Humanity as a slave-making ant colony
Globohomo wants a managed decline of humanity's genetic stock and population
This post compares the behavior of humanity to that of slave-making ant colonies, arguing that globohomo wants to create a permanent overlord-slave relationship that cannot be altered or undone, and that such a setup may have its origins in the human psyche itself.
In the novel The Road by otherwise-overrated Cormac McCarthy, the unnamed protagonist tries to survive with his son in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Cannibal rape gangs roam the landscape because the food and water supplies are irradiated and poisoned, and there is a perpetual post-nuclear haze which blocks out the sun and keeps crops from growing. The novel was made into a grim but pretty good movie, and here’s the relevant scene:
Good old cannibal rape gangs.
Is this our future? Westerners certainly seemed to be much more worried about it during the hayday of the Cold War: boomers grew up conducting nuclear fire drills, hiding under their desks at school, and there were alarming films released such as The War Game (1966), The Day After (1983) and Threads (1984) which fanned the flames further. There were a few reported close incidents such as the 1961 Goldsboro B-52 crash1 and the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident, saved by the actions of one Stanislav Petrov.
Of course there were other close calls like the Cuban Missile Crisis; see here for a longer list. Perhaps the threat of nuclear Armageddon had positive effects for society; it likely reduced societal recklessness, encouraging belief in God, gave pause to the dangers of direct war between nuclear-armed powers, and allowed the country to be more prepared — in terms of fallout shelters, food reserves, emergency plans — in case something did actually happen. Look at us now, drunk on arrogance and kool-aid as America, led by the intellectual progeny of Victoria Nuland, brings war to Russia’s doorstep in a country named “Borderlands” in Russian and which maybe 10% of Americans could pick out on a map.
Still, if one sees the world as controlled by the central bank owners as I do, global nuclear war isn’t on the table — well, it is as a contingency plan if populists get close to overthrowing the Rothschild financial squid, but it isn’t a primary or secondary goal. Author Guido Giocomo Preparata - whose top-notch work on how Germany was set up for destruction in World War 2 and how the Catholic Church was skinsuited in the post-war era I previously covered - has been studying the behavior of slave-making ants, which he believes sheds light on humanity’s own relationship with overlord parasites. Here’s an interview where he talks about it:
Preparata believes that mankind is a kind of ant-colony where humanity’s natural instincts and psychologies are geared toward establishing slave-master overlord relationships where the overlords exploit the vast majority of human slaves, at least since the advent of agriculture 10,000 years ago (before that the nature of small roaming hunter-gatherer tribes forced humanity to remain relatively egalitarian). It is the same in every society with the same pyramid-like structure with a tiny number of people at the top regardless of religion or ideology. Jeremy Irons spoke about this in a great scene from 2008 financial collapse movie Margin Call:
The only difference is that our true leaders hide in the shadows behind corrupted actors acting as politicians in a gross simulacra of so-called “democracy”. In a “democracy” those who shape public opinion are our rulers, so look at who owns the levers of mass communication to find the man behind the curtain.
has a great post explaining how this works via Rene Guenon’s The Crisis of the Modern World.Back to slave-making ants. Per Wiki:
Slave-making ants or slaver ants are brood parasites that capture broods of other ant species to increase the worker force of their colony. After emerging in the slave-maker nest, slave workers work as if they were in their own colony, while parasite workers only concentrate on replenishing the labor force from neighboring host nests, a process called slave raiding.
The slave-making ants are specialized to parasitize a single species or a group of related species, and they are often close relatives to their hosts, which is typical for social parasites. The slave-makers may either be permanent social parasites (thus depending on enslaved ants throughout their whole lives) or facultative slave-makers. The behavior is unusual among ants but has evolved several times independently.

For more about slave-making ants, see this Nature article and the following video:
Guido states in the above interview:
I envision society as ant hills. I’ve studied a lot about slave-making ants from a sociological viewpoint and I’ve learned a tremendous amount; I’m still studying it. And the analogies are fantastic, just formidable. And people say “excuse me, we’re not insects” and I’m thinking “well, yeah, I know that; nevertheless, all the more-so in that with this change that we’re witnessing and afraid of, AI and these new transformations that we’re undergoing, for me, the plan - and this is why I see it in an anarchistic fashion - the plans of the people in charge with names and addresses who are governing these machines is to transform evermore our societies into mechanized tributaries and to insectify our lives as much as possible…The technology streamlines and regiments all that; with all the human cry about gender theory it’s pretty plain what they want to do and it started something like fifty years ago with the campaigns for abortion. It’s about sexual management and procreation. In terms of their nutritional requirements of the elites which is in a state sense a parasitical body, they need a lot for this transfer of resources but according to their needs and according to the techno-structural needs of this elite, they don’t need that many of us working for them after all and they do not know what do with all of this excessive flesh and apparently…[offering] contraceptive and abortion to curtail this massive flesh they don’t know what to do with is not enough. In long-term and big-plan horizons, they really want to re-engineer the whole thing, this is why they need to break-down the familial nucleus and the procreation roles….deep down what they want is to get rid of this problem. They just don’t need that many people to cater to them. Technology serves that, and they don’t need scientific geniuses; they need highly skilled physicists and mathematicians to uphold and discover technologies that sustain the distribution of resources from the bottom to the top as they are ever-perfecting them….
He goes on from there.
Under this system of parasitism the central bank owners need a docile, malleable population to work so they can parasite off their production. They want to decrease the population’s average IQ and increase its passivity over time so they ultimately reach a point where no rebellion is possible and so they won’t have to use force to maintain control (hence the beauty and elegance of the upcoming CBDC solution, where globohomo can modify your behavior using programmable currency or cut you out of the financial system entirely with a push of a button). They can then work on evolving the overclass using genetic engineering while the gray 80 IQ masses toil away basically as an increasingly separate and distinct species. And they don’t need too many workers either as technology increasingly replaces humans with robots for industrial output. Humanity is correctly seen as sucking down too much of rapidly declining world natural resources. But this is a fine balancing act: if they push against the human population too hard at once it may cause a rebellion, but a concurrent danger is systemic collapse where people become too listless and would rather do nothing, even die, than work for the overlords.
Therefore, what they want is a managed decline of the quality of the human population. Global nuclear war is too risky, too uncontrollable to be a desired outcome. If most of humanity dies suddenly who would the central bank owners parasite from? And who’s to say they would retain control amongst the ruins? That’s not say the possibility is entirely off the table though; if the masses wake up and rebel against them they would almost certainly rather nuke everything than give up control. This is why the ultra rich are building nuclear bunkers, most recently Mark Zuckerberg, and why Peter Thiel is attempting to prepare a well-stocked bunker in New Zealand. Better for them to have a backup in place in case this unprecedented experiment somehow goes awry.

An example from history shows the mentality of our overlords. Nicholas Biddle, the head of the Second Bank of the United States, in his 1832-1836 Bank War against Andrew Jackson severely crashed the U.S. economy as a point of leverage against Jackson, blaming him for the economic crash that Biddle himself deliberately caused. This strategy came within a hair of working when congress censured Jackson. It is this combination of ruthlessness and persistence that makes one think that humanity is destined for the parasite-host relationship; the pristine, untouched, bountiful U.S. rejected three central bank parasite attempts (the Bank of North America and then the two Banks of the United States) before it succeeded on the fourth attempt with the Federal Reserve; how can one remain alert for decades or centuries against this constant, endlessly pressing threat?
tells a story about the Devil and a knight opposing him until he let down his guard which highlights this point.Perhaps this central bank parasitism was simply inevitable, as there seems to be nothing strong in this reality opposing it. Does the Demiurge animate their behavior and this world is simply Hell, that we are being punished for our actions in another realm? Schopenhauer thought so. Preparata seems to agree in this conversation…
I hope that our discussion of these thorny, difficult, and dark issues can perhaps set a germ in society’s consciousness to try to come up with answers to the root causes of all these problems. Preparata thinks we need a currency with negative interest rates (i.e. to tie perishable money to perishable goods) reminiscent of the inter-war German Worgl experiment; the core problem to him stems from society tying imperishable money to perishable goods, allowing wealth to be hoarded to extremely deleterious effect. His hope is that such a community can be set up away from the prying eyes of globohomo, much as independent non-slave making ant colonies can exist near slave-making ant colonies with the right approach, perhaps something akin to the Amish or Orania where they are generally left alone because they do not use outside labor, they are community oriented and they aren’t sitting on delicious natural resources which globohomo wants to extract.
Lastly, Preparata is in the process of setting back up his website. You can find his incredible book on World War 2, Conjuring Hitler, here with the newest edition here, which Amazon is in the process of trying to ban.
Thanks for reading.
“Information declassified since 2013 has showed that one of the bombs was judged by nuclear weapons engineers at the time to have been only one safety switch away from detonation.”
Absolutely wonderful post. I enjoyed reading this quite a bit.
It's hard not to see this world as a penal colony, where its two options are slavery to the parasitic guard after indulging in vice, or a perpetual struggle to push the boulder up the mountain whilst punished for virtuous behaviour.
So far it appears all their culling is targeted at whites. Unless they have a plan to cull the negro, then their design inevitably leads to a world that is half negro, neither productive nor manageable. A world, not just a continent, in which Africa always wins. Also, unless they have a plan to cull/mitigate Islam, then Islam could eventually overtake and destroy them. Yet so far it appears that their design is for Islam to spread and flourish. These appear to me to be much greater threats to globohomo than anything white westerners might ever do, which is probably not much, besides get up and go to work every morning.