000 years to the point where it is hard to differentiate the two.
The beginning of the Mullins quote doesn't seem to differentiate between the Hegelian dialectic and the dialectical materialism of Marx/Engels. It implies they are the same. But Hegel viewed the dialectical process as occurring in the realm of ideas whereas for Marx it was all about economic and political structures, material conditions and social relations, and he was critical of Hegel's idealistic philosophy.
And Jasun, as a microcosm of this, and an example of how it happens dynamically to diffuse challenges as they coalesce, have you ever looked at the early days of the Tea Party here in the US? Before it was slathered in the precursors to Trump’s “untouchables” (e.g. racist, ignorant, gun and violence loving etc) was essentially a libertarian-minded emergence with a heavy focus on central banking. I don’t know if Ron Paul ever explicitly identified with the group in name, but it corresponds with a period, now lost to history for most, where he was generating unprecedented small donation funding (mostly online) and before the machine derailed him each time, would poll very high, had enormous military support with a non interventionist message (and appealing to disgust over forever war madness), and was extremely compelling when articulating his platforms.
Similar to RFKs campaign, great effort and numerous tactics to ensure he was derailed were at work during his campaigns, including to minimizing his air time, even when he managed to be on debate stages, but also in overall coverage. But it seemed the more powerful association of the Tea Party and him with various pillars of the current hyper-binary culture war were the most effective strategy for morally undermining the image of the movement and making it unthinkable to progressives and virtue signalers.
Seems to be a part of the various tactics and mechanisms your are modeling, which, despite the internet as a theoretical antidote, have been wildly successful in funneling almost everything into the omnipresent, simplistic binaries that are only now beginning to show some signs of weakening (I suspect our corresponding plummeting attention spans, and algorithmic influences are what enabled that to be so effective).
Either way, looking forward to the fruits of your labor. Found you years ago in dialogue with Catherine Austin Fitts, and appreciate you and your work very much 🙏🏼
PS She kicked off a 2 day event on Children’s Health Defense this past Fri/Sat unpacking the War on Food. Never a dull moment with these world domination types, huh? Diabolical, but they sure do seem to have a helluva work ethic.
Did I ever actually talk to CAF? I don't recall it if I did. I know she reviewed Vice of Kings.
I am thinking you did. But I might be making that up.
Maybe i am confusing her review (I know I bought Vice of Kings after she turned me on to you). Might need to up my ginkgo biloba 😉
Characters like CAF and Kennedy are probably playing a part in the game.
I suppose the Kennedy's that got assassinated proved themselves to be poor actors, still.
A good point but I expect the top brass are ruthless. If you know too much and don't play the game, you are out. The Kennedys are there for the political side of the game and are used for that.
I would be interested in reading that. The divide is certainly artificial and is part of the global hegelian dialectic.
Thanks. I will read it as time permits!
I see that Heine quote as too good to be kept confined to a comment in a thread (I think I have never seen it in your posts).
"Trump in 2017, who they thought might be against them, but he wasn't"
I don't know... sometimes he seemed to be dog-whistling (if you ask me).
Of course the masses would not wake up from the whistling.
> Other than Bilderberg there's also the WEF, CFR, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, etc.
Why do you think Internet dissidents have lost this map for the architecture of power and direction of history?
Before the Trump era this "conspiratorial" analysis was the core of online dissident rhetoric and seemed to have quite a lot of momentum. I distinctly remember when, in 2017, Google changed the algos and booted a lot of creators like James Corbett, that it was the end of an era.
But the Straussian ilk predates this and has brought the populists along with them - is it simply because online "conspiracy theorists" never had access to the counter-elites, given that they make up some of these institutions?
The Trump era has revealed that NPCs are by no means limited to leftists, at the very least.
Rurik calls out the fake Ukraine war in painful detail, finally realizing that Washington and Moscow are just pretending to fight, the many dead notwithstanding. The Republicans and the Democrats only pretend to fight. Soon we’ll discover the War in Heaven was just as fake. As below so above. Only half kidding.
you have a point
How is it that you can have lunch with a liberal friend in 2024? How did you keep them standing by this long? Without ever propounding any right wing anything, starting in 2004, I have lost the dozen or so people whom I could classify this way. They all ghosted me over the years, I can only assume due to my explaining realities of Muslim mass migration to Europe, so called green energy and then of course the fake pandemic served to flush the last two out.
Like you, I've lost a lot of my liberal friends over the years. Aristotle explained that there are three types of friendships: the friendship of utility, the friendship of pleasure, and the friendship of virtue ( ) . I've known the guy a long time but I wouldn't classify it as a deep friendship or a friendship of virtue. We catch up for lunch or coffee every six months or so and mostly discuss work...
Ok that makes sense. I have those too. They’re fun to toy with, because circumstances prevent them from ghosting you. What’s hilarious is that though they always consider themselves informed, they are always at least a month behind on current events. It takes their news sources that long at a minimum to get their story straight.
“the Holocaust as the foundation origin myth of the West.”
I’ve considered our joint foundational myth to be these past 500 years of post-Iron Age moral progress:
Renaissance & Enlightenment; Printing Press; Protestant schism —> Conquest of the Americas —> US Bill of Rights; French Revolutionary concepts of human rights —> 1st Industrial Revolution, hence 19th century socialistic idealism (wherein Kings & servants should be made equal in the Here ‘n’ Now, not just in the eyes of God)
So, I do not see any 20th century component to the Western cultural foundation myth (hence Western cultural stagnation, hedonism & materialism). To the contrary, the 20th century is a globalist & anti-Western endeavor: our backstabbing sociopathic Ruling Class ultimately unifying, however faltering initially, in order to “rectify” the perpetual Industrial Revolution “crisis” of “overproduction,” so that servants remain servants.
Are you saying that the international sociopathic Ruling Class supplanted (by propaganda, by K-12-uni education) the Western cultural self-concept with the Nazi holocaust-as-Western-foundational-myth ??? Or do you really mean that there was no Western cultural founding myth prior to WW2 ???
Looking forward to your response 👍🙂
Hi Gerald, thanks for the comment and question. Each society has a foundational origin myth; these myths change over time depending on the needs of society. Per Cesar Tort (whose general views I do not agree with), a foundational origin myth "comports and provides an origin, framework and superstructure for society and how it interacts with the world and itself. Second, it defines what is the ultimate good and conversely, ultimate evil for the reasons of defining values and from those to justify who holds power. And third it determines and defines what is held sacred in a society."
For example, America's original foundation origin myth was it's rebellion against the British and the opening of the American continent to exploration and settlement; that origin myth changed after the Civil War to justify that war by focusing on American unity and anti-slavery; that origin myth changed again after World War 2 to be a blood libel of the Holocaust against the entire white west. A foundation origin myth can be a positive or a negative thing, either serving to promote or undermine that society. The Holocaust as foundation origin myth has poisoned the spirit of Western civilization and has caused it to lose all confidence in itself, its values and even the reason for its very existence.
I think I got it. I’m talking Big Picture, 15th century to present. You’re talking how the mass media + K-12-uni indoctrination camps have caused the Western experiment in socioeconomic liberalism to be redefined as what I call communism or totalitarianism (the totalitarianism of 2nd-wave feminism & Johnson’s Great Society —> PC —> today’s neo-maoist woke transsexual cultural revolution).
OK, in Reality there’s still a coherent storyline for Western exceptionalism (exceptionalism amongst all of the planet’s other post-Iron Age empires, e.g. the Muslim world, Persia, India, Russia, Red China). But only truly educated (& older & conservative) generations are aware of it. Today’s brainwashed youth, 3rd-generation products of the post-WW2 managed decline/ social engineering think in terms of Victimhood & Settler Colonialism, etc..
Outstanding essay Neo. I think I knew most of this instinctively, but it's good to have all the philosophical under-mapping laid out, it truely stirips the emperor of his undergarments.
I sent a link to my friend, "make sure to read the comments too, the level of 'awake' is off the charts" It's refreshing to be in such good (virtual) company.
Thanks Imp.
>Taking it further, James Delingpole and Guido Preparata argue in this interesting interview that any major philosophical, scientific or political figure of the past multiple-hundreds years has been a controlled agent for alternative, nefarious purposes.
Now that's food for thought! I can't speak for the science side of it, but for the political and the political-adjacent field there probably is far more truth to this than we would like to think, especially ever since the Jews became dominant within publishing and news. It's hard to exactly pin down the time in history that shift took place, but I would guess some time in the 1800's. For instance, Reuters and AFP both were founded by Jews (who also just happened to know each other) in the middle of that century.
You at times persist in denigrating the Christian faith, and I suppose any belief in a "sky daddy" as you put it with such needless disrespect. So I unsubscribed, unfollowed, muted ... but people I follow of course continue to restack you. And so today I find myself at this post.
Just a first fast skim of this shows the usual quality of your political analysis. Quality rarely if ever surpassed on this platform.
For anyone like me who knows with certainty what grave danger the world faces in the form of the entire zionist/jew supremacy/jewish separatism phenomenon in all its manifestations -- there are many designations to choose from -- your work is unfortunately indispensable. So as long as you are working to expose and examine a major cause of great suffering in this world, I'm going to consider us "comrades in keyboards".
An exceptional post today among so many excellent posts. You have the tenacity of a ferret when you sense curious connections as well as the hidden red lines that all involved appear to obey. Well, you crossed a few with this one. I figure Jews have been so traumatized by the Holocaust narrative themselves that they could never accept right wing Whites as allies. Too much water under the bridge on both sides for that. But hey, things keep getting weirder, so why not?
Thanks Big Mike. Pushing the Holocaust as the foundation origin myth of the modern West never made sense to me given that, even if one accepted the Holocaust narrative at face value, it was the white Christian British and American soldiers, along with the white Soviet soldiers that put an end to it. The smear was made to apply to them and their descendants too, I guess.
How do you explain the Orthodox Jews all loving Trump and being huge social conservatives, as well as the alliance of lower class white Protestants with those same Jews (mostly over love of Israel)?
Or are you talking about ethnic Jews whose religious identity is a whole separate category?
Isn't Costin Jewish?
My understanding is yes, although not sure if he confirmed it anywhere.
"The reason being that the American ruling class was built by or under the Democratic Party. First, under Woodrow Wilson and then later under Franklin Roosevelt. It was a ruling class that prized above all its intellectual superiority over the ruled. And that saw itself as the natural carriers of scientific knowledge, as the class that was naturally best able to run society and was therefore entitled to run society." I wonder if they read Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, book "Propaganda" published in 1928. Why? Well there are some reprints of the book that have a wonderful quote on the actual cover. The quote being: "democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses.". The actual sentence rings even more familiar. Here is the missing part that precedes the above quote: "Ours must be a leadership..."
They have always felt that way. That is why they kept so much from the masses. Up to this day. They know better. You know nothing, but you also do not need to know everything in order to make more soldiers, and produce all the products and services that they need and want.
War between the Straussians. Holy crap.
I pinged Pete Quinones, I really hope he has you on his show (and you're willing) to discuss this at length, I think this is extremely important to understand...and it's way too dense to skim, so I'm going to have to re-read this.
Curse John Carter for drawing my attention to this, I have ditches to dig goddamnit!
Terrific and much needed expose. Well done! The domination of Straussian thought (Claremont et al.) within the mainstream and online/dissident right is precisely the reason why I find myself in the ‘Nothing Ever Happens’ crowd. It is of paramount concern.
Gee, I wonder if ‘Dudley Newright’ (NRP) will showcase your piece. Hmmm.
Thanks Skeptical, yes, that makes sense. Re: Dudley Newright, he seeks greater political clout so he’s rationally attached himself to an extent to this counter-elite and the red lines required but, to his credit, he does link to things sometimes that go beyond those lines (such as my piece on the complicated relationship between the Rothschilds and the Jewish people). One is limited in truth telling if one seeks greater political clout, so I understand the tight-rope he is walking.
This touches on my particular approach within this post: given (1) such overwhelming Jewish dominance and how they won’t give up power like the Christian aristocracy did in earlier eras (shamed via the egalitarian push inherent within Christianity) and (2) traditional anti-semitism merely triggers an us vs. them defense mechanism, the idea here is to appeal to Jewish self-interest, that they must change their strategy and focus on a fundamental level or ruination awaits. I have not seen this line of argument anywhere else.
Well, tbf, E. Michael Jones has been arguing this forever; because if you get them to convert they will have to self-examine and confess/do penance for their sins. I second the many kudos here. As a devout Catholic, I also have been a wary lurker, but you always are clear, correct, and do not pull your punches in this realm and the political. Thank you.
Thanks Wet Nurse. I’m searching for answers to this ubiquitous societal nihilism and the stifling totalitarian Machine as others are, and I understand that my approach and process may not always be to everyone’s liking. It’s the mark of an evolved person to be able to learn something from everyone to one degree or another; of course, there’s a balancing act if that person is also unhelpful in other areas. Hopefully the balance of the good outweighs the bad.
I recall (because: Kunstler made pretty much this same argument last November:
Thanks Larry. Kunstler tries to blame “liberal” “Democrat” Jews in that article, but unfortunately the problem is deeper and more widespread than that. During the critical period leading up to the 1965 Immigration Act that transformed the demographic reality of America, for example, per Kevin MacDonald,
“Anti-restrictionist attitudes were held by the vast majority of the organized Jewish community—‘the entire body of religious opinion and lay opinion within the Jewish group, religiously speaking, from the extreme right and extreme left,’ in the words of Judge Simon Rifkind who testified in Congress representing a long list of national and local Jewish groups in 1948. Cofnas advocates the ‘default hypothesis’ that because of their intellectual prowess, Jews have always been highly overrepresented on both sides of various issues. This was certainly not true in the case of immigration during the critical period up to 1965 when the national origins provisions of the 1924 and 1952 laws were overturned—and long thereafter. I have never found any Jewish organization or prominent Jews leading the forces favoring the 1924 and 1952 laws—or those opposed to the 1965 law at the time it was enacted. Joyce (2021) shows the continuing powerful role of Jews in pro-immigration activism in the contemporary U.S., and, as noted above, there is substantial Jewish consensus on immigration into the present.”
Neo, I think you are missing Kunstler's general point which answers your historically-learned objections -- from my reading, he's basically just recommending that his fellow Jews quit all their perpetual meddling (on all sides of any issue) in the lives of their fellows and just go about seriously and attentively living an everyday human life like most everyday humans do. Heaven knows an ordinary life has more than enough problems and duties to carefully attend to -- why court trouble from the outside and inside by constantly striving for artificial special distinction?
Hi Larry, I guess my problem with the article is that it assumes that prior era actions were tied to fairness and egalitarianism ("tikkun olam"), while I see it as cynical power acquisition tactics against majority society. In other words, the diagnosis is different even if the recommendation is similar: His argument is that tikkun elam egalitarianism is no longer working, therefore Jews should give up on it and assimilate, vs. the argument here is: Jewish bolshevik power acquisition tactics worked (use the bottom parts of society as a cudgel against majority society), but now they are undermining the very foundation of their success, therefore Jews should give up on it and assimilate. I can see why you recommend it though given similar conclusions.
Yeah, but who knows what really lies in the hearts of men and women? I will admit most 'intellectuals' and other ostensible 'do-gooders' seem chronically confused and very anxious. If they could just calm down and gather their wits about them, as Kunstler seems to advocate, it would probably be much better for them and all the rest of us. The phrase "problem child" comes to mind when thinking of such agitated and anxious peoples.
I’ve never given it any thought, but my initial reaction is that naturally Jews (& Gypsies too) are people who’ve thrived (or at least survived) as a tiny cultural minority with one foot outside the ‘system,’ but it’s their special niche-foot inside the ‘system’ that distinguishes them from the rest of us mainstream workin’ stiffs, plus distinguishes them from all other kinds of cultural non-conformists. Gypsies fly below the radar; Jews fly above it.
I came here to Japan to fly above it.
I adopted the Jew (or Gypsy) mentality in 2014, when I decided to escape America’s ‘sinking ship’ by moving my wife & 5 young children to my wife’s native Tokyo metro, where we thrive now above the national median wealth & income levels as owners of a small family business (no employees).
But I’m totally anti-immigration (to Japan & to the West & to all developed modern industrial democracies) precisely because immigration to Japan would someday ruin this functional socioeconomic system; the USA is no longer functional but dysfunctional, same as all of the West 😡 Diversity is weakness, not strength.
So, I get the Jewish self-preservation argument.
But as the sociopathic Ruling Class Jews readily sell out the Working Class Jews (e.g. Israel’s c19 vax campaign), same as the non-Jewish members of the sociopathic Ruling Class readily sell out us non-Jewish Working Class, I don’t see how it’s helpful to focus on the apparent coincidence of Jewish overrepresentation in Western banking & government. Could you clarify this point for me? I earnestly desire to understand why we cannot dismiss it as an insignificant coincidence? Looking forward to your response 👍🙂
Hi Gerald, thanks for the question. Unfortunately it looks to me that many of the most virulent proponents of the destruction of the west are Jewish, much as we saw in Russia (see Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together). For example, Alejandro Mayorkas has let in 20 million illegals in the past four years alone. Most of the top official pushing the untested, experimental, dangerous mRNA vaccine were Jewish. Victoria Nuland, an extremely bloodthirsty fiend causing endless neoconservative mischief, is Jewish. Many of the top media figures pushing globohomo narrative sludge, the government officials at the heart of the anti-Trump conspiracy such as Andrew Weissman and Norm Eisen, the insane current Attorney General Merrick Garland, etc. The list goes on and on and on. One can look at this as a strange (repeating) coincidence, or one can look at it, see a pattern and try to put the pictures together for why this is.
Especially because our society has a red line against people identifying it or discussing it: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
Striving for distinction, all of these people have put themselves in the thick of things -- statistically speaking, it's therefore no surprise at all that they keep showing up near the top of the cultural stew for good or for ill. For further explanation of the phrase, "striving for distinction" , see my next comment below.
This is IMO the single most valuable (and charitable) insight you provide on our overarching topic here (and in other posts): " the idea here is to appeal to Jewish self-interest, that they must change their strategy and focus on a fundamental level or ruination awaits."
I have a hunch that ‘Dudley Newright’ is a Claremonster.
Imagine still defending Liberal Democracy in 2024.
Globalisation destroyed the nation state democracy decades unfortunately.
Liberal Democracy is just rule by international finance and the Merchant class.
> Imagine still defending Liberal Democracy in 2024.
What would you prefer? A return to the pre-Democratic system, i.e., feudalism?
Amazing, great Stuff! I just want to comment on Codevilla awareness of Scientism: Thiel's comment on the moon landing and Woodstock being weeks apart is fascinating. The moon landing was a hoax as Thiel must know. Woodstock a hoax in that it was not an organic movement- it was created by Brit and US Intelligence' LSD project. (They knew exactly what LSD would do- see 1931 novel "St Peter's Snow") The hippies LOVED the moon landing (Stewart Brand, Steve Jobs etc). The inner and outer dichotomy fused, Gnostic Scientism was born -now the world's biggest religion. Resistance to the looming panopticon fades. The war on God continues.
'I want to emphasize something here: my intention here is as a callout for Jews to do soul-searching and a strategic course correction; it is intended to be helpful.'
Exactly so--I said something similar to Isaac Simpson a few months back in response to this video:
(I don't think he appreciated it; maybe I charitably(?) misinterpreted his intended message)
This is how I responded:
"Turns out problems with B A S E D mischlings don’t end at:
taking a ‘neutral’ (at best—while of course Israel continues to get billions annually in aid from America whichever party is in power) or ‘vitalist’ line on Israel/Palestine;
failing to acknowledge disproportionate representation in banking & media (obv) as well as the academy (eg admissions) and politics (cf. esp the lobby), putting it all down to ‘HiGHeR JeWIsH iQ’
…with preference for concentrating instead on destructiveness of ‘wOkE’, ‘socialism’, TRUMPTRUMPTRUMP etc.
Now, in a ShOcKiNg turn of events, when Darryl Cooper interrogates WWII fairytales, they revert to bleating anti-semitic stereotype.
B A S E D Jews! It is understood that the subaltern-Jewish coalition is in ruins; that they don’t really need you, so they don’t even pretend to like you anymore; that even in academia you begin to sense a loss of control as the POC golem gathers ever more power and turns it to your disadvantage
Of course your accession to the nu right is via your own special ‘pipeline’—and of course your interests lie not in blood & soil nationalism or icky goyische things of the ilk.
Yet many on the the right seem willing to accept you (and others may become willing), as long as you behave…just a little bit less like Jews. Please take note of Isaac’s suggestions, and please consider shifting your focus a little bit more towards detrimental influence of Jewish nepotism on opportunities for American whites and the way their taxes are spent."
Yes, good comment. It's odd how this is such a blind spot for otherwise seemingly smart people: appreciate and defend the native stock of the countries Jews all want to live in. The lack of understanding or appreciating this message is quite bizarre.
The adoration of Trump by the mischling right, as well as by orthodox Jewish right wingers, is very striking. There was for example a post-election xeet or even a long piece by l0mez to exactly this effect; BAP, Simpson, Peachy Keenan etc are all similarly starry eyed. I can't help but think that they love him so because his brand of restorative muscular liberalism is g____d f__r t___e J____ws.
Can you source this Leo Strauss quote, please:
He believed, as he once wrote, that ''to make the world safe for the Western democracies, one must make the whole globe democratic, each country in itself as well as the society of nations.”
That was a quote from within the New York Times article on Strauss, archived here:
Wow. So much learning. Thank you.
So basically dodging skills will become important. Short of an Eloi coming down to say, "y'all missed the point", as it doesn't look like either faction (and undercurrents) is voluntarily changing course, and this is assuming they'd believe the new dude is speaking as the old dude and there aren't any other Elohim waltzing around playing peek-a-boo.
I was thinking the other day that all these religions and their rules were civilizing impulses to get us to evolve. It's like, mistakes were made (in the "before history" timeline) and there were attempts to put us back on track without violating the libero arbitro. But our proclivity to butcher each other would imply we've missed the point. To me the raison d'être of a Master ethics cannot be the wholesale slaughter of those who didn't win the birth lottery. And if the point was Total Victory of one faction over everyone, why wait 16 or even 2 centuries? Growing the global pop just to reduce it seems like a wasted effort. You own all the banks? Good for you. But my body is decaying with time and past my prime, so enslavement seems unlikely. And boiling the 90% to prove the frog parable sounds disingenuous.
Maybe there really is an ongoing harvest of energy or vibes, or later some mineral extraction toll to be paid to visitors. Some sort of existant supra structure in the ultraviolet range we just can't see that's everywhere now here. Or maybe another 6k cycle is ending and "they're" trying to see if "this time" things end up different before the simulation gets reseted because the poles shift and 99.9% ain't landing on their feet, regardless of what underground bunkers they got. That's a lot of sci-fi maybes.
Or maybe as is being alluded to, it's a spiritual thing and the proof is in the pudding, but we can only taste it after we've taken a bite, at which point the pudding is no more (and the demiurge can literally kiss my corpse's donkey). Which to me makes sense because I found Christ and the infinite creator as an adult, without the indoctrination of youth, and my know has naught to do with reason, so I just laugh when I hear some of the stories in those books. Which is why my sensation is that those rules were meant for tribes trying to get a civilizing process going but we missed the allegory and went literal, but not all of us. So I hope uncle Cliff is on the money. That would be rad.
But even so, if we can't get out of the way, our only other choices if shtf are attack, defend, run away and die. Or, writing on substack!
ps waking up the bourgeois ain't happening. I was at a large gathering over the weekend and I feel like safely saying: "we need a larger boat", if you can catch my drift.