Former President Donald Trump currently faces criminal charges in two cases, one in New York district court and one by the federal government in Florida. There are more potential criminal charges pending in Georgia as well as other looming federal charges, both in the document retention case and for January 6.
Meanwhile, according to an April NBC poll (polls should be taken with a grain of salt, because they are used by the establishment to mold and not just reflect public opinion), Republican primary voters overwhelmingly believe these charges are politically motivated Soviet-esque show trials:
And Trump’s lead has substantially grown over Ron “Meatball” DeSantis since April, showing the criminal charges have not harmed him among his base:
A DeSantis PAC official on Twitter Spaces acknowledges this reality, calling Trump the “runaway front-runner” and “We are way behind”, even as establishment Republicans work behind the scenes to undermine the primary process.
These are uncharted waters in America: criminal charges with more pending criminal charges against the front-running candidate for a national party. It is a sign that America has firmly descended into third world status, with all that entails...
"Here be dragons" (Latin: hic sunt dracones) means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where potential dangers were thought to exist.
The charges
Let’s briefly explore each of these cases and then offer an opinion where this is headed, tying it into the overarching neoliberal feudal framework. Keep in mind that the Republican presidential primaries are currently scheduled for between January and June 2024.
1. New York charges over Trump’s hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels:
Trump faces 34 felony counts with a scheduled trial date of March 2024. The charges are based on a “novel legal theory” which is quite weak - “as far from a slam dunk for prosecutors who are used to winning the vast majority of their cases”. Here’s another link; I could post a bunch of these. Prominent liberal legal experts have expressed unease over these charges. Step back and think about that for a second - bringing charges against a former president based on a novel legal theory which is far from a slam dunk? Think about how radical that is…
That being said, the New York City jury pool is heavily biased against Trump, with Biden securing 76% of the 2020 vote, and a jury could easily convict him for the crime of Orange Man Bad. (There is also an unsubstantiated contention that juries in political trials are being screened beyond normal voir dire measures using the NSA search databases to weed out any non-far leftists, which would explain the bizarre results of many recent high-profile politicized trials).

2. Federal charges over Trump’s retention of classified documents post presidency:
Trump faces decades in prison and with a trial date which will also overlap with the Republican primaries. There are also possible additional charges that will be brought, either in the same case or in a different venue.
According to Sundance, the information in the Trump-retained documents at issue pertain to the establishment’s seditious, extreme criminal behavior for spying on the Trump campaign and prominent Republican supporters during Spygate, which is the most massive scandal in modern history, far dwarfing in size and scope anything Nixon allegedly did during Watergate.1 Trump wanted to keep the documents as leverage against globohomo; he was not able to release them publicly because they were shielded by the FBI/DOJ/CIA under “active investigations” pertaining to “national security matters”, so he held onto them. The FBI raid and subsequent criminal charges, then, serves as a sword-and-shield maneuver: scoop up the documents so Trump can never release them, which would have smeared his enemies as actual criminals and exonerated his campaign and presidency, while prosecuting Trump for defending himself.
Globohomo’s sword-and-shield strategy is visualized by the Roman Testudo formation, moving forward offensively while in a defensive formation:
Andrew Weissman, the arch-criminal behind the doddering front man Robert Mueller during his quite successful Russiagate investigation2 celebrated the charges against Trump and, along with his fellow seditious conspirator Norm Eisen, wrote an internal prosecution memo for current Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco to use on behalf of their conscripted Special Counsel Jack Smith (“Jack Smith” is almost certainly a fake Anglicized name).3
3. Pending criminal charges in Georgia by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis:
“For nearly two years, Willis' office has been looking into whether Trump committed a crime during his January 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which the former president asked him to "find" the 11,780 votes needed to beat Joe Biden in Georgia. The probe has since widened significantly and is also looking into allegations the Trump campaign plotted to send a group of fake electors to falsely claim that Trump had won the state in 2020, as well as claims of intimidation of election workers.”
The Georgia forewoman, a woman named Emily Kohrs, giddily gave an interview with CNN where she came across as a frothing-at-the-mouth pussyhat wearer, and even CNN admitted the interview was “odd”:
4. Pending federal criminal charges for Trump for January 6:
Over 1,000 Trump supporters have been thrown in prison, with more ongoing, over an unarmed, nonviolent protest where the only death was Ashlee Babbitt, a Trump supporter, and where the capitol police and secret FBI agent Ray Epps opened up the gates to allow crowds inside the building. Recently four Proud Boys were convicted of seditious conspiracy for January 6, and there is an ongoing effort to strip Trump lawyer John Eastman of his law license for trying to help Trump contest the election (Rudy Giuliani’s has already been suspended with possible pending criminal charges and there is also an effort to suspend former Justice Department attorney Jeff Clark, who also helped Trump; legitimately insane Lin Wood agreed to forced retirement instead of disbarment).
Trump is under active investigation for his role in 1/6. Sundance argues that the federal entrapment of Trump supporters (with foreknowledge by both Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell and Pence) served multiple roles; one of the primary objectives was for Congress to invoke emergency powers so that congressional and Supreme Court challenges to globohomo’s obvious election fraud would not occur. They did not want to repeat the contentious Supreme Court face-down that occurred in 2000’s Bush vs. Gore.
If they were not able to entrap Trump supporters to enter the capital, globohomo had a backup plan to still invoke those measures: the so-called Capitol pipe bombs. “Under this scenario, the J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations. If no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the process.” Which explains why the FBI has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects.
The paucity of real charges against Trump is really something. They had to come up with a fake Trump/Russia smear and then go after him for hush-payments to Stormy Daniels and a host of these other nonsensical charges; it’s no wonder globohomo hates him so much, because they did not have any blackmail to keep him under their thumb. Under globohomo’s inverted reality structure, having political candidates who have committed massive criminal misdeeds is a good thing, and being clean is a terrible thing, because the former will do whatever they want while the latter has the potential to be a loose cannon. Trump is almost certainly the cleanest president in (at least modern) history.
So there are a bunch of active (and very politicized and flimsy) criminal charges against Trump, scheduled to interrupt the Republican primary, and bigger ones upcoming.
How is Trump handling it? He is boisterous in public, claiming it is a massive witch hunt, but behind the scenes it looks like he is scared. He continues to ignore the base that won him 2016 by spending an inordinate amount of time pandering to minorities:
And Trump’s proxy Trump Jr. called early on for an end to the Bud Light boycott (which I do think is stupid and destined to fail; look at the BUD stock price which is doing fine), the Trump campaign attacking DeSantis for texts by Pedro Gonzalez, and Trump appeared “off” and scared in his recent interview with Bret Baier.
So here is the call: the call is that Trump is very likely going to prison. It will happen one way or another, even though all of the charges and potential charges are ridiculous both on their face and in the details, pushed by a malevolent, bloodthirsty regime that stole power in 2020 and is now ratcheting things up behind the scenes in major ways. I’m not sure how this will impact 2024; DeSantis has not been a beneficiary of these show trial charges (and he doesn’t have the physiognomy to benefit from it; he’s a squat little meatball). Only Vivek is gaining a bit. Perhaps globohomo waits to imprison him until after the upcoming rigged 2024 elections. Maybe throwing Trump in prison simply implodes the Republican party and allows Democrats to formally institute one party permanent rule.

I think the 2020 election will be looked back at historically, assuming humanity survives, as the moment of globohomo’s outright, direct seizure of power after decades of operating stealthily behind the scenes. As
comments on liberal’s use of power on another issue here:They have the power and they’re likely to get away with this. Others say that the law is “unconstitutional”, which it might be, but which is also meaningless, because those in power get to decide what this means in practice.
My take is that they are doing this because they understand how power works. Which is like this: (1) Get it, and (2) Use it. The got it, and they’re using it to shut down their opposition.
And as
has also commented in the context of Ukraine, most people simply follow the rulers whoever they are, and that is why globohomo puts so much value in their seizure of power:That’s how authority works; people naturally follow orders from on high. It’s probably genetic even because following the chieftain used to be a viable strategy for survival. For most of history, there wasn’t such a huge disconnect between the ruler and the ruled. Both groups needed each other to a large extent and the captain went down with the ship if things got too bad. The interests of the ruler and ruled aligned more often than they didn’t….
That is why the fight for these positions of authority is so important. If the power of authority wasn’t so overwhelming, these positions wouldn’t be so coveted. Heretics could just go to the people directly, convince them using the logic of their arguments, and the deed would already be done - the people would be convinced to no longer obey the authorities. But this is not what happens. This is not the observable reality that we are dealing with. Hippy-style appeals to the power of the people to organize themselves without hierarchies or appeals to authority fall flat on their face because only a certain percentage of people are capable of thinking this way. Most people are always following the leader. The only real question is: who is the leader? It doesn’t have to be the president of a country or a general, mind you. It could be a cult leader or a celebrity artist or even a boss at the company.
Now, there is a small chance that globohomo uses the charges against Trump to fully skin-suit him (i.e. to turn him into one of their puppets), but he’s been skin-suited for years now, pushing the deadly untested mRNA “vaccines”, letting hordes of criminals out of prison, failing to pardon Assange, letting Kushner run the show, etc. I think globohomo is still furious that Orange Man snuck one by them in 2016; I think they hate that he is and always will remain a symbol for white middle America, which they viciously want to pulverize into dust. I don’t think they care about potential benefits of having a skin-suited “Republican populist” preside over the continued destruction of America, even if that helps de-fang Trump supporters (note that $11 trillion was printed under Trump’s watch during COVID; there is no political solution to America’s structural problems).
persuasively argues, the left loves to use proxies in order to attack their ultimate targets without revealing the true nature of their attacks, either to themselves (for psychological reasons) or to their enemies (for practical reasons):A proxy is a convenient substitute facilitating the guilt-free attack on something that would be otherwise forbidden. Where people tend to get lost here is that they try to imagine that all of their enemies are cynical sociopaths or stupid zealots. The reality is that everyone trying to control narratives at the expense of populism is somewhere along a vast continuum. Some understand that they want to reign over lesser humans who don’t deserve freedom and autonomy, others are delusional enough to believe that they need to guide the unwashed masses for their own good. Whether they believe their own bullshit or not, they need to identify and use a proxy when there is something they are trying to attack but can’t allow it look like they are attacking that way. The psychopaths can’t afford to be exposed as serial uncompromising hypocrites, the clueless can’t afford to see themselves as the hypocrites they are. All are unified by class interest.
In this case, globohomo wants to destroy Trump as a proxy for white middle class populism, without suffering the psychological or political consequences of a direct attack. Trump was right when he said "In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way.”

The Romanov comparison
When the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917, it set off a civil war that ended with the Romanov family being executed in 1918. The Romanov’s served as a Schelling point and a symbol for monarchy and the right; in other words, it was easier for all of the scattered, feuding tribes of the right to unite in support of them. By murdering their entire family in cold blood, the Bolsheviks removed the Schelling point, demoralized their enemies and made picking apart their re-feuding enemies much easier. They then set about wiping out millions of their enemies, who they deemed “kulaks”.

In much the same way, Trump is a Schelling point for right wing populists and those dissatisfied with the system, even though he is a flailing clown. By imprisoning Trump for the rest of his life, or possibly trying to execute him for “treason”, and going after his family and allies, globohomo can then turn their attention to who they really want to destroy and murder: you. (But not necessarily entirely in that order; the bolsheviks killed a lot of Tsarist supporters before killing the Tsar).
Check out this great Revolver article: “Are you ready to be an American kulak?” which further deepens the comparison. And the same ethnic group was dramatically overrepresented in presiding over the bloodshed as today…
The reaction
Globohomo is moving forward with their strategy in their offensive/defensive testudo formation. As they ratchet up charges against Trump (which, again, they are happy with being perceived as flimsy and political; the same reason why they shove Hunter Biden’s crimes in the public’s faces — they want to instigate a reaction), as they keep the southern border open with millions passing through, as they print trillions of dollars and give it to their friends and allies, as they try turning your kids transsexual, they appear more or less comfortable with the chance of provoking a violent reaction so that they have the pretext to crush it.
It’s “heads I win, tails you lose”: don’t react and be destroyed (as the permanent one party state (a strategy perfected in California) gets set in place nationally, then CBDCs are shoved down your throat stripping you of all your freedoms). React in a violent insurrection and be destroyed even faster.
Modern history demonstrates that in order for a violent insurgency to be successful it would need to have either institutional backers or foreign support. Does the right have *any* institutional support in 2023 America? Does it make sense why globohomo purged the military and police forces of dissidents (the only institutions which had any right-wing support) during COVID under the pretext of the untested mRNA vaccines? And it is the same basic motivation why extremely well funded globohomo groups are viciously and baselessly slandering Justice Thomas (again) and Alito, to weaken the Supreme Court if any of globohomo’s extreme criminal activities get placed in front of them?

I’m not sure there will be a violent reaction regardless. 2017 Charlottesville removed the right’s offensive ability to organize; 1/6 removed their defensive ability to organize. It seems like the right is petrified, correctly, of any organization at this point, so I don’t suspect there will be any violent reaction based on anything the establishment does to Orange Man - regardless of America being the most heavily armed country in the world. I’ll likely do a separate post analyzing the possibility and success odds of a middle class uprising at some point.
I don’t have an answer here. If this was a game of chess, western civilization appears to have been checkmated. If there is any hope at all, it is the right soberly grappling with these issues and then coming to terms with and accepting the transvaluation of values away from egalitarianism that must happen before any real resistance is possible — politics is well downstream of society’s core beliefs — as well as a greater understanding of how the Rothschild central bank system works, so people stop confusing the red cape of Current Thing distraction from the matador.
A declassified FISA report stated that the FBI ran 3.1 million illegal FISA searches on American citizens in 2017 alone, compared to 7,500 combined searches by the NSA and CIA in the same year. It later came out that the law firm Perkins Coie had its own NSA search terminal set up in its D.C. offices to spy on domestic opposition; it was placed there to provide the perpetrators protection. In 2023 the DOJ Inspector General revealed that more than 10,000 federal employees have access to the NSA database for surveillance inquiries (which show everything you have ever typed electronically on your computer or used on your phone), more than 3.4 million search queries were ran between 12/1/2020 and 11/30/2021, and approximately 30% were outside the rules and regulations that govern warrantless search, showing the pattern of illegal governmental behavior is extreme and only expanding.
Successful because it kept the Obama-era figures from being criminally prosecuted or investigated and it paralyzed the Trump administration; there was no substance to the underlying Russian charges so it was never meant to prosecute Trump.
It’s hard to know from the outside how “smart” Eisen and Weissman, and others of their ilk, are. The leaked Strzok/Page text messages suggest these characters are devious and clever, and that they spend the vast majority or all of their “job” strategizing and conspiring how to keep and gain more power, both to establish primary plans as well as develop branch contingencies (or as Strzok/Page called it, “insurance policies”).
💯💯💯 this is a fantastic essay
Very sobering. I hadn't put together that they're attacking Trump more as proxy for middle class Americans than out of concern he could effectively resist globohomo. Looking forward to whatever you put together on middle class resistance as I've been trying to write about similar themes myself ( I think/hope there might be some line of legitimacy that can't be crossed by the regime in America because of our founding narratives and norms in contrast to the "most people will invariably follow the leader no matter what".