This post offers a brief overview of the core themes expressed on this Substack for new readers, as the ideas expressed here are unusual and it’s not possible to offer such an overview in each weekly post.
“The first - and virtually the only - condition of a good style is having something to say.” - Arthur Schopenhauer
When a reader subscribes to someone new, very few comb through the archives of the writer. Rather, a post catches his (usually his) eye, he hits the subscribe button, and then he reads new posts at his leisure, sometimes clicking links that lead elsewhere. I know this is how I do it; there’s been only a handful of Substacks that I read where I felt compelled to go through some degree of older posts.
Most of what I see on Substack are repackaged ideas seen elsewhere. Unique ideas are rare, diamond in the rough. There’s nothing wrong with that; there are plenty of good writers who can repackage ideas and share them with readers who have not seen them before, spreading the original message. For example, neither of the core neo-feudal ideas expressed on this Substack are unique: that (1) Christianity was a transvaluation of values from master to slave morality, an idea that originated with Nietzsche in his On the Genealogy of Morality; and (2) that the Rothschilds and their allies secretly own the central banks of the world (also covered here), an idea that originated from many sources including G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature From Jekyll Island. However, the combination of these ideas is I think unique: that Christian society allowed Jewish families carveouts to be exclusive money lenders during the Middle Ages because it was considered an errant cousin religion, and those carveouts morphed into the central bank system of today. Hopefully I’ve done a decent job of hitting on this combination in my writing, but I also have what I think is a unique 137,000 word Substack essay covering it.
There are a couple concepts deriving from this perspective that I havn’t seen elsewhere and that I also think are unique. These include:
The egalitarian ratchet effect. Societies double down on their core values over time unless those values are transvalued or that society is conquered or collapses. Because egalitarianism is at the heart of Christianity, egalitarian doubles down on itself over time in shifting forms (spiritual egalitarianism in Rome, economic egalitarianism in the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, and now race/gender/sexual orientation egalitarianism as the West implodes). The idea is that a transvaluation of values is the only alternative to the destruction of the West, which may take the form of either a full or (my preference) a partial transvaluation. Based on this understanding Trump’s second term will fail and merely serve as a consolidation phase of the egalitarian ratchet effect.
The complicated relationship between the Jewish people and the central bank owners. The central bank owners use the Jewish people as a bulwark between their endless economic theft and the majority populations over whom they rule; in return they offer the Jewish people a degree of preferment in society, but the relationship is stranger and more strained than it appears on first glance.
Relating to #2, the nation-state counter elite forming (Thiel, Vance, Moldbug, BAP, Anton, etc.) have certain red lines of discussion that are simply off-limits: the Rothschild central bank ownership and the structure of the modern world, the deliberate falsehoods of the prevailing World War 2 narrative where the war was set up from the get-go by our elites, the inappropriate role of the Holocaust as the foundation origin myth of the West, and discussion of Jewish behavior.
The combination of upcoming CBDCs plus a ubiquitous, malevolent woke AI will be used to establish social credit scores and modify human behavior in radical ways, and will serve as the equivalent of the biblical Mark of the Beast, ushering in the digital panopticon.
The increased worldwide centralization trends may ultimately lead, from a psychological and historical view, to maximum centralization in the form of the Antichrist, whose failure will formally usher in a transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius much as Jesus ushered in the Age of Pisces.
Lastly and most importantly, the importance of having a grounding mechanism for which to assess new information. The grounding mechanism I use is one of recursive prediction; making predictions about the future, and if they turn out to be wrong then I update my worldview to account for it. Do this over and over again over many years and one’s predictive accuracy will go up (never to 100%, as we are limited and flawed beings) and therefore one’s understanding of the world will increase. All of the ideas above and below are derived from this approach.1
I also embrace the idea that governments generally take one of two forms: (1) an oligarchy disguised as “democracy” where elites control the media and manipulate public opinion, using use the lower classes to extract wealth from the middle class, which ultimately leads to widespread poverty except for the oligarchy; or (2) a monarchy or dictatorship that leverages the middle class to resist the rise of oligarchy, though this doesn’t necessarily result in greater wealth for society overall. Here and here are two posts on this.
I apply this framework when evaluating figures like Julian Assange, who was recently released from prison (though I can’t help but wonder about the hidden conditions of his release). I assess him based on three factors: (1) how well he understands the structure of the modern world, (2) how deeply he grasps the egalitarian ideologies shaping that structure, and (3) how much insight he has into the relationship between oligarchy and its opposition. His understanding is mixed, which is more than can be said for most. I filter and analyze much of what I read in this way, even when it comes to low-status topics like astrology or physiognomy — both of which have been sidelined in modern discourse because they challenge the core principles of egalitarianism.
I also write about other things that are tangental to these filters, and I am increasingly exploring the esoteric tradition and especially gnosticism (also see here and here) that appeals to me.
I ask Substack authors reading this: what are your core ideas and your unique ideas, if any? What is your filtering process for how you take in new information? Feel free to link to the relevant posts in the comments and hopefully you’ll get some new readers out of it.
Thanks for reading.
Unless something big happens in the next week which I will feel the need to cover (like Luis Mangione last week) my next post will be a review of my 2024 predictions made at the end of 2023 and offer my upcoming 2025 predictions.
I often go around your old posts...I think, and it is just me, that your ideas and your writings are excellent. It is not necessary to write about something new - just for me, again, is more important from your writing to learn what others think about some subjects. Shortly: one of the best for me here on substack, if it means something.
Wish you all well and Merry Christmas...from Croatia
My core idea is that freedom is more than just lack of Big Government. An excessive wealth gap constitutes a power relationship. Fortunately, there are ways to narrow the wealth gap while cutting government. Cutting the deficit would be a good start:
Not an entirely original idea. Adam Smith was pushing for smaller government while being on the political left of his day. And he pointed out that quantity of land and capital ("stock" was the term he used) vs. labor determined wage rates. I'm just trying to revive the idea without attaching it to conspiracy theories. (Even when true, conspiracy theories can be a distraction. The bad guys often win by default.)
Perhaps my most original idea is that we can make common cause with environmentalists. Deep environmentalism is as reactionary a sentiment as it gets. "Buy local" is Trumpy trade policy taken to the next level. See for a start. Look for the Green RINOs on my archive page for lots more.
My grounding mechanism has been to network with members of other political factions. I've attended meetings across the political spectrum, from angry hillbillies on the racist right to tofu eating progressives on the far left. I even endured a Rotary Club meeting.
For a time I distributed a libertarian propaganda newspaper to the kinds of coffee shops you might find in Portlandia, and it was well received. When Ron Paul ran for president, many eco-hippie types showed up for the meetup I organized. The overlap in values is not just theoretical.