Thank you for the insightful and thought-provoking essay. I have a deep conviction that hypocrisy necessarily produces nasty second and third order effects, which is why I consider it inherently immoral/evil. Most people I discuss this with find it persuasive, but only to a point. I think at some level people don't want to let go of the efficient self-deception that the hypocrisy they allow themselves and others poses an existential threat to civilization if it crosses some decisive point. Everyone with a modicum of self-awareness and life experience knows Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's quote "The line separating good and evil runs not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart" touches upon a deep truth. There are a lot of ways to frame this, but my current favorite relates to two competing psychological theories regarding what drives us, the hierometer and sociometer theories. Are we driven to ascend in a zero-sum status hierarchy, or are we driven to belong? I think there is a distinct balance in every given person, because these are, to an extent, oppositional drives that we all experience. Emotions like jealousy make it impossible to optimize for getting along with everyone around you while simultaneously prioritizing getting ahead. Having a smaller community where you're sure you belong while operating in a larger society mercilessly striving to get ahead in seems to be a way of hacking this paradox, but living such a strategy isn't without cost. This only amplifies the jealousy and resentment of those you're getting ahead of, especially if you have the temerity to gloat about how thrilled you are to belong within your segregated community. While it is most tempting to believe if you are the beneficiary of such an arrangement, there is no way to hack this balance of striving and belonging without undoing the underlying fabric of the civilization we all share in. Hopefully this is a simple enough point that people can come to understand it en masse and we can avoid the terrible futures you describe.

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Thanks for the kind words, Grant. I agree with you that we are conflicted beings with multiple, often contradictory internal processes, with varying degrees of both good and evil. Finding ways to synthesize these competing drives is what allows us individually and collectively to progress to the next levels of human development. Hopefully we can find ways to do so during a time where everything feels like it is falling apart at the seams...

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This is excellent, nuanced, and as comprehensive an overview of this critically important issue as could realistically be done in a single post. Well done!

There is one thing that I question: whether Christianity really could have been intentionally engineered like a psyop against the Roman empire. I admit, when framed a certain way, it does appear to be the case. However, it ascribes to the Jewish elites of that era a godlike level of foresight and sophistication that seems too incredible to believe. That, in turn, leads me back to a question that no longer seems as absurd to me as it once did: what if the esoteric inner circle of ancient Jewry, the British royal family, the Chinese Communist Party, and the modern-day central bankster cabal are themselves merely the useful idiot junior partners of some superhuman dark spiritual power? The way this cabal so adroitly manipulated modern geopolitics to its advantage, expertly playing both sides of various conflicts, speaks to an intelligence and will that frankly seem to me to be beyond what even the smartest and most committed humans are capable of, on their own.

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Thanks Daniel. The gnostics believed that material reality is metaphysically infused with evil, lorded over by an evil entity called the Demiurge, and that the God of light and justice is a spiritual God who does not control this plane of existence (material/spiritual dualism). Under this conception our upper level elites, the lords of the material realm, derive energy from this being. From what I see of this world that's how it looks to me...

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The gnostic view has much to commend it. Like how they accurately described the NPCs (hylics) among us long before the concept existed in gaming.

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> JQ; But it isn’t critically important.

The Jews aren’t all that important, just fatally ostentatious in an unpopular business and dirty but necessary function of society, governments, nations we call “banking.”

Central banks arose along with the desire to centralize everything. Centralization has benefits and disadvantages, in general I’m against centralization with some exceptions. Generally I favor Federated administration, subsidiarity.

Jews did well out of banking.

So did; Templars, Italians, and once the Church was gone Protestants and the Bank of England. In America- are JP Morgan and Rockefeller (oil, yes) Jews?

The Rothschild family is largely a 19th century phenomenon and they were you know largely builders and against war.

They are but a well heeled name from the past. Their power ran from Waterloo to WW1 and in WW1 they fought for their respective countries.

Yes we have corrupt central banks. Because we have a corrupt government, and corrupt elites, and a debt based economy - although we do shift now back to manufacturing.

Nixon getting rid of the Gold Standard, the shift overseas of globalization, free trade... offshoring companies- are Nixon, Bush, Clinton, Obama Jews?

Marx was Jewish, true.

Was Adam Smith?

You’re looking at Staff and seeing the Masterminds.

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Nice fairy tale you've penned there. Pushing just the right buttons, too. A deft, light-handed touch. Congratulations.

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Thank you in the Spirit of whatever Sunday’s for these days. I’m not in any way Jewish, just a fallen Irish Catholic.

And if we the world really are getting took by a few thousand of a global total of 16 million...

... We’re the problem, not who took us. That’s 0.002%.

That’s... loathsome.

Was that less deft? Or not light enough? If you get took, know it and take it, it’s on you.




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To say the Rothschilds are past history, of a time and special circumstance of power-wielding that they chose to relinquish, is, um... 'soft?' Far too soft.

Nobody with such power ever lets it go readily or easily.

They just make certain their names do not predominate in the headlines or somewhere other than the business or charity pages in connection with something or somebody else that paints them in a beneficent light.

From financing and sharing in the gains of Cecil Rhodes' African exploits to founding the London School of Economics (a Mr Soros an attendee,) using their 'The Economist' as a thought-mover.

The further from the public eye, the more the freedom to do as they wish.

And so they do.

George Carlin stated "It's a Big Club, and YOU ain't in it!" But, it is a very small club, that of the 1/10th of One Percent. And their fortunes are ever-growing.

Even as ours are consigned to Their Department of Eugenics. And that department is very real. The 1/10ths are very, very dedicated. Coming to terms with so much while staving off cognitive dissonance is the challenge of our times if one seeks truth despite all of the obstacles that have been thrown up to it.

I wasn't seeking to be snide. But yes, my comment was barbed. Every positive human value is under concerted assault by those who would hold all power over us. They're too damned close to achieving it and what we were forced into over the past 3 years was just an opening salvo of what they are up to. They have been busy assessing the preliminary results. And will be fine-tuning their next iteration of panic and confusion soon-enough. Especially as nobody was yet prosecuted and/or fined. Nor will be.

The $billions floated upwards. As did some $trillions as well. They got 2 wars started, with the next conflagration being shepherded along just in time for the imminent Western world financial collapse they have engineered from the failure of the fiat money system. For which they too are responsible.

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(I’m liking for response. )

Rothschilds: If you mean the literal Rothschilds they left their London Gold Exchange seat in 2006. It’s not over, they’re not poor - but their power ends in WW1. The onset of World War and the Finances States then accumulated left all private fortunes in their wake.

Great Families.

The power of Great Banking Houses is ended by the World Wars and the Cold War.

You’re projecting the 19th century onto the 21st.

The American Federal government for example spent $6.13 trillion in 2022, it took in $4.9 Trillion in revenue (taxes).

That’s just Federal.

There’s 85,000 distinct governments at all levels in America.

Wars; wars are eternal.

Now what 2 wars are you referring to? If you mean Afghanistan, I’m old enough to remember that was a counterattack. If you mean Iraq, that was 18 months after 9/11 and after a decade of trying other ways. Saddam wanted to go down fighting and he did.

The power of the rich is eternally overrated, since at least Rome.

The Jews; if they had the real power they wouldn’t need to flaunt it, in the real test now THEY DON’T, and they suffer the ignominy of being saved by Evangelicals and the Christian White working/ petty Bourgeois class they despise.

DC LOBBY; you hear about AIPAC. You never hear about AARP. Easily the most powerful lobby.

Good day sir.



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No. Ukraine and Gaza. Which means Iran via Yemen or Lebanon. Which circles back around to Russia where it was always aimed. Then onto China. You persist in stating WW I did the banking families in. I think not. Their NGOs and many companies have only grown. The Warburgs and Schiffs have not only not lost a step, they haven't lost a dime either. Same with the Rockefellers and DuPonts. To say they have lost the amount of influence you contend (why?) runs against the laws of power, even physically.

Your comparison of AARP to AIPAC is ludicrous. There is no other word for it.

I'm not buying your persistent schtick.

But good day to you as well. There is no further point in trying to make a point I can see. I might as well piss into the wind, or "piss up a rope" as a measure of this type of futility.

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"However, it ascribes to the Jewish elites of that era a godlike level of foresight and sophistication that seems too incredible to believe."

That depends. Are you/we able to accept that evil exists as a force capable of extinguishing souls? (Providing one believes in souls too, that is.)

From there we go to on what level[s] of sophistication/complexity evil can manifest. Such as planting a seed of direction/misdirection into human consciousness or even subconsciousness. Doing so in order to effect a constructed outcome however long in the future it might take to manifest.

It's a big *world* out there, let alone here in the human heart and brain.

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How could you...? (Leave out Victoria Nuland on the Biden administration list as the perennial Undersecretary of State (of war) and the freight train of death generated by the Kagan-Nuland Complex as expressed in the 21st century Ukrainian genocidal depopulation Russia has so reluctantly had to undertake?) You must have a mental block for all of her predominance going back to her murderous ascent beginning with old Darth himself, Dick Cheney.

That said, thank you immensely for undertaking this opus, so much to consider, especially as my search for a sense of honest objectivity in what has been developing as a gut feeling needs the tempering of the larger picture you present, something I needed besides the increasing loathing and disgust that has crept up on me over the dual citizenship syndrome actions of the past decade, and now this, these, Ukraine and Gaza. And the West Bank too.

Nietzche refers to the Jews' response to the world as a justifiable response to externalities imposed upon them (my interpretation anyway) by the gentiles. He comes across to me as referring to them post-Rome razing the Temple and their ensuing diaspora, when a goodly number remained in the region to ultimately live in a functional harmony in Palestine and the surrounding region, Iraq, Syria, and Iran in particular, the last group resisting the blandishments of the Zionists and remaining in Iran to this day, accepted as they are.

What Nietzche does not acknowledge is the Book of Deuteronomy which established long before Rome's conquest how they were instructed by the Torah to treat anyone not of their small Hebrew tribe. [Douglas Reed-"The Controversy of Zion."] They were preloaded with such spite and conceit, disdain for others even in their small patch on the planet. And pretty much what they are doing to Gaza right now. 'Nice' and justified. The hard right rabbis are rabid in their frenzy and in the thrall of murderous ecstasy, much of the general population too. And the Christian Zionists are yet repeating the lies of the "40 beheaded babies" and the "baked in an oven" baby too. I had to listen to that crap coming from 2 ex-US military generals on a nationwide radio late night show---along with their dumb-ass excoriation of Iran. So what the Israelis are doing---and being aided and abetted by their hasbara in doing so---is falsely ascribing actions---their own commands from Jehovah---to their enemies.

Here is an excerpt from a Ron Unz piece I found thought-proving enough to bookmark a while back, another piece of the puzzle:

"Obviously the Talmud is hardly regular reading among ordinary Jews these days, and I would suspect that except for the strongly Orthodox and perhaps most rabbis, barely a sliver are aware of its highly controversial teachings. But it is important to keep in mind that until just a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox, and even today I would guess that the overwhelming majority of Jewish adults had Orthodox grand-parents. Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments, a condition enhancing their unrecognized influence. A religion based upon the principle of “Love Thy Neighbor” may or may not be workable in practice, but a religion based upon “Hate Thy Neighbor” might have long-term cultural ripple effects that extend far beyond the direct community of the deeply pious. If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past."

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Thanks for the comment, David. Re: Nuland, you're quite right about her and I'll add her to the list. A couple days ago her husband (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kagan) wrote an article in WaPo calling in veiled terms for the assassination of Trump because of his enduring popularity: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/30/trump-dictator-2024-election-robert-kagan/ Extremely nasty individuals...

Re: that Unz piece, yes it's a great one, and it's actually linked in one of the footnotes (footnote 6). Also see footnote 8 and footnote 29...Is this degree of over-the-top animosity a necessary survival feature to keep from getting absorbed into majority culture over millennia? Regardless, it is interesting that the prominent secular pro-globohomo Jews, ostensibly not steeped in Torah learning, appear more anti-western civilization than the Orthodox religious ones...

I'll update the detail you pointed out, thanks. It's a quote from Europa Soberana (a Spanish language blogger whose website has been down for years) but I can add it in brackets.

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I'm impressed! This is a phenomenally well-researched piece, NF. You do have a fair bit of selection bias in the Jewish sources you cite (as the old Yiddish saying goes, "Two Jews, three opinions," meaning that there are plenty of Jewish scholars who hold the exact OPPOSITE opinions to the ones you quoted), but I was glad to see your acknowledgment that Jews are not a monolithic entity, and that, from your perspective, it would be better to "lower the temperature" between white nationalists and Jews. I also read with great interest your concluding forecast about the options for Western Jewry.

For what it's worth, the mainstream reaction to the October 7 Hamas attack woke up a lot of leftist Jews. Seeing that the people they had sided with - BLM, DEI advocates, et al. - would rather support Islamic terrorists than Israeli victims of terrorism made a big impression. The ongoing response of Ivy League educators, the media, etc. has been a shock from which the Jewish community will not soon recover. While I don't agree that the open border policy was some kind of Jewish plot, I would be glad to see some of the government officials you mentioned take a stronger stance against allowing potential terrorists to walk into the country.

I do agree with you that the financial industry is destructive to human health and happiness, and I also don't want to be brain-chipped, forced to take mRNA shots, eat bugs and use CBDCs. With the response to October 7 forcing many stereotypical left-leaning Jews to question their ideological assumptions and purported allies, I am optimistic that this will lead to a broader awakening about some of the risks about which we agree.

Speaking of allies, one of the most salient points that has been driven home to the Jewish community since Oct 7 is this idea that Jews are widely considered "oppressors." This is, of course, a Marxist concept, and taken to its logical extreme, it has been interpreted to mean that an adult Arab man can justifiably murder a Jewish baby, because he belongs to an oppressed class and the baby belongs to an oppressor class. Your white Christian readers should pay close attention to this ideological construct, because it would apply to them as well.

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Thanks Alex for the thoughtful response. The back-and-forth with you on this topic provided a lot of clarity and nuance to the argument, so thank you for it. I hope you go back to writing more soon as I like reading your work.

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As one mouse to another: I've been keeping this post of yours in mind this week while reading other material on other topics, and it occurred to me during this later reading that the chronic dyad you are writing about here (and elsewhere) might best be thought of a predator-prey relationship rather than a parasite-host relationship. In that regard, see Figure 7F of https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22169038/. Note that the predator is weakest and most vulnerable after it has overindulged in its prey. This has financial and other implications.

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This gives me the distinct visual of a mythic battle between Jupiter (i.e., Zeus) and Saturn (i.e., Kronos), which is, interestingly, symbolized by the 2020 'Christmas Star,' the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Maybe the 1,000 years of darkness is the Golden Age of Saturn, the Dark Ages, an era that follows the fall of Jupiter, which was Rome at the time and now possibly the West.

The symbolism, especially the symbols adorned by said religious groups, is quite interesting, but ominous if you happen to live here in the West...

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Excellent article .

It seems to me that the next "Holocaust" for the Jews is inevitable. They are building it into the future right now. Once Europe is completely Islamic , that is they have government and military power , what then for Israel and European Jews? The short term gain of turning the Europeans against Islam by forcing in the Islamic "immigrants " is already fading as we saw with the huge Muslim demonstrations in the UK. I would have thought that even for the elites the survival of Israel as a state would be a top tier ambition for them but maybe not. The Sampson doctrine is the worrying part of the drama. I the Orthodox go ahead with it , that is launch a nuclear Masada it will be horrific and it will most likely cause their final extermination by vengeful hordes. What interesting times we live in.

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Thanks Tazzy. I don't necessarily seeing Islamic worldwide takeover as leading to a Holocaust (although Israel would be in for a very rough time), as Islam has a doctrine of treating people "of the book" (Christians, Jews) according to the laws of Dhimmitude which are proscribed in the Quran: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi .

Essentially, the people of the book have to pay a protection tax to Muslims, cannot repair their houses of worship, can't testify against Muslims in court, and are treated as second class citizens in a multitude of ways. Jews lived relatively unmolested under this system in the Middle East for a millennia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi#Jews . But still, such an Islamic victory would mean an end to most of the things people in western civilization take for granted, such as technological innovation, music, relative freedom of speech, etc, and certainly an end to the preferment Jews have received in the west in recent centuries.

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Want to worry some more? Germany built a fleet of nuclear missile-capable Dolphin class submarines, they were guilt-tripped into providing the majority of them for free by and for Israel. Everyone's a target under the Samson Option. And they had no problem taking their Hannibal Directive kinetic vs their own citizens on October 7th...

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The Massada is the model .........and their god demands blood sacrifice.......if there is ever a nuclear holocaust , Israel will be the cause. I did like the concept of Christianity as a scy-op though , that was new to my mind.. If you are into that stuff there is a book named " Christ's Ventriloquist " , written by a Jew of course , it is an examination of Paul's mission with the Gentiles and the beginning of Christianity from a Jewish point of view. A worthwhile read I think.

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There is a Chinese curse -maybe apocryphal- that goes: "May you live in interesting times!"

I very often think about the point you bring in, whether or not Europe will become completely Islamic. Illegal aliens from the Muslim world arrive to Spain every week by the thousands (the government is presently trying to pass a bill for granting Spanish citizenship to 500,000 of them, which means 2.5 million more in two years, becaue of "family regrouping" laws), and most of them do not come with any kind of religious takeover or animosity towards Christians in mind (even if only because there are almost no Christians any more here), but for the subsidies and social care, i.e. the state manna. Many also engage in impune crime and in raping 'those white bitches' (who might even well deserve it sometimes, I'm sorry to say). Some come to work, those are the good ones. And yet, I'm not sure Spain will ever become an Islamic country, because then all their privileges would come to an end. Rather I see them keep parasiting for as long as it lasts (one would not want to kill the golden eggs hen) or getting eventually tamed and 'spoiled' by the welfare state. They're as credulous as the next, if not more, and for instance during covid times they waited in the jabbing queues like any other. But maybe I'm totally wrong.

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This substack is giving me a lot of homework. I can't recall the last article (unless it was another I read here yesterday) that upturned so many misapprehensions and reconfigured my cognitive landscape. Massive kudos.

To give you some possible homework in return, re: "the third temple," according to Nick Kollerstrom, there can't ever be a third temple because there wasn't a first, see interview he did with Kevin Barrett: https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_nick-kollerstrom-on-just-wars-in-ukraine-and-palestine/ (around 35 - 45 mins, roughly)

More general feedback will have to wait, as I am very new to much of this material, and to this hang-out in particular. But meantime, I am recommending to all, at risk of pissing off some.

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Thanks Jasun, I will check out the interview.

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Just got around to reading this outstanding and extremely well researched & sourced article. It is a tour de force. Thanks for the introduction to Maurice Samuel, I managed to find an English copy of You Gentiles and will read it with interest. I am coincidentally reading Henry Ford's 1920 attempt to get us all to look at this Question and you are to be congratulated for not mentioning the 'P' word here once!

Now, whereas Mr Ford falls into the trap of collectivizing "Jews" albeit he identifies the 'International' variety in relation to the Plan, I am pleased to see you explicitly explain that Little Jews are mere means to the puppet masters (so in fact is every layer below the very top). This does not go far enough though IMO. Yes, the folk right at the top of the pyramid may be nominally Jewish, but we are much better off recognizing their true nature and that is Demons - in Dostoevsky's sense, but also very much in the Biblical sense too. They represent unmitigated evil - a word which has sadly fallen out of use in our fallen times. Their Plan to enslave & transhumanize/exterminate us is demonic and we must not delude ourselves that the enemy is something merely human - it must be defeated on every level, not least spiritually. Also, at least one layer at the top of the pyramid is literally satanic. I don't know whether you are familiar with a fellow named Ronald Bernard, but I find his testimony on this subject highly convincing. Here is an intro: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/dutch-banker-ronald-bernard-blows-the-whistle-on-worlds-satanic-elite/

In terms of where we go from here, the time for talk is nearly over, I think it is way too late to stop the Great Reset. Indications are the trigger will be pulled in the very near future. On another thread I posted a link to David Webb's "Great Taking" documentary and it you haven't seen it I'd strongly suggest it is worth an hour of your time, as he explains the actual mechanism by which we get to "own nothing": https://rumble.com/v3yptkd-the-great-taking-documentary.html

As to the outcome, who knows. When the demolition charges go off (a catastrophic 'Russian' cyberattack mirroring Cyber Polygon I expect) all bets will be off. I think they have big time underestimated the gun-owning population in America who will definitely get a vote when supply chains collapse and society with it. The 'government' is barely able to function now, it will rapidly disappear altogether when the shit goes down and with it all control exercised by the Nameless Ones. The survivors who will eventually start to restore order will be led by ex military patriots - the folk who were red pilled years ago and have been prepping for the takeback ever since. You can bet they have a Plan also and I'd wager it has a far greater chance of success. You won't find them wasting their time reading blogs (no offense). Bill Gates might own a lot of farmland, but I'd like to see how he's going to exercise control over it. CBDC's won't be the currency of the future, that'll be 9mm Parabellum and you'd better have lots of it.

Anyhow, best wishes and I hope all goes well for you and yours when the time comes.

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Thanks for the compliment and the comment, John. The first half of "You Gentiles" is great, perceptive and objective, but then the second half devolves into unhinged gentile bashing, lol. Henry Ford was an interesting character; it's too bad the Ford Foundation was skin-suited and incorporated into globohomo a long time ago. I didn't think I needed to include reference to the Protocols in the essay as it is Pavlovian; i.e. everyone already has a pre-set opinion about it, therefore reference to it is usually not persuasive.

I agree with you that the top level of globohomo seems animated by a demonic entity, likely the gnostic conception of the Demiurge, which I have discussed elsewhere. As you state, a controlled collapse via something like Cyber Polygon is entirely possible, although I personally doubt that a true anarchic collapse will happen because it opens up scenarios outside the control of our rulers. It's not to say it won't happen, just that it would not be their preferred result.

Thank you for the good wishes. Best wishes to you and I hope you can survive and thrive in the upcoming tribulations, which I do believe will get much worse.

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I could say a lot of topical things about this, but in addition to thanking you again for providing an astonishing amount of dynamic history, something has become clear since October 7, and it's an encouraging thing.

I'm seeing lots of my favorite anonymous Substack (Daniel D is another) wade into posts their authors know will be perceived as antisemitic and offer disclaimers that they know it's a sensitive issue, etc. I find this revealing because it means all of you are writing from a position of conscience. Being nameless, you could, if so inclined, just revel in anything you said that might upset Globohomo. The fact that you all nevertheless pause to acknowledge the difficulties inherent in this mess shows your absolute humanity -- those words, and that deliberate pause, are not anyone with opposing views. They're for yourself. And believe me, I see nothing but earnest efforts wherever I look.

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Fascinating. Overwhelming. Almost impossible to process by an average mind/culture like mine. It'd take me several months full-time checking and reading all the links, updating myself in world history. I'd need to be re-born and begin my education from scratch. However, right off, the first idea that comes to me is that if you were aiming to change the minds of the Jewish people... well, the least you can expect is a psy-reactance. :-)

By the way, congratulations for using the word 'immigrants' and not falling into the 'migrants' semantic trap.

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Absolutely stunning and illuminating article. Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan was a primer for me, Coleman 300 too. The Victors always control the narrative so history as presented to the masses is propaganda of sorts. It would be interesting to know your views on the Black Nobility Roman / Venetian bloodlines in all this. Frances Leader has done great work tying it all together.

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Thanks Paul. I'm open to the black nobility arguments, but have not studied them. There are many theories that seem unprovable one way or another (but could be right), so my particular approach has been to start with what I am observing in real life and then gradually update my theories recursively until my internal models become more correctly predictive about the future. If my interpretation of a political or world event turns out to be wrong, that means something in my model needs updating. Without such an anchor, how does one choose what to believe between multiple or competing theories? Anyway, I see Frances Leader has a Substack and will check him out, thank you.

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You are very welcome. I have just downloaded a pdf of a 1974 book claiming Hitler was a Rothschild jew from a link in Fritz Freud stack article.

I truly believe most of the "mainstream" history taught is propaganda. Many books have been burned but some survived and "scholars" posit interesting revelations. However, mind fuckery abounds. The KJV a tool of control yadda yadda. My intuition / gut has sharpened these last few years, I am a voracious speed reader of everything and anything. I cannot possibly verify or cite everything that has led me to my current worldview but am calm, unafraid and balance my confirmation bias with open mindedness. Keep up the great work. Glad to have found you.

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Thought-provoking and well sourced essay.

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Brilliant! I pray there is hope that more of the sane Jews will come to see how they have been weaponized by the central banking core of the parasitic cabal, and realize that "they are next" if they continue to enable the cabal to rule.

You once again exceeded my expectations for mapping out the situation that I've dreamed of tackling with a "Weaponization of the Jews" article or series. Thank you!

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Absolutely brilliant! Thank you from an ex-jew who is eternally grateful for the off-ramp and proudly throwing in my lot with White Christian civilization.

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I am just too jaded to believe we are going to overcome this.

My hopes and dreams are forever shattered, my desire to see long-existing nations continue into the future is bleak (To the point of thinking that all took the poisons) and race mixing is reaching abominable proportions (And this reason is why I see others saying no one alive today is a descendant of the Romans)

Others around me not believing the truth when I tell it drives my jadedness even further (And I was less jaded when the C19 scam started back in 2020).

I am so ready to die and let the World burn.

I don't know what else to say.

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