A typology of globohomo-initiated wars: Assessing success or failure by the objectives sought
This post offers a typology of globohomo-initiated wars. An understanding of how the central bank owners own and control Western civilization is helpful background knowledge to appreciate the arguments advanced within.
Is globohomo invincible?
What a loaded question. It’s an emotionally charged question, too: a dissident with an optimistic, hopeful streak will likely instinctively react “Hell no!” and “This question is inherently demoralizing and shouldn’t even be considered - of course they’re beatable! Focus on the bright side of things, God is on our side!”
Okay, great. I am comforted, thanks for that. But it wouldn’t hurt to consider the question and then reject it after some analysis, right? Let’s give it a try.
First let’s define “globohomo” and “invincible” in the context of the question presented. We can avoid defining what “is” means, sorry Bill Clinton.
Globohomo is a portmanteau of “globalization” plus either “homogenization” or “homosexuality”. Globalism really kicked into gear with the founding of the United Nations in 1945 (after the League of Nations failed), but movement toward it has been ongoing since either:
The privately owned Bank of England was established in 1694, allowing the printing of fiat out of thin air with such funds lent to the British government at interest for the Bank owner’s benefit, or
From a wider perspective, since the neolithic agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago where history has been trending, with some hiccups, toward ever-increasing power centralization into larger and larger blocs controlled by fewer and fewer people with ever-increasing micro-managed control of governments over their populations.
The homosexual component of globohomo is a fairly recent phenomenon, gaining steam since the 1980s along with a corresponding war on masculinity.
The hyper masculinity of the 1980s is missed. Ah-nuld and Carl Weathers in Predator. Ah-nuld later became a globohomo shill and said “Screw your freedoms” during COVID.
For purposes of framing this argument, globohomo means the historical, worldwide centralization trends that the central bank owners have piggybacked off of (not created) and supercharged via their methods of control.
The question of invincibility depends on setting the framing, which requires an investigation into the goals and motivations of the central bank owners. From their world-spanning perspective, nation states are mere provinces that can be used to fight each other to achieve overarching goals. This is why Alex Soros, who is taking over Daddy’s empire, casually brags about hoping America is destroyed:
If Alex Soros thought America’s success was somehow important to the overarching goals, he wouldn’t be publicly bragging about hoping it fails.
To the ruling class, having a mere nation-state province fail can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the context of whether it increases or decreases their control over the worldwide masses. For the purposes of defining the question, invincibility means whether globohomo, despite occasional hiccups, can be stopped from its continued power centralization along with increased control over the population over which it rules. The framing of this post does not speak to a spiritual perspective involving God’s judgment in the afterlife or whether it is all part of His plan ending in the Second Coming, Judgment Day, the Rapture, etc; it is about control on the material plane in the here and now.
The types of globohomo control
Globohomo ensures compliance through a combination of soft and hard power.
Use of power always has a cost associated with it. Soft power is less costly to use than hard power in terms of money, the impact on perceived legitimacy, the ability for the puppeteers’ to stay in the shadows, and the ability to control outcomes. Soft power includes economic pressure (sanctions, tariffs, utilizing World Bank loans enforcing the Washington Consensus), media and corporate influence, NGO support, control over interest rates and lending through the “independent” central banks, CIA sponsored activities such as color revolutions, overthrow attempts, spying, bribery, etc. The best soft power, though, was the image of America as a bastion of “freedom”
and “democracy” worldwide, an image that is rapidly fading, or has already faded. Anyway, western control has metastasized worldwide — its economic system, its push for secularization and increased degeneracy, its media narratives, its fast food and big box stores, its “democracy” (aka oligarchy) are now ubiquitous. It consumes everything in its wake and leaves a gray financialized blob in its wake.1
There is very little competition for the west’s empty materialist mass consumption at this time. China’s belt and road initiative is a purely economic offering and they have no cultural soft power. The alternative media is quick to hype that Brazil, Russia, India and China are forming a currency to counteract U.S. dollar hegemony. But this is merely an illusion: the central bank owners control all of these country’s central banks. Here are just a few examples: The pro-West head of the Russian central bank, Elvira Nabiullina, was renominated to her position by Putin after sending $400 billion of Russian funds to get seized by the West at the start of the Not-War. One of the first things the president of Brazil, “Lula”, did after globohomo rigged the election in his favor was call for de-dollarization. Why would Lula do this unless it’s what they wanted? China has been controlled by the central bankers since at least World War 2, or likely after the Opium Wars. Alex Soros, as noted above, is perfectly happy with the U.S. collapsing.
regularly covers the details of the BRICS scam, which you can read about here and here. It’s not a pretty picture.What about hard power? Globohomo as represented by America has lost numerous wars in the recent past, right? If some Afghan goat herders can beat them, can’t others as well?
This line of reasoning is the cause of much confusion, because people look at the victory conditions of wars as merely being military victory by the aggressor country, ignoring all sorts of alternative victory conditions or what motivations might inspire them. These unconventional victory conditions are not publicly broadcast because such conditions would be wildly unpopular.
There are three types of wars that globohomo engages in. Each type has its own particular objectives (which are always different than what is announced to the public) and therefore victory or failure must be assessed in terms of those unstated objectives. The strategies employed are different, the propaganda they use in support of the war at home and internationally is different, their rules of engagement are different, and the intensity of the effort as well as the length of time involved in each war is different.
The three types of wars are as follows:
Forever-wars, which are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory, designed both to enrich the military industrial complex as well as to bleed right-wing patriotism/enthusiasm to soften them up for the next phase of the globalist agenda. Examples of this type include Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war (previously covered here);
Wars to maintain the dollar’s hegemony as the world currency worldwide, as seen in wars in Libya, both Iraq wars, and ongoing tension with Iran; and
Wars against white Christian countries or communities as part of the overarching white and Christian erasure in the West. Examples include Clinton’s war on Serbia, the Syrian war against Alewite/Christian Assad, the so-called “Arab Spring”, World War 1, World War 2, the Boer Wars, ongoing racial conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and Russia/Ukraine.
Sometimes a war is a hybrid of two objectives. For example, the Russia/Ukraine war is a blend of a forever-war and a war against white Christian Russia, while the second Iraq war was conducted primarily to maintain the dollar’s hegemony, but it had the added benefit for globohomo of destroying an ancient Christianity community whose Christian population is down 90% from pre-war numbers.
There are usually other strategic considerations involved in all three types of war, such as America’s access to the victim nation’s natural resources (especially oil and gas, but also rare earth minerals, gold and silver and others), oil pipeline routes, location for future American military bases, etc., but those are usually secondary considerations.

In addition to these three types of war there are also other minor types of conflicts, such as the CIA and military’s support for regular coups in Latin America, or the 1980s “War on Crime”, and other CIA-sponsored shenanigans which they conduct to increase their budgets (i.e. creating more problems to “solve” provides justification for increased spending to Congress) but those interventions are usually short, cheap (comparatively) both in money and lives killed or lost, and quickly forgotten.
Let’s go through the three types of wars.
Forever wars
Forever-wars are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory. They are designed both to enrich the military industrial complex on a perpetual basis as well as to bleed right-wing patriotism/enthusiasm to soften them up for the next phase of the globalist agenda. Let’s go through a couple examples.
Vietnam war
Establishment narrative: The United States fought against the North Vietnamese, who were in turn backed by the Soviet Union, to prevent communism from spreading worldwide based on domino theory. The U.S.’s total engagement lasted roughly 20 years (1955-1973), but it’s direct, heavy involvement started after the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1965 and lasted 8 years. Due to the unfavorable, difficult jungle fighting, the intransigence of the North Vietnamese, and a burgeoning anti-war movement at home, despite military and technological superiority the United States eventually lost the war.
The reality: The Vietnam war, chosen as far away as physically possible from America (halfway around the world) and utilizing extraordinarily restrictive rules of engagement (seriously, read this link if you want to understand how this war was fought), along with controlling both sides of the debate (including the hard-right nationalist John Birch society, according to co-founder Revilo P. Oliver, despite their above complaints about the war) was a major victory for globohomo, achieving the following objectives: (1) America’s loss put a major dent in the right-wing, hotblooded American populist anti-communist movement, both ideologically and in costing 58,000 lower and middle class lives, paving the way for further global integration; and (2) it cost a trillion dollars (adjusted for inflation), increasing the deficit and therefore interest that would be paid to the Federal Reserve owners.
The Afghanistan war
Establishment narrative: Due to 9/11 the Taliban were sympathetic to the attackers and sheltered Osama Bin Laden, therefore the Taliban had to be overthrown. However, given the Taliban retreated into the mountains bordering Pakistan which was a radical wild-card country full of extremists, it was impossible to fully root them out, and that is why America had to stay there for 20 years, only withdrawing in 2021, six months before the start of the next forever-war, the Russia/Ukraine war. Ultimately, the cavemen goat-herders won out against the strongest country in the world (well, twice).
The Taliban fighters riding bumper cars in Kabul after taking the city. They also tried working out in the Presidential Palace. Wheee!
The reality: The central bank owner goals were to massively drive up U.S. debt and bleed right wing populism again, same goals as in Vietnam. It was a massively successful operation for them, costing $2 trillion and thousands of American lives. The military industrial complex carried out these orders because they got to participate in the graft of the U.S. taxpayer; they wanted a forever war as Julian Assange, who is a hero, eloquently explained in this 30 second clip:
Additionally, globohomo’s control over Pakistan is and was much greater than commonly perceived. It forced out popular Imran Khan from office and then imprisoned him because he was insufficiently pro-Ukraine war (confirmed by leaked diplomatic cables). They just didn’t want to use Pakistan to rein in the Taliban.
Ukraine war
Establishment perspective: NATO is defending poor Ukrainian democracy against the ultra-aggressive Russian behemoth dictatorship led by Putin, who is almost akin to a Nazi war criminal. Alternatively, to many on the religious right Putin is standing up for white Christian values against expansionist U.S./UK/NATO forces.
The reality: The war is controlled on both sides by globohomo. The war is being conducted for many reasons, but especially as a tool for continued white genocide and trillion dollar/year funding laundered back to the military/industrial complex and paid for via the taxpayer and from U.S. debt servitude. Win/win/win. Here is a deep-dive on the topic.
On the basis of globohomo’s objectives for these forever wars, they were resounding successes even if the military outcomes of one of their subjugated national provinces “lost” or was “stalemated” in the war against another one of their subjugated national provinces. These wars resoundingly successes for globohomo’s long-term plans for worldwide centralization, consolidation, and control.
Wars to maintain the dollar’s hegemony as the world currency worldwide
The dollar’s hegemony is due to the petrodollar system, which ties the sale of oil to the dollar and allowed the U.S. to set up a world reserve currency without tying it to gold or silver. This allowed it to unleash unprecedented monetary deficits to benefit globohomo and kickstart neoliberal feudalism into gear. See this excellent analysis (and part 2, 3, 4) by
which lays out in detail how this system works.Essentially, the U.S. agreed to provide a security guarantee to Saudi and other middle east nations in return for them accepting only dollars for their oil, and then the U.S. would accept those middle eastern dollars back into the U.S. as foreign investments. As part of this arrangement, other nations that threatened Saudi would have to be dealt with, militarily if necessarily (Saudi got scared by Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in the Gulf War). Additionally, any oil-producing nation that tried to get off the petrodollar system was a threat to the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency and therefore had to be brutally crushed. Any leader that attempts to get off the petrodollar system must be overthrown and brutally murdered or executed as a warning to other leaders not to try the same thing. The objective is not the pacification of a nation’s people per se but regime overthrow plus leadership execution, and globohomo pursues it with a singular focus. With this in mind:
The Second Iraq war
Establishment perspective: Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, Sunnis oppressing the Shiites, Saddam’s a dictator, some nonsense around those lines.
The reality: The war was primarily about destroying Saddam for threatening to get off the U.S. petrodollar system. In November 2000 Saddam Hussein decreed that all oil payments would be made in euros, as he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”, which is what cost him his life. Secondarily, the war continued globohomo’s goal of destroying Christianity worldwide; Iraq’s Christian population has declined 90% from 2003. The U.S. also continues to steal Iraqi oil, stealing $150 billion worth since the U.S.-led invasion.
Libya war
Establishment perspective: Something about Qaddafi terrorizing his population and a “civil war” breaking out during the so-called (fake, CIA backed) “Arab Spring”.
The reality: Libya had the only central bank in the world run on genuine state banking lines which exhibited the classic symptoms of full employment, zero inflation and excellent worker’s rights, and in 2010 Qaddafi announced the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people; this is why he was murdered.
Ongoing tensions with Iran
Establishment perspective: Iran is a rogue nation sponsoring radical Islamic extremism in the region, developing nuclear weapons and threatening Israel.
The reality: Iran ended oil transactions in U.S. dollars in 2008 and therefore provides a weakening element toward the petrodollar system; as such, it is a major factor in globohomo’s continued aggression against it, and it explains why the CIA regularly sponsors protests in Iran to try to overthrow the political system.
The establishment has done an excellent job maintaining the petrodollar system, even though Iran has successfully gotten off of it, which is a point against globohomo invincibility. That being said, Iran continues to pursue CBDCs along with the rest of the world, they fully went along with the COVID and COVID vaccine narrative, and their banking system, which supposedly is run along Islamic lines, charges interest like every other bank on earth. Therefore it is unclear how independent they actually are from the central bank owners, even though they hate two of globohomo’s national provinces (U.S. and Israel).
Wars against white Christian countries or communities, as part of the overarching white erasure in the West
These are wars that globohomo fights as part of its long-term goal of white erasure. You can see the 3-part post on the goals and motivations of the central bank owners here, but basically they believe that whites and, to an extent, Christians2 are too resistant to the horrendous, Beast-tier technological neoliberal feudalism system they are bringing into place which is based in the most abject, horrible materialism one can imagine with no freedoms, the most oppressive system in human history, and because of this globohomo wants to wipe them out.
They are approaching this goal both using soft power via economic measures, propaganda, drugs (fentanyl, where the Biden regime proposed removing penalties for trafficking-related offenses), IRS shakedowns (hiring 87,000 new agents to target the middle class) and other non-military means, and as a result of their regular, sustained economic and psychological pressures, along with wildly irresponsibly increasing the African continent’s population by billions unsustainably, the white percentage of the worldwide population has decreased from 25% to 6.5% since 1900.
But they also love to further these goals by military means when they can. Examples include Clinton’s war on Serbia, the Syrian war against Alewite/Christian Assad, the so-called fake, CIA-backed “Arab Spring”, the American Civil War (funded on both sides by the Rothschilds), World War 1, World War 2, the Bolshevik revolution, the Boer Wars, ongoing racial conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe approaching white genocide, and Russia/Ukraine.
Unlike forever wars which are deliberately fought to stalemate, and unlike wars to maintain U.S. dollar hegemony to overthrow and execute recalcitrant leaders, the wars against whites and Christians are fought on the basis of group erasure, and so they are fundamentally a different class than the other types of wars. It doesn’t mean that any particular war against whites ramps up to total genocide; it doesn’t, but these wars are fought with a very long-term view with this objective in mind, and the wars always further those ends. In such a conflict globohomo fights no holds-barred; they unleash the highest degree of propaganda, they fight the most ruthlessly and underhandedly, with a clever, creative, extreme bloodlust, more heartlessly than normal people could ever imagine - “Imperium super omnia” - “control above all” - whatever it takes for them to win, regardless of the ethical red-lines crossed or the zero rules of engagement, and regardless of the exceptions to society’s rules they need to distort (per Schmitt). This type of war cannot be compared to U.S. forever-wars or wars to punish a country’s leadership, and those that try are conducting an analysis that wildly misses the mark.
The Second Boer War
Let’s explore the Second Boer War as a prime example of the way in which globohomo fights these types of wars. The Boers had won the First Boer War in 1880-1881, which was a disaster for globohomo which had not lost a war since the American revolution a hundred years earlier, and South Africa gained its independence. But globohomo doesn’t take losses on the chin (see how it subverted America with the first two national banks before finally achieving victory with the Federal Reserve), and it came back with a vengeance in the Second Boer War of 1899-1902, which was supercharged because of vast amounts of gold found in the Transvaal. The Rothschilds initiated the war under flimsy pretexts (much like the Opium Wars) as they wanted total control over the newly found gold reserves.
But they found the Boers to be a surprisingly difficult enemy. Even though the British forces wildly outnumbered and out-equipped the Boers, the Boers conducted guerilla warfare and gradually wore down the British numbers. In response, the British burned down all the Boer houses, farms, and animals in a scorched earth policy, stuck the Boer women and children in concentration camps and deliberately starved them to death until the Boers gave up, which they eventually did, giving the British control over the region and it’s natural resources. Imperium super omnia.
If you want to read a good and brief summary of the Rothschild tactics in this war (which were led by their puppet Alfred Milner) check out this 26 page book “Genocide of the Boers” (it’s free online, click the link) by Stephen Mitford Goodson, a well credentialed South African central banker who turned on his masters.
155,000 women and children were imprisoned in the concentration camps, which was almost 2/3 of the entire Boer population. They were kept on starvation rations, and as a result about 34,000 or 22% of the inmates of the concentration camps died, of whom 27,540 or 81% were under the age of 16. According to Goodson, “The bankers achieved their principal aim of obtaining full control of the gold and other mineral resources of South Africa. They had financed the war in the amount of 222 million British pounds and thereby added a further 132 million to Britain’s national debt. For the Rothschilds the Second Anglo-Boer War was a consummate victory.”
Does anyone today know about what the British did here? Have they ever had to account for it in the modern era? No one knows about it, no one talks about it, no one justifies it, it’s as if it never happened. The media simply dictates what is reality for most people. But it’s an easy parallel to draw this to the hypocrisy of globohomo’s singular, loud focus on the Holocaust when they perpetrated actions like this.
“Imperium super omnia” - “control above all” - is the unstated motto of the world’s central bank owners. Their strategies and objectives are pursued across a multi-decade or longer horizon, and their goals are to create a worldwide population that they control to a level never seen before in human history. They occasionally suffer real setbacks that delay their plans for years - Trump’s 2016 win was not something they planned for, their defeat in the First Boer War, Hitler dramatically outperformed globohomo’s expectations for Germany during World War 2 which scared them, Andrew Jackson dismantled the Rothschild second National Bank - but they have bounced back from each of these setbacks stronger than ever because of their long-term planning and perspective, their ruthlessness and their patience.
If one looks at their actions since taking over the Bank of England if not much earlier, they have gone from victory to victory, with ever increasing power centralization, and appear, especially now when right-wing populism has been smashed and whites are 6.5% of the worldwide population, with an ultra-woke AI and freedom-denying CBDCs about to be (or already being) unleashed onto the public, that things are grimmer than ever. From this perspective they do appear to be close to invincible, at least in the material realm, unless God decides to come down and change the fundamental situation somehow. Perhaps this is a Tower of Babel scenario where humanity’s integration and consolidation happens inexorably — until it is struck down and humanity cast to the winds, shattered and confused. And who knows what such an event would look like?3
I will be doing a post analyzing the possibilities of a “redneck rebellion” in a future post, but for those looking at history, the three types of globohomo wars absolutely need to be taken into consideration. “Oh, the U.S. failed against a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan, therefore a heavily armed white Christian population would have no trouble wiping the floor with a decadent, homosexual/transsexual, corrupt ruling oligarchy” is absolutely the wrong analysis and those that push this line of thinking (and there are many of them) are completely and utterly wrong. A victory or defeat can only be ascertained in the context of the pursued reasons for the war by globohomo, and Afghanistan as a “forever war” was an unmitigated success for them. In a redneck rebellion scenario those very naive men on the right would be shocked at globohomo’s extreme aggression with no rules of engagement, extreme and unrelenting propaganda and an unrelenting bloodthirstiness that would make their heads spin.
Hopefully this post provides a better context for analyzing wars in the context of globohomo’s goals, motivations and abilities.
From Profiles in courage #2: Julian Assange, “America learned over a long trial-and-error process that direct military occupation and colonialism of nations around the world was not a very efficient process. It was expensive, unwieldily, had a negative impact on world opinion, led to charges of imperialism and racism and other things. Rather, indirect control was a much cheaper and sophisticated process without many of the other drawbacks that came with the former process. Indirect control came from the Washington consensus, where a country could be controlled via foreign loans, which would put pressure on the nation for deregulation, foreign investment, decreased minimum wage, i.e. strip-mining the country to benefit globohomo overlords. If a country was deemed too immature to advance the Washington consensus via democracy, it would support a strong-man in power to achieve these goals. Once the country was deemed mature enough, they would seek to cast aside the strong-man in order to institute “fake” democracy, which was seen as easier to control than the strong-man past a certain point of development. Populist movements which sought actual nationalism and self-sufficiency, i.e. to nationalize industries and plants owned by foreign powers, to default on its foreign debt obligations, were deemed anathema to foreign investment and therefore had to be rigorously stamped out using as much brutality as necessary.”
Despite secular egalitarianism being directly traceable to Christianity via Unitarianism and mainline Protestantism, true-believing Christians still believe in God and the imperfectability of this world, that people possess souls and are due inherent dignity. This makes them more resistant to this stage of globohomo reducing everyone to a mere widget and digits on screens. Therefore they, to an extent, serve as both an impediment and a facilitator of the globohomo vision.
A repeat of the Carrington event could probably do it.
Brilliant and sobering analysis.
Excellent analysis! Love how well you pulled this all together and provided the necessary links. I do question the efficacy of your choice to propagate the enemy's lexicon, e.g. capitalizing Holocaust, decapitalizing Whites, and using genocide instead of erasure. Other than these minor quibbles, I'm in awe, and pray I can help this body of work penetrate our people's consciousness.