Excellent analysis. Maybe the State has gotten so powerful it's just manipulating everything now - Gold prices are held down, dollar is inflated, Bitcoin is inflated - All of them could be useful as a store of value or as money but the State has ruined them.
Hilarious that Trump did not one, but two, pump n' dumps and no one cares. Hawk Tuah does one and she's finished.
I'm in Precog group three. Is Bitcoin inflated? Yep. Will it keep getting inflated? Yep. Probably for much, much longer than we'd like to think. Look at stocks - They've been inflated, and the means of inflation, for six or seven decades now. Every penny spent on Bitcoin should be offset by the same in gold/silver though. IMO.
Thanks Joseph, I agree with you; the power of our elites to define reality for people, including valuations, is immense. I thought I was cynical while in group two but (1) my sustained confidence that Tether was an enormous fraud plus (2) years of it continuing and increasing their fraud with no repercussions (that was a tiny hand slap in the state of New York) forced me into the infinitely more cynical group three. This is why the important thing isn’t being right about everything, but being able to critically look inward and update one’s worldviews if one’s predictions don’t turn out to be accurate.
“I miss the era of films before smartphones became ubiquitous around 2012, when many movies began to lose their quality” this is exactly my thoughts about tv. I’ve been watching a series that began in 2000 and finished in 2024. To say the thoughtfulness and quality has declined is an understatement
The other nasty element of crypto is the fact that the mining essentially just makes the coin itself a store of wasted energy devoid of any objective value. If everyone stops believing in crypto it turns back into nothing more than entropy. It's interesting to note that the liberals constantly screaming about all those carbon emissions and how everyone should be made to live like a Bangladeshi garbage scavenger aren't barking their heads off about this.
Don't know where you get your info from but leftists HAVE BEEN barking their heads off for years already about the effects of bitcoin mining. But in our billionaire capitalist dominated information economy (where fraud is the business model and pursuit of profit is the highest value and trumps life and human well-being, and where billionaires have control over the flow of information on the planet) the voice of real leftists and environmentalists doesn't reach almost anyone (clearly hasn't reached your echo-chamber).
PS. To be clear, i'm not talking here about corporate-capitalist liberal right-wing DNC billionaires (fake left and fake environmentalists), but about ACTUAL leftists and REAL pro-life environmentalists. Here's a collection of in-depth investigations into the climate capitalists and how they are the POLAR OPPOSITE of leftists and environmentalists https://winteroak.org.uk/climate-capitalists/
Yes, that's exactly what i meant. Please see the PS (second paragraph) of my reply. PBS is precisely what i was referring to when saying corporate-capitalist liberal right-wing DNC billionaires (fake left and fake environmentalists). Precisely the place where you will NOT find real left and real environmental perspective. Here again is a collection of in-depth investigations into the climate capitalists and how they are the POLAR OPPOSITE of leftists and environmentalists https://winteroak.org.uk/climate-capitalists/
eh, a lot of them very much are barking their heads off about the impact of bitcoin mining...
either way though, you can be sure that China is loving the fact that it ships bitcoin mining rigs to the United States where they are used to lay waste to America's fossil fuel reserves. all bitcoin mining hardware is made in China and yet bitcoin mining is flat out banned within the people's republic.
This comment shows the complete ignorance of these "crypto" critics when it comes to energy and bitcoin... Also, there is no objective value in economics, there is simply not, economic value is subjective. I expected to read something about Bitcoin itself, but all I got was insider trading, Tether and CDBCs. Bitcoin will set humanity free from the chains of the fiat "money out of thin air" scam, that robs people their productiy and savings, pushing inequality even higher.
I sent you bitcoin a while back. It is ironic considering your stance. I landed somewhat like your friends though sit on both sides of the fence with regard to its place in everything. You remember it saved wikileaks from complete destruction also when PayPal and visa cut them off.
For my sins they cut me off from every bank, destroyed 3 or 4 companies on me and left me with no way back to economic status. (I understand it was JP Mogan pulling the strings)They did this to my wife also. Probably the first debanked person in this country, maybe 2016.
Now I live off grid in a forest and have evolved from stoner geek to tough as nails forest dweller. Since I had a few bitcoin sitting around I also benefit from the fraud you describe and its kept me alive and made me wealthy. Its a quandry. I'm hoping if they decide to try and send us to war with Russia I might be able to leave with some wealth also, so in some sense its still working as intended. And besides there is little else worth buying, all business is fraud now where I am with the most profitable being bringing in fugees for cash I.e. the plantation business.
Thanks for the tip, Future, and I’m glad you have been able to make the transition to off grid and that your investments in Bitcoin have sustained you through this hardship. Why did JPMorgan target you and your companies for debanking?
They threatened the intermediary banks that used to process transactions we did. It was before money transmitter laws and the PSD.2 European regulations. We had leveraged a newly created banking front end established nationwide to sell btc to customers for cash (you could put cash in the ATM and lodge it to anyone's account) The atms were all set up for it, within a few years it all got shuttered. And so did we. I think people like us were the reason for the crafting of the laws. We didn't break the law, we just used what was in front of us.
Essentially, he argues that digital currencies, including Bitcoin, are primarily trading vehicles driven by propaganda, rather than viable alternatives to fiat money, and that their adoption could lead to significant societal and economic risks. He warns that laws will be enacted to replace decentralized cryptocurrencies with CBDCs, enabling governments to track transactions and eliminate financial privacy. In his view, they are tools for control and surveillance, contributing to authoritarianism, economic slavery, and the erosion of individual freedoms.
Thanks for the link, Alex. Armstrong seems to have a similar position to the sinister primary purpose of cryptocurrencies as I do. The 1996 government whitepaper he links to is also an interesting reference. Do you read him daily?
Yes, I've been following his work closely for over a decade. If you Google him, you'll find the manufactured smear-job that the media has done on him, but if you read his work, you'll see that he's the real deal.
Definitely not the most important part of this post but I fully agree with your observation about movies. I find it quite difficult to enjoy most movies post 2010-2015 as something just feels wrong about them. I'm not sure if it's the fact that the movie industry is more and more corporate and only cares about milking the viewers, the fact that they're forcing woke propaganda or because they're tailored to appeal to the type of person that spends their day on TikTok or other similar platforms. There's plenty of very good pre-2015 movies to watch but I find it depressing that our society is at a point where most new movies aren't enjoyable.
If I may ask you a question that is completely unrelated, given the recent Ukraine "war" developments (the Zelensky argument in the Oval, Europe's plan to re-arm and Trump's conflicting statements on Russia and Putin) what do you think the globalist strategy is at this point and what should we expect thisbyear? And what's the relation with Iran? Do you think the plan is to shift away from Ukraine to prepare an Iran invasion as you mentioned in your previous post? Something seems to be missing regarding Iran, clearly repeating the whole Bush WMD scenario with Iran and nuclear weapons isn't going to fly even with the most ardent MAGAs.
Hi ABJ, yes, it currently looks to me like the U.S. will put a pause on Ukraine fighting in order to shift resources to the Iran sphere - the drama between Trump and Zelensky is fake; Zelensky is a 5'4" Jewish homosexual actor addicted to cocaine and has no power whatsoever, he is simply a frontman. As part of an upcoming Minsk 3-style agreement Russia was forced to give up Syria as step one and it will have to give up support for Iran as step two. One may note that when the U.S. ended the war in Afghanistan by withdrawing after twenty years, it was embroiled in Ukraine only six months later - the military industrial complex NEEDS an ongoing war in order to justify it's enormous rape of the American taxpayer. So if Ukraine ends it can only mean a pivot to another enemy, either Iran or China, and China seems on the backburner as the propaganda machine against Iran turns up strongly. You're right that the American public are not likely to support another Middle East war, hence the high likelihood of a false flag of some sort -- perhaps even an assassination of Trump, carried out by Israel/the CIA and blamed on Iran, as discussed in this recent guest post: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/guest-post-on-the-continued-elevated
What NF said. And to add to that, regarding the pivot towards making china into the new number one "evil monstrous scary boogyman enemy" with which to frighten the american public into obedience and loyalty to the billionaires' regime of domination over us, see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/defense-sec-hegseth-launches-the
> "bought $200 million of Bitcoin and Ethereum on 50x leverage and made $1.5 billion of profit in a single day"
fwiw the two 50x long/short trades i saw yielded the trader ~$12 million (i think the long trade was ~$9 million and the short trade ~$3million, but don't quote me).
to make a billion in a single day you need TrumpCoin (lol).
one more thing - these trades were made on a public defi platform, which is *not* what you would do if you were a corrupt chinese crypto exchange owner like justin sun.
if justin sun made 50x leveraged trades based on insider info (which i couldn't prove, but i strongly suspect) then he would do it on one of the exchanges he owns, where the trades would not be public.
the publicly visible 50x long/short trades on hyperliquid are almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg (i also suspect the fact that they were public means they are more likely to be trump insiders, because despite being public they are also anonymized). who knows wtf went on in the binance, bitfinex, OKX, etc. order books (that information never hits the blockchain)
If you are "invested" (gambling) in crypto, it is key to have an exit strategy. The rug pull could happen any time. It is gambling and therefore do not go all in.
That said, it would appear there is still some upside remaining. Compare capitalization of BTC to gold. Still a lot of headroom. And BTC seems to have a special status being carved out for it legally as commodity vs security. Perhaps it will be used as part of a "breadbasket" to facilitate cross border trades between upcoming CBDCs.
It’s important to focus on solutions to the systemic issues we face, and I believe Bitcoin stands as one of those rare, transformative innovations with the potential to reshape history for the better. That said, you’re missing half of the story. While the cryptocurrency industry has undeniably become a hotbed of scams and manipulation, it’s crucial to remember that Bitcoin was originally designed as a direct response to the very corruption and rent-seeking we all criticize. Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision was rooted in transparency, decentralization, and low peer-to-peer transaction costs—a beacon of light against the darkness of centralized control. Unfortunately, the space was hijacked, giving rise to the so-called "crypto industry" we see today, which has strayed far from Bitcoin’s original purpose.
You should look into the controversial figure Craig Wright, the only person legally declared not to be Satoshi Nakamoto, courtesy of clown world. His claims and the ensuing legal battles underscore the absurdity and complexity of the ongoing struggle over Bitcoin’s true identity and mission. The real question is whether we can return to its original vision or if it’s already too far gone.
Hi Dialectic, the point of a focus on Tether is that regardless of Bitcoin's original purpose or the fact that only a limited number of Bitcoin can ever be minted - unlike, say, Ethereum which can be printed to infinity - our elites are able to control Bitcoin by controlling Tether which serves as a US dollar equivalent. The exchanges are *very* thinly traded compared to capital markets, and the printing of dollar equivalents has a grossly disproportionate effect on the market cap of all cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin - it is not a 1:1 ratio, as reflected in the 2020 academic study by John M. Griffin and Amin Shams. My original post is here and delves into this: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/misconceptions-regarding-viewing I especially recommend the underlying links to the deep dive analysis by Patrick McKenzie, who has deep technical knowledge of the space.
Rephrasing - 'The jews' are a violent, bloodthirsty species, and the decades of prosperity since World War II have accumulated a psychic toll that will soon be cashed in by the Demiurge, affecting humanity in ways deeper, more negative, and more profound than ever before. - Until you (we) are capable of naming and shaming the real problem, the problem will continue. jews have been the great deceivers of our time and all times. Money leads to Influence leads to Power & Control.
Hi Sage, while I think there is a fundamental disconnect between Jews and gentiles in outlooks and dispositions, I don't think a regular Jewish person on the street has the same knowledge, motivation or power as the Rothschilds and other central bank owners. I delve into the important distinctions here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-complicated-relationship-between
Excellent analysis. Maybe the State has gotten so powerful it's just manipulating everything now - Gold prices are held down, dollar is inflated, Bitcoin is inflated - All of them could be useful as a store of value or as money but the State has ruined them.
Hilarious that Trump did not one, but two, pump n' dumps and no one cares. Hawk Tuah does one and she's finished.
I'm in Precog group three. Is Bitcoin inflated? Yep. Will it keep getting inflated? Yep. Probably for much, much longer than we'd like to think. Look at stocks - They've been inflated, and the means of inflation, for six or seven decades now. Every penny spent on Bitcoin should be offset by the same in gold/silver though. IMO.
Thanks Joseph, I agree with you; the power of our elites to define reality for people, including valuations, is immense. I thought I was cynical while in group two but (1) my sustained confidence that Tether was an enormous fraud plus (2) years of it continuing and increasing their fraud with no repercussions (that was a tiny hand slap in the state of New York) forced me into the infinitely more cynical group three. This is why the important thing isn’t being right about everything, but being able to critically look inward and update one’s worldviews if one’s predictions don’t turn out to be accurate.
“I miss the era of films before smartphones became ubiquitous around 2012, when many movies began to lose their quality” this is exactly my thoughts about tv. I’ve been watching a series that began in 2000 and finished in 2024. To say the thoughtfulness and quality has declined is an understatement
The other nasty element of crypto is the fact that the mining essentially just makes the coin itself a store of wasted energy devoid of any objective value. If everyone stops believing in crypto it turns back into nothing more than entropy. It's interesting to note that the liberals constantly screaming about all those carbon emissions and how everyone should be made to live like a Bangladeshi garbage scavenger aren't barking their heads off about this.
Don't know where you get your info from but leftists HAVE BEEN barking their heads off for years already about the effects of bitcoin mining. But in our billionaire capitalist dominated information economy (where fraud is the business model and pursuit of profit is the highest value and trumps life and human well-being, and where billionaires have control over the flow of information on the planet) the voice of real leftists and environmentalists doesn't reach almost anyone (clearly hasn't reached your echo-chamber).
PS. To be clear, i'm not talking here about corporate-capitalist liberal right-wing DNC billionaires (fake left and fake environmentalists), but about ACTUAL leftists and REAL pro-life environmentalists. Here's a collection of in-depth investigations into the climate capitalists and how they are the POLAR OPPOSITE of leftists and environmentalists https://winteroak.org.uk/climate-capitalists/
I get my info from PBS and they spend 99% of their time on black people complaining.
Yes, that's exactly what i meant. Please see the PS (second paragraph) of my reply. PBS is precisely what i was referring to when saying corporate-capitalist liberal right-wing DNC billionaires (fake left and fake environmentalists). Precisely the place where you will NOT find real left and real environmental perspective. Here again is a collection of in-depth investigations into the climate capitalists and how they are the POLAR OPPOSITE of leftists and environmentalists https://winteroak.org.uk/climate-capitalists/
And here is a brilliant must-read essay that shows in detail exactly how the billionares' regime play their divide-and-rule tricks on us (note, the post is written in a sarcastic tone, as if it is an instruction manual for an elite billionaire - like the criminal abuser ones currently in the white house - on how to manipulate and dominate the people https://open.substack.com/pub/johnspritzler/p/i-found-it-the-misplaced-owners-manual?r=c5eqm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
eh, a lot of them very much are barking their heads off about the impact of bitcoin mining...
either way though, you can be sure that China is loving the fact that it ships bitcoin mining rigs to the United States where they are used to lay waste to America's fossil fuel reserves. all bitcoin mining hardware is made in China and yet bitcoin mining is flat out banned within the people's republic.
almost makes you wonder...
This comment shows the complete ignorance of these "crypto" critics when it comes to energy and bitcoin... Also, there is no objective value in economics, there is simply not, economic value is subjective. I expected to read something about Bitcoin itself, but all I got was insider trading, Tether and CDBCs. Bitcoin will set humanity free from the chains of the fiat "money out of thin air" scam, that robs people their productiy and savings, pushing inequality even higher.
How? It isn't any different than fiat currency given that anyone can make their own shitcoin now and run a pump and dump.
I sent you bitcoin a while back. It is ironic considering your stance. I landed somewhat like your friends though sit on both sides of the fence with regard to its place in everything. You remember it saved wikileaks from complete destruction also when PayPal and visa cut them off.
For my sins they cut me off from every bank, destroyed 3 or 4 companies on me and left me with no way back to economic status. (I understand it was JP Mogan pulling the strings)They did this to my wife also. Probably the first debanked person in this country, maybe 2016.
Now I live off grid in a forest and have evolved from stoner geek to tough as nails forest dweller. Since I had a few bitcoin sitting around I also benefit from the fraud you describe and its kept me alive and made me wealthy. Its a quandry. I'm hoping if they decide to try and send us to war with Russia I might be able to leave with some wealth also, so in some sense its still working as intended. And besides there is little else worth buying, all business is fraud now where I am with the most profitable being bringing in fugees for cash I.e. the plantation business.
Thanks for the tip, Future, and I’m glad you have been able to make the transition to off grid and that your investments in Bitcoin have sustained you through this hardship. Why did JPMorgan target you and your companies for debanking?
They threatened the intermediary banks that used to process transactions we did. It was before money transmitter laws and the PSD.2 European regulations. We had leveraged a newly created banking front end established nationwide to sell btc to customers for cash (you could put cash in the ATM and lodge it to anyone's account) The atms were all set up for it, within a few years it all got shuttered. And so did we. I think people like us were the reason for the crafting of the laws. We didn't break the law, we just used what was in front of us.
I've previously recommended Martin Armstrong to you, and I think you'll appreciate his perspective on the digital currency issue. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/cryptocurrency/bitcoin-the-end-of-money/
Essentially, he argues that digital currencies, including Bitcoin, are primarily trading vehicles driven by propaganda, rather than viable alternatives to fiat money, and that their adoption could lead to significant societal and economic risks. He warns that laws will be enacted to replace decentralized cryptocurrencies with CBDCs, enabling governments to track transactions and eliminate financial privacy. In his view, they are tools for control and surveillance, contributing to authoritarianism, economic slavery, and the erosion of individual freedoms.
Thanks for the link, Alex. Armstrong seems to have a similar position to the sinister primary purpose of cryptocurrencies as I do. The 1996 government whitepaper he links to is also an interesting reference. Do you read him daily?
Yes, I've been following his work closely for over a decade. If you Google him, you'll find the manufactured smear-job that the media has done on him, but if you read his work, you'll see that he's the real deal.
Shared on Facebook
Definitely not the most important part of this post but I fully agree with your observation about movies. I find it quite difficult to enjoy most movies post 2010-2015 as something just feels wrong about them. I'm not sure if it's the fact that the movie industry is more and more corporate and only cares about milking the viewers, the fact that they're forcing woke propaganda or because they're tailored to appeal to the type of person that spends their day on TikTok or other similar platforms. There's plenty of very good pre-2015 movies to watch but I find it depressing that our society is at a point where most new movies aren't enjoyable.
If I may ask you a question that is completely unrelated, given the recent Ukraine "war" developments (the Zelensky argument in the Oval, Europe's plan to re-arm and Trump's conflicting statements on Russia and Putin) what do you think the globalist strategy is at this point and what should we expect thisbyear? And what's the relation with Iran? Do you think the plan is to shift away from Ukraine to prepare an Iran invasion as you mentioned in your previous post? Something seems to be missing regarding Iran, clearly repeating the whole Bush WMD scenario with Iran and nuclear weapons isn't going to fly even with the most ardent MAGAs.
Hi ABJ, yes, it currently looks to me like the U.S. will put a pause on Ukraine fighting in order to shift resources to the Iran sphere - the drama between Trump and Zelensky is fake; Zelensky is a 5'4" Jewish homosexual actor addicted to cocaine and has no power whatsoever, he is simply a frontman. As part of an upcoming Minsk 3-style agreement Russia was forced to give up Syria as step one and it will have to give up support for Iran as step two. One may note that when the U.S. ended the war in Afghanistan by withdrawing after twenty years, it was embroiled in Ukraine only six months later - the military industrial complex NEEDS an ongoing war in order to justify it's enormous rape of the American taxpayer. So if Ukraine ends it can only mean a pivot to another enemy, either Iran or China, and China seems on the backburner as the propaganda machine against Iran turns up strongly. You're right that the American public are not likely to support another Middle East war, hence the high likelihood of a false flag of some sort -- perhaps even an assassination of Trump, carried out by Israel/the CIA and blamed on Iran, as discussed in this recent guest post: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/guest-post-on-the-continued-elevated
What NF said. And to add to that, regarding the pivot towards making china into the new number one "evil monstrous scary boogyman enemy" with which to frighten the american public into obedience and loyalty to the billionaires' regime of domination over us, see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/defense-sec-hegseth-launches-the
And regarding why in general the billionaire ruling class must create boogyman enemies to scare us with, see this profoundly important essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
> "bought $200 million of Bitcoin and Ethereum on 50x leverage and made $1.5 billion of profit in a single day"
fwiw the two 50x long/short trades i saw yielded the trader ~$12 million (i think the long trade was ~$9 million and the short trade ~$3million, but don't quote me).
to make a billion in a single day you need TrumpCoin (lol).
one more thing - these trades were made on a public defi platform, which is *not* what you would do if you were a corrupt chinese crypto exchange owner like justin sun.
if justin sun made 50x leveraged trades based on insider info (which i couldn't prove, but i strongly suspect) then he would do it on one of the exchanges he owns, where the trades would not be public.
the publicly visible 50x long/short trades on hyperliquid are almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg (i also suspect the fact that they were public means they are more likely to be trump insiders, because despite being public they are also anonymized). who knows wtf went on in the binance, bitfinex, OKX, etc. order books (that information never hits the blockchain)
Thank you for the clarification. I updated the post to clarify your Note was about a different trade.
If you are "invested" (gambling) in crypto, it is key to have an exit strategy. The rug pull could happen any time. It is gambling and therefore do not go all in.
That said, it would appear there is still some upside remaining. Compare capitalization of BTC to gold. Still a lot of headroom. And BTC seems to have a special status being carved out for it legally as commodity vs security. Perhaps it will be used as part of a "breadbasket" to facilitate cross border trades between upcoming CBDCs.
It’s important to focus on solutions to the systemic issues we face, and I believe Bitcoin stands as one of those rare, transformative innovations with the potential to reshape history for the better. That said, you’re missing half of the story. While the cryptocurrency industry has undeniably become a hotbed of scams and manipulation, it’s crucial to remember that Bitcoin was originally designed as a direct response to the very corruption and rent-seeking we all criticize. Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision was rooted in transparency, decentralization, and low peer-to-peer transaction costs—a beacon of light against the darkness of centralized control. Unfortunately, the space was hijacked, giving rise to the so-called "crypto industry" we see today, which has strayed far from Bitcoin’s original purpose.
You should look into the controversial figure Craig Wright, the only person legally declared not to be Satoshi Nakamoto, courtesy of clown world. His claims and the ensuing legal battles underscore the absurdity and complexity of the ongoing struggle over Bitcoin’s true identity and mission. The real question is whether we can return to its original vision or if it’s already too far gone.
Hi Dialectic, the point of a focus on Tether is that regardless of Bitcoin's original purpose or the fact that only a limited number of Bitcoin can ever be minted - unlike, say, Ethereum which can be printed to infinity - our elites are able to control Bitcoin by controlling Tether which serves as a US dollar equivalent. The exchanges are *very* thinly traded compared to capital markets, and the printing of dollar equivalents has a grossly disproportionate effect on the market cap of all cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin - it is not a 1:1 ratio, as reflected in the 2020 academic study by John M. Griffin and Amin Shams. My original post is here and delves into this: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/misconceptions-regarding-viewing I especially recommend the underlying links to the deep dive analysis by Patrick McKenzie, who has deep technical knowledge of the space.
Rephrasing - 'The jews' are a violent, bloodthirsty species, and the decades of prosperity since World War II have accumulated a psychic toll that will soon be cashed in by the Demiurge, affecting humanity in ways deeper, more negative, and more profound than ever before. - Until you (we) are capable of naming and shaming the real problem, the problem will continue. jews have been the great deceivers of our time and all times. Money leads to Influence leads to Power & Control.
Hi Sage, while I think there is a fundamental disconnect between Jews and gentiles in outlooks and dispositions, I don't think a regular Jewish person on the street has the same knowledge, motivation or power as the Rothschilds and other central bank owners. I delve into the important distinctions here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/the-complicated-relationship-between