You're blackpilling super hard here, but I am confident that time will show these predictions are correct. There's a pulp fiction sci fi series I'm fond of by Richard Morgan. One of the books, Altered Carbon, was made into a Netflix series. The best book is "Woken Furies". Embedded in the story is a multi-generational political movement called Quellism. Using technology, the movement is able to go inactive and return many generations later.

I know you're not a fan of the "rural retreat" but I really see it as the best option. While not perfect, at least out here the majority of people do real work with their hands, are actively involved with their kids and the school, and it still feels like a real community where people come together for a common purpose to get things done. If there is any future for 'Murica it is places like this. I'm planning on retreating deep into FFA, 4H, volunteering at the school, helping aging neighbors stay independent, and finishing my debt free homestead. When times get tough, which is often, I look up to the sky and imagine my ancestors looking down with approval, since I know they went through the same struggles.

This globohomo system can't last forever. There are too many contradictions and physical impossibilities. When it is gone, there will be something else.

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Thanks Erik. While I do think a rural retreat has significant issues (globohomo importing in unlimited illegals, along with aging populations, lack of job opportunities and ever-increasing inflation), your plan seems like a nice one and I like your idea of ownership of a debt free homestead and focusing on community. You're right that the system can't last forever. I'll look into Woken Furies, thank you.

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Idk if he is blackpilling *super* hard, there are a number of scenarios that have a significant amount of evidence and weight to them wherein this all looks a whole lot worse.

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I still don't believe that Trump made a deal behind closed doors.

But I don't need to believe that to agree with your overall conclusions.


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Thanks Ryan, I hope I'm wrong. My tendency is to focus on the negative and hopefully be surprised to the positive, which is the opposite of most's approach.

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Right. As Sundance would put it, "non-pretending."

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To me it was very obvious - a few weeks after the assassination attempt. He started to wind people up against Iran for a reason. And much of the jewish-elite owned MSM dropped Harris visibly. It was decided there and then that Trump was chosen by the elites. For Trump it was either that or being dead. The blatant FBI failures on the assassination attempt showed him who is in charge of the FBI. Despite letting him down he started to "praise" the FBI on the Rogan show. And also said that "big pharma" are his friends. Now look at his nominations. It is obvious to me he is in the Jewish Globalist pocket .

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It was intel agencies that claimed it was an Iran attack (rather than a clear at best let it happen and at worst organized by CIA/FBI types)

Why would they crown Trump Right after he was almost assassinated by them?

Picking Vance does not fit with that narrative.

Nor does the narrative that certain Deep state types (Bill Bar and Nikky Hailey) were claiming they were going to be President/VP due to unforeseen circumstances.

"jewish globalism" is clouding your judgement.

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Maybe - let’s see.

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Of course, it would make sense for Trump to invade Iran - but how would Greater Israel threaten the White race in America at this point? If anything, a lost war would hurt ZOG more. A won war would still draw forces from bloodletting the Russians (unless the European efforts are gonna be enough, and unless you'd view a civil war in Russia as beneficial to the White race, which can be the case, our chances of survival are slim to none anyway).

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Nicely done!

”I use is one of recursive prediction. It works as follows: based on your understanding of the world you make predictions about what will happen in the future. If they turn out to be wrong, you ask why they were wrong, then update your worldview in light of that new information”

That is a great explanation of what I have done for about 15 years. To say the least, I am never surprised by any world event and am usually fairly accurate to a solid degree on future events. Likewise, I have ended up very close to where you are here:

“Eventually I ended up with beliefs like the world order order as centralized above the level of the nation state, the egalitarian ratchet effect explaining society’s ever-lurch leftwards and the Rothschilds owning the world central banks.”

“consolidation phase of the egalitarian ratchet effect”

“The “left” lead society leftward, then the “right” serve as the consolidation phase which integrates the gains made by the left before the left ratchet even further leftwards. “

I really like the concept you have developed. Very descriptive of what we have seen.

“The based trad Christian substack warriors who voted for trump are just as cucked if not more than the libs they think they’re owning.

Joshua is right about this.”

It is really disheartening to see people - whom I for the most part- agree with – get recuperated into this con. While a few on here continue to call it “black pilling” – I see it as a necessary acknowledgment. As you mentioned near the beginning, we cannot develop a winning strategy if we are not seeing the battlespace accurately. Most people certainly do not.

Well written as always. I very much appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for sharing them.

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Your hypothesis is far more likely than the disinfectant of sunlight scenario. Like you, I expect more of the same (platitudes that lack bold action) but hopefully have more leeway to consolidate my own future than I would have under Harris/Walz. Man, that Dabney quote is apt, concise, and precise. From ~130 years ago, this guy nailed a truth that has unfolded in a relentless procession to now. As a relatively irreligious person, the immorality and falseness of it all still disappoints. Hopefully, we are proven wrong in 4-12% of things, which is about all people should expect. Well done.

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Thanks Control, I too hope we are proven wrong on this stuff. Yes, Dabney seems profound and I plan to read works by him such as this: https://www.amazon.com/Dabney-Fire-Parenting-Education-Government/dp/1796450596/

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What a wonderful read, thank you!

A couple of weeks before the election my sixth sense was tingling about Trump being allowed to win. My analytical side argued "they" didn't want to make the hubris about the mechanics of stealing elections come to the fore and surmised some back room deals had been made. I noticed some candy DJT flung out, like saying Pompeo was a misunderstood good guy on Rogan. Contrary to lazy opinions, "they" don't want to break the toy (USA) their power is derived from and sparking civil unrest is only good when on "their" terms, like color revolutions.

I agreed with most of your piece. My only gripe, two actually, has to do with unfounded cheerleading about what a great chump DJT is. You briefly mentioned it reprising a comment of a commenter, but I think it's the key to understanding everything. I'm sure DJT has his good and nice qualities, but he's a scumbag, was one before 2016 and will never morph into a butterfly.

Scumbags never ever do legendary things.

Aristotle's writings about friendship comes to mind. Basically, there's 3 types: for fun activities, for work activities and for virtue. For virtue is rare and we're lucky to have more than a handful across our entire lives.

In the alt-right spaces there's often much talk about ideals and virtues, about putting in the work, being Masculine men and Feminine women, etc. These things recall higher order ideals, ethics and virtues.

Growing up my dad put emphasis on the Italian concept of "coerenza", which is more akin to consistency than coherence in English.

I think all this is important because it underlines the problem with DJT. He's a phony (catcher in the rye).

So none of the appointments surprise me and all those things about draining the swamp and being a peace president are lost like tears in the rain. I agree with your conclusions and I'm sure the alt-right disappointments are just getting started.

Your analysis about the ratchet effect holds water, but only as a post fact pseudo intellectual explanation that lives divorced from the ugly reality, where we suspect the elections are always semi-rigged (2020 was over the top, hence why a repeat was risky: it was easier to make a deal; if anything "they" can dangle the dominion thing as a carrot for DJT's successor in '28). Big interests want predictable outcomes within a narrow bandwidth.

Like you rightly point out, the disruptors in the DJT camp have been shoehorned.

Personally I think part of the cultural critique (started by Foucault) about power holds some truth, although the woke, critical race theory and the LGBTQ+ soup are overkills, nihilistic, etc, and the globohomo is a one way highway to hell. But I think this emphasis on racianated ideas is just as garbage and leads to the same destination.

And this is my second gripe.

DJT part deux has ushered us into the 21st century. We now are truly living in the post modern age my pseudo intellectual professors were writing about pre-Obama, while enthralled by Fukuyama's end of history nonsense. Pax Americana is just getting started (and might be cut short with ww3, or ww3 might consecrate its birth).

Instead of regressing into an Aryan-esque silo of eugenic shite, embrace friends of virtue regardless of whether they're white, black, brown or yellow. The fight is the same. Sure, at a local level community can and should be homogeneous and have core values, but MLK had a good vision and we need to build bridges and forge alliances, not retreat into childish forts trying to keep out an imaginary dragons while the wolves ravage everyone.

Just saying.

Peace and apologies for being verbose!

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340 million people. 272 million over 18 years of age. 160 million eligible voted. 112 million did not bother or conscientiously objected. 80 million Trump supporters who voted for America First, Peace, Prosperity, and Individual Rights, will now see the futility. With Trump's appointments it is becoming common mainstream knowledge that foreign and globalist entities control 98% of Federal government. How many will participate in four years after the last exhausting, and seemingly six year long, election cycle for a four year term? Perhaps Trump's reelection was permitted to prevent the independence of sovereign States as the constitution intended. The States do not owe 35 trillion, the Federal Reserve and Treasury does. It is a 90 lb tic on a ten pound dog. Rather than protect the national borders, which was it's only reason for existing, the federal military staged and facilitated a foreign invasion. How long can this continue, even from a logistical standpoint?

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It is all part of what I believe as a continuing revelation of spiritual truth as the societal pain continues to get worse (and it won’t be solved by Trump, it may inadvertently reveal deeper layers of truth as a silver lining to the pain):


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The West has not moving in the direction of Christian egalitarianism but collectivism & totalitarianism (“communism”) (since the turn of the 20th century). Alas, I agree with you that *betrayal* is the most likely outcome of Trump’s 2nd presidency, plus that he’ll be made the fall guy for the ‘other shoe dropping’ from the ‘08 financial crisis, which I anticipate to be Great Depression 2.0, much worse than ‘08. And then Americans just very well might be ready to vote away our US Bill of God given rights 😡

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I "liked" this post mainly because you keep me honest and make me challenge my own assumptions. Now I want to challenge you about this:

"Many otherwise intelligent people are hopelessly confused over the difference between Trump “winning” a rigged election and Trump winning an actual election (even though I ultimately voted for him). None of the blindly optimistic Trump cheerleaders can answer this question because the truth is self evident: Trump was turned behind closed doors and was allowed to win"

This is a very declarative statement. But what is your basis for being so certain about this, and why is it more true necessarily than 'he won the election in part because cheating was made much more difficult because of wide spread, grass roots oversight, and the American people have given Trump a mandate to dismantle the deep state." ?

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Thanks William, yes please keep me honest. I don't mind pointed feedback or criticism, I like and appreciate it.

As I wrote in my last post, the elements that allow our elites to decide elections has been formalized and institutionalized. In order for me to believe any election is real moving forward, these underlying issues would have to be addressed:

- Permanent national vote by mail was put into place during COVID: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd1ee4ed1-9f77-4898-8407-8f6f72996406_1220x1230.png

There is a Democrat voting "tsar" overseeing this process put there by uber-shitlib Marc Elias who "oversees" the process: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/07/29/u-s-postal-service-opens-permanent-political-division-dedicated-to-the-delivery-and-return-of-mail-in-election-ballots-dnc-lawyer-mark-elias-is-very-happy/

- The electronic voting machine fraud is well documented; critics have been sued into silence with crushing enormous verdicts issued by corrupt courts.

- Ballot harvesting is legal, standardized and institutionalized, which only benefits Democrats who have low-information, low-time-orientation voters.

- None of the perpetrators of the blatant 2020 election steal have been held to account.

I have looked around and no one has good responses to this argument that I've seen, hence the declarative statement. But if you have rejoinders to it I'm open to hearing it.

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That is all true, but it does not necessarily overcome the statement that the steal was not possible because there was so much more oversight, and it could have resulted in civil war. In that sense, they might have decided not to steal, but that does not follow that Trump made a backroom deal.

I push this point because a lot of your assumptions follow the logic of this statement.

I don't know if Trump really means to upend things, but the American people would benefit greatly if he did, and a majority would support it.

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What do you mean by “so much more oversight”? Please provide links to the oversight of the permanent, national vote-by-mail process, the electronic voting fraud, and the ballot harvesting. Maybe there was more oversight directly at polling stations, possibly, I guess? I havn’t even seen an analysis of that.

I linked to the Anglin article at Unz where he does a good job going into this argument further: https://www.unz.com/aanglin/the-fact-that-the-candidate-who-got-the-most-votes-won-the-election-doesnt-mean-it-was-a-real-election/

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It is mostly anecdotal. Capt Seth Keshel has remarked about it a lot, that a combination of RNC and Trump lawyers and grass roots folk kept a much greater eye on things. A steal would have been known in real time. Elizabeth Nickson discusses it here https://substack.com/@elizabethnickson/p-150957525

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Thanks, it's hard to argue against arguments from anecdote. I looked at Elizabeth's post that you linked (I've clashed with her a little bit in the past), and the post seems to me to be over-the-top enthusiasm without addressing the points about the types of fraud I referenced above. I'm not sure who Seth Keshel is...

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Seth Keshel has a substack. Former military statistician. No one to my knowledge has done a better job documenting the steal of 2020 and 2022. A lot of his stuff is behind a pay wall, but some is not. His is the basic argument I have been suggesting, this election was much closer to reality because of increased oversight.

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WWIII is more likely than not. The reason I say that is MIC posturing. BAE Systems is ramping up production of armored vehicles -- to the tune of billions of dollars. When there really isn't (at least as of now) a large market for that kind of thing.

In PA they are ramping up the production of artillery shells. This started back in 2023. They're talking about making more than 90,000 shells by 2025. Does anyone think that 90k is a realistic number for the Ukraine conflict?

Also you have NATO gearing up to go deeper into Russia with various different types of long-range missiles. For no apparent reason -- other than to start a war.

There's more war and fuckery ahead. They're broadcasting that now.


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> "The egalitarian ratchet effect was previously described here. Basically, the core values of a society ratchet or double down on itself over time unless or until that society collapses, is militarily conquered from without, or transvalues it’s core values into something else. The core values of Western society are egalitarianism rooted in Christianity, even though society is quite secular at this time."

This is succinctly put! Of course, the main counter-argument by the normies is that the 1960s (or 1860s) represented such a reevaluation, as the definition of such is not discrete. But to me, a proper revolution would look like that of at least Lenin or Mao, and the ideal would be Meiji, Hitler or Kim Il Sung. And from the other side, there's a fairly obvious internal consistency from freeing the Jews and women to gays and transvestites. This is the main argument for treating America as Christian to the core.

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Historian Tom Holland considered the Russian and French revolutions, and implicitly the Chinese communist revolution as well, as an extension of Christianity’s “the first shall be last and the last shall be first” egalitarianism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0gsPo2ilj8

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Have you read Sam Francis' The Leviathan and its Enemies?


I completely agree that Trump can either be a revolutionary or an assimilation/consultation president.

The system is better viewed as a managerial system. A problem of mass and scale. The problem of democracy and managerial liberalism.

Of course the enemies are going to fight back.

However, why would they take a shot at Trump if he was going to "cut a deal"?

Why did they only remove prosecution after he won election?

This aspect of your piece is motivated reasoning.

The question will arise when Trump pulls levers of power and they fail to work. Will he take that power or will he continue on impotently? When that occurs we'll have our answer.

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Hi Andrew, I made a distinction between national elite competition (which, in my opinion, includes those who tried to assassinate Trump within the FBI/CIA and the Secret Service) and those elites at levels much higher than the level of national competition who Trump made a deal with, as discussed here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/red-lines-of-the-counter-elite

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I listened to Bannon for about two years and realized that if he read Sun Tzu, he didn’t understand:

“If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; ... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.”

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Thanks for the shoutout! At the end of the day no one is coming to save us, not Trump, not Elon with his space fantasies, not a new "based" Pope who will return the church to Latin Mass. Only you can save yourself, through gnostic individuation which you have written extensively about, and help your own community by being an upstanding man (or woman) of moral virtue and courage. National politics is a smoke show that we cannot really influence in any way, and to focus on it is a distraction from the areas in our life that really matter and can really make a difference.

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Great article, per the usual arrangement. Genuinely intrigued to see what comes of the Russia-Ukraine war. I was initially confident Trump would freeze and de-escalate it so we could focus on the Middle East. Given his foreign policy picks so far, however, I am suspecting that was naive.

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NeoLiberal here continues to be the best source for the Dissident history of the Trump years.

I had a cautious optimism based on Trump's campaign associates, but most of the new appointments are the typical scumbags. He has some people I believe who are actually in favor of reform, but many others who aren't - Which means a power struggle and a divided cabinet. That's bad; what needs done will require absolute unity and an iron will. As the essay points out, to forestall our doom he'd need to:

1. Implement mass deportations

2. Restructure/Dismantle the Fed

3. Slash the Federal budget, power, and pervasiveness

All of these entail short term pain in order to get the long term gain. Deportations will cause the price of some services to rise and home prices to crash; dismantling the Fed inflation engine will cause most of the megacorps to collapse, as they are reliant cheap debt, and will most likely cause a massive deflationary crash; slashing the Federal budget will leave almost half the population without some portion of their income, and even touching certain power centers, especially the military or intelligence branches, will bring a deadly reaction from those groups.

If Trump had a cabinet entirely consisting of men like Vance, Ramaswamy, or Gaetz, there's a small chance Trump's administration could pull it off and survive. But he doesn't.

We shouldn't give up hope that political solutions are possible, but as the author points out, we should be very realistic about their possible success, and based on that, have other options in play. Most likely Trump will fail, whether because he can't succeed or won't succeed is irrelevant. We're probably not going to vote our way out of this. That means force of another kind will need to be employed.

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I read John Carter's latest piece. Then I read yours. I might be a bit on a spectrum somewhere, but I enjoyed both hugely. As an inmate of GulagUK Corporation, I hope that JC's vision is at least partly realised - as much as any realistic conservative could reasonably hope for in honesty - but my instinct at this admittedly early stage is that your predictions are more likely to be fulfilled. Great writing again. Thank you.

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Thanks Renewable. I hope that the optimists are right and that Trump is successful on the core issues plaguing society, even if the odds of success are unlikely - hope should be balanced against power-political realities. “Man plans and God laughs”…

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