Pre-election framing: The fifth legal regime
Setting expectations for the foreseeable future.
This post argues that America transitioned in a fundamental and negative way in 2020 into a new legal regime and there is no going back from it regardless of who wins this election.
This will be an election post, but not in the way one might expect.
had a nice post recently about how controlled Trump will be if he wins this upcoming election. I was displeased to see in that post, although not unexpected, that the wretched cretin Jared Kushner is back choosing Trump’s personnel.1 I had concluded my three-part exploration of the Trump presidency with a similar argument, statingThere are also a number of signs that the establishment may allow Trump to win in 2024 and govern as a sick facsimile of himself, a kind of skin-suited Jeb Bush type, or to crash the economy around him and blame him and populism for the failure of the existing system…
In this manner the establishment is back to its usual pattern of playing both sides so they win regardless of whatever the population chooses. They seem to no longer see Trump as much of a threat, if any; he has been absorbed. Can you see Trump evicting even a significant portion of the twenty million illegals that Biden’s administration has let in over the past four years? I think the answer is a clear no.
The Trump phenomenon showed that the support for civic nationalism and populism is broad-based but also shallow: the American population is fat, lazy, entitled, and completely addicted to its creature comforts. The four years of the establishment illegally stymying Trump, the false COVID narrative and the stolen 2020 election showed that the vast majority of people will put up with whatever the establishment decides.
To understand how Trump or Kamala will govern, regardless of who wins (and I am unwilling to make a firm prediction, explained here), it is necessary to step back and ask a broader question: is America the same country that it was in 1776? We have the same Constitution after all, we contain the same initial geography within the final borders of what became modern America, we have the same separation of powers between the judicial, executive and legislative branches. We still honor the founders to an extent and teach early American history and remain inspired by stories fighting against Britain, ending slavery, and expanding rights and freedoms to under-represented groups. I posed this question to
previously, a great guy who has a lovely and perhaps quaint respect and awe for our Constitution.2This post will argue that no, America is not the same country it was in 1776. There were certain inflection points where it became an entirely different country, with different foundation myths, different values and different objectives; the form of the older government remained, but it was reinterpreted in entirely different ways. The argument will be touched upon that 2020 was another such inflection point switching legal regimes, although it will take historical distance to see it.
First, why cover this, just to emphasize gloom and doom in a new way? The intent is so you can better prepare for a much harder life under neo-feudalism as it continues to develop, to assume a long-term defensive posture as covered previously here and here, and to prepare on a spiritual level to oppose it.
Curtis Yarvin touched on the general concept of nations radically transforming but keeping their old forms in one of his posts from 2007, where he stated:
By my count, Anglophone North America ex Canada is on its fifth legal regime. The First Republic was the Congressional regime, which illegally abolished the British colonial governments. The Second Republic was the Constitutional regime, which illegally abolished the Articles of Confederation. The Third Republic was the Unionist regime, which illegally abolished the principle of federalism. The Fourth Republic is the New Deal regime, which illegally abolished the principle of limited government. [NLF: He doesn’t state what or where his fifth legal regime started.]
Of course, all these coups are confirmed by the principle of adverse possession. Otherwise we would find ourselves looking for the rightful heirs of Metacom, or Edward the Confessor, or whoever. Nor is there any automatic reason to treat any of these five regimes as better or worse than any of the others. If, like me, you’re tired of the Fourth Republic and would like to see it abolished, all we know about its successor is that it will be the Fifth Republic. It has no need to resemble the Third, the Second or the First.
The real legal nature of the Fourth Republic is that, like the UK, it has no constitution. Its legitimacy is defined by a set of precedents written by New Deal judges in the 1930s. These have obscure names like Footnote Four, West Coast Hotel, and Wickard v. Filburn.
I agree with Yarvin’s general thrust, although I will quibble with some of the time periods in my argument below. Just like when Rome transitioned from republic to empire under Julius Caesar and Augustus but kept the basic republican forms, titles and symbols, just like it kept it’s hollowed-out institutions such as a powerless Senate to increase societal stability and fool the masses, America, too, keeps its old forms even though the nature of power fundamentally shifts. These inflections points signal not just changes in power but they formalize certain social, economic, cultural and historical trends that were already gaining in strength as it approached the epoch. The shifts between eras may not be properly understood in the moment and may only become clear on a historical basis.
The inflection points I see are as follows:
The First Era of States Rights (1776-1865): Weak federal government, strong states rights on the basis of settling a brand new, mostly uninhabited and resource rich continent. One may note that this era would likely have ended earlier if the Second Bank of the United States had not been abolished by Andrew Jackson in 1836. It’s original foundation myth3 was healthy and positive: settlers founding a new and just land. Ultimate good was centered around freedom and the ability to pursue happiness and the sacred was encapsulated by family, community, country, God.
The Second Era of Federal Government (1865-1913): The victory by the North enshrined that the federal government superseded states rights, which was not a settled matter beforehand. America’s foundation myth shifts to justify the North’s aggression in the Civil War: ultimate evil in the form of slavery becomes central to this narrative.
The Third Era of the Unelected Civil Service (1913-1965): The establishment of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve in 1913 (along with the 16th Amendment authorizing personal income taxes, the IRS and the Anti-Defamation League in the same year) followed by FDR’s New Deal (1933-1938) which created an unfireable unelected civil service and massive social welfare programs, while cutting back the power of the Supreme Court with the switch in time that saved nine. The United States becoming a worldwide hegemony in 1945 was a result of this setup. This era gave rise to what Ernst Junger referred to as the Worker, who subsumed himself on behalf of the collective as part of total mobilization: “Each individual life becomes, ever more unambiguously, the life of a worker” so that “following the wars of knights, kings, and citizens, we now have wars of workers.”
The Fourth Era of White Erasure (1965-2020): The 1965 Civil Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act set in motion what became unlimited non-white immigration and increasing anti-white discrimination where the white percentage of the U.S. population dropped from 90% to 60% within fifty years. Christopher Caldwell wrote about this in his The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, where he stated: “Just half a decade into the civil rights revolution, America had something it had never had at the federal level, something the overwhelming majority of its citizens would never have approved: an explicit system of racial preference. Plainly the civil rights acts had wrought a change in the country's constitutional culture." Caldwell writes that the Civil Rights Act 1964 was "not just a major new element in the Constitution," but "a rival constitution, with which the original one was frequently incompatible." The figure of the Worker was defeated by the bourgeois, whose technological managerialism enmeshed capital and placed security among the highest of values, conducting his life accordingly. This era included radical individualism, free-market fundamentalism, unfettered globalization, and the resulting decay of social norms and civil society institutions. This era corresponded with the rise of what Cesar Tort called a new national foundation myth centered around white blood guilt for the Holocaust, Hitler as the Devil and all whites worldwide as intrinsically and irreparably evil. As he explains:
For the modern West, from Australia to the US and back to the Old Continent, at least the countries that were not subsumed by the Soviet Union, the narrative of the Second World War has become our new foundation myth….
You learn from a very early young age that the ultimate incarnation of pure evil were the Nazis and thus those that oppose Nazis are the ultimate good. From this stance of ultimate good Western civilisation drives its core values of anti-nationalism; unity being a weakness and diversity being a strength. All measure of civilisational confidence is bigotry. Any questioning with regards to the differences in people, cultures and their compatibility is taboo….
And it is here when we begin to understand the West’s self-loathing, and what really is a sincere desire for collective, cultural, physical and psychological suicide—because all three functions of our post-war foundation myth [see footnote 1] are negative in the extreme. Instead of the origin being of strength fertility and of a new and blossoming beginning, it is one of violence, death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story, it is in fact occupied by ultimate evil….
The entire West is not only losing their local but also its civilisational identity, and has been changed to this World War II foundation myth, which has born the West its new corrosive, self-hating and malignant identity—and will if not, as did previously, utterly destroy it.
The Fifth Era of Tyrannical Hard Power likely began in 2020, a narrative I explored in my 3-part series on the Trump campaign and history, although it will take historical distance to confirm it. If true, this era will last at minimum for multiple decades, and possibly last far beyond that. The Fifth Era is defined by the end of so-called “democracy” — in other words, elections will continue but be simply rigged (as opposed to heavily managed and influenced in prior eras), which the regime will deny using its propaganda organs and “experts” — and a transition from a soft power propaganda model to a hard power boots-on-the-face model as people’s quality of life dramatically decreases. This shift became necessary as the internet was increasingly bypassing globohomo’s narrative control. It was formalized via the legalization during COVID of permanent vote-by-mail4 and ballot harvesting and a casual legal disregard for societal norms, completing the process of what globohomo accomplished in California, i.e. turning it into a one-party state. This was a top-down imposed revolution which their controlled media is intentionally being quiet about:
This era will be neo-feudal, with ever-widening and extreme disparities between the ultra-rich and poor, enormous inflation (started with the $11 trillion printed under Trump during COVID), the end of the middle class, little social mobility, completely open borders, a woke AI scanning everyone’s computer, phone and internet activity (i.e. no privacy) and assigning everyone social credit scores ala the digital panopticon, and the managerial class going buckwild as the parasite kills the majority host. Unlike earlier eras where the masses were looked upon first as industrial workers and then used within a service economy, serving as tax cattle for the elites, this era will look upon the masses as simply zero-value burdens who should simply be used for mass genetic testing (like via the ultra-dangerous mRNA “vaccines”) or be phased out of existence entirely one way or another through war and poverty. Due to technology changes they are seen as what homosexual Jewish atheist Yuval Harari called “useless people”, who if they are “lucky” they will get to live on subsistence government-offered UBI. This era is going to be an ever-decreasing quality of life, but the silver lining is it may ultimately lead - after extreme pain and suffering - to a newfound religious and spiritual sensibility that doesn’t exist when economic times are strong.
Expectations for a second Trump term
As a result of being in the fifth legal regime, and putting aside how horrible the 90 IQ hooker’s reign would be if she wins, if Trump does win I also expect his presidency to be underwhelming: there will be little pushback on the 20 million illegals let in within the past four years alone, there will be no substantial positive changes to the $2 trillion dollar deficit or $35 trillion dollar national debt, and persistently high inflation is here to stay permanently as neoliberal feudalism continues to set in. Additionally, Trump’s presidency will be used to de-fang right-wing support much as he did during his disastrous COVID response.5 It may not manifest in a day, a month, or a year; COVID happened in his fourth year as president, so setting proper timing expectations is important not to get sucked up in momentary excitement. He will either lead the country to war in Iran (where globohomo is slowly trying to back off DEI in order to get white men to go die for it), preside over civil war, and/or he will preside over the collapse of our sovereign debt bubble, previously discussed here in the context of Japan, where our upper-tier overlords both initiated the bubble as well as it’s future “popping” in order to create enough panic to drive this country and the world into upcoming CBDC techno-tyranny. His toothless response will allow globohomo to blame Trump and nationalism for the situation they themselves caused, following a long successful line of blaming-the-victim including as seen in World War 2.
concurs that a Trump victory would be used to ultimately smear him as globohomo’s fall guy. believes that our overlords intend this setup to eventually lead to the coronation of Greater Israel as the seat of world power, something I pondered in a separate capacity. At the very least Trump’s presidency will be used to consolidate the rapid and radical changes that have taken place over the past four years, reflecting the historical trend of Democrat radicalism followed by Republican consolidation of those liberal gains.Whatever happens, the fifth era of tyrannical hard power is going to crystalize and more fully manifest.
Okay, well, what about voting then? It’s a binary choice and if Trump doesn’t win then Kamala will (due to extreme voting fraud; Trump will definitely win real votes in a landslide) where she will let in yet another 20 million illegals in the next four years and continue the radical transformation of the country. If one doesn’t vote for him is that just a tacit vote for her, a 90 IQ anti-white hooker? I suppose one may retain hope that Trump would be better than Kamala in this intra-elite competition, although I have my doubts. I think he would try not to let in another 20 million illegals who were let in under Biden, maybe (maybe Trump will just allow in 5-10 million but legally!), he might be important for Supreme Court picks (although two of his three prior picks turned out to be left-leaning duds),
thinks he would be positive for the military, and globohomo did try to assassinate him twice - but the structural problems are so deep and metastasized (i.e. white erasure, $2+ trillion deficits, $35 trillion national debt) that radically negative change is coming and it can’t be stopped at this point. The fifth legal regime is upon us and will only manifest further. Hence globohomo’s hysteria at Trump’s win in 2016; that was the Flight 93 election, the last chance to right the ship, but we crashed. Our upper elites are poised to benefit regardless of whoever is allowed to win this fake election, and everyone else will lose…if the election is even allowed to happen. Coinciding with the election is a large scale cybersecurity exercise on November 5:As
states, “The ‘drills’ always convert one hour after starting into the real thing.” Converting a large scale exercise into a real event is the same tactic used with COVID via Event 201, with the strategy prepared by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010, and also what happened during 9/11. Cyber Polygon, a false flag cyber attack which would be used to blame Iran or Russia has also been in the works for many years. Perhaps the Israeli attack on Iran will be the precipitating event.The ancient Chinese curse of “May you live in interesting times” is here. Regardless of the route it now takes, though, from a material and freedom perspective we are past the point of no return (even if the Federal Reserve continues to hypnotize you by printing infinite loldollars and shoving it into the stock market). Things are going to get much worse in this fifth legal regime, so prepare yourself as best you can.
Thanks for reading.
I say this partially in jest: despite the Constitution’s major shortcomings as will be discussed below, the First and Second Amendments have created major stumbling block’s in how globohomo treats Americans compared to the rest of the world. It generally has to tread lighter here, and it’s extremely malicious actions are done more indirectly and circuitously.
From Cesar Tort, who is quite unhinged but has a good explanation of this principle here: “What is a foundation myth and what functions does it provides a society? Well, first it comports and provides an origin, framework and superstructure for society and how it interacts with the world and itself. Second, it defines what is the ultimate good and conversely, ultimate evil for the reasons of defining values and from those to justify who holds power. And third it determines and defines what is held sacred in a society.”
The country allowed vote-by-mail prior to 2020 but limited mostly to absentee ballots from overseas military members. See here for more context.
The way it works is that a substantial percent of a group’s supporters will go along with an action which, if the other side had been the one pushing that action they would have resisted it. During COVID more than half of Trump’s supporters initially went along with the lockdowns where many would have resisted under a Democrat president. Another example that come to mind is Charles de Gaulle’s betrayal of the pied-noirs in Algeria despite running on a platform of the opposite.
I'm in complete agreement with your analysis here. Let me start the discussion of how to survive these times. My strategy:
1. Get out of the city. Find a small agricultural town that is economically expanding and still has strong culture. If possible live in the rural area outside town.
2. Gain as many skills as possible that can provide gray market work. Carpentry, plumbing, concrete, etc. Minimize taxable income and maximize use of social services.
3. Grey man. Do your best to fit in. Know everybody but keep your life private. Don't own nice things or a big house.
4. Prep for "sin" based economy. My state legalized weed and I've been growing for years. In tough times escapism is valued.
5. No debt. None of the prep matters if it can all be taken away when you stop making payments.
Interesting analysis, I have a more optimistic take that 2020-2024 was the low water mark for Western society and things will get better from here, based on a few trends:
1. Health: People are rapidly waking up to the modern medicine scam. Anti-seed oil, anti-vaccine, etc. sentiment is blowing up and there's nothing that they can do to put the genie back in the bottle. The liberal elite are all still doubling down on these things, but that will simply result in them dying more and faster. The epigenetic damage of these things takes several generations to accumulate, and we're now at the 3rd or 4th generation of mass seed oils and vaccinations, which could partially explain why people are so emotional and stupid nowadays. The accumulated damage caused by these has also led to...
2. Fertility Crisis: Tied into point 1, fertility has dropped off a cliff in almost every country and there's nothing the elites can do about it. The modern economy is a Ponzi scheme that ultimately relies on a growing population, and the only solution the elites seem to offer is mass, uncontrolled immigration, which has led to...
3. Competency Crisis. Mass immigration is not a suitable solution for replacing a competent native-born workforce. Immigration in the past was also selective, the primary reason being that welfare for immigrants was very limited and so only the competent could survive immigrating here. Combine this with the DEI rot that has taken over for the past 10 years, and you have the perfect storm for a competency crisis that has eradicated the reputation of companies like Boeing in the span of just a few years.
4. Young men checked out of society: Most young men nowadays have realized that the rat race is pointless. Apart from the few that make it into high paying tech/finance type jobs, most are unemployed or underemployed and have made peace coping with video games. Not only are they starving the system of their labor and potential resources, but also present an untapped source of potential when true leaders emerge to take back the west.
Ultimately, the liberal system is too sick, too tired, and unable to squeeze anything more out of the population. Even if the elites were highly competent, there's not much they can accomplish when they don't have any useful footsoldiers left. The remaining competent individuals will only work for someone they respect (like Elon Musk, see the results of SpaceX vs. Boeing), or are just mercenaries who'll work for the highest bidder and won't stick around to defend the elite when shit hits the fan.