Excellent analysis! Love how well you pulled this all together and provided the necessary links. I do question the efficacy of your choice to propagate the enemy's lexicon, e.g. capitalizing Holocaust, decapitalizing Whites, and using genocide instead of erasure. Other than these minor quibbles, I'm in awe, and pray I can help this body of work penetrate our people's consciousness.
❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.
From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!
If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.❞
Clarity within complex interactions, can be elusive.
Elsewhere you have offered the idea, that fundamental to Christian theology is egalitarianism, leading to the 'egalitarian ratchet effect'. That seems a fair characterization, and lays the groundwork for much of the destruction we now observe.
In your view, why would the persecution and death of white Christians be required at all, given that the seeds of their own destruction are essential to the theology?
Next, what is needed are simple principles that can be assimilated culturally, to keep us within the guard rails. Had the constitution been written to require any legal currency to be backed by gold or silver, how much longer do you think the nation would have retained it's founding principals?
Hi Broken, very good, fair and perceptive question. I wrote at the start of the large neoliberal feudalism essay (https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/on-the-nature-and-crafting-of-belief-c40) that I see two core problems with the world today: "(1) the private owners of the world’s central banks are attempting to aggregate all wealth in their own hands and turn the world’s population into dirt-poor serfs, or worse; and (2) a hyper-focus on achieving equality dating back to trends from thousands of years ago is resulting in a frightful “leveling down” of anything and anyone superior, flattening the world to the lowest common denominator."
While I see Pauline Christianity as being the core cause of #2, which led to the reality of privately owned central banks owned by a very small number of families (#1), based on circumstantial evidence (as that's really all we have to go off of without being in their inner circle), these central bank owners seem to periodically carry out mass murder of millions of their Christian subjects, which we are now seeing in the controlled Not-War in Ukraine. If one believes that the central bank owners worship the Demiurge, the malevolent creator and maintainer of an imperfect material reality, things make a little more sense...
Re: the constitution, I don't put much faith in it as, other than some limited Second Amendment protections, we basically have none of it left. Perhaps enshrining legal currency backed by gold or silver would have bought some more time, how much I don't know. Politics is ultimately enforced at the end of a gun, and the real impact of the constitution may be that it affords a false sense of security to those who would otherwise be more diligent in protecting their own rights.
Evil certainly does exist, and it need not be smart or consistent.
Guiding principles need to be clear, brief, and non contradictory, and , in my view, honor the highest nature of man.
Our ability to adhere to guiding principles, may be the fitness test that determines our fate.
Should the whole thing come crashing down, there will the young to take up the mantle, and try again. We need to work now on what those principles should be, so they do not make the same mistakes as their ancestors.
I agree with you, evil tends to congregate in the crevices where opportunity exists. The guiding principles I suggest are: politically, require public ownership of central banks. A strongman is going to be more responsive to his citizens than oligarchy/"democracy". Personally, stop putting one's faith in authority figures. Think for yourself. Assist others who are on similar journeys. Don't debate or engage liberals, as they operate in an alien paradigm. Foster faith in God away from gross materialism. Live below your means, avoid debt where possible. Understand that nothing in life is equal. The deepest question a society faces is how it chooses its core values, and that we owe ourselves a duty to question how we arrived at our own.
The Republican half of the globalist Uniparty couldn’t sponsor their way out of a wet paper bag. The British journalist Peter Oborne’s recent book ‘The Fate of Abraham’ is very good on this subject.
> "these central bank owners seem to periodically carry out mass murder of millions of their Christian subjects, which we are now seeing in the controlled Not-War in Ukraine"
So, we have a few hundred thousand Slavs mained - you're crying out bloody murder.
Meanwhile, 40% of England's children are non-White (tens of millions of dead souls) - and that's less of a genocide? Are you even capable of abstract thinking? That's not the way I'd choose to kill the Slavs, at least. Too risky.
Great stuff, as usual! I think a plausible downfall scenario for the globohomo could happen in the context of a secession movement whereby some Southern state (TX?) comes into irreconcilable conflict with the Fed Gov over something (immigration?) and the wheels come off in short order. In fact, it’s all happening right now, with TX governor Abbott and AG Paxton leading the way (wonder why they went so hard after Paxton with that bogus impeachment?). Soon TX could be joined by other ‘friendly’ states with resources, National Guards, redneck militias to make sure they “don’t try that in a small town” etc and all of a sudden it’s not so easy for the globohomo. The tides can turn in a hurry.
Thanks Max. A peaceful secession would be one of the more optimistic scenarios for the future, I think. The problem with that possibility is I don't think sociopathic liberals will ever let dissidents break-away in peace; they will always want to control them by whatever means necessary.
I really love your work and and I agree as a whole with all your positions, I am just disturbed by the lack of sound proof around the "privately owned central banks thesis". To be more precise, we know for a fact that the Fed is owned by the big banks who were directly or indirectly presetn at Jekyll Island. That's an historical fact....But I have never seen a proof that the french national Bank, or now the ECB are owned by big banks...We know they are ideologically aligned with big banks (not for their whole history for the Fren National Bank for instance) but I have never seen evidence of anything beyond....that's an issue in terms of the relations our side has with what is a proof, and how much our discourse is evidence-based, which is one of our core arguments against the leftist loonies....
Hi Jordan, I have not studied the ECB or the French National Bank much specifically, although I have discussed the Fed, the Bank of England, the Bank of Russia, the South African Reserve Bank, etc. I agree with you generally that I wish the hard evidence for the top layer were stronger, but sometimes we have to infer motivation and setup from the results and work backwards. World events become much more predictable with this explanation, and, at least to me, predictability is the key metric one should use for shaping ones worldview.
Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former director of the South Africa Reserve Bank, called the ECB a Rothschild bank in "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind."
The Tower of Babel scenario is inevitable given the IQ shredding impact of technology. In the same way that cooking gave us tiny little teeth, and machinery gives us flabby soyjack bodies, computers and AI will turn the human brain into a useless vestigial organ. Maybe the survivors will evolve back into intelligent beings, but they'd have stiff competition from crows and squirrels for the next dominant species.
So, you’re saying the reason the (white) bankers - if they are in fact “white”- want to eliminate white plebs, while increasing the world population of all other non white groups is because they think they can more easily control these non white groups? Hmmm. Why would they think that? How would this fit in with the empires of Ottoman Turks and Persia? I’d like more evidence that this would be their motivation, if it is in fact the central bankers, like the Rothschilds, who are behind all of these atrocities. It doesn’t make complete sense. When did this grand battle begin? In the biblical days? And were they anti Christian then too? Anti white? Or did it all start when the first central bank was established? I’m just not feeling like this all quite makes sense, though some of it does.
This article discusses many events, over many centuries, that involved many different actors. Yet the author attributes all of them singularly to a bogeyman. I am not sure what the point of this straw-man reasoning is, which is the problem with all straw-men arguments. If the author wants to say “there is a global elite, today, that has little regard for nation-states as independent actors and the political consensus of each nation’s population,” fair enough. But straw-man arguments usually wind up proving too much. I am not well enough informed to assess whether that is the case here, but I do think saying things that amount to “stone age agriculture + the Boer Wars + petrodollars = globohomo” is unserious. The author need not go so far to make a narrower and more incisive point.
Hi Joshua, this is why I gave a disclaimer at the very top of the post that this discussion was based on previous work. To read an article based on an assumption that the Rothschilds et al. control the central banks of the world, without understanding the underlying reasoning for that assumption, would give precisely the response you state herein. The underlying link is here: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies . I hope you find it helpful.
Also, this post clarifies for me why they went so hard after the professional managerial class with the jabs, and why they have been encouraging white women not to have kids and have abortions.
The "dissidents" "we" have are such that I'm more at home amongst transvestites.
> "The hyper masculinity of the 1980s is missed."
How is miscegenating with Negroes "masculine" in any way? To me, the ideal of masculinity is the German who shot the last Jew in Vinnitsa. (Even if his voice might have been as high-pitched as mine.)
> "the central bank owners. From their world-spanning perspective, nation states are mere provinces"
See, the inherent missing point in the syllogism is that the central bank owners are implicitly "evil". They are not necessarily so, they are only such because they are Christianised Jews living in a Christian host. Remove the faith of Jesus, and there would be no issue with the banks.
> "To the ruling class [...] whether it increases or decreases their control over the worldwide masses"
You're failing to consider the geography. The globohomo is the West - America, Europe, Russia, Latinos, occupied Japan. Globalisation has been ineffective in Asia - see the recent Artsakh and Rohingya genocides.
> "The best soft power, though, was the image of America as a bastion of “freedom”
and “democracy” worldwide, an image that is rapidly fading, or has already faded."
This is a mistaken view. There are two faces to it: 1) the general West-worship in the deceased Warsaw Pact - it stemmed from their shared Christian heritage, with Marxism deemed as obsolete; 2) the poor Asians who will forever keep flooding to the West as long as the West remains filthy rich.
As to the freedom of speech - it's complicated. By some accounts, it has never been different from other cultures, as it's always suppressed differing viewpoints - see the suppression of the Communist Party of the USA. By others, it still remains ridiculously free and degenerate - again, nobody is shutting down 4chan and the Unz Review (unlike in the Ukraine or Russia).
> "China has been controlled by the central bankers since at least World War 2"
If you are willing to disregard the entire Chinese Civil War with the Communist victory, and the American Christian lackeys fleeing to Formosa, why not go full conspiracy nut, and follow Galkovsky? Purely because you don't know Russian, so you can't partake in their schizophrenia?
I will enlighten you - Galkovsky considers the entire world divided between America and England. England commands all Communists. Have fun!
> "Each type has its own particular objectives (which are always different than what is announced to the public)"
The issue with this point is that when literally everyone is saying the same things, are they really not what is there to it? When all the high-brow academics with half a century of experience talk about the democratisation of Iraq, of how transferring American industry to China was intended to turn Chinese gay, how Afghan people cannot be gassed in gas chambers... maybe all of that is indeed true?
> "Wars against white Christian countries or communities as part of the overarching white and Christian genocide in the West."
How much have Christcucks paid you xd?
> "a war against white Christian Russia"
Russia is swarthy and Muslim.
> "Forever-wars are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory."
Or they are sabotaged by Christians who have forbidden themselves to kill their enemies out of fear of actually genociding Asians and settling their lands with Europeans - can't have that! Jesus forbids!
> "Ongoing tensions with Iran"
No Iran-Iraq war as a case of a forever war? Because you haven't watched Sofa Legion Strategist due to the language barrier?
> "Saudi got scared by Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait"
No nation in the world has been allowed to annex any territories since 1939 (with the possible exceptions of Morocco and Israel). Why would Iraq have been different?
> "he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”, which is what cost him his life."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Saddam a "servile sadist" doing the CIA's bidding in that he moved all his forces to the Turkish border, making the American advance utterly unopposed. Thoughts?
> "in 2010 Qaddafi announced the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people; this is why he was murdered."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Gaddafi a CIA asset because he was dealing with NATO, refused to purchase weapons from Juche Korea and Syria, and ultimately led to his country's destruction. Thoughts?
> "why the CIA regularly sponsors protests in Iran to try to overthrow the political system."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Soleimani a CIA agent for throwing Iraqi Shia militias in suicide charges against the supposedly CIA-backed ISIS, weakening Iran's position in Iraq. Thoughts?
> "Wars against white Christian countries or communities, as part of the overarching white and Christian genocide in the West"
Rather pointless, considering that the Europeans have a deep-seated death-wish ever since being converted to this self-hating Jewish creed, and rejecting Adolf Hitler. One cannot call a collective suicide a war. Again, you are trying to suck the Christcucks off.
And if I were to invoke Sofa Legion Strategist again, he posits that it is the CIA that is spreading Christian schizophrenia around the world, with anti-vaxxer nonsense, young Earth creationism, and Islamic fundamentalism, stifling the planet's progress never to reach Kardashev 2.
> "drugs (fentanyl, where the Biden regime"
Wasn't war on drugs bad? No idea here.
> "the white percentage of the worldwide population has decreased from 25% to 6.5% since 1900."
Why are you not blaming the Christians for not exterminating the population of Japan in the 1940s, when they had a chance to settle it with Aryans?
> "The Second Boer War"
And the American Civil War was not about slavery, no matter what Dr. Robert Morgan might have said on the Unz Review?
> "The Rothschilds initiated the war under flimsy pretexts (much like the Opium Wars)"
So, you're a race traitor now! 'tis a pleasure to meet you. This is why I'm more at home amongst the esteemed transvestites, told ya!
> "155,000 women and children were imprisoned in the concentration camps, which was almost 2/3 of the entire Boer population."
Tear-jerking Christian tactics. When this was done, England was white. When America refused to exterminate the Japanese, Kennedy soon sent White kids to schools with Negroes.
...Honestly, I can't read anymore. This is making me mad. You are not using words, you are farting memes - that only Christians can understand anyway.
I will say, let history return, "thunderous and bellicose". May the most energy-efficient actor win. Hopefully, humans go extinct (AI-Kalki).
Hi Adunai, I'm not quite sure where to begin on this response; each point could be responded to at length. Basically, though, I think it goes back to our different perspectives on how we think society's values should be transvalued. I would like to see a blend between egalitarianism and inegalitarianism (away from the pure, unadulterated egalitarian ratchet effect we are currently experiencing), while I think you would like to see a full transvaluation of values back into pure warrior values, as seen by your love of Juche Korea. I think we also have differing thoughts on individualism vs. group behavior.
To my mind, the main thing I disagree with is your submission to Christian conspiracy thinking. My anarkiddy Strategos is at least unique in this regard by supporting vaccination (amusingly, drawing immense ire from his conspiratard audience) - whereas you are the opposite, talking about how Washington is supposedly interested in exterminating the specific goat-fucking cults of West Asia because they refer to Allah in Aramaic!
Another major point is how you are not explaining why the banks' agenda is not worthy of admiration, or why it just so coincides with the Aryans' death-wish (if you even recognise the latter at all - you seem to think the bankers are waging war on the Aryans).
And the final point of my trying to be concise without the help of AI (shocking), you have characterised the Opium Wars against China in a negative light - which effectively amounts to cuck porn. Again, if I wanted to cherish Asiatics, I know where to look.
On a more constructive note, if were were to imagine a post-European world, where do you think the "bankers" would weave their nest next? Turkey, India or China? Even then, I just don't see them being capable of cucking their host in any comparable way - with the death of America, Asia will turn to bloodthirst and nuclear weapons, and those poor bankers will have to hold for dear life on the back of that wild horse of history.
I don't know what you mean by Christian conspiracy thinking - do Christians have a monopoly on conspiracy thinking?
Regarding why the bankers's agenda being not worthy of admiration, I don't admire power in the pursuit of power as an end goal, whatever its cost -- perhaps you do. I admire power in pursuit of higher ideals. I have touched on this in many posts, including the two parter on environmentalism. I suppose it's the same reason why I found Game of Thrones and Succession unwatchable (well, other than I try to avoid mainstream, popular "entertainment"), as I saw no one with higher aspirations, no one to root for.
I've argued, including in this post, that the bankers controls the BRICS countries. They control Turkey as well. From what I see they don't consider them much of a threat or a challenge compared to whites in western countries.
> "I don't admire power in the pursuit of power as an end goal, whatever its cost"
But that's the thing, I'm not entirely sure what the bankers of your theory are like. From what I've gathered, they: 1) have the money; 2) are conducive to the West killing itself with Christian mercy; 3) are helpless to prevent Asian-on-Asian genocides.
In this regard, I fail to see the bankers' future - or the future of the globohomo - after the fall of America. Because when the Aryan race goes extinct, the Pax Americana will end, and as Asians do not share suicidal Christian values, and the bankers have failed to inculcate them in them, the Asians will revert to their usual bloodthirsty ways.
Honestly, the bankers seem irrelevant to me without the Whites. Even if they survive into the new age, so what? They could remain a shadowy cabal in the new Asiatic empires of Turân and Chinese America, maybe even securing a future for Israel, but it wouldn't be globohomo anymore, merely an elevated and noble caste of priests. Again, sounds awesome!
As to the question of efficiency - Christian mercy is the greatest obstacle to any progress. Meanwhile, if one gives enough time to barbarians, they just might start building cities and writing books - without the baggage of Christianity.
> "while I think you would like to see a full transvaluation of values back into pure warrior values, as seen by your love of Juche Korea."
The issue with this view is that the entire humanity shares my so-called "warrior values", and only the suicidal, dying Christcucks are into LGBT and pursuit of happiness. Burma, Afghanistan, Korea, Azerbaijan - they are democratic countries, and they share the same old exterminationist hatred of foreigners that your Jesus-loving heart is scared of.
P.S. My gratitude for not having banned me yet, I don't know how much time I have left with ideas such as these xd
I don't mind odd or strange views, of which yours may be among the strangest I've seen -- a (Ukrainian, I think?) guy who hopes for the extermination of humanity (AI-Kalki) so Juche Korea can take over the world, or maybe its extermination even without it, meanwhile you feel more in the company of transsexuals who are themselves a primary output of this white erasure project. It's kind of funny. Sometimes your comments point me in new, strange directions. I try not to ban or delete posts unless someone is being really detrimental toward civil discourse.
Thanks! Sure, I'm Galician, but I'm way too autistic and detached from any social circles for that to be relevant - although my Russian genetics might come up in the sheer thinking-out-of-the-box quality. I get triggered by both cultures - the Russians utterly lack the spirit of academia, of the Apollonian attention to definitions and dispassionate detail (easily entangled in Marxism without even acknowledging it - at least trannies know they are trannies). Whereas the West impresses me with its grandiose Faustian spirit, its science, its honesty and sincerity - almost admitting that they want to kill themselves because they use the Logos in a clear-cut way.
To tell the truth, I've not been slighted that much in my life to be a school shooter, and even though I'm an incel, I do not personally have rape fantasies (although my compassionate heart completely understands fully hateful incels). Neither do I understand vegetarianism - making Chechar mad (although I do love crows). Yet, my understanding of my place in space and time does leave me disgusted enough to feel exterminationist hatred on a large scale - but more so towards humans who do not convert energy efficiently enough (Jews > soap). And considering that the absolutely entirety of the Aryan race is gone at this point, one way or another (maybe with the exception of Poland, we'll see), the only things that remain are either an Asian triumph, or the Paperclip Solution by the AI. Either of which is fine by me.
I'm tired of seeing so many decently intelligent folks fall into ideological traps, be it childish anarchism (Sofa), dogmatic fear of suffering (Chechar), or indeed an irrational hatred of the banker caste (NeoFeudalism). The only truth is survival (of the collective), and the only path thereto - efficient energy manipulation.
Brilliant and sobering analysis.
Excellent analysis! Love how well you pulled this all together and provided the necessary links. I do question the efficacy of your choice to propagate the enemy's lexicon, e.g. capitalizing Holocaust, decapitalizing Whites, and using genocide instead of erasure. Other than these minor quibbles, I'm in awe, and pray I can help this body of work penetrate our people's consciousness.
❝. . . the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.
From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorize from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!
If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.❞
Painful for me to contemplate the evil they committed against my Boer kin, while pinning the blame on "the British”.
Clarity within complex interactions, can be elusive.
Elsewhere you have offered the idea, that fundamental to Christian theology is egalitarianism, leading to the 'egalitarian ratchet effect'. That seems a fair characterization, and lays the groundwork for much of the destruction we now observe.
In your view, why would the persecution and death of white Christians be required at all, given that the seeds of their own destruction are essential to the theology?
Next, what is needed are simple principles that can be assimilated culturally, to keep us within the guard rails. Had the constitution been written to require any legal currency to be backed by gold or silver, how much longer do you think the nation would have retained it's founding principals?
Hi Broken, very good, fair and perceptive question. I wrote at the start of the large neoliberal feudalism essay (https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/on-the-nature-and-crafting-of-belief-c40) that I see two core problems with the world today: "(1) the private owners of the world’s central banks are attempting to aggregate all wealth in their own hands and turn the world’s population into dirt-poor serfs, or worse; and (2) a hyper-focus on achieving equality dating back to trends from thousands of years ago is resulting in a frightful “leveling down” of anything and anyone superior, flattening the world to the lowest common denominator."
While I see Pauline Christianity as being the core cause of #2, which led to the reality of privately owned central banks owned by a very small number of families (#1), based on circumstantial evidence (as that's really all we have to go off of without being in their inner circle), these central bank owners seem to periodically carry out mass murder of millions of their Christian subjects, which we are now seeing in the controlled Not-War in Ukraine. If one believes that the central bank owners worship the Demiurge, the malevolent creator and maintainer of an imperfect material reality, things make a little more sense...
Re: the constitution, I don't put much faith in it as, other than some limited Second Amendment protections, we basically have none of it left. Perhaps enshrining legal currency backed by gold or silver would have bought some more time, how much I don't know. Politics is ultimately enforced at the end of a gun, and the real impact of the constitution may be that it affords a false sense of security to those who would otherwise be more diligent in protecting their own rights.
Thank you. Thinking about this.
Evil certainly does exist, and it need not be smart or consistent.
Guiding principles need to be clear, brief, and non contradictory, and , in my view, honor the highest nature of man.
Our ability to adhere to guiding principles, may be the fitness test that determines our fate.
Should the whole thing come crashing down, there will the young to take up the mantle, and try again. We need to work now on what those principles should be, so they do not make the same mistakes as their ancestors.
I agree with you, evil tends to congregate in the crevices where opportunity exists. The guiding principles I suggest are: politically, require public ownership of central banks. A strongman is going to be more responsive to his citizens than oligarchy/"democracy". Personally, stop putting one's faith in authority figures. Think for yourself. Assist others who are on similar journeys. Don't debate or engage liberals, as they operate in an alien paradigm. Foster faith in God away from gross materialism. Live below your means, avoid debt where possible. Understand that nothing in life is equal. The deepest question a society faces is how it chooses its core values, and that we owe ourselves a duty to question how we arrived at our own.
> "Foster faith in God away from gross materialism."
Meanwhile, the Republicans are sponsoring Islamic fundamentalism.
I don't quite understand this comment, but I'm far from a "Republican".
The Republican half of the globalist Uniparty couldn’t sponsor their way out of a wet paper bag. The British journalist Peter Oborne’s recent book ‘The Fate of Abraham’ is very good on this subject.
> "these central bank owners seem to periodically carry out mass murder of millions of their Christian subjects, which we are now seeing in the controlled Not-War in Ukraine"
So, we have a few hundred thousand Slavs mained - you're crying out bloody murder.
Meanwhile, 40% of England's children are non-White (tens of millions of dead souls) - and that's less of a genocide? Are you even capable of abstract thinking? That's not the way I'd choose to kill the Slavs, at least. Too risky.
I've discussed in numerous posts the demographic replacements of whites with foreigners throughout the west. Here's a whole post on it: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-intentional-implosion-of-california
Great stuff, as usual! I think a plausible downfall scenario for the globohomo could happen in the context of a secession movement whereby some Southern state (TX?) comes into irreconcilable conflict with the Fed Gov over something (immigration?) and the wheels come off in short order. In fact, it’s all happening right now, with TX governor Abbott and AG Paxton leading the way (wonder why they went so hard after Paxton with that bogus impeachment?). Soon TX could be joined by other ‘friendly’ states with resources, National Guards, redneck militias to make sure they “don’t try that in a small town” etc and all of a sudden it’s not so easy for the globohomo. The tides can turn in a hurry.
Thanks Max. A peaceful secession would be one of the more optimistic scenarios for the future, I think. The problem with that possibility is I don't think sociopathic liberals will ever let dissidents break-away in peace; they will always want to control them by whatever means necessary.
No doubt
I really love your work and and I agree as a whole with all your positions, I am just disturbed by the lack of sound proof around the "privately owned central banks thesis". To be more precise, we know for a fact that the Fed is owned by the big banks who were directly or indirectly presetn at Jekyll Island. That's an historical fact....But I have never seen a proof that the french national Bank, or now the ECB are owned by big banks...We know they are ideologically aligned with big banks (not for their whole history for the Fren National Bank for instance) but I have never seen evidence of anything beyond....that's an issue in terms of the relations our side has with what is a proof, and how much our discourse is evidence-based, which is one of our core arguments against the leftist loonies....
Hi Jordan, I have not studied the ECB or the French National Bank much specifically, although I have discussed the Fed, the Bank of England, the Bank of Russia, the South African Reserve Bank, etc. I agree with you generally that I wish the hard evidence for the top layer were stronger, but sometimes we have to infer motivation and setup from the results and work backwards. World events become much more predictable with this explanation, and, at least to me, predictability is the key metric one should use for shaping ones worldview.
Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former director of the South Africa Reserve Bank, called the ECB a Rothschild bank in "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind."
Have you done a compound search on say Presearch? There’s a lot of stuff I found linking the ECB with IMF and BIS.
The Tower of Babel scenario is inevitable given the IQ shredding impact of technology. In the same way that cooking gave us tiny little teeth, and machinery gives us flabby soyjack bodies, computers and AI will turn the human brain into a useless vestigial organ. Maybe the survivors will evolve back into intelligent beings, but they'd have stiff competition from crows and squirrels for the next dominant species.
So, you’re saying the reason the (white) bankers - if they are in fact “white”- want to eliminate white plebs, while increasing the world population of all other non white groups is because they think they can more easily control these non white groups? Hmmm. Why would they think that? How would this fit in with the empires of Ottoman Turks and Persia? I’d like more evidence that this would be their motivation, if it is in fact the central bankers, like the Rothschilds, who are behind all of these atrocities. It doesn’t make complete sense. When did this grand battle begin? In the biblical days? And were they anti Christian then too? Anti white? Or did it all start when the first central bank was established? I’m just not feeling like this all quite makes sense, though some of it does.
This article discusses many events, over many centuries, that involved many different actors. Yet the author attributes all of them singularly to a bogeyman. I am not sure what the point of this straw-man reasoning is, which is the problem with all straw-men arguments. If the author wants to say “there is a global elite, today, that has little regard for nation-states as independent actors and the political consensus of each nation’s population,” fair enough. But straw-man arguments usually wind up proving too much. I am not well enough informed to assess whether that is the case here, but I do think saying things that amount to “stone age agriculture + the Boer Wars + petrodollars = globohomo” is unserious. The author need not go so far to make a narrower and more incisive point.
Hi Joshua, this is why I gave a disclaimer at the very top of the post that this discussion was based on previous work. To read an article based on an assumption that the Rothschilds et al. control the central banks of the world, without understanding the underlying reasoning for that assumption, would give precisely the response you state herein. The underlying link is here: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies . I hope you find it helpful.
Thank you for the reply, sir.
America it seems to me is the one hope to stand against the Death Star.
Also, this post clarifies for me why they went so hard after the professional managerial class with the jabs, and why they have been encouraging white women not to have kids and have abortions.
The "dissidents" "we" have are such that I'm more at home amongst transvestites.
> "The hyper masculinity of the 1980s is missed."
How is miscegenating with Negroes "masculine" in any way? To me, the ideal of masculinity is the German who shot the last Jew in Vinnitsa. (Even if his voice might have been as high-pitched as mine.)
> "the central bank owners. From their world-spanning perspective, nation states are mere provinces"
See, the inherent missing point in the syllogism is that the central bank owners are implicitly "evil". They are not necessarily so, they are only such because they are Christianised Jews living in a Christian host. Remove the faith of Jesus, and there would be no issue with the banks.
> "To the ruling class [...] whether it increases or decreases their control over the worldwide masses"
You're failing to consider the geography. The globohomo is the West - America, Europe, Russia, Latinos, occupied Japan. Globalisation has been ineffective in Asia - see the recent Artsakh and Rohingya genocides.
> "The best soft power, though, was the image of America as a bastion of “freedom”
and “democracy” worldwide, an image that is rapidly fading, or has already faded."
This is a mistaken view. There are two faces to it: 1) the general West-worship in the deceased Warsaw Pact - it stemmed from their shared Christian heritage, with Marxism deemed as obsolete; 2) the poor Asians who will forever keep flooding to the West as long as the West remains filthy rich.
As to the freedom of speech - it's complicated. By some accounts, it has never been different from other cultures, as it's always suppressed differing viewpoints - see the suppression of the Communist Party of the USA. By others, it still remains ridiculously free and degenerate - again, nobody is shutting down 4chan and the Unz Review (unlike in the Ukraine or Russia).
> "China has been controlled by the central bankers since at least World War 2"
If you are willing to disregard the entire Chinese Civil War with the Communist victory, and the American Christian lackeys fleeing to Formosa, why not go full conspiracy nut, and follow Galkovsky? Purely because you don't know Russian, so you can't partake in their schizophrenia?
I will enlighten you - Galkovsky considers the entire world divided between America and England. England commands all Communists. Have fun!
> "Each type has its own particular objectives (which are always different than what is announced to the public)"
The issue with this point is that when literally everyone is saying the same things, are they really not what is there to it? When all the high-brow academics with half a century of experience talk about the democratisation of Iraq, of how transferring American industry to China was intended to turn Chinese gay, how Afghan people cannot be gassed in gas chambers... maybe all of that is indeed true?
> "Wars against white Christian countries or communities as part of the overarching white and Christian genocide in the West."
How much have Christcucks paid you xd?
> "a war against white Christian Russia"
Russia is swarthy and Muslim.
> "Forever-wars are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory."
Or they are sabotaged by Christians who have forbidden themselves to kill their enemies out of fear of actually genociding Asians and settling their lands with Europeans - can't have that! Jesus forbids!
> "Ongoing tensions with Iran"
No Iran-Iraq war as a case of a forever war? Because you haven't watched Sofa Legion Strategist due to the language barrier?
> "Saudi got scared by Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait"
No nation in the world has been allowed to annex any territories since 1939 (with the possible exceptions of Morocco and Israel). Why would Iraq have been different?
> "he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”, which is what cost him his life."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Saddam a "servile sadist" doing the CIA's bidding in that he moved all his forces to the Turkish border, making the American advance utterly unopposed. Thoughts?
> "in 2010 Qaddafi announced the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people; this is why he was murdered."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Gaddafi a CIA asset because he was dealing with NATO, refused to purchase weapons from Juche Korea and Syria, and ultimately led to his country's destruction. Thoughts?
> "why the CIA regularly sponsors protests in Iran to try to overthrow the political system."
Sofa Legion Strategist calls Soleimani a CIA agent for throwing Iraqi Shia militias in suicide charges against the supposedly CIA-backed ISIS, weakening Iran's position in Iraq. Thoughts?
> "Wars against white Christian countries or communities, as part of the overarching white and Christian genocide in the West"
Rather pointless, considering that the Europeans have a deep-seated death-wish ever since being converted to this self-hating Jewish creed, and rejecting Adolf Hitler. One cannot call a collective suicide a war. Again, you are trying to suck the Christcucks off.
And if I were to invoke Sofa Legion Strategist again, he posits that it is the CIA that is spreading Christian schizophrenia around the world, with anti-vaxxer nonsense, young Earth creationism, and Islamic fundamentalism, stifling the planet's progress never to reach Kardashev 2.
> "drugs (fentanyl, where the Biden regime"
Wasn't war on drugs bad? No idea here.
> "the white percentage of the worldwide population has decreased from 25% to 6.5% since 1900."
Why are you not blaming the Christians for not exterminating the population of Japan in the 1940s, when they had a chance to settle it with Aryans?
> "The Second Boer War"
And the American Civil War was not about slavery, no matter what Dr. Robert Morgan might have said on the Unz Review?
> "The Rothschilds initiated the war under flimsy pretexts (much like the Opium Wars)"
So, you're a race traitor now! 'tis a pleasure to meet you. This is why I'm more at home amongst the esteemed transvestites, told ya!
> "155,000 women and children were imprisoned in the concentration camps, which was almost 2/3 of the entire Boer population."
Tear-jerking Christian tactics. When this was done, England was white. When America refused to exterminate the Japanese, Kennedy soon sent White kids to schools with Negroes.
...Honestly, I can't read anymore. This is making me mad. You are not using words, you are farting memes - that only Christians can understand anyway.
I will say, let history return, "thunderous and bellicose". May the most energy-efficient actor win. Hopefully, humans go extinct (AI-Kalki).
Hi Adunai, I'm not quite sure where to begin on this response; each point could be responded to at length. Basically, though, I think it goes back to our different perspectives on how we think society's values should be transvalued. I would like to see a blend between egalitarianism and inegalitarianism (away from the pure, unadulterated egalitarian ratchet effect we are currently experiencing), while I think you would like to see a full transvaluation of values back into pure warrior values, as seen by your love of Juche Korea. I think we also have differing thoughts on individualism vs. group behavior.
To my mind, the main thing I disagree with is your submission to Christian conspiracy thinking. My anarkiddy Strategos is at least unique in this regard by supporting vaccination (amusingly, drawing immense ire from his conspiratard audience) - whereas you are the opposite, talking about how Washington is supposedly interested in exterminating the specific goat-fucking cults of West Asia because they refer to Allah in Aramaic!
Another major point is how you are not explaining why the banks' agenda is not worthy of admiration, or why it just so coincides with the Aryans' death-wish (if you even recognise the latter at all - you seem to think the bankers are waging war on the Aryans).
And the final point of my trying to be concise without the help of AI (shocking), you have characterised the Opium Wars against China in a negative light - which effectively amounts to cuck porn. Again, if I wanted to cherish Asiatics, I know where to look.
On a more constructive note, if were were to imagine a post-European world, where do you think the "bankers" would weave their nest next? Turkey, India or China? Even then, I just don't see them being capable of cucking their host in any comparable way - with the death of America, Asia will turn to bloodthirst and nuclear weapons, and those poor bankers will have to hold for dear life on the back of that wild horse of history.
I don't know what you mean by Christian conspiracy thinking - do Christians have a monopoly on conspiracy thinking?
Regarding why the bankers's agenda being not worthy of admiration, I don't admire power in the pursuit of power as an end goal, whatever its cost -- perhaps you do. I admire power in pursuit of higher ideals. I have touched on this in many posts, including the two parter on environmentalism. I suppose it's the same reason why I found Game of Thrones and Succession unwatchable (well, other than I try to avoid mainstream, popular "entertainment"), as I saw no one with higher aspirations, no one to root for.
I've argued, including in this post, that the bankers controls the BRICS countries. They control Turkey as well. From what I see they don't consider them much of a threat or a challenge compared to whites in western countries.
> "I don't admire power in the pursuit of power as an end goal, whatever its cost"
But that's the thing, I'm not entirely sure what the bankers of your theory are like. From what I've gathered, they: 1) have the money; 2) are conducive to the West killing itself with Christian mercy; 3) are helpless to prevent Asian-on-Asian genocides.
In this regard, I fail to see the bankers' future - or the future of the globohomo - after the fall of America. Because when the Aryan race goes extinct, the Pax Americana will end, and as Asians do not share suicidal Christian values, and the bankers have failed to inculcate them in them, the Asians will revert to their usual bloodthirsty ways.
Honestly, the bankers seem irrelevant to me without the Whites. Even if they survive into the new age, so what? They could remain a shadowy cabal in the new Asiatic empires of Turân and Chinese America, maybe even securing a future for Israel, but it wouldn't be globohomo anymore, merely an elevated and noble caste of priests. Again, sounds awesome!
As to the question of efficiency - Christian mercy is the greatest obstacle to any progress. Meanwhile, if one gives enough time to barbarians, they just might start building cities and writing books - without the baggage of Christianity.
> "while I think you would like to see a full transvaluation of values back into pure warrior values, as seen by your love of Juche Korea."
The issue with this view is that the entire humanity shares my so-called "warrior values", and only the suicidal, dying Christcucks are into LGBT and pursuit of happiness. Burma, Afghanistan, Korea, Azerbaijan - they are democratic countries, and they share the same old exterminationist hatred of foreigners that your Jesus-loving heart is scared of.
P.S. My gratitude for not having banned me yet, I don't know how much time I have left with ideas such as these xd
I don't mind odd or strange views, of which yours may be among the strangest I've seen -- a (Ukrainian, I think?) guy who hopes for the extermination of humanity (AI-Kalki) so Juche Korea can take over the world, or maybe its extermination even without it, meanwhile you feel more in the company of transsexuals who are themselves a primary output of this white erasure project. It's kind of funny. Sometimes your comments point me in new, strange directions. I try not to ban or delete posts unless someone is being really detrimental toward civil discourse.
Thanks! Sure, I'm Galician, but I'm way too autistic and detached from any social circles for that to be relevant - although my Russian genetics might come up in the sheer thinking-out-of-the-box quality. I get triggered by both cultures - the Russians utterly lack the spirit of academia, of the Apollonian attention to definitions and dispassionate detail (easily entangled in Marxism without even acknowledging it - at least trannies know they are trannies). Whereas the West impresses me with its grandiose Faustian spirit, its science, its honesty and sincerity - almost admitting that they want to kill themselves because they use the Logos in a clear-cut way.
To tell the truth, I've not been slighted that much in my life to be a school shooter, and even though I'm an incel, I do not personally have rape fantasies (although my compassionate heart completely understands fully hateful incels). Neither do I understand vegetarianism - making Chechar mad (although I do love crows). Yet, my understanding of my place in space and time does leave me disgusted enough to feel exterminationist hatred on a large scale - but more so towards humans who do not convert energy efficiently enough (Jews > soap). And considering that the absolutely entirety of the Aryan race is gone at this point, one way or another (maybe with the exception of Poland, we'll see), the only things that remain are either an Asian triumph, or the Paperclip Solution by the AI. Either of which is fine by me.
I'm tired of seeing so many decently intelligent folks fall into ideological traps, be it childish anarchism (Sofa), dogmatic fear of suffering (Chechar), or indeed an irrational hatred of the banker caste (NeoFeudalism). The only truth is survival (of the collective), and the only path thereto - efficient energy manipulation.