Great post as always. Most people just want to be told what they want to hear and have their pre-existing views affirmed, which is why the pro-trump writers get so much more traction and positive reception. This seems like a recent phenomenon and is certainly a result of the pushing of the left-right culture war dichotomy. Most trumpers ignore things like all of the hated big tech, pro surveillance oligarchs siding with Trump. When it is talked about, it's usually presented as a win, but shouldn't they want these degenerate traitors to be prosecuted for their crimes, instead of keeping their power?

It's especially disheartening to see men as awful as Peter Thiel be celebrated by the right for being against "leftism", but most people don't realize that elites like him change ideologies as easily as we change clothes in the morning; they'll adopt the mantle of leftism as easily as they will rightism, depending on which is more beneficial at the moment in their constant pursuit for the consolidation of wealth and power.

Those on the right love the "vibes" and good feelings that Trump is giving them, rather than thinking logically. They feel good about the neutering of USAID, even though many have never heard of it before (much of the information about their activities has always been out in the open; you're only allowed to notice what the elite wants you to notice!), but miss the big picture as usual. It seems that USAID was mainly used to disseminate woke propaganda, and now that the woke psyop has run it's course, it's no longer necessary.

The surface level anti-corruption moves are only targeting the corruption of the "left", while the biggest acts of corruption in history, the mass bribing of elected officials by AIPAC and the looting of the public by the federal reserve, will be left untouched. I agree that America needs to completely decouple with Israel and let fate take it's course over there. We will never be a free country until all Israel lobby mechanisms are abolished. I also find it very ironic that the "anti-immigration" president is trying to force the mass immigration of millions of people who have been resisting pressure to leave their land for over 75 years (in stark contrast to many other countries in the region).

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Great comment, dbg, thank you. You have a solid grasp of the dialectical mechanics at play here, the elite's harnessing and directing of attention for their own objectives. I hope more people can learn how this works. You're also a good writer and I hope you try your hand at writing more long-form content one day....

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Thank you, I appreciate that. I may do some longer posts sometime in the near future.

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Wow. Beautiful article man. What a journey it has been. I think what I lament most is that I don’t know people in my local life who can face this kind of reality. I don’t know what to think about Christianity anymore and I have Rurik to thank for that. It took many years to go from zionist protestant to Ortho to, saying “I don’t know”.

As I finished up the article I couldnt’t help but imagine this song called “Oh my love” by Riz Ortolani.

Which also causes me to remember the movie drive. I wonder if that movie comes out a primordial archetype of european man played by ryan gosling, having to defend his people from the scheming of a particular people. Have you seen that movie? Very on the nose as they say. Things like that give me a ray of hope.

I think these things are archetypal and just like in the song the stars will fade away to bring a bright new day.

These people that run things will remain in darkness. For them, the light of Apollo burns, but for the good, they will be ferried into that bright new day.

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Thanks for the nice comment, John. I agree with you; I know basically no one in my life who is willing to face this kind of analysis or perspective - being able to interact with rare like-minded people online is one of the great benefits of the internet. And thank you for the recommendation of Oh My Love by Riz Ortolani - I had not heard it before, but I pulled it up to listen to it and it’s really stunning. Two songs that came to mind as I listened to it (although not romantic or haunting, just on the theme of love) is George Strait’s Love Without End, Amen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gte9vxihdvU , probably my favorite song, or it’s songwriter Aaron Barker’s version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncDLYWel1m0 ) and Jim Croce’s I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Vn17S37_Y ).

Yes, I’ve seen Drive and liked it a lot. I agree with you about archetypes, and that those who live a life devoted to the pursuit of power at all cost - at the cost of truth, justice, love, beauty, etc. - are already living in a kind of Hell.

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"I know basically no one in my life who is willing to face this kind of analysis or perspective - being able to interact with rare like-minded people online is one of the great benefits of the internet"

Amen to that and profound thanks for facilitating this abyss-starers self-help group!

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Yeah. I do think there is some reality to the Christian story of a final story. What that looks like I do not know, perhaps after enough souls have made it past the archons this reality will have to be closed off. I don’t know if you are familiar with Rudolph Steiner but Ive heard about this Arihman character who will “incarnate” here and he is the opposite of the Christ Spirit. They believe his spirit is behind the drive for technocracy. I do think that there is something unnatural about trying to control all of mankind even in this plane, so I believe they will eventually “pay”. Again I do not know if that is quite the same as how Christians think it will go down but you gotta hope there is some kind of cosmic justice. Ill have to read your articles on gnosticism to get a picture of what you think of all that.

What are your thoughts on the over soul vs the individual soul? The idea that my soul is preserved among the souls of my people vs the christian or buddhist conception of the individual salvation?

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That's a good and complicated question, I think. Individual salvation rings true to me, and I also believe in what is called an egregore - which is basically a racial oversoul (although "egregore" is used in a context larger than this), and will have a future post on it. The historical use of collective punishment (which continues to this day with the elite's focus on white erasure) also contributes to the idea of a collective racial oversoul. I'm also open to Jung's conception of the collective unconscious, but need to study it properly...

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I think Mary Harrington steals all your words and ideas. Seriously. First I thought she stole a lot of her tweets from the ideas of Covfefe Anon, but I still believed she was somewhat original. Then when I read her Reactionary Feminism I thought it was so radical, but halfway in I realized she was just co-opting old Christopher Lasch. Now that I've been reading you (and John Carter and yes, I know, I know, the Canadians, but he is rhetorically gifted)I realize she takes everything from other substack writers. She also steals a lot from EMJ, but he's verboten.

In any case, I am happy you are here on this earth, keeping us just a little bit sane and a lot less intellectually and spiritually lonely. Thank you.

This is one of the songs I turn to when I want to remind myself that all I need to right in front of me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMWk9J_riPw

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Thanks IWN, I appreciate your feedback, and nice song. I enjoy engaging with you as well. Re: Mary Harrington, I havn't read her work but they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If she's simply copying other's work I would feel bad for her, as it would indicate an emptiness inside, a frenetic desire for undeserved attention. I would hope she would use the research of others rather to deepen her own understanding of the world. On some level I don't mind the copying if it helps spread ideas to those who may not otherwise hear them, although it's always better to properly attribute where ideas come from...

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Well good to meet a fellow traveler either way. God willing on the other side Ill see you there

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I appreciate the shout-out. I meant to reply to your reply but it passed my mind. I agree with you that political organization and 'political action' is a false god, at least at the moment. Any movement or organization that attempts anything is subverted one way or another and destroyed, unless it serves an aim that is beneficial to the ruling elite.

Framing it within an internal spiritual rebellion, as it were, to consciously reject as one man the Narrative and "The Current Thing" makes sense to me.

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Curious "sync" that you wrote this: "We're now in a 2001-like environment with the odious George W. Bush in power once again" because, also today, I left a comment at one of these countless stomach-churning, Trump-trumpeting posts you mention (which i also won't link to): "the pic of Trump w/ the kids reminds me of Dubya in 2001; so there is a celebration of the idea that, via the new POTUS puppet-king, the US is roughly back to the swampy ground it was on, 20 years ago, only now with AI Stargate brain-links & new mRNA turbo-boosted nano-techo transhumanism. Welcome to the woke-right. :/"

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Yes, exactly. Populism has been co-opted and we're right back in the same situation we were in 20+ years ago, just with the psyop operating on a more sophisticated level tailored for the internet. Great...

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Thank you, and I apologize for my earlier snarkiness

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That said N.F. ... let me share a recent comment I made regards the S.A. issue:

" ... isn't it a bit rich of South Africa to bring the case to the ICJ if football stadiums are filled in that country with thousands of people singing and chanting for the killing of a specific ethnic minority while the country's supreme court rules it as "not hate speech"


Interestingly BRICS nations haven't noticed any of this, due to their policy of "non-interference" but remember how they all interfered during apartheid at the U.N. to bring sanctions against South Africa? Moreover, South Africa has 142 operative race laws that discriminate against white people with 117 of those laws having been created AFTER the 1994 transition to "democracy":


Which raises the question of why South Africa was not called out for its hypocrisy at the time of it going to the ICJ, because surely one should first sweep in front of your own door in case someone finds "some dirt" on you and throw it back at you? Curious minds would like to know (as they say) why no-one brought this up before and now everyone's at a loss for responding for they have effectively supported what's going on in S.A.through their silence.


"My point being here that South Africa has set themselves up for what's currently unfolding. Of course one could ask "why now" since nobody "has noticed" for years, but that seems to be how it goes. When it becomes convenient such things are noticed, otherwise not - as simple as that.

There is of course a real case to be made that South Africa is not only the most racist country on the planet, but are in fact guilty of apartheid (as a crime against humanity) according to the UN's definition of it:"


Here's the post I commented at:


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The symbolism of the seating arrangements at the inauguration was plain for all to see. But at the same time, I don't necessarily read a whole lot into Trump holding the chair for Netanyahu. Could have just been a courtesy to an old man. Because I don't need to read anything into it. I already knew that the Trump administration is 100% zionist, with or without the symbolism of the chair holding. They have said so explicitly at every opportunity.

Even "trust the plan" types should be able to see that the tech lords who are making the "DOGE revolution" happen aren't doing it for free, or purely out of a sense of civic duty. It's helpful to remember that all of these guys, without exception, supported Biden in 2020. They are doing this because there is something big in it for them. Nor should there be any illusions that Trump himself organized this. He is clearly incapable of such (remember his first term). The meme that this is the work of Musk and a merry band of 20 year olds seems to be effective, but it masks the truth. This was planned and organized for a long time, at a high level, by some very heavy hitters (see inauguration seating). And I don't think it was just because they were appalled by "woke" appropriations or govt waste, though that could have been a factor.

I'm not technically savvy enough to say what all they're really doing in the govt computer systems, but I'm sure it's more than just looking for corruption. Others have opined on their true aims. YMMV at guessing what. But my point is, even the most hopium filled, if they are at all honest, should be able to recognize that the piper (in this case the tech lords) must be paid. Going beyond that gets speculative, and I appreciate that you do, I'm just trying to point out what cannot be honestly denied.

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"I would not be surprised if he was being paid and supported by regime elements at this point."

I think.. some people are really good at fishing. I have found much of his writing informative and thought provoking. This drew me in. Then I saw things that were so odd that I had a hard time believing that someone with such intelligence could twist. Then I saw that article ... no way someone with that level of reasoning could miss the forest for the trees that badly. Seems the operatives scale up and down, catching people where they are at their level that way they can recuperate them back to the fold. He is catching fish that Q level bait failed. A few years ago he could have got me.

Of course, he might not be but I think you are right. Very much so.

Some may say I am paranoid or take my view of agents too far. I understand. There was a time I knew this happened but I thought it was on rare occasions. I now know (personally)of a city council member who who has been developed by an NGO for certainty..an NGO who is funded by the state. They built his entire personality and platform. Including his family.. within a few years he will be in the state capital. I can't really do anything with this information other than use it to help me see the game.

With that said, if it smells like a rat ..

All warfare is based on deception.

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You’re right, John Carter’s most recent piece was truly stomach churning—and probably indicates that he is paid to dish out ‘vibe shift’ propaganda. Same goes for NS Lyons. Far too many charlatans and grifters about. Sigh.

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Genuinely retarded opinion from you and OP here

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This is a stunning summary, and the best part lies in its conclusion.

I would direct readers the extraordinary essay by Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning. He reminds us that, even when all we have is stripped away - our possessions, our freedom, our loved ones - we still have our dignity, purpose and conscience. That realization is based on his experience in the Nazi concentration camps.

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A lot to chew in this post!

From my middle of nowhere it is very worrying to see and read how so many Trump lovers have totally bought into the “full imperial mask-off power grab might is right fuck everyone else” project. While I initially thought a good thing that Trump ripped the mask off the empire, I see this dynamic very very unnerving.

We peasants are fucked…

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The pendulum swung from the left to the right, but we're subject to the same censorship and astroturfing on both sides. It's easier to fool people by offering them hope than with threats. Hopefully we can use this as an opportunity collectively to develop stronger spiritually despite this pseudo, fake paradigm shift...

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The only constant is change itself?

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We aren't fucked, my Celtiberian brather. We are only getting started. Turn to the ancestral household for succor, and face the coming struggle with bravery and virtue. You are not alone.

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Thanks for the words, Northern Celtic brother! I have the fortune to know the precise remote valley in the Pyrenees foothills where my some of my ancestors lived roughly a Millennium ago, and having this perspective of how my people endured everything that fate threw at them is very encouraging, isn’t it?

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Yes it is! The strength of our ancestors runs through our veins, we will survive this struggle for sure. It’s just gonna be crazy. The greatest story yet to be told.

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Give a man a hammer, and everything looks like a nail...

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I have posts lined up on a bunch of other topics - hopefully I'll be able to start getting back to them soon...

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I don't doubt that, Neo -- I've read you for long enough to have already seen the variety in your writing. I was referring, instead, to your tendency to require absolute and perfect rectitude of those who are, more or less, flowing in the same stream of thought and action as you (or tacking back and forth to make headway against the same unfavorable winds as you).

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It does feel like 2000 to 2001, and it is strange that we've just gone through a 'right wing anti-war' period and now suddenly the right wing wants war again. It is mind-boggling. I'm of the view that the 'deep-state' traces itself back to the House of Orange period of Britain after reading the History of Central Banking (good book). Having read it and begun reading a little more deeply about WWII I disagree with Conjuring Hitler (it had too many mistakes on dates, and weapons and other such details) (just to reference our prior discussion).

To be fair I've noticed John Carter (I'm friendly with him)'s posts have indeed changed, as they seem focused on pushing forward the idea of an annexation of Canada (I've noticed this idea to be a popular one in a lot of parts of the online right of the US). It's Canadians who bristle and spew hate against the idea, and who are against it (I myself among them, I do not wish to join the US). It is strange he went from 'Prussia of North-America' to '51st state' so quickly.

The image of Trump helping Netanyahu sit down is one that is undeniable, it tells a story that run completely contrary to what everyone is told about him.

I wonder though, what's your view of the Canadian 'elites' railing against Trump and rousing the Canadians? This seems to run contrary to the North American Union, and yet it is undeniably the goal of the Globalists. Regardless, I wonder how Turdeau's campaign in Europe for Canada's admission into the EU factors into everything, it might just be an 'alternative' for the Globalists that if they can't get Canada to unite with the US they'll have it in the EU and control it from Brussels.

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Hi Krynn, I don't follow Canadian politics very closely because the country is small and weak and generally follows whatever the U.S. is doing, although I followed the anti-COVID mandate trucker convoy a couple years ago. The country is past the point of no return with the unlimited non-integrating Jeet immigration. Re: John Carter, I think he's too smart not to know what he's doing and he's being paid or otherwise rewarded by higher-ups; this is a long-standing tradition of the intelligence services paying off social media influencers (Carter is a small fry, but they like using small fries regardless). It's gross and disgusting but it is what it is.

Regarding Conjuring Hitler, what dates, weapons and other details did you find to be incorrect?

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Fair enough, though I still hold out hope for Remigration in Europe even if I’ve none for Canada. I won’t be following Canadian politics at this point (am Canadian) anymore, doesn’t make sense to as the country’s fallen apart. Europe’s still got hope as does Japan, but Canada nope.

As to your point about the intelligence service doing that, good point.

As to the book among the errors he gets the date of the attack on Holland wrong, it was May 10th not May Day, among other such details. Just to list a few. I'm not yet finished the book, so it might be that the last bit impresses me more. Though, I'd say I'm still not as familiar with that era of history as yourself (I'm a Medievalist/historian of antiquity not a modernist). So it might be I'm just wrong.

Still though the financiers details I'm fairly certain is correct just to be fair.

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The collapse of Canada beyond repair makes its integration into the coming Greater North American Co Prosperity Sphere more likely. Sad to say.

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Sad but true. Unless something very unexpected happens like a Grey Eminence but I’m not holding my breath.

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I'm still reading but this is a masterpiece, NLF. You brought receipts too. Nothing but respect for thorough research instead of screeching rhetoric.

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I need a night to process this. Information overload. Mind blown 🤯

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I can relate to your need to release the thoughts in your head. As the John Lee Hooker song goes, "Let that boy boogie-woogie. It's in him, and it's gotta come out."

I agree with your warnings about the cult of personality, and your recommendations for individuation. As a proud Zionist, I'm delighted to see the new administration express such strong support for Israel, but I can certainly understand why you feel differently.

Regarding Elon and his posse, I'd file that under the category of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I'm glad he's exposing fraud and corruption, reversing the leftist demoralization psyops, and gutting the mechanisms of oppression. His technocratic, transhumanist agenda is tomorrow's problem.

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Thanks Alex. We don't always agree but I appreciate how you wrestle with other ideas and how you engage and keep things respectful. As I note in my footnote 3 of this post, my biggest problem with Zionism is that the same people pushing it have long pushed for wide open borders in America (especially regarding the 1965 immigration act) and they're wildly over-represented at the forefront of financial predation within this country, and it's also basically forbidden to discuss this. I'm conceptually fine with any group of people that wants to form a nation having their own sovereignty.

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One could also argue the reverse: among Republican/conservative politicians and pundits, support for both Israel and border security is the norm - Ron De Santis, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and of course Donald Trump, just to name a few. If you're looking for prominent Jews who hold this view, there are many: Stephen Miller, Ronald Lauder (president of the World Jewish Congress), Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, and so on.

Likewise, those advocating for open borders are often also the most ardent anti-Zionists (and frequently antisemites): in academia, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Angela Davis, Norman Finkelstein; in politics, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and the rest of the Squad, along with all their supporters; in media, Marc Lamont Hill (formerly of CNN), Glenn Creenwald, Max Blumenthal, Chris Hedges, Caitlin Johnstone. All of these, and many more, are vocal critics of Israel and also advocates for lax immigration policies.

My point is not to make an exhaustive list, but simply to point out that correlation between two issues signifies nothing. Some people who support Israel support border security, some do not. Some of those on both sides are Jewish. The range of opinions held by diverse individuals on political issues is too complex to draw meaning from a context-free Venn diagram with two circles.

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Hi Alex, I would argue against the inclusion of some (many?) of those names as anti-immigration activists - especially Ben Shapiro - although I am a fan of Stephen Miller's work (although I still don't understand his beef with Ann Coulter). My argument is with respect to the position of organized Jewish groups in relation to immigration and border security, not individuals. During the critical period leading up to the 1965 Immigration Act that transformed the demographic reality of America, for example, per Kevin MacDonald,

“Anti-restrictionist attitudes were held by the vast majority of the organized Jewish community—‘the entire body of religious opinion and lay opinion within the Jewish group, religiously speaking, from the extreme right and extreme left,’ in the words of Judge Simon Rifkind who testified in Congress representing a long list of national and local Jewish groups in 1948. Cofnas advocates the ‘default hypothesis’ that because of their intellectual prowess, Jews have always been highly overrepresented on both sides of various issues. This was certainly not true in the case of immigration during the critical period up to 1965 when the national origins provisions of the 1924 and 1952 laws were overturned—and long thereafter. I have never found any Jewish organization or prominent Jews leading the forces favoring the 1924 and 1952 laws—or those opposed to the 1965 law at the time it was enacted. Joyce (2021) shows the continuing powerful role of Jews in pro-immigration activism in the contemporary U.S., and, as noted above, there is substantial Jewish consensus on immigration into the present.”

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On the contrary, Jewish support for the 1965 law makes perfect sense. The Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 had severely and deliberately restricted Jewish immigration. During the Nazi era, this cost many lives (e.g., the MS St. Louis full of Jewish refugees was turned away by FDR and sent back to Germany). Post-WWII, American Jews who had family members adrift in Europe naturally wanted to be able to bring their loved ones to the USA.

The 1952 Act loosened that somewhat (with provisions for refugees, etc.), but the quota restrictions on Eastern European immigrants (many of whom were Jewish) remained quite strict. In the context of this legislative environment, of course Jews in America would try to open the door a little wider.

What people don't realize is that the 1965 Act was NOT an open-borders policy. It simply reoriented immigration quotas to emphasize family reunification and skilled labor, rather than a preference for white Christians from Western Europe (since I'm familiar with your perspective, I can see why you would have preferred for Johnson-Reed to stay the law of the land). Nonetheless, it was the 1965 Act that, for the first time, restricted Western Hemisphere immigration (specifically targeting Mexico). Ironically, this was supported by both labor unions and civil rights activists, who felt that Mexican immigrants were being exploited by employers at the expense of American workers.

Incidentally, in 1965, the USSR was still forbidding Jewish emigration, but American Jews were hopeful that this would ease. When it did, in the 1970s, many other families - including my own - were able to come to the USA because of the 1965 immigration policies.

So, two points: #1, you can't fault a group for advocating in its own interests, especially in the face of discrimination (I seem to recall you being somewhat frustrated that white Christians seem to be the only group that doesn't do this as a matter of course). #2, today's open-border policies have virtually nothing to do with the 1965 Act, which was the first piece of legislation to clamp down on the southern border.

With that said, was the 1965 Act flawless? Of course not. By excessively restricting immigration from Mexico, it made it harder for people who wanted to become American to come here legally, while unintentionally sparking the illegal migration industry that now imports hostile foreign nationals and terrorists by the thousands (if not millions).

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Thanks for the detailed response, Alex. I'll circle back to your comment here on a future post about the 1965 Immigration Act, as it's an important story...

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P.S., thanks for the kind words. I also enjoy our dialogue. I don't know if anyone else reads our comment threads, but I'd like to think that we provide a good example of calm and respectful debate.

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Excellent, reasonable dialogue. Much appreciated.

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As always, thought-provoking. The fundamental question then becomes: is individuation and curating our own lives still worthwhile if the digital panopticon is set to encompass the entire globe? I’m seriously considering relocating to Asia to escape the decay that the UK has become. That said, in the long run, is there a reason to believe we can still lead fulfilling lives and raise future generations successfully?

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It's a good question, James. The COVID rollout shows that the structure of financial predation is global in nature and there isn't really a place to escape today, although I suppose some countries will be less efficient in enacting the orders of their overlords than others. In the past one could escape to the third world - it doesn't quite seem like that's the case today... As I quoted Jasun Horsley in the post, it seems like this reality is set up so that "evil" people prosper and that the "good" ones suffer, almost like it's some sort of spiritual test.

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Ever heard of the Smiley Face murders? Large amounts of young White Republican college students keep winding up dead, with a smiley face seemingly connected. Buried as conspiracy theory. They literally targeted up and coming Midwestern Whites and took them out of the running back in the day. They target leaders first.

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I haven't been able to find the video in a long time, but Matthew North, a young youtuber who disappeared a few years ago, well he once had a video covering the topic. His video convinced me there was more to these murders. His content has since become hard to find, some think he committed suicide, others think he was killed for becoming too popular and spreading damning evidence about Joe Rogan and other media personalities.

I haven't thought about this stuff in a long time, so I better go ahead and dig around for his video on the smiley murders.

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Another excellent piece Mr NFR. As I am still working my way through your corpus of work I hope you will not mind a couple of questions on the egalitarian ratchet effect (ERE). After that I have a very brief comment on this post:

Your theory of the ERE is fascinating and the stuff of epiphanies. Question: How do you consider the ratchet may be detached/broken? It strikes me that technological advances are *facilitators* of the mechanism, not its fundamental driver. So should a powerful non-egalitarian society arrive on the scene (e.g. from outer space - Mars Attacks style) why should it not conquer us and reverse the process permanently? The ERE also presumably requires a continuous civilization. Should ours collapse and a Hobbesian world re-emerge, I would have thought that the societies that survive & prosper will be tribal and profoundly un-egalitarian & led by Bronze Age perverts perhaps. I get your point that from *within* Western (Christian) civilization an awakening is necessary and change will require a critical mass of the aware to organize. This seems a dim prospect indeed, given all electronic communication channels are controlled to counter exactly this possibility.

A further question: I have recently discovered Laurent Guyénot's theory of the origins of Christianity - which I suspect you implicitly reference in your ERE essay. Do you consider a maintenance mechanism necessary to have sustained the ERE for two millennia or so? Surely at a minimum the Learned Elders must identify & crush all emerging non-egalitarian schools of thought? Significant resources are also expended in egalitarian-washing the past; primarily the comprehensive demonization of the one moderately successful challenger to egalitarianism in the 20th century. Sadly here again technological development favors TPTB and I guess it is no accident that many of your references are to other Samizdat islands in the Substack archipelago.

You quite rightly cite Nazism as a conscious expression of Nietzsche's will to power - i.e. a deliberate attempt to reverse the trans-valuation of values in order to achieve an anti-egalitarian state ethic. I wonder have you read Edgar Julius Jung's "Rule of the Inferiour"? The two volume work appears to be the intellectual underpinnings of the German neoconservative movement - a competitor of the NSDAP. As you may know, this Jung wrote von Papen's Marburg speech and was eliminated as a result. There appears to be a single English translation and it ain't cheap: https://mellenpress.com/author/edgar-julius-jung/4563

So to your current post and a simple point re the manufacturing of consent for war with Iran: Have you taken a look at the Miami feds' Most Wanted list recently? It seems the MOSSAD have an "Iranian" perp complete with motive to take out Trump already on standby. My guess is a failed assassination, mass casualty event may be the way it goes. This would have the benefit of leaving Israel's greatest friend in place (& vengeful). https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorinfo/majid-dastjani-farahani

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Thanks John. You’re asking some good questions.

- Under the conception of the egalitarian ratchet effect a society’s core values double down on itself over time until the society collapses within, is conquered from without, or undergoes a transvaluation of values into other core values. So yes, if Western society collapses the egalitarian ratchet effect would collapse with it. I think you’re right that any society’s technology is merely a manifestation of it’s underlying values, it doesn’t develop separately from them. The ERE post was later followed up with this post: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-consolidation-phase-of-the-egalitarian . There are other related posts such as this two parter https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/deeper-societal-trends-predating

- The centralized nature of Catholicism proved quite beneficial in outcompeting Hellenism, gnosticism, and the various Christian heresies. It was the re-introduction of Aristotelean logic into Catholicism via Aquinas that proved to be destabilizing for the organization, leading to the printing press, Protestantism and then secular liberalism, vs. one can see the Eastern Orthodox Church which has weakened externally against other ideologies but it has not changed it’s core beliefs. There is a post on the Orthodox Church here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/an-exploration-of-eastern-orthodoxy This post on Julian the Apostate discusses how Christianity outcompeted Hellenism: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/julian-the-apostate-a-doomed-struggle

- Re: Laurent Guyénot, I have not read him at this time although Rurik Skywalker regularly interviews him. I plan to read his From Yahweh to Zion in the future.

- I have not read Edgar Julius Jung's Rule of the Inferiour - do you recommend it? I’ve read Carl Schmitt and quite a few Ernst Junger books, though. Post on Junger: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/ernst-junger-the-man-with-no-hands . The best book about World War 2 is Guido Preparata’s Conjuring Hitler, which is discussed here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/british-and-american-machinations

- Re: your last point, I had not seen that FBI most wanted link, thanks for sharing it, but am not surprised. I think there is a decent chance the FBI/CIA assassinates Trump, blames it on Iran, uses it as a pretext for war with Iran, while simultaneously crushing free speech dissent in the U.S. under the guise of a national security emergency while simultaneously rolling out formalized new surveillance tools. That would check a lot of boxes for our elites in one fell swoop. I don’t think it would have the desired effect with only an attempted assassination. Post on this possibility: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/guest-post-on-the-continued-elevated

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Many thanks or the comprehensive response, I've some reading to do!

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