Nov 17, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

On the plus side, the coming age is going to have pockets of people who do okay in a technologically stagnant society by separating themselves from the general population. There will be constantly bickering elites who will be too busy fighting amongst themselves to do any damage. Their pets in the general population will be too incompetent to break these communities.

All in all, we might be seeing evolution take place, as European stock is forced to lose their universalism in favor of a sort of individualist/tribal hybrid strategy. The natural separation will probably not be totally ethnically homogenous, but close, including Asians and Hispanics with a more European way of thinking.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Asians do not think like Europeans with the possible exception of the Japanese. The average 2nd or 3rd generation Asian in the West fully buys into anti-Whitism and considers themselves a weak little minority deserving vengeance. Most Latinos are this way but there is a sizable contingent who are fairly White friendly...likely in relation to their own significant European admixture.

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Alan, this is my thinking as well. We WILL go through a genetic bottleneck, and only the most Eurocentric of us will make it. The selection pressures cannot result otherwise.

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i dont think anyone above the age of 30 is capable of shaking off these lolbergtarian traits, sadly. and there aren't that many youth. still, of the youth, a solid percentage are hardcore racists, which is a hopeful development.

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I am 31 and am a TND appreciator lol

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If you look at reproduction, a good indication of high TFR is in-group preference. The ultra-egalitarians are a genetic dead-end.

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I wish a fertility chart would show homeschool vs non-homeschool. The white Christian homeschoolers in my area have on average 4 kids per family, maybe higher. A distinct cultural entity is starting to develop there.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I have read the entire article, and this alone is a big reason why I am so bitter about almost everything.

Doesn't help that part of me sees non-Whites as demonic spawns as well as the C19 Jab Holocaust.

I hate this post-1945 World and what is happening to Europe, where my ancestors lived and died, angers me so much (And it makes me hate America so much for making it gayer and faker).

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I have to point out, though, that the American people are also being exterminated by our overlords and are in the same boat as Europeans. It's not like we have a safe and happy White nation here. We are further down the road to ruination than Europe is.

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"sees non-Whites as demonic spawns"

This has been reported to the Based Department.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

*Boomers, resentful of their own children, holding an ideal of being perpetual carefree teenagers, have in many cases thwarted their offspring’s natural instinct to reproduce (thus idiotically depriving themselves of grandchildren).*

... and remember the vaccines given at birth must have had a lot to do with developing attitudes and well as fertility or lack thereof in fact.

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And Autism, various allergies, SIDS and now SADS , general ill health etc etc

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Astonishingly insightful and compelling

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Many people's religious inclinations are being filled and satisfied with the heavily pushed wokesterism intersectionality nonsense that started out of Stanford U in the late 1980's. It is a useful distraction for the masses who fall for those dumb ideas and once in, they become part of the tribe.

Being manipulated and further brainwashed by the technocrat elite, aligning themselves with all the ideas thrown into the basket of the latest thing, from environmentalism, transexualism, racism to covidianism, the pessimism of "humans bad" results in childless masses. They are captured, convinced of the rightness of the new invented moralities declared by the rule makers, and enforced thru new righteous shaming to enforce submission. I do wonder how much of this convincing is occurring as a result of low IQ/poor reasoning ability, or contentment in being a part of the woke religion that only benefits the elites.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live".

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Excellent article. I hope this message spreads and serves as a wake up call to what's left of Western civilization

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Nov 17, 2023·edited Nov 17, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

I like the notion of a religion plus white racial awareness. I don't see signs of either. The Gen Zs I know seem absolutely clueless and hate western society.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Good write up. I have touched on many of the same points in a similar post - although I came to a very different conclusion. Why do you think so many Christian organisations of varying denominations are supporting and financing these immigrants if it will cause their own demise?

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Hi Phoenician, which post of yours are you referencing? I would be interesting in reading it. I attribute these suicidal impulses to the egalitarian ratchet effect, where the egalitarianism at the heart of Christianity doubles down on itself over time (except for Eastern Orthodoxy), which I went into here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-egalitarian-ratchet-effect-why . Guido Giacomo Preparata believes the Catholic Church sold out to globohomo sometime after World War 2 in this book, which I will be covering in the future: https://www.amazon.com/Empire-Church-Anglo-Americas-Hyper-Modern-Catholicism/dp/B0CJL3GJ4S/

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Jan 10Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Hi Neoliberal, here is a link to my post, it was behind a paywall but have now removed it: https://open.substack.com/pub/phoenicianhunter/p/order-out-of-chaos?r=25xcv4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I must warn readers, I do not subscribe to the standard view of our history and religious institutions – therefore you will not find your typical conclusions.

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Thank you, nice post. It seems you believe that the Church is deliberately weakening itself in order to increase strife for believers in order to then reinvigorate the Church, and you believe that because (1) the Church has historically never emphasized this kind of suicidal everyone-love-each-other stuff before, (2) it runs as a business and (3) businesses don't like to lose money?

I guess I would ask, what evidence do you see from the Church for this type of strategy and what political trends do you see that give weight to it? It looks to me more like, per Preparata's argument, that globohomo cracked the Church like an egg and it's been skin-suited just like every other institution it's conquered.

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Thanks. Firstly I must point out that my position will be extremely difficult for Christians to consider. The Church has been losing followers organically for some time now, in order to regain it's previous power it requires a conflict or extended period of despair. Desperate people will then look towards a global leader and institution that can unite the West against a foreign threat (a threat that has been artificially created).

1. No, not to the extent we are witnessing today.

2. The Church has always operated as a corporation.

3. It's about power and prestige.

I thought I has presented ample evidence in my post, evidently not. There is a case to be made that Jewish groups & Freemasonry have infiltrated the Church and are taking it down from within. My problem with this theory is it would be extremely difficult to influence all the levels of power that make up the Church hierarchy, not including that outer spheres, eg. Monkish societies, Military orders, Black nobility etc. We would have to see some pockets of resistance, which we are not.

My question to you is what constitutes 'Globohomo', who is leading it and for what ultimate end? There is also a 'Spiritual' angle to all of this and the celestial movements (the heavens) have a major part to play.

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Globohomo is ruled by a small cabal of mostly Jewish central bank owners, who first set up the privately owned Bank of England in 1694 and followed up with it by conquering the other nations of the world, the crown jewel being the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Underlying this though is the egalitarianism deriving from Paul of Tarsus within Christianity itself which allowed this structure to develop in the first place.

Globohomo has an entirely atheistic, materialist ethos and spiritually it is ruled and controlled by the Demiurge, the evil creator and maintainer of material reality. It wants to hollow out and commodify every aspect of human existence and it is far on its way to doing so. Preparata believes that globohomo, which he calls the Techno-Structure, dramatically weakened the Catholic Church after it backed the wrong side during World War 2, gradually forcing it to adopt globohomo slogans of "free-markets and the business ethos", and then skin-suited it entirely after the pedophile scandals in the 2000s, resulting in Benedict's abdication in favor of globohomo's long-standing candidate Bergoglio.

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Our analysis of past and current events differ greatly and therefore our conclusions can not align, but we do fight the same enemy. Best of luck!

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The thing is egalitarianism is not at the heart of Christianity. That is part of the subversion of the true faith that has been unceasing in the post war era. But really the poison came from “Christians” adopting “Enlightenment” ideologies such as the de-mytholigizers in the German seminaries of the mid to late 19th century. They have poisoned the well so much.

True Christianity is quite clearly built on a hierarchy, thats the design of the universe and reflects God’s supremacy. Elders are above the laity. Kings are above the citizens. Husbands are heads over the wife and children. The hierarchy that God ordained into society is good and beautiful and is the way life is meant to operate. People have different roles and competencies, and some are subordinate to others- this is just and good. But the last 150 years the Church has been attacked so constantly that it has bent the knee more and more over time to feminism and leftism and liberalism that all of these values have been lost in the average American church today. Now we bend over backwards to explain why God “isnt actually patriarchal” when in fact God is patriarchal and that is good.

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Hi Tucker, thanks for the comment. Yes, there's definitely an argument to be made that the adoption of Enlightenment values have subverted Christianity -- it's just that if you're going to make that argument, I think one would have to trace it back to Aquinas adopting Aristotle and making empiricism respectable to the Church, or even the lead-up to Aquinas with the Scholastics... This is a very common attack from the Eastern Orthodox...

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I fully agree. I know my comment was long so anyway thanks for reading. Not a big Aquinas guy. Natural theology is fine but secondary to Biblical infallibility (they arent in conflict). However where the Medieval trend gets things wrong, peaking with Aquinas, is spiritualizing a literal faith. Aquinas even had the idea that heaven/the eternal age wouldnt be embodied, but instead just a plane of energy/soul essences. Its fully non-Biblical. The protestant reformers actually recaptured the literal and physical grounding of the faith, based on the Bible. 1 Tim (I believe, maybe 2nd) even says that those who preach to forbid marriage is a doctrine of demons. Yet Catholic priests must forego marriage. Why? The apostles had wives. So thats an example of the disembodiment of the faith that distorted it. Common ways you see that today is protestants who have lost our solid footing/historic doctrines and now dont know Just War Theory, dont have a Political Theology, a Theology of Work, and Theology of Child-Rearing. We have been deracinated and effeminized

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Jan 2Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Today's democrat leaders who want unchecked immigration will one day be in a position of losing their votes, as the immigrants will vote for people that look like them.

you are right about how the world will fall apart. It takes intelligence to fix complicated electrical and mechanical devices, and 80% of the population is too stupid to do it. Heck 85% of the population thinks food just miraculously appears in the store.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Neoliberal Feudalism

Couple of comments.

1) Fortunately, average IQs are just that -- highs and lows generate the mean. So, the predicted world population characteristics of lower average IQ will still manage to preserve a significant sample of the 'intelligence genes' that can usefully and beneficially operate within the human race and its future.

2) Currently, the vaunted high IQ characteristic seems to be a major troublemaker in the wrong hands, as your general neo-feudal model and the current post both repeatedly point out. Unfortunately, higher IQ seems to be causally often associated with some personality disorders. See Lobaczewski (https://www.amazon.com/Political-Ponerology-Science-Psychopathy-Totalitarianism/dp/1734907452/ref=sr_1_1) and Oakley (https://www.amazon.com/Evil-Genes-Hitler-Mothers-Boyfriend/dp/1591026652/ref=sr_1_1) for more details. Having a little less average human intelligence on tap could very well prove to be a very good thing -- it might help dampen down the cultural firestorm we're all involved in these days. These days, spending time with various domesticated animals with their lower IQs is , on the average, much more pleasant than spending an equivalent of time with a randomly present human. (Maybe those cat ladies aren't all that nuts, after all.)

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This is why the South Africa situation is so fascinating. I originally thought it would have collapsed many years ago, but it's staggered on, with worse and worse quality of life but still sort of zombie-shuffling along. Will there come a point where total collapse happens? We will see...

Re: #2, I agree with you that character matters more than simply IQ. I am not an IQ fetishist, unlike bloggers like Spandrell. But still, if we are to continue to enjoy the benefits of a technological society, a certain baseline average IQ is necessary for it, imo...

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To the contrary, our technological society is the result of the inspiration and efforts of a definite minority; i.e., average IQ is not determinative.

Yes, character definitely matters. Like in the technological benefits of a relatively few engineers and scientists, a few rotten apples can definitely spoil the barrel.

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I'm referring to the maintenance of technological society, not its origination. Repair of the power grid, use of specialized equipment, etc. requires drawing from the population which requires a relatively high degree of competence. Someone from South Africa recently sent me a video (which he took, so I can't share) of two black employees who were using a bucket to haul water, extremely slowly, out of giant road potholes from the rains while a third supervised. This is what happens as society reverts...

But even its origination is based on average IQs because of bell curves. Too low of an average IQ, almost no geniuses on the right tail...

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You can see the exact same phenomenon in publicly-funded American public maintenance work -- fuller 'employment' in an age of abundant energy. Also, it's an iteratively and non-static self-correcting process: Too low or too high an average IQ, and natural selection appropriately does some judicious culling all along the bell curve.

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Lower IQ for humans seems to correlate with higher propensity for disorder and violence. J'Arquavious, the 65 IQ man of the future, is not going to be a docile pussycat or loyal family dog.

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And high IQ man doesn't also exhibit as high a propensity for disorder and violence?

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Correct. They do not. Comparisons of individuals within societies, for example black and white Americans and between societies, for example Indonesians and Japanese, back this up. You could also almost certainly find the same trends within the same group, with more intelligent people of a particular ethnic group engaging in less violence than less intelligent people within that group. High intelligence men can be greatly effective at violence, such as serial murderers and special forces operators, but they are in the minority of their class.

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Yeah, it only takes a few 'high IQ' types to leaven the bread of cupidity and its associated violence -- this is in large part the guiding theme of this particular Substack.

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Demographics is destiny is a woman’s answer not a man’s.

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Video game references are often silly, but there is no better allusion to Africans than the Krogan from Mass Effect. Europeans don't have the spirit to develop a real genophage, though.

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Low-IQ people don’t use contraceptives so allowing your own people access to them is demographic suicide because it gives foreigners an unfair reproductive advantage.

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procreating is human, all too human. We ought to focus instead on regaining our immortal, non-physical Hyperborean nature. The great thing about living in a technologically-advanced society is that we have the luxury to devote ourselves to ambitions beyond mere survival. We no longer need to consider merely-biological or materialistic perspectives. If we take the time now, we will harness Vril energy so effectively that we could create our perfect world by thought-currents, and no longer need to suffer imperfect forms of physical 'activity'.

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I cannot tell if this is a shitpost.

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Take a look at my Newsletter and you'll see a detailed outline of Traditional ethos.

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